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Everything posted by Namarid

  1. Does anyone have a list of the conditions to get the second Anna memories? This is probably really tedious to answer so I understand if I don't get a reply.
  2. I have the jp version and I can confirm that you can play co op with one pair of joycons. There is some difference between the controls though. Activating awakening mode requires you to press both the L and R buttons, the L button centers the camera behind you since you don't have an extra control stick to move the camera, I also couldn't swap characters on the fly as well but had to pause the game to do that, locking on required you to click in the control stick.
  3. I'm set on getting the Japanese version so I'm in too. I will have to look things up regardless since I don't know Japanese
  4. It's because she reminds me of a studio Ghibli character with that voice and I'm not a fan of their work.
  5. I prefer the 3 game approach, the problem this time was that fates was selected as a focus game. The fates roster is just so big that it I can definitely understand why the older fans would be upset since the 3ds games are being pushed way more. Like others have suggested replacing fates with blazing blade would have been a much better choice.
  6. This. I hate tiki's voice. I never really noticed it in Heroes since I rarely used her but goddamn does it make me cringe. I'll think over it during the week but I may be getting warriors earlier than expected.
  7. Robin, easy. Lissa, Leo, Sakura, Chrom and Cordelia are up there as well.
  8. Not much to say here. Excluding Azura in favour of the little sisters, Celica and Lyn is the dumbest decision they've made so far
  9. You kinda have a point, the only thing that they'll need to alter is the aether animation.
  10. Robin looks great plus he looks to be one of the more important story characters which is a bonus. Lissa looks like a blast to play as, but tbh this could be extended to every character we've seen. They all look fun which is a huge positive for the game. The music speaks for itself. I've always been a fan of FE music and hearing the amazing remixes only makes me love this game more. I like how there seems to be some level of strategy in the game. The graphics are nothing to sneeze at either.
  11. Of course that's assuming that she would've even been added later as DLC and given her a unique moveset. If I was a Celica fan I would prefer her to be in the base game as a clone than hope that somewhere down the line she's available as DLC.
  12. I don't mind her inclusion at all. Celica fans are happy. She's a clone of Marth who has one of coolest movesets in the game. That's a bigger positive than negative. The roster is not looking bad so far, as long as they release 4 more SD characters we're set. I can't wait for October 20th.
  13. No problem man. If anything when the game comes out I hope I'm completely wrong and what we saw were placeholder combos. But until then, whenever the topic of clones arises I would like the discussions to deal with the facts and for people not to disregard those facts due to character bias.
  14. The charge attacks that we've seen of Takumi are the launcher double slice(trailer), arrow rain(trailer), tornado(abdallah, an arrow attack that shoots multiple arrows(abdallah) and him spinning around attacking with wind blades(abdallah). Sakura also has the arrow rain and tornado and uses it at the same point Takumi does. 4:28 onwards
  15. Okay I guess I can understand people getting confused if that's the case but then that doesn't address the issue which sparked all this of Sakura bring the worst example of a clone. If the reasoning behind that is 'Sakura's not glowing yellow when she attacks' or 'the camera isn't following her as closely' then it's one of the poorest reasons to consider her a worse clone when her situation is the same as other clone pairings.
  16. When you have the footage feel free to post it and I'll get back to you.
  17. Then what aether move are you talking about. The overhead spinning slice isn't aether and is a reference to when he fought Lucina at Regna Ferox. Which is a move she also has.
  18. They throw the sword in the air, catch it, go into the same pose that chrom does on the awakening boxart and plunge down at a diagonal angle. It's the same move.
  19. The replication doesn't end there. The aether move you mentioned,the lunging stab, the overhead spinning slice, the short combo string. All are the same between the two.
  20. I'm assuming your talking about the c1. They have the same effect. I noticed it, I thought it was just a second Lissa on the map.
  21. Chrom and Lucina. Twins. Feel free to tell me the differences, I will apologize and admit I was wrong.
  22. I would love to see what gameplay you've been watching because any person who's watched all the gameplay there is to be seen would know that Chrom and Lucina are clones. The twins gameplay from the demo's was also the same, however the stream gameplay has Lianna do some things that even I can't explain but we'll learn more once we have the game. So taking this into account the only way you can say what you're saying is if you have some special version of the game already or you don't understand what you're watching. It's most likely the latter. They haven't highlighted any difference between Leo and Elise because we've only seen one combo from Elise while with Leo with seen his wind charge and fire charge. Those two attacks from Leo stem from the same basic string that Elise also uses. Since Takumi and Sakura both have the same string but also use the same charge attacks it is logical to assume the same thing with Leo and Elise. Now since we've established that the clones discussed so far are practically the same basic reasoning would suggest that the PKs follow this trend. I would implore you to go and watch all the videos again before, as I've done plenty of times, before you start making false claims.
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