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Everything posted by Ginko

  1. He is dangerous as you said. A little bit sad that he is GHB unit. If he is normal unit with boon/bane, he can be a green Shiro with those similar stats. I try this map again and found out wether to do a revised edition? With a different movement, this time Siegbert can initiate and survive Wrath Luna with 1 HP. For your clear, Genny is unemployed. I thought you would equip some ploy skill and let her back up a little. Matthew steal the show this time, only let Ayra kill the last dragon.
  2. @mampfoid That was close, Elincia survived Vengence with 2 HP. Same with me, my Siegbert cannot hit Linus without Desperation but he die on enemy phase anyways.
  3. @Zeo @mcsilas @mampfoid Pretty much easy, the map is wide open itself so positioning is not a problem at all. Siegbert cannot initiate on Linus or he will die from Wrath Luna. So I let him take it on enemy phase. Enjoys as always ^^
  4. No, Mirror Strike won't help your Julia to fight dragon any better. Refined breath will always pick your Julia weaker stat. I recommend Fury is much better choice for dueling dragon because it give you both Def and Res. But Mirror Strike still have its merit for player phase builds that include Ice Berg or Glacies for dueling mages. For example my Micaiah use Mirror Strike too and it work great on her. You can choose whatever skill that suit your playstyle. Fury for all-round build or Mirror Strike for player phase build. For Julia B slot, it depend on what you want her to be. These are examples. 1. G.tomebreaker deny all speedy green mage. 2. Lancebreaker can one round Wary Fighter Effie, high Res Clair, Fjorm and speedy lance users. ( Personally my Julia serve this role) 3. Bowbreaker combine with Distant Def can counter BowLyn if you want her to serve this role. 4. Quick Riposte is useful as long as she can survive hits and maybe run a healer.
  5. Nice work! I always bench Leo because Shinon and Rolf prove much better than him. Tomorrow plaese do Ilyana, the best lightning mage in the game.
  6. @mcsilas I got one more Shiro today after a bunch of Oboroes have been sent home. He is +Def/- Res. I knew you need this one, trade with me lol. I'm a little jealous, that Lyoma looks so cool but I skipped his banner anyway as he will come back next month. This Hoshido theme team is consist of father and son as frontline with 2 aunts as support.
  7. You mean, Ryoma dead on 1st round, right? I'm sad for him too. Your Ishtar looks very deadly, do you plan to +10 her?
  8. @Rezzy @Tybrosion @Zelgius @Xenomata @Silver-Haired Maiden Thanks guys, It is an honor to fight along side with you all. All your leads are awesome. It is a bitter-sweet ending but it was fun to fight together. I'm looking forward to use your service in GC or VG in the future. Congratulations to Gunnthra fans too.
  9. Ike fans on Gunnthra team, you know what do right? burn all your flags now !! Alfonse team, put your phone down and pray for next hour.
  10. To all Ike fans who have joined Gunnthra Prepare to rain down your flags next hours. So Alfonse get the final hour multiplier and we promise if that happen. We won't let you down and sent Gunnthra back to her grave for our own good ^^
  11. @Usana Have you try Swordbreaker Reinhardt? And the rest of your team could be a dancer, Julia checks or physical tank like Brave Ike.
  12. The truth is Aether build can do no damage taken for this map too. On 3rd turn, after Roy killed blue cavalier. Siegbert can move in and kill axe flier. Azura sing on Siegbert, kill staff user then Shiro finish the wyvern fighter. But Ignis build on this map look more amazing with that delicious damage.
  13. Tomorrow please do Edward. I love him so much. Best Trueblade in my opinion.
  14. @Zeo Amazing as always, I love your final turn that you let Genny do some damage. Matthew's Bonfire is scary, it severely hurt if one can survive it. Are you going to pull for Legault and give your Matthew a new toy? This is my revised edition, no damage taken with Ignis.
  15. Thank you for your compliment. Shiro is bulky already and Def tactics seal make him even more bulky. Your Celica first initiation look so deadly. I recommend to give your Celica the Heavy Blade seal combine with AOE special and she will be unstopable. Nice clear, all your ladies are awesome!!
  16. I'm still sniping for him after I got New York Azura. I want to try everything until this banner is gone. I should have him +10 already if I got him instead of those pitybreakers. I will start collecting orbs again afterward. Siegbert would be my next big project. He is not naughty to show up, unlike Shiro.
  17. Roy need Def tactics and Atk tactics to proc high damage Bonfire to one round Seliph. Julia die fast so Shiro can do his job with no scratch. I should let him equip Ignis if I know that no one can harm him this time. You are right, Siegbert is almost useless. He just be there for buff, Reposition, took a hit and a last kill. On your playthrough, I notice that you downgrade Cordelia Fury so she don't overkill and proc Galeforce. This map is too easy, not challenging like Ryoma's map.(After Ike's saltiness, nothing can soothe me T^T)
  18. I'm cheesing with lv.1 Alfonse but I switch my Shiro out to Summer Gaius. I hope he can help for those who have difficulty with lv.40 Alfonse.
  19. For me, I feel like I understand Lyn's army feeling more than before. Gunnthra better prepare the rage from Ike's army, I can say.
  20. I have her but not going to join her anyway.
  21. @Zeo @mcsilas @mampfoid Too easy, to be honest. Cleared on 1st try. Re-upload to match with insert song.
  22. Of course, I will never gonna waste 20k feathers on him. It's just like Humanoid explained. Maybe once he reach lv. 40 after this VG, I can use him clearing specific quests more comfortably.
  23. I'll promote my 3 star Alfonse to lv.1 4 stars and grab all freebies then leave.
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