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Everything posted by henrymidfields

  1. I haven't played anything from SMT proper. As for related series, Persona 4 Golden with its stellar storyline and critique of the Japanese media, Persona 4 Dancing All Night for basically bringing up #MeToo against the Japanese idol industry (even before anyone did against Harvey Weinstein!), and an honorary mention to Tokyo Mirage Sessions for introducing me to the Persona series in the first place.
  2. Persona 4 Golden is a contender - I've already played it twice and immensely enjoyed its story both times. I'd play it even more if I had more time to pour into.
  3. FE Fates and Awakening - Actually, I can say this with the majority of Nintendo titles nowadays; with most of their stories: if you saw them once, you've pretty much seen it all. Zelda would probably be an exception, and FE Jugdral and Tellius may be another.
  4. Looking forward to it! That's my next Persona game after P3 Portable!
  5. Yeah, WWI is mostly overlooked in Japan too, aside from some economic gains they gained for trading with the Entente, and also for taking over the South Pacific Islands and Qingdao from the German Empire. I only knew recently that the only time Japan actually fought against US, UK, France etc was WWII. It could be much worse. At least, I found that the American (Californian) history textbooks from my old elementary school in San Fran, and the Australian Year 12 Modern History textbook are lot better at acknowledging their own shortcomings in the events leading up to WW2 than recent Japanese history textbooks are. The former wrote extensively about the Japanese-American internments (this was in the 90s), and the latter admitted that the White Australia Policy (including then-Premier Billy Hughes vetoing the Japanese delegation advocating a racial equality clause at Versailles) at least contributed to Japanese antagonism. You will not (or at least no longer) get the same level of self-reflection from Japanese textbooks - being more and more whitewashed (or more prone in playing the victim card) in recent years.
  6. I think the difficulty of the games should also play a factor. Ryoma in Birthright may be top tier as a Swordie, but it means nothing in a game that is one of the easiest entries in the entire franchise. Rutger and Fir in Binding Blade are better examples, as their class has viable avoid tanking and super-boosted crits that greatly eases the difficulty perhaps only exceeded by (or even exceeds) Thracia 776 or Fates Conquest. Ditto with Seth in Sacred Stones vs Marcus in the first half of Binding Blade.
  7. If we are talking about most hated or least favorite of existing entries, then it's Smash Brothers. I just cannot stand seeing a particularly stupid, ditzy princess on the same level as Marth, Roy (or by that logic Caeda/Lilina?). Hypothetical? How about the following? Mario (for the very same reason as above - fuck this especially) Sports game (as previously stated by others)
  8. Simply because of lack of good choices with the Gamecube/GBA Games. Long story short, this was when the Pokemon game that came out was bleh, Stupid Mario started to become annoying (both the brain-dead, idiotic Sunshine story and how Peach's kidnapping also turned out to be stupid in retrospect since Smash Melee came out), and I wasn't yet interested in Zelda nor the other games. Cue FE6 and it's well-crafted backstory, and the rest was history. (See here.)
  9. Well, all I could think of was giving me the opportunity to write a WWII version LP.
  10. So far, Persona 4 Golden, and I'm just going to post my link here mentioning why I love this entry. Honorary mention to Final Fantasy X for reasons I won't mention (as it involves religion) and TSMFE for introducing me to Persona.
  11. I've previously discussed in this thread, but I had some more think about Roy's viability and how to improve. I think the gameplay should be expanded beyond what was offered in Fates Conquest (except, of course, the S-support and child system) and have Roy's personality influence the outcome of the chapters outside of individual battles. More on here:
  12. I think Roy also had bad luck in that the GBA games are a numbers game, instead of the gameplay complexity that was offered especially in Fates Conquest. I know Corrin is much better regarded from a gameplay perspective due to his/her utilities/skills both influencing outcomes in and out of battle. If anything, I'd like a revisit on the strategist-Lord archetype and provide more gameplay options to encourage teamwork in general, because we've seen many cases of one-mannable Lords, which is just unrealistic in warfare of any kind. More on my topic:
  13. FE6 is probably the exception where you'd actually want the swordies (and really, any unit that can dodge tank and/or reliably hit like Sue, Shin, or Clarine).
  14. In contrast to another thread asking for people's favorite short games, I am going to ask your favorite game that requires numerous hours to complete. People's opinions would differ quite a bit, so ultimately, I'll leave this up to you, but my thoughts are, say, at least 40-50 hours to complete the main story (or the main part of the game), not including post-game content or New Game Plus. Persona 4 Golden is, so far, the game that I've played at least twice and spent 100 hours each on both playthroughs. And I'm even thinking about doing a third run after I finish Persona 3. Fantastic story, memorable characters, a valuable lesson on the dangers of fake news and de-humanizing rumors, an overall accessible gameplay, what more would I want?
  15. In this case, should there be personal staves with their unique qualities? And what about his or her background? Could it be something similar to say, Joan of Arc, who religiously/spiritually inspired the people to resist the invaders?
  16. I'd prefer that the next Lord has a more strategic background like Roy did, or even just someone who shows much more insight to battles and diplomacy than the ones already shown. Or even a rallying Lord, as opposed to the more hands-on approach. I do not know many examples, but something like Joan of Arc who arguably did not fight in battle herself, but lifted the spirits of the French people who fought on her behalf.
  17. Storywise I totally agree: the story should be influenced from Tellius/Jugdral, and a backstory and worldbuilding on par with said two entries or Binding Blade Elibe. As for the basic in-chapter gameplay and battles, I would actually prefer they adopt Fates Conquest. Particularly, how they set up the EXP scaling so that you actually cannot low-man the game, the Skills that allows for different strategies, the actual difficulties (and the high CPU intelligence) that the enemies impose on the player yet still being fair.
  18. Not too sure. Most of my current favorites are tens-of-hours-long RPGs and the story-heavier Zelda games. The closest one would be Persona 4: Dancing All Night, which has a shorter story - which is still ten hours long.
  19. DPPt from Pokemon was the above avatar's first Pokemon generation.
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