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Everything posted by Ginko

  1. +Atk -Spd is fine on him because if you build him with Raventome + Bowbreaker, he will never need speed to tank and kill archers.
  2. I will give this to SS since I gave it to L!Ike and he don't have to be in Infantry Pulse team anymore to proc Radiant Aether early. After he proc Radiant Aether first time he will proc it after he take a hit and heal every now and then. For me, Wraith works better on specific unit like Vector. On another units I have to set up Infantry Pulse to proc Wraith+any special on first turn which is quite busy set up.
  3. @mampfoid I always knew that it will be another 1 turn clear but seeing Roy proc Astra to finish the map is really satisfying. Great job!! @kirauza343 Omg! Micaiah devour a Zelgius to be enemy phase monster. Celica burn everything with Glimmer and Cheche will never need any other axe anymore lol. Swift Sparrow is really worth on Celica, she can survive more battle instead of Life and Death. The Girl party perfect clear once again!! @mcsilas I'm a little disappoint that you didn't use Silas to one round Garon on enemy phase (after Azura dance on him and Flora debuff) I guess he can survive? But I'm confident after he gain more merges he will stand stronger for sure. Flora is the MVP for sweeping the mages. Lastly, the soundtrack is really nice, I dont know about it but i heard this soundtrack somewhere else before. and the last tag go to @Zeo because I don't have anyone else to tag lol. I'm waiting for your clear ^^ This map is not hard at all after get rid of that annoying cleric. Positioning is the key. I want everyone to pay attention to the final turn of my clear. You will notice that I clear this map at the starting position ^^ (before I swap Siegbert and Roy) Enjoy as always
  4. @mcsilas Wow the husbando is by your side now!! I'm waiting for him to get demoted so I didn't pull anything yet. Still hope that Edward will also come to game soon so my FEH life will be perfect. @Rezzy Last time you are lucky to get Quan so I guess this time game punish you with crap IV. But hey 5* still better than none.
  5. @mcsilas After checking those IV... sad -atk curse on green mages. Anyways, Lewyn is so badass with his tome. I like Finn so much that +1 him, glad to see him here. And yayyy, Silas come to game!! I'm 100% sure that he will got demoted to 4* so you can +10 him easily. Also I'm planing to merge him too if I get him while looking for Shiro ^^
  6. @Zeo The truth is I use this build for Shiro to fight Hector and Ephraim in VG and forgot to switch to his usual build lol. Vantage+Aether really save Mathew there and seeing him tank Bonfire from Wo Gun+ is ridiculous(Fortunately, it's not Ignis) I thought in Morgan's clear he didn't do much. The true MVP is Ninian!! And last clear, it's kind of wierd because I think Faye would perform better with Iceberg but it's amazing to see all archer clear anyways.
  7. RIP Lyn, Ike cannot help you this time lol. Ike need to out score Ephraim now even with little chance.
  8. Finally got time to clear this map. It's been a while. @Zeo @mampfoid @mcsilas @kirauza343 The forest really hurt my team for 2 horses but not too hard for them. I knew you guys love the 0 damage sound. This is it!!
  9. Got @Xenomata's Ninian. Such a great support on Ike team. She save my Ike by beating Winter Tharja. Thanks a bunch.
  10. @Tybrosion @Rezzy @Zelgius @Silver-Haired Maiden grab salt shaker, grab your crackers and get ready!! We are going to do this again right? #WeFightForFriends
  11. @Zeo Thank you, I wish Shiro banner is coming soon as I think I have prepared enough orbs to +10 him this time. I have imagined that your Genny will eventually unemployed if your Matthew got Aether. There is nothing wrong giving him Aether. He still stand strong and tank everything. But what I see is his attack is quite low so the healing amount is low too. He can't fully heal like my Shiro do. However, with everything he has(debuff and his tankiness) , he pull it off with enough bulk to survive multi battles in each turn. Nicely done once again!! Seeing Morgan dealing with that annoying lance fighter is kind of pain. Fortunately, Amelia fly to aid and finish it. Talking about Sothe, my Sothe is +1 since first banner before he got demoted. I still gonna +10 him but no luck for pulling him lol. In this clear, Inigo tank a lot for him that I'm worry he might die. @mcsilas Oh wow!! You brought Zelgius this time. Why don't you let him take a hit from Micaiah? lol A liitle sad that Micaiah only be there just to dance but I love Sanaki's giant fireball too. I'm jelly you got perfect IV Sothe XD
  12. +Atk/-Spd is his perfect IV. You will never go wrong with this nature in my opinion. If you don't merge the other one, you may consider to fodder that Special Fighter to other armor units of your choices.
  13. Yep, Sothe will not survive without his debuff and support bond with OG Micaiah.
  14. @mcsilas How can Ike survive that turn? Lance and Micaiah should kill him!! GG anyways and sorry that's I didn't comment on your clear for a long time. Nice that you use Path of Radiance Ike again. Mine run Steady Breath but still can't find any good chance for him. @Zeo @mampfoid @kirauza343 and special guest for this clear @Rezzy Last time that I use Tellius team was Legendary Ryoma and I think this map is a good chance for them to shine again. But this time is different, where is Azura? Cheers ^^
  15. Of course, in my original post I recommended Firesweep Sword so I'm talking about Firesweep Sword all this time.
  16. In case Celica fight Wary Fighter armor or units with same Spd tier with her, so she can proc Moonbow with in first 2 hits (no quad). Moonbow proc easier in every case but Luna won't proc on Wary Fighter. Moonbow prove to be more useful when she is not full health too. Or run Infantry Pulse so she proc Luna within first 2 hits on her first enemy. Welp, just choose whatever you like.
  17. Firesweep Sword+ and Luna, that should be enough to take down anything she initiate when she is at full health. Reciprocal Aid use to suck health from teammates to bring her back to full health. Otherwise, run a healer with her. Edit: Moonbow + Heavy Blade can be used too if you want to pierce through Guard units.
  18. @kirauza343 lol Enemy Micaiah ruin your Cherche enemy phase kill. Sadly, why you use Micaiah kill her husbando? Anyways, Marisa use her muscle tank and deal chunk of damage on that lance fighter, great job. Also nice to hear Celica's special proc line as my Celica use AOE special.
  19. They are not meant to be used that way but I have no choice anyways lol. Siegbert can get some kill if I want him to, but It won't be fair for Roy who has nothing to do but just walking in Hector's map. So this time I choose to nerve Siegbert >_< For you team, it's nice combination of 2 Fliers and 2 Horses. Nice use of Savage Blow too. Lastly, congrats for +10 Cordelia.
  20. With trench tiles, it's not problem for Roy and Siegbert at all. Easy!! Even I clear it on first try, I have to think carefully for team positioning. One mistake, if Micaiah reach Roy or Siegbert, it's game over. But it's fun for me this time because there are a lot of mages in this map but Shiro still shine his best. @Zeo @mcsilas @mampfoid @kirauza343 I hope you all 4 understand me that it's kind of boring for me with those rerun maps so I didn't post my clear and reply to all of you. But for new map I'm active. As always, enjoy the show ^^
  21. Finally, it's time for Radiant Dawn special map. Infernal Difficulty (Only) Units Stat Micaiah Sothe Red Mage Green Mage Cav. Sword Fighter Lance Fighter
  22. Put it on LA!Hector with Bonfire will be amazing. It is one of his optimal build instead of using Bold Fighter.
  23. @mampfoid Congratulation for making your Cherche come this far. If possible I would like to see your Cherche carry Wo Gun+ and swing everything to death lol.
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