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Everything posted by Ginko

  1. Atlas 19Berkut 26Boey 31Catria 16Celica 33Clair 34Delthea 7Fernand 20Forsyth 19Genny 25 Gray 23Lukas 25Luthier 21Mae 27Mathilda 27Mycen 14Palla 29Python 22Rinea 19Saber 22Silque 21Tobin 37Zeke 36
  2. Maybe I will stick with default kit for now and experiment with her until she can pleasure me in some way. I want to give her the middle route but no Swift Sparrow fodder come to me for several months.
  3. Yayyy! Pulled a S!Tana with +HP/-Def, my first flying mage. I'm not sure to keep her default Atk/Spd Push with Renewal or change it to Fury or LnD to free her B slot. I gave her a Blade tome already and damnnn she hit so hard only high HP or high Res blue can survive. Which A skill suit her better?
  4. Yes, I would suggest to -Spd him too and choose +Atk or +Def. 32 Spd at +0 or 36 Spd at +10 merge is too low to the 40+ Spd meta these days. Only Quick Riposte and Breakers can help him win.
  5. Atlas 18Berkut 26Boey 30Catria 16Celica 32Clair 34Delthea 11Fernand 20Forsyth 19Genny 25Gray 26Lukas 25Luthier 21Mae 27Mathilda 27Mycen 16Palla 29Python 22 Rinea 19Saber 22Silque 21Tobin 39Zeke 37
  6. @The_antithesis should Mycen drop to 18 ?
  7. You flatter me but thanks anyways. To be honest, my team is weak to any map that have too many magic units. I just got lucky, he would die if he got double. Your clear is good too, clearing with unfinished build units can guide other newbies to these infernal maps with cheapest way.
  8. Kill Faye, Heal Atlas Atlas 17Berkut 26Boey 30Catria 17Celica 31Clair 34Delthea 17Faye 0Fernand 20Forsyth 19Genny 25Gray 25 Lukas 27Luthier 21Mae 27Mathilda 27Mycen 20Palla 29Python 22Rinea 18Saber 21Silque 21Tobin 38Zeke 37
  9. or sell him for feather lol. The easiest way for this quest is using Ensnared by Beauty map from Book 2 chapter 3. @Garlyle
  10. @kirauza343 Nice! Victory to the Ladies once again. A bit disappointed that Micaiah can't finish Oliver herself. I'm quite sure if she carry Brash-Des build, she can win this magic duel. Creative CA on Marisa, level 2 is enough to finish Sapphire lance cavalier.
  11. No worries, I just stress those words for funny.
  12. Atlas 16Berkut 26Boey 30Catria 17Celica 31Clair 34Delthea 17Faye 8Fernand 20Forsyth 19Genny 25Gray 25 Lukas 27Luthier 21Mae 26Mathilda 27Mycen 20Palla 29Python 22Rinea 18Saber 21Silque 21Tobin 37Zeke 37
  13. He died T^T He was at +5 for verrrry lonnnng time since the first L!Ike banner and my Shiro was at +2 that time. He is a good boy, he is not naugthy like Shiro lol.
  14. @mampfoid Knock Back is a lame B skill, don't waste time trying for it. It only work when you can't kill something and when you kill something, it give nothing at all. Nice one turn, Cherche quad overkilled Oliver. @Zeo @mcsilas @Ae†her That trench tile waste me 3 turns for positioning but everything else turn out well. Only G.tomebreaker scare that green mage away and it's not even close to take Shiro down. Enjoy watching ^^
  15. I forgot to bring my jet pack. So am I going to...
  16. Heal Atlas, Hurt Faye. Atlas 15 Berkut 26 Boey 31 Catria 17 Celica 31 Clair 34 Delthea 19 Faye 16 Fernand 20 Forsyth 19 Genny 25 Gray 24 Lukas 27 Luthier 21 Mae 27 Mathilda 27 Mycen 19 Palla 29 Python 22 Rinea 18 Saber 21 Silque 21 Tobin 39 Zeke 37
  17. @mcsilas No comment because you didn't let LA Eliwood marry with Bridal Ninian lol. Karla with Wrath really temp me to pull for her. I want to build a double Wrath Vector but now I'm saving every single orb for +10 Shiro as I will pass every banner until he appear again T^T.
  18. @Usana +Atk Bridal Sanaki is her best version for one-shot build and her default Res is high more than enough to be a magic tank. You may considering to fodder Atk/Res bond if you want to build another ranged-unit to be a mage tank too. OG Sanaki would be good candidate for example. Merging her is up to your decision, she may come back in future Legendary banner or next year as old focus banner for higher merge. And I can say that she can duel magic much better than Spring Camila with that huge firepower and Res.
  19. Do you have a spare Takumi? She can run Wrathful Pain+ ,Miracle, Close Counter, Vantage and double Salvage Blow to the great effect.
  20. Personally, I will keep the new one and fodder the old one. Depend on how expensive you have built on the old one. If you did not invest too expensive skill like Bold Fighter or something exclusive, you may let go of him. Unless there is something expensive on him, then you should merge him... and pray that you will get him soon for Distant Counter fodder. Weight your decision and think carefully, good luck.
  21. Wrath seems not worth on that -Atk IV. I assume that you are making her similar to Shiro or Lukas, right? Her Def is quite high with +Def boon but not that high like those 2 above so don't expect that she will always survive but she benefit with her quite high Spd to prevent some double. Luna would be good for AA or any short battle. Aether is more useful if she fight multiple enemy and add your score. If possible - HP or -Res would be more ideal.
  22. oh guys, I'm sorry for very late reply. @mcsilas Why everyone have a +Spd Raven while I'm stuck with +Atk Raven?+Spd never come to me T^T. I got pitybroken by Lucius 2 times. He is part of my Sakura now. The other one wait for my first Elise to have his skills. @Ae†her Your Nino looks deadly. She kill her brother with no buff. Ryoma is unemployed, I thought you will use him kill Linus. And close call to Ephraim but he is powerful too. Next time you can tag me, I'll gladly be your audience ^^. @Zeo Nice! It's M. Morgan showtime. He doesn't need Close Counter for this map at all. I have him with good IV waiting to build too but out of feathers. As for me, I have another upload featuring my Sothe. He is unstopable for this map. Hope you guys enjoy too.
  23. @mcsilas Nice assassin theme team, I never pull a Katarina. You are so lucky, she is a rare unit. Saizo did a great job debuffing here.
  24. @kirauza343 Thank you , my pleasure that you like my team. Yeah, that Feh on Shiro's head looks too adorable. Siegbert is priceless with that hairband lol, I laugh so much the first time I equip it on him. Your Marisa is amazing for taking hit from blue mage and still survive hit from sword too. Very well done!!
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