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Everything posted by henrymidfields

  1. There was a Japanese adaptation of Agatha Christie's ABC Murders and Murder in the Links made by NHK, both set in 1930s Tokyo, and that was quite gripping. Where were you during the supposed "end of the world" on 22 December 2012?
  2. Banned for insinuating that I an a Satanic ritualist. Coz I'm far worse than that lol. Banned for liking Hyrule Warriors.
  3. Pokemon XY, considering that I previously left the franchise after GSC. I just got excited seeing Poke-France, and seeing a more realistic interpretation, again, not seen since GSC. Tokyo Mirage Session is set to be like this after borrowing a friends Wii U and playing part of Chapter 1.
  4. Mine is a bit all over the place as I'm very fussy, but... I generally prefer: Simulation, in particular, Sim City 4, A-Train (which is a Japanese train network management franchise from Artdink), and Cities Skylines Turn-based strategy: Fire Emblem, obviously. Because it's more about thinking, and I appreciate that I can easily interrupt a chapter when something comes up. RPGs: Pokemon, obviously, but also regaining interest in Final Fantasy, and immensely enjoying Persona. They tend to have interesting world-building or good stories, not to mention I can easily interrupt a playthrough when I need to. Anything that provokes my thought in regards to worldbuilding. Again, Pokemon, but also FE Binding Blade, and the Zelda franchise. On the other hand, stuff that I avoid, unless if there are very good reasons: Platformers: Partly because I'm not really strong in that dept, and also because of a particular franchise that I consider as overrated shit because of how the story in general is so brain-dead and and two characters in particular are spineless sissies. Odin Sphere, however, is a major exception. Horror or too much gore. Though Yomawari may become an exception... Racing: Though, F-Zero may become an exception.
  5. There isn't really anything that I'd ask on the VC to be honest. I mean, I'd rather that a complete remake comes for Tellius which tells all three main characters' stories properly and in full, and a HD remake for F-Zero GX which tells an additional story of how the F-Zero world transitioned into Maximum Velocity 25 years later.
  6. Tokyo Mirage Sessions is the only Wii U exclusive game that's worth my time and money. It's not the only game I'll be playing on the Wii U, though.
  7. Banned for having a suspicious mustache.
  8. Quite hectic with my new job. Have you bought any of the following games in 2017? Or, any plans to get games from the following series for 2018? Legend of Zelda Pokemon Fire Emblem Any Atlus games,and/or Final Fantasy Include any crossover, but exclude Smash Bros coz I really do not want to know about that piece of crap.
  9. I'd also say give Mother 3 a try. I personally was not a fan of it when I first played it, but I can understand how people enjoy how comparatively unique and bittersweet the story is.
  10. Cherche: I know a classy lady when I see one.
  11. Lysandre from Pokemon XY, as his rhetoric of a "beautiful Kalos" that he need to recreate to allow his people to secure his chosen people the dwindling resources is something that comes from real-life right wing politics. The "beautiful" part is a grandiose rhetoric that reminds me from Trump or Abe, while the latter part is basically Nazi Germany's Lebensraum theory - which have influenced Francois Coty, a perfume magnate and far-right political activist in 1930s France. Lysandre was a really clever way of referencing a part of French politics which (could have) made history. Ganon from Zelda is another that just got better and better. Why? Because he is immortal, and he will always return to ruin Hyrule, and he makes Link and Zelda work their asses off. Bonus points to his incarnation in Hyrule Warriors, where he resurrected and outright won against Link, Zelda, and Lana and obtained the entire Triforce. We really need more scenarios where part of the main story involves Link and Zelda outright losing an earlier fight against Ganon before finally prevailing over the latter. Sin and Yu Yevon from Final Fantasy X for being an allusion to the nature of sinning and the devil from the Christian bible. (For being part of a nation and people that shies away from the more rigorous types of religious beliefs - which my family and I myself can attest to, I'm fascinated by how Christian-influenced Square-Enix made FFX to be.) Zephiel from FE: Binding Blade, for being one of the few top FE villains who did not overly rely on supernatural powers, but relied more on his ruthlessness, skill, tactics, and diplomacy as a politician and military leader to conquer and raze the continent. Ryoma and Hideki Tojo from Fire Emblem Fates Conquest: WWII Pacific Theatre Edition Nintendo characters that you hate, or find overrated?
  12. I have, and while the gameplay was somewhat of a beta, the quest/story was priceless. I wish Itoi-san would make further games for Nintendo, even if it's not Earthbound. Your favorite non-Nintendo heroine from video games?
  13. In no particular order: Caeda for being one of the earliest princess that didn't end up being a damsel (and especially a damsel scrappy bitch), unlike what did exist back then. (Samus is in a genre that doesn't interest me, so apologies to Metroid fans.) Misty from Pokemon - simply because she, Brock, and Ash in the Pokemon Anime made my childhood that I can identify with my generation of friends across the globe. Paula from Earthbound for being sweet yet strong, and also reminding me of my childhood friend Caeda, Misty, and Paula will always be my favourite Nintendo trio girls. Other candidates that have my favour are: Crystal, Leaf, Serena and Rosa from Pokemon, Lilina from Fire Emblem, Zelda in the major 3D games after Twilight Princess. What of you?
  14. There are a lot to choose from, but I am fond of the Kalosian French composers of Debussy and Ravel. Their lush orchestration is something that always stir my heart. For something less classical, I would go the Unovan New Yorker that is of Leonard Bernstein, who was not afraid to mix jazz and classical music for many of his compositions. Your favourite fanart? Barring any of my stuff here, for the purpose of avoiding this question being loaded.
  15. @Rezzy: Feel free. It's an honour on my part. :) Can you, however, make sure to state that it's a study of the official artwork?
  16. Oh my gosh, chibi/paper!Titania looks both sexy and adorable! Are you going to do more custom chibi-sprites for FE Heroes? A bit of a shame that Photobucket decided to kick the bucket for free image uploads (Oh yes, the pun is totally intended!); because full-scale Nolan and Titania both look cool; Nolan in particular reminds me of the medieval middle-aged bad-ass warriors seen in many movies.
  17. Gallery: 18 December 2017 - Sheba (Golden Sun: Dark Dawn) This is possibly my final upload before the year ends. As a Christmas present to @Rezzy for her request, here is my interpretation of the official artwork of Sheba from Golden Sun: Lost Age.
  18. Hi Rezzy, sorry it took so long, but I've finally finished making your Christmas present! I'll upload Sheba either tomorrow or on Tuesday. Do you want me to post you the actual artwork too, by any chance?

    1. Rezzy


      Sure, that would be great!

    2. henrymidfields


      Rezzy, here it is!




    3. Rezzy


      Cool thanks!

  19. No i haven't. Is it good? Besides country what other genres of music do you listen to?
  20. I kind of wonder if a lack of a female lord being actually represented as the main character for the entire story has something to do with this phenomenon - well, at least barring the female versions of Robin and Corrin. I mean, in terms of story, Lyn, Micaiah, and Celica ends up getting shafted in different ways, while Elliwood/Hector, Ike, and Alm ends up getting the bigger part of the spotlight.
  21. Sorry mate. It's one of those things that I do not know as well as I should be. Anyway, I'd like to try that ice cream that you mentioned. I wonder if there are any places in Sydney that I can try...
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