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Everything posted by Ginko

  1. Me too, dumping 400 more and it's over. No regret
  2. It's just Grima's supporters join her to revenge us. Let us put her back to her grave next hour.
  3. Guys, make sure that we won't repeat the history like Grima. We won't hand the final multiplier to Gunnthra no matter what.
  4. If we survive next round, you have to start dumping them on day 1 mutipliers.
  5. I will stay still, not gonna touch anything. Are you guys hungry for multiplier that much? Trying to force 7.4 on Gunnthra.
  6. No, I prefer to playing safe not playing risk. We can save our remaining flags to final round.
  7. Ike teammates, it's time stop attacking. We won't hand the final multiplier to Gunnthra, right?
  8. In short, Gunnthra need a miracle like it happened to Ike on round 1 to win this round.
  9. I'm not scare if Gunnthra can corner us to 7.4 multiplier. We will gladly take it and and see whether she can win over. I'll gladly join her next round if she can.
  10. 1000 flags left, I'm gonna stop and wait for something bigger in later multipliers.
  11. Edward Plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz I'm bored of Mia and Ayra. Got an Ayra once and fodder Swift Sparrow to someone else and never pull for her again... Ilyana, Tibarn, Volug, Shinon , Boyd, Tormod and the Herons. Also from Fates I want Silas and life will be perfect!!
  12. You should dump it soon, maybe next multiplier. I'm quite sure the long same hell is going to happen like round 1.
  13. I have a bad feeling, after Gunnthra catch up to Ike this time (2-3 hours). It might be the same hell nightmare again.
  14. Me too, I have 2105 flags( All quests complete). Ready to throw anytime on upcoming mutiplier. Does my Shiro show up to help you guys? or still hiding?
  15. @Zelgius I knew you are so pro at using armor units. I just got a Hardin at 3% pitybreaker from Shiro banner. Any idea who to give Bold Fighter? Anyone else ideas are welcome too. Here are some candidate... I won't ask this if I have Halloween Jacob. This will go to him immediately as @Tybrosion have shown me how cancer he can be.
  16. @Rezzy @Zelgius @Tybrosion @Silver-Haired Maiden @Xenomata Since round two we verse Gunnthra. Do you want me to switch Shiro out? But I supposed that would not be a problem. Ike can always handle her for Shiro, right? I have Firesweep Summer Gaius, Sothe and Carrot Kagerou ready for colorless quest too if you want.
  17. To be honest, I really want to see Ryoma clash with Ike in round 2. RIP Flying Lobster, I'll miss you.
  18. Shout out to everyone in Ike team who have added me to your list. @Zelgius @Rezzy @Silver-Haired Maiden @Tybrosion You guys rock!! I'm so glad that we all don't have to seperate to somewhere else. I've met all your leads, and they prevent me to get all 3 Ikes in each match and they helped me a lot. ( I got Rezzy's Titania most often, the rest show up sometimes) Cheers!!
  19. 400 flags spent , time to watch Cardcaptor Sakura again while waiting for the result ^^
  20. We might win if there is no multiplier. Everyone in Ike team have 10% bonus rack up while not all people in Grima team have her.
  21. I'm willing to spend at final hour even if it might not be a multiplier.
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