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Everything posted by Ginko

  1. 1200 flags remain, win or lose I don't care anymore. I hate the same hell.
  2. Ike and Grima land in the same hell. Maybe after they get out of it, I can start throwing some flags.
  3. Micaiah is always useful both offensive and defensive but feel free to switch anything not red if you want to.
  4. Yeah, that's me. Too bad, the RNG goddess didn't want you to meet all friends' units. @Tybrosion It's weird but after you switch to Cordelia. I never get her. But Jacob seems like to visit me until you switch him out.
  5. Your Titania came to me most of time. She can counter all blue but have some problem with BowLyn but Micaiah take care of it.
  6. My Shiro didn't come to help you for blue quest? Also the rest of us here mostly run Micaiah to help Ike.
  7. To be honest, If we win Grima, the rest would be easier. Even if most of them run to Ryoma to revenge us again. They probably won't have bonus unit to beat us easily.
  8. +Atk or +Spd both are good. You may want to dump his HP if you want him to tank both side.
  9. Guys and girls, I'm so happy that I see everyone in Ike team support each other so much by exchanging friend codes and stuffs. We better not give up easily so we can stick together until next round. Fighting!! @Xenomata Request sent, your Ninian look so amazing. I want to try using her so much. Good news, I just got New York Azura as my first flying dancer too.
  10. @Silver-Haired Maiden Thank you and request sent! Your Micaiah is mage tank so I hope my Shiro would help you tank physical units well too ^^
  11. The one who lead the 1st team will appear to help your friends. So it's Winter Chrome who currently in that position now.
  12. Good, I hope Ike and Grima can still exchange the multiplier for more couple hours.
  13. Shout out to @Tybrosion Halloween Jacob. He's the real MVP who sweep whole map for me. Interesting, Grima lead us after 1st hour. This will be fun, I hope.
  14. Okay, then. My bad. I kicked all of my friends who lead with red(except Fachion users) already. So things like that not gonna happen to me. Let's enjoy while we can ^^
  15. That's PoR Ike(from last year) not RD Ike. Don't try to threaten our team.
  16. Yeah, Ryoma is at Micaiah's mercy because if she equip Death Blow 3 it will be a one-shot(good news,I don't want to give it to her now). The song is "Anata" from Utada Hikaru, my favourite artist.
  17. I would gladly use Micaiah since Ike is already red. Would you mind give me your friend code? Or you can just add mine, I drop it somewhere here maybe last 2 pages.
  18. I think so too, she just have talent with magic at very young age. But that's about it, she didn't do much and join in very late.
  19. Thank you and good luck forming your dream team. That team structure would be good for Tactics skill. I kind of want a Mist too. I don't understand why people hate her as pitybreaker that much. I want her a copy but she never show up.
  20. @Zeo @mcsilas @mampfoid maybe @Anacybele and @Rezzy to be my special guests because it's Tellius team!! RD is my favourite game of all time so I want to try it a go and it works. It would be nice if the one who sing for them is Rafiel, Leanne or Reyson. Please watch carefully at Micaiah. She will surprise you, I can say. Enjoy the 3 layers of Drive Atk !! This is my first time to insert a song, hope you like it ^^
  21. @Tybrosion Just added you, I want to try that Jacob satisfying quad for the first time. Hope my Shiro can serve you good as well. For anyone else who want to add me for Ike and his Greil Mercenary. Here is my code #7621535587 Please notify me if someone add my code.
  22. @Zelgius @Rezzy Yayy! all of us can be in the same team again. It's been a while. A little strange that this time Rezzy pick the bigger team instead of smaller team. I hope my Shiro will serve you guys well this time too.
  23. Thanks man, this team is weak to mage so that green mage must die to Roy's arrows on the first turn. Shiro must kill that lance soldier on first turn too, otherwise all my teammates will get debuff from ATK smoke and fail to kill other units on 2nd turn. Siegbert is the only units who can one round those speedy-bulky archers in this map and wall the ninja on the left side, so the rest of the team can have more space. Roy must kill someone every turn to avoid his death and Azura cannot sing at wrong person when we need more kill or move someone to safety. I knew it when I saw your Matthew build at the beginning. With Poison Strike and Savage Blow mean that he will carry and spread the damage like no tomorrow. Inigo dancing on Matthew to ensure that everyone will die within his Bonfire piercing damage. Also I like that you didn't touch the left wall to ensure that no one can come out from left side.
  24. @kirauza343 Thank you for your compliment. Your flying team is really a temptation to me. I never have luck to pull any flying dancers. But now you are using two in front of my eyes. I wish I can pull an Azura from this Legend banner. I want to use other 2 infantries (not just Shiro and Axura) to fit my Tactics skill.
  25. My bad, I forgot to comment on your run. That Lunge on Oscar play the big part here. Nice one turn clear as always Cheers
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