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Everything posted by henrymidfields

  1. I don't know. Probably not Nintendo nowadays. The majority of first-party games (including FE) has been ranging from mediocre to outright dealbreakers, and the ones that are good - well the PAL versions are bloody expensive and short on stock. Standard meat (beef) pie you can get in any Australian town. What was the recent movie you watched?
  2. Come to think about it, Link's Awakening was my first Zelda game. The ending was tragic - I played through the ending several times, staring at the screen contemplating life as a ten-year-old. I probably wouldn't play the remake, though I would be interested to see if the Oracle games would be similarly remade. I really do hope that Three Houses would be the first game where Edgelgard (and female Byleth) would take centre stage - start to finish. I want my FE's Minako Arisato of Iwatodai, Rosa of Unova, and Serena of Kalos, and I want it now! Finally: By any chance, is there any news in region-unlocking the 3DS??? I'd really want this more than anything for this year's Nintendo, because I'm more interested in Radiant Historia and Devil Survivor 1/2 remakes, but the PAL versions are way too scarce and overpriced.
  3. On a different note, does anyone know whether Radiant Historia is on the Nintendo eshop??? The physical copies are very scarce in Australia - even on eBay, and Nintendo's stupid region-locking would rule out Japanese copies. (Why on earth haven't they region-unlocked the 3DS already????)
  4. Not to mention the region code debacle for Persona 4 Arena...
  5. A number of you probably has seen me as Arisato Minako from Persona 3 by now. And, there are quite a number of titles to look forward from the makers of Persona. Catherine: Full Body will see it's release in Japan in a couple of days, while announcements were made for Persona 5 R, Sentinel 13 (though Vanillaware is developing the game), SMT5, and Project Re Fantasy. Closer to our turf, we also saw Atlus making the critically-acclaimed yet commercially-flopped Tokyo Mirage Sessions, which I am quite grateful for, actually, because it was what eventually introduced me into Atlus games in general, and Persona 3/4 in particular. So, let's start off with the following: Catherine: Full Body - While I am waiting for the English release, I cannot wait to see just how messed up Vincent's romance with C/Katherine is. I would have ordered the original game if the difficulty wasn't so notorious. And while we are at it, I would like to see Amanda Winn-Lee be one of the English VA equivalent for Ami Koshimizu's voice in Ideal Voice DLC. (Because, Yu/Yukiko is my laifu. *cue the nukes flying*) I was also kind of wished that the other Katherine would get her own voices too. Who, you say? Romi Park (Naoto P4) Yuko Kaida (Sae P5) Rie Tanaka (Mitsuru P3) Sayaka Ohara (Margaret P4) Ami Koshimizu, except more like Maiko Shimazaki (TMSFE) or Hinako Kujo (Devil Survivor) - I believe Ami-san could be both C and K. Assuming that P5 R is a remake as part of rumors suggest, what additions do you want for the Persona 5's update? One thing I strongly wish for would be involvement of certain past-entry characters into P5's story, because of how jarring it is without. This is, admittedly, subject to change, as I only heard about the basic plot. In saying this, I could forgive P3, as, if I remember correctly it was under a new writing/producing team. P4 at least made sense because the entire serial murders seemed just that - a localised crime scene that (at least on the surface) looked no different to, well, the crimes happening in other localities in Japan. P5, on the other hand is at a much higher level in both the stakes and attention, and I say Naoto and Mitsuru should return in the P5 update. I find it jarring that Naoto is apparently uninvolved in the high-profile story of P5 that has a higher stake and is drawing attention all across Japan. Considering the magnitude and the nature of the case, and especially considering that she approached P4 and P4A's cases from her own apparent initiative (well, I could be wrong on P4A; anyone more privy?), Naoto can't be that inattentive and indifferent to such a high profile case. Besides, why can't I, the player, have Naoto's insights on the institutional misogyny/ageism/corruptions that both Naoto and her industry-related colleagues such as Sae and Makoto are suffering under? And with that some of the supernatural incidents happening too, what is Mitsuru doing? I would also like to see how she and the Shadow Operatives get their ways around under the influence, power, and the corruption of Tokyo/Japan's prosecution/police agencies, and get to the bottom of things. Alternately, make your own Atlus-related topics too.
  6. Reply to unbolded: And if this turns out to be too complex, we can always restrict the player penalties and enemy bonuses on higher difficulties. Reply to bold: YES! Yes a thousand times! And while we are at it, we could give EXP to the armor knights or generals who successfully halved or blocked attacks towards adjacent units. Other ideas include: Heroes, on the other hand, can lower enemies' morale (referencing Dieck's epilogue in FE6 mentioning how the opposing troops did a runner from just sighting Dieck) Swordmasters intercepting enemy attacks against his or her allies by ambush. (The would-be damage is divided between the swordmaster and the enemy.) Alternately, the unit can raise his/her allies' critical activation rate (say +5%). Bishops has the same function as Generals, except for magic attacks.
  7. Exactly! Just that and it solves a lot of gameplay problems with the Lord character's promos while retaining the story-related purposes.
  8. Casual mode, I think is quite similar, yet distinct from what sometimes I see as "story-focused mode". FE can have a Casual mode, for people who just wants to enjoy FE's gameplay and story at their own pace and pleasure, not delving their mind too much into either. On the other hand, some games (Persona 3 Portable and 4 Golden being two of such, and I believe also the case for Radiant Historia) describe their lower difficulties as "story-focused", where you don't care too much about the gameplay (except not screwing up the basics in battle), but you actively follow and think about the game's story. The closest example of where a Casual Mode becomes a "Story Focused" mode in FE would probably be the duologies of Tellius and/or Jugdral. You can have a casual attitude about gameplay, and have a focused attitude on the story, or the characters, or the background history.
  9. Same here. It goes against the intended design of the game, and it's just plain unrealistic. What? You somehow summoned a Terminator/Shin Godzilla in a medieval battlefield? Apart from Pokemon BW-styled scaling experience and improved enemy AI like in Conquests, the game should focus more on teamwork. Perhaps maybe emulate actions used in warfare, such as flanking (damage and accuracy bonuses/penalties for two allied units flanking an enemy unit), or support firepower (a modified Attack Stance with optional attack bonuses for a units and an nearby allied unit with an appropriate long-distance tome/ballista attacking an enemy) - make it so that you are encouraged to field more units. Maybe make it so that you gain bonuses/penalties depending on how many enemy and allied units are nearby (to emulate morale and desperation). And the bonuses as fixed numbers and penalties percentage-based to discourage Seths/Titanias from soloing.
  10. To be honest, I'd probably wait until Three Houses and Tellius/Jugdral updated remakes come out. In terms of story, I've been quite uninterested about the most recent entries (and gameplay for Awakening and Shadow Dragon). As much as I'd rather experience the epic political fictions of Jugdral and Tellius for the older entries, unless if you get them emulated, you'll be spending an arm and a leg for any existing copies. (I've seen prices for the Tellius games go up to US$100!) Actually, I lied. Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE was a lot of fun, and I enjoyed the twist FE had with it's modern-day Japanese pop culture interpretation. It's also the only game where I actually loved the songs from a genre I usually hate. It's also what started my interest with Atlus in general, and the Persona franchise in perticular. If you have a Wii U (and haven't played Persona yet), give that a try. The only real way to get around that is to sell them at EBay once you are done, really. (At least the resale value is pretty good.)
  11. It would have been a lot better if Camilla dressed conservatively and her big...assets only being implied in the main story, and relegate the fanservice bits to DLCs, Summer Scramble events in Heroes, or other paraphernalia. It's medieval warfare, not medieval high school harem anime. For all its faults, Awakening did better with Panne. As previously stated, she isn't human, and thus is unaware of the human customs, which includes modesty. Tokyo Mirage Sessions may have glorified fanservice, but as the story involves modern-day Japanese idols, they are hardly out-of-place. Rise in Persona 4 is an even better example, as the fanservice is not glorified there, but instead is seen with warts and all, and in fact forms part of a bigger narrative in the dangers of media in society. We are talking about an idol (and a popular one like, say AKB) who struggled with her identity as a high school girl, and as an idol - because many people only saw her as a glorified doll, in contrast to how Yu and Co saw her as their high school friend. Similarly, Kanamin Kitchen in Dancing All Night is also a good case where the fanservice is portrayed as a trope/trait fraught with dangers of possible sexual exploitations in the story. And although neither games are immune to the straight-played fanservices (P4's bath/beach scenes), they are generally minor events that are hardly out-of-place, and few and far in between. I wouldn't mind if similar sort of plot point applies to newer FE games - like for example, after the home kindom was invaded, the hero(ine) gets caught in the slave trade for prostitutes, and s/he struggles with her/his messed up life, dressing the way s/he does because of how s/he was groomed by the invaders, and how the story paves the way for a medieval #MeToo narrative.
  12. How about maybe Eliwood (and the Lycian government in general) congratulating Roy on his victory in Chapter 16, and rewarding him with a war horse, and maybe a special regalia that is not as powerful as the Binding Blade itself, but still gives a good attack boost? Though, I say, Roy's characteristics in general seems to be more suited for Fates Conquest's gameplay mechanics with good support-based Skills and dual attack/blocks... I say, Roy gets a special skill that raises his regiment's morale (and thus their accuracy, avoid, crit/skill activation etc). Oh, wait. You already beat me to it.
  13. Say, after Chapter 16 when Roy becomes the acting Etrurian general? And if the classes are divided by levels then, 20 levels + 10 levels intermediate + 10 levels after Chapter 21? (Though looking at my previous post again, I'm starting to prefer detaching Lord's units levels from their promotion...)
  14. Story-driven as I prefer good narratives. Besides, there's a pretty easy way to fix Roy's late promo issue. Either just adjust his class levels as 30/10 (and allow him 10 extra levels until Chapter 21 comes around), or detach his levels from his promotions entirely (and thus allow Roy to get to Level 40, with his promotion essentially being stat-boosts only). Either one of those should be standard practice for all future Lord units, including existing story-driven ones that shall undergo a remake.
  15. I wonder how accessible is Devil Summoner. I'm interested in the Taisho-era worldbuilding, but I don't really want to buy it if it is too difficult as they cost an arm and a leg in Amazon and EBay.
  16. At the very least, they could have provided an updated Shadow Dragon, with an improved/modernised gameplay with an vastly expanded story. And the Japanese version either: has a free/discounted DLC of the original game mode on the Wii, or detects a copy of my proposed Shadow Dragon on its 3DS, and then allows a free/discounted download of the original NES (or alternately the SNES version) of the game.
  17. Another no from me. The way I see it, as the previous posts mentioned, FE:H seems like its own FE collaboration thing, and I'd rather see it stay as such. TMS#FE would be the furthest I'll go.
  18. Same here. I used to play Super Mario many years ago, but now I despise it. Now I'm focusing more on non-Nintendo stuff starting with Persona 4. I've even tried Yomawari and Oboro Muramasa the other day at a friend's house, and might continue with the latter, and get Odin Sphere too.
  19. Binding Blade: So far, the worldbuilding is the best, and also reflects as such in the maps too. Sacred Stones: Branching routes and multiple perspectives of the same story. Shadow Dragon: I finally get to experience the story that started it all. Awakening: Well, I guess it was the game that brought me back to FE after a hiatus... Fates Conquest: Only for allowing me to create my WW2 Pacific Theatre version of the LP. TSMFE: The game that introduced me to Atlus in general, and Persona in particular. Also, for most of the story, Itsuki actually steps aside, and lets other enjoy their spotlight, a rarity in FE Lords. Finally, it's refreshing to see a unique interpretation of FE with an showbiz twist - and this is coming from someone who usually hates J-Pop.
  20. The lack of Female lords that aren't overshadowed by the Male lords. Why does IS find that so difficult? Elizabeth I, Catherine II, Joan of Arc, and Maria Teresa all led their countries just fine without a real-life counterpart of Ephraim hogging all the glory. I want my proverbial Hilda, Rosa, and Minako in Fire Emblem too.
  21. With my first FE Game (FE6), it was: Lugh from Chapter 8, as Lilina generally had better firepower, doubling around this point in the game was generally difficult even with Lugh (or outright situational with generally anyone that is not Rutger, Dieck, or Marcus) anyway, and accuracy for Anima magic was also high enough anyway. Wolt, as Sue and Shin were Bow-users that were the closest to being game-breaking. Chad from Chapter 8, as Thieves back then could not be promoted, and Astor had better starting stats. Marcus from Chapter 14 onwards: Chapter 14 is one of the few chapters where mounted units get a huge disadvantage. In addition, as the Jeigan archetype, Marcus becomes redundant once your other units get promoted, and there's Perceval from Chapter 15 which is a better Jeigan.
  22. Here's hoping that the game is going to be expanded to at least include Naoto (P4) and her side of the story, if not also Mitsuru (P3) and Detective Kurosawa (P3).
  23. Persona 5: If a updated re-release is not in the books for Persona 5, then an extra story featuring Naoto Shirogane (Persona 4) and Mitsuru Kirijo (Persona 3): I believe that a "bigger picture" integration between P5's story and the rest of the series was needed particularly for this plot, and that the lack of one is it's biggest weakness. Also, if P5 is coming to the Switch, Tokyo Mirage Sessions costumes, please. Persona 4 Dancing All Night: Nanako's "Lavenza" Costume Actually, everyone else's P5 Costume While we are at it, Tokyo Mirage Sessions Costume as well: Yu: Itsuki Yosuke: Touma Chie: Eleonora Yukiko: Maiko (due to both being voiced by Ami Koshimizu) Kanji: Barry Rise: Don't know Naoto: Yashiro or Kiria Teddie: Not sure Nanako: Mamori Margaret: Not sure Marie: Tiki? Tokyo Mirage Sessions - Persona series Costume Itsuki: Yu (P4) or Akira (P5). Probably not Minato (P3) Tsubasa: Haru (P5) or Yukiko (P4) Touma: Junpei (P3), Yosuke (P4), or Ryuji (P5) Kiria: Mitsuru (P3), Naoto (P4G - extended epilogue outfit), or Marie (P4G) Eleonora: Chie (P4) or Ann (P5) Yashiro: Akihiko (P3), or Goro (P5) Mamori: Nanako (P4) or Lavenza (P5)
  24. Not so much the game proper per se, but I would have liked to see an alternate viewpoint novel or game option featuring either Naoto/Yosuke as the possible "Watson" role for Persona 4 (Golden). Ditto with Lilina and Binding Blade. Not a straight example either, but also, either make P3's protagonist ambiguous, or allow the option of Minako as the canon protag for P4 Arena/Ultimax.
  25. Now that I'm starting to progress through Persona 3 Portable, it might end up as my new contending favourite. Minako is awesome <3
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