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Everything posted by Ginko

  1. Ike teammates!! If you still have some flags left, dumb all now. We will tank this multiplier!!
  2. Pick a God and pray for Ike. Pleaseeeee tank that fucking multiplier!!
  3. Ike still have some hope. Tank that 7.5 multiplier for all of us!!
  4. Go!! Tybrosion. With your 500 flags is our last hope lol.
  5. No, I don't have Hardin. I will join Lyon to just grab freebies and leave.
  6. I want to see same hell on the final hour.
  7. I won't give up yet until the very end. Rank 132 on Ike army.
  8. 400 flags burnt. Play another 2 hours and hope for the best.
  9. @Tybrosion @Rezzy @Anacybele @Silver-Haired Maiden @Zelgius @Xenomata I'm with you all, together till the very end of this round!!
  10. I prepare to nuke with last 400 flags too.
  11. Only feather mercs knew this ,while newbies spent all their flags already .
  12. Here we go, bye bye 110 flags on non multiplier.
  13. If it's same hell next hour, we must spend flag to squeeze Lyon in 7.4 which is upset.
  14. It might be same hell or 7.3 next hour.
  15. This is how nostalgic this game bring us together everytime Ike appears in any events. We are seperated on girl VG. But when it's Ike VG. We are together.
  16. I don't want him to lose this round yet, it's more acceptable for me if he lose at final.
  17. Ike appreciate 7.4 to shut Lyon like he shut Zelgius last round.
  18. Ike got 7.0 multiplier, wake up!! guys/ girls.
  19. She come to me all day with +10 Wendy from my arena friend. Most of time she act as ploy bot and hide behind my Ike because most enemies are red. @Zelgius 's Camilla come to help me too. When there is no blue for her to kill, I spam her rally atk/spd on my Ike. Very useful.
  20. Kill big brother Luthier , Heal Atlas Atlas 31 Berkut 19 Boey 27Celica 32Clair 35Forsyth 16Genny 25Gray 28Lukas 28Luthier 0Mae 31Mathilda 23Palla 32Python 28Saber 10Silque 21Zeke 29
  21. #2 I would reccomend Fury for non 5* locked. It give her more Res to perform Ploy support better. Distant Def or Mirror Stance is also good for your future decision. #3 Alm suit Atk/Spd Push the best. After first engagement, he regen his health and activate Double Lion along with Atk/Spd push again. Atk/Spd push will help him perform more quad with +Spd nature. Also help him prevent double on enemy phase (at full health).
  22. @kirauza343 It would be a trouble to your Celica if that lame Glimmer was change to Bonfire/Ignis. It was nice to see different type of movement assist here. Reposition is not everything. You may try Des+Brash set on Micaiah and she will have no problem to kill those high HP green armors. Sacrifice will synergize with your injured Celica to activate Ragnarok again and Micaiah will enter Armors rape mode. Great job! The Ladies' victory once again. Well then, thank you for giving Roy a purpose to fight. Here you go, the revised edition special just for you. With enough support Shiro can survive Bold Fighter without Guard. Actually, I will equip Guard on Arena.
  23. @Usana Jacob can have both builds if you want to switch them around. But I would prefer Brave Bow set. It's his bread and butter. Alternatively, Halloween Henry and LA! Lyn need that Close Counter to work properly more than Jacob. Bulky ranged unit like Sophia or Boey appreciate CC too. Also it can be deadly on healers and daggers if you build them correctly.
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