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Everything posted by Namarid

  1. Go to 6:48 for Takumi's awakening musou, it's pretty cool imo. Hinoka's is shown earlier in this video. So are the characters taunts as well.
  2. Gameplay from the livestream Takumi's wind sword attack is at the end.
  3. I'm glad Elise is in and she looks cool to play as too which is a bonus. Now we just need Sakura and Azura. I'm expecting the rest of the reveals to be SD based.
  4. I would prefer Lucina winning over Lyn because I like her more but if Lyn does win then good game to her. Depending on which side your on an upset is going to to make you extremely happy or extremely pissed which is understandable. The main thing to remember is not to let the outcome of an imbalanced event divide us. I seriously don't want to see a war between old and new fans, it's just stupid.
  5. Glad to know the other halve is doing their job
  6. I'm on Chrom's side, 2851344183. F robin is my main atm
  7. I think Xander's is along the lines of show me your power high prince of Hoshido. Don't quote me on that. No clue about Ryoma.
  8. Ryoma and Xander's dual mystery. I'm gonna love the music of this game.
  9. They could easily just use the hair colours in their original artwork and avoid name dropping the parents by using mother and father. I personally wouldn't mind them expanding on the failed future Lucina came from, I feel it could be interesting.
  10. http://nintendoeverything.com/new-fire-emblem-warriors-information-to-be-revealed-during-famitsu-livestream-later-this-week/
  11. I wouldn't say everything is pointing away from Ike's and Roy's inclusion. Despite what the developers have said they haven't outright stated they're not in the game. They could be some secret unlockable character and not have any ties to the story. I wouldn't encourage people to get their hopes too high up but have hope regardless.
  12. I'm definitely picking Lucina as the free pick. The idea that she could potentially give a unit +10 speed if she uses rally speed is too tempting and exciting to pass up.
  13. Sad times man. Lucina was my very first red pull at the start on day one then she starting showing up randomly enabling me to get a +4 merge.
  14. Going Team Chrom on this one. He is my favourite lord of the series and has carried me in arena (DC, QR Infantry Pulse and draconic aura). FC: 2851344183 Going to field his other halve in female form.
  15. I was interested in what the community thought. I figure that's enough reason. I expect Lianna to be more liked but I was curious as to how big Rowan's fanbase is now. Her being designed as a cute girl is obviously an advantage for her but it's not the only deciding factor as personality plays a part as well. If Rowan was the more level headed one and not a goofball I would certainly like him a lot more.
  16. More gameplay, we get to see more of Leo's moveset, and see how Takumi begins a dual musou. We can also see how much effect defensive stats may possibly have in this game (keep track of Camilla's health bar when she versus Leo)
  17. It's definitely a cool concept and I'm kinda glad I figured it out from the gameplay that's available.
  18. It's there for the people who really don't care about the twins at all, which at this point is understandable given we know little about them. Think of this like a pre release popularity poll.
  19. I'm personally leaning towards Lianna and unless some new information is revealed she'll be my main character pick.
  20. Leo might be more fire based which makes sense given he likes turning people to ashes/cinders.
  21. The biggest cringe moments for me from that trailer was Xander yelling "WE MUST TRUST EACH OTHER" and Corrin saying "we're unstoppable" while Xander and Ryoma pose behind her.
  22. Found another video. It's not in English nor is it direct feed but it does show a few new moves for Hinoka, Leo and Takumi especially.
  23. No Leo because he showed up and promptly got his ass one shot. Camilla looked the most interesting to watch, she was absolutely savage poor fodder units. Hinoka is most likely a clone of Cordelia or the other way round. Takumi was pretty cool, I especially loved his musou. The voices weren't that bad in game which is a plus. Hype continues to build.
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