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Everything posted by henrymidfields

  1. I'm sorry to say, Purple Mage, but I find Whitney and her Miltank overrated, actually. I beat her in the first try by virtue of the traded Machop and my Geodude that I also used against Bugsy (though not Falkner as his Pidgeotto had Mud Slap), and I had no idea she was considered "difficult". Actually, that's the reason I hate her of all of the Gym Leaders.
  2. I wouldn't mind if the conflict was more human oriented either. Also, for once, actually have a female Lord who actually drives the story until the very end. No hijacking the story with a male Lord whatsoever. (Basically what Radiant Dawn would have hypothetically been like if Micaiah was the Lord all the way through and Ike only appeared as a PC in paralogues and the last 2-3 chapters as the Gotoh archetype. Even have a story inspired from Maria Teresa from the Hapsburg House.)
  3. Could part of that be solved by having more enemies carry anti-dragon weapons in later chapters and higher difficulties like Chapter 26 of Fates (I think, if I remember correctly) did?
  4. No thanks. Firstly, some of us are actually attached to the characters to want to play a perfect run. Secondly, surely having to start the chapter over is enough of a deterrent/burden. Actually, I have to side with Azz and say that even Casual mode isn't entirely noob mode. In addition to what he said, what if you lost an ally that you needed him/her to talk to a recruitable enemy/NPC in a hypothetically difficult FE game? Especially a recruit that the Lord cannot talk to? Admittedly that does not happen in Conquest, but it would be bad if you couldn't talk to Perceval in Chapter 14 of Binding Blade, because Lalum/Elphin retreated from their wounds.
  5. As @Book Bro and others mentioned, it would be one of the top priorities for me as well. FE6's attention on the details of the nations' culture (and generally greyer characterization compared to other Nintendo games characters) was what started my love for the series.
  6. Binding Blade Thinking about it now, the fact that there was absolutely no gameplay translation for Roy's "brains over brawns" characterization. There really could have been leadership stars or some other brains-related stuff that could have provided additional support/stat bonuses and the like. At least we didn't have an overpowered lord like Sigurd or Robin/Chrom. Those threw out the strategic spirit of Fire Emblem out of the window. This isn't limited to Binding Blade, but the lack of "Fates!MyCastle" moments where they made the most sense sounds like fake difficulty nowadays. For example, why can't I freely visit the shops for resupplying my army in Aquleia after liberating the city in Chapter 16? Troops can resupply (which I assume that they get weapons replaced/repaired) in cities in Advanced Wars, and I'm sure real life armies throughout history did the very same thing too, so why can't Roy do the same thing? The lack of balance between characters, and the lack of Skills, which essentially made BB into a stats game. Jahn should have been more active and personally lead an army of Mamkutes against Roy. Hyrule Warriors The Wind Waker arc was quite short, and the final stage which had Phantom Ganon felt rather lacking in epicness. Also, there's no interaction between Wind Waker Toon-Link and Hyrule Warriors non-toon-Link. Only Hylian and Goron captains for the heroes. None from the Zoras, or the Skyloftians. The lack of Gerudos besides Ganondorf; there really could have made an interesting story development from that. The game not being integrated into Hyrule's canon history. Pokemon XY No DLC or third/sequel game to further continue my adventure in Kalos.
  7. Awakening for what turned out to be a mediocre story and sub-par worldbuilding, with boring gameplay. For all its faults, at least Fates Conquest's story was entertaining as parody material, (I've seen one fanfic that really makes fun of the story). It also helps that it has genuinely good gameplay that discourages one-manning, and this should be mandatory for all future FE titles, and where possible, remakes. While I enjoyed Pokemon Red, I have to admit, it hasn't aged well at all. Mario series as a whole has that story and characterization that has become infuriating since Melee and especially since the Wii era, with one exception.
  8. @Hopeofdespair: I'd very much love an early industrial setting too. Perhaps even a Meiji-Japan nation as one of the hypothetical players of the story.
  9. I'd probably make Narcian somewhat more cunning and ruthless, though still very much prone to error. Chapter 3 would go as normal with Narcian relegating the occupation of Araphen to Slater. However, at the last moment, Narcian came back as he realised he probably should crush Roy's army sooner than later, and would probably be a good ambush plan anyway. Catching Roy off guard at the end of Chapter 3, Narcian relentlessly chases Roy and co for the next several chapters, resembling a game of cat and mouse. He only backs off in Chapter 8 due to Zephiel not wanting to go head-on against Etruria yet. He comes back in Chapter 13-14, where he abducts a number of extra dragons to add to his force, while he tries to make a name for himself as the conqueror of Etruria. His military campaign goes badly as in the original, but he does not care, as he intends to raze Aquleia anyway. Narcian actually gets away from the Etrurian palace in Chapter 16...and prepares his dragons to commence the razing in an additional remake-only chapter immediately after. His plans all goes awry, however, due to Fa appealing to the other dragons to walk away, and the enslaved dragons finding out that Roy and Fa ultimately come in peace. Narcian can meet his fate being burnt alive by the now freed dragons, or being captured and executed by the Etrurian Army, or lynched by the Etrurian resistance. On the other hand, Roy's campaign will be lost if the following happens: - If too much of Aquleia is burnt to the ground, as Etruria no longer has the economic power to take Bern head-on. - If either Aquleia palace or the Saint Tower is burnt to the ground due to loss of morale.
  10. Are you shipping Lilina with Roy? If so, then both units get some nice support bonuses. Roy can do with some buffs for the later chapters too.
  11. So how does the idiot princess gets kidnapped again?
  12. Moldorm in the Link to the Past was really annoying. At least the one in Link's Awakening died with a few slashes, and didn't have a pitfall in the middle of the arena. Wizzro in Hyrule Warriors for spamming high damage attacks with the majority of the time not exposing his smash gauge.
  13. In terms of story, I'd rather go with the rich lore and politics of the classical era, and Elibe/Tellius in particular, though with much less hero-worshipping. In terms of gameplay, I'd go much further with the approach and mechanics of Conquest that outright makes a one-man army gameplay impossible. They should also be unhesitant/unsparing with more anti-cavalry weapon-carrying units on later chapters and higher difficulties to force us to solve with other units.
  14. FE Binding Blade - and I say it was harder than Conquest in some aspects. At least Conquest had better gameplay balancing between characters, amongst other things.
  15. A bit of context: In recent years, I have been playing a lot of Zelda games. While I first played Link's Awakening in 1996-7, and the Oracle Games in 2002-2003, it wasn't until recently that I started to appreciate the story and gameplay of the franchise. Last year, I completed Ocarina of Time 3DS; earlier this year, I played and experienced the various stories within Majora's Mask, and saw myself wage war in an epic series of battles from Hyrule Warriors. For the future, I am looking forward to play the classics from GC and Wii, that are Wind Waker, Twilight Princess, and Skyward Sword. Right now, I am playing Spirit Tracks, and sadly, this has been disappointing. In particular both the story and the gameplay seemed quite mediocre/underwhelming at best compared to other titles I have played. While I am at a point just before the final battle, I am considering ditching the adventure altogether. For gameplay, while there were some good bits, including the very fact that I get to be a train driver, I had a lot of trouble with the controls. It was awkward having to use the touch screen to run, slash, and dodge, as sometimes if the stylus touches the screen wrong, Link would do a different action to what I want him to do, for example, Link accidentally bumping into an enemy when I wanted him to slash the enemy instead. What made this worse was the lack of an option for some basic button controls that was the standard in the other two 2D games I played. Having played the other games, I saw myself fumbling with the controls due to said reason, and such design in controlling link felt very unintuitive, not to mention unreliable. And I found this a huge problem against bosses, when I needed Link to both dodge and attack. While I am not sure about Skyward Sword's alleged gameplay problems, I am really glad that the touch-screen exclusivity has remained a DS-specific gimmick. At least if the story was good and memorable, then it would be easier for me to overlook the bad gameplay. Unfortunately, the story in Spirit Tracks wasn't compelling enough. The main story seemed to be just a variation of Link saving the damsel in distress from a maniacally evil villain (that is also nowhere near as epic as Ganondorf) - though to its credit, Zelda did have her moments to shine. There also seemed to be a lack of backstory and interesting lore explaining how the Zeldaverse transitioned from Wind Waker to Spirit Tracks, which was another minus, especially considering that the sequel-prequel connection was, I think, more explicit here. I admit, I cheated myself and saw the boss fight in Youtube, but I'm starting to think that the story and its conclusion isn't worth what I see as an even worse version of yet another frustrating gameplay shitfight. Other games I played had something substantial to contribute to my experience: Link's Awakening had a surprisingly compelling story, which seemingly featured a standard "Link's quest to defeat an evil villain", but also showed the warning of the consequences in which defeating the Nightmare would also make Koholint Island disappear, including those Link befriended. While I found the difficulty was generally higher than the later games, everything seemed intuitive once I got used to them. While I can't comment on the N64 version, the 3DS remakes of Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask had gameplay controls that I got used to easily, and both had memorable stories. Ocarina of Time was essentially an simple, yet effective analogy of having to face the fears of growing up, while Majora's Mask really focused on the backstories of the various characters, and how the lunar doomsday psychologically affected them. Both also had genuinely scary moments; something that I found missing in Spirit Tracks. Hyrule Warriors may not have a compelling story as those mentioned above, but even it had its good moments, such as Zelda, Impa, and others being just as badass as Link is, an actual evil campaign arc featuring Ganondorf as the arc's protagonist, and even him outright winning against Link and Zelda in an open fight for the first time in the franchise's real-life history - and one that you can witness directly yourself. (And this happened despite Link and Zelda having parts of the Triforce!) The sheer scale of the battles and the bombastic orchestral music gives a great epic feeling. And the gameplay is, again, easy to learn, yet still a challenge to master, and is a lot of actual fun trying to go all-out Rambo-style. Compared to the above-mentioned, Spirit Tracks just does not give me the patience to engage the final boss anymore.
  16. Binding Blade: Story: A more human-centric worldbuilding showing how humans can be the real villains. Gameplay: Actually having to rely on the Luck and Skill stats to figuratively stay afloat at times. Sacred Stones: Story: Have at least one country be a republic. Gameplay: Actually being able to re-supply at the local stores after clearing a chapter. Tellius Series: Story: Multiple perspectives on a major conflict. Gameplay: Growth being accumulated on a decimal basis instead of being tied to percentage chance. Awakening: Story: Not sure to be honest... Gameplay: Rally skills Fates Conquest: Story: One of the nations being Japanese-inspired. Gameplay: Attack stance, debuffing, better enemy positioning etc...basically anything...and...everything that discouraged a one-man army playstyle and essentially forced you to use teamwork! Up to, and, including, encouraging everyone to do their part to defeat the last boss. Something from myself: Story: For once, have the female protagonist become the top leader (all in terms of story, spotlight, and gameplay) and actually run full-steam with it. (And no, Corrin doesn't really count.) Gameplay: Distrust penalties. It is basically the opposite of support bonuses and leadership stars where distrust between units leads to loss of bonuses and even incursions of stat penalties. A gameplay translation of how former enemies still carries their resentment against their new allies. (eg the majority of playable units against FE6!Milady/Zeiss or FE8!Cormag/Dussel, Oboro vs any Nohrians etc) Implemented to former enemy soldiers with above-average stats for better gameplay balance. Penalties between individual units can be erased by having C+ support with that pairing.
  17. Awesome! Congratulations for achieving such a detailed model!! When did you start clay-modelling? And are you going to do other characters too?
  18. Hi, thanks for taking interest in my art thread! Do you have any other obscure Nintendo heroines that you want me to draw?

    1. Rezzy


      Oh, anything would be fine.  If you want to do more Golden Sun, Felix would be great, if you're looking for ideas.  Or if you only are looking for girls, maybe Mia.

    2. henrymidfields


      I do have plans to draw up Mia, though I think that'll have to be after Sheba, Linkle, and a couple of other Pokegirls and FE female lords. (Celica and Micaiah). I also have plans to draw up Jody Summers and three other F-Zero racers (including one from Maximum Velocity). I might do a special edition of Caeda, Misty, and Paula starring as the other three Nintendo heroine trio.

  19. I certainly wouldn't mind either. At least then there would be a better chance of telling a more developed story for Micaiah. Perhaps do something like Hyrule Warriors where you need to complete all branches to make it to the end. Given that the original didn't sell all that well in either Japan or overseas, I don't think there's much to lose by radically reworking the Tellius games. It was ambitious back then, and its remakes should be just as ambitious, if not more.
  20. At least they should allow shopping between certain chapters where appropriate. Such as Chapter 16, where you're in a big city and can reasonably expect to purchase supplies armaments from the market. Not allowing that is like not allowing, say WWIIAllied troops resupply and recuperate in Amsterdam, or Paris on their way to Berlin.
  21. Gallery: 16 October 2017 - Adeleine Special Edition! Hello again! I've now finished all three portraits of Adeleine for my real-life friend who sent in the special request. For now, here are the three portraits of the illustrious painter from Kirby 64! Adeleine (Kirby 64) Lyra (Pokemon DP Anime) I also drawn up Lyra from Pokemon, in the anime version. It was much easier to draw her after doing Misty, May, and Dawn; the thing only took me a full day to fully draw her. My plan onwards: From my same thread in Bulbagarden, I have a few votes for Iris (from the Pokemon BW Anime) and Hilda (from the Pokemon BW game), while two people also voted for Celica from the FE Shadows of Valentia, and I myself want to showcase Nanna from Thracia 776. @Rezzy from this forum asked for Sheba to be drawn up, which I will do in the next available opportunity.
  22. I terms of integrating characteristics and gameplay, I kinda don't understand why Lords in more recent entries are overpowered. Really, half of Roy's issues could be at least made more worth bearing, and his story characteristics could have been better integrated if he had Rally skills from fates and Leadership stars that can be customizable to allocate specific bonuses, and maybe other bonuses. I initially wasn't keen on Corrin being able to support everyone else but now I think about it, it's something justifiable, because gaining everyone's trust is important for good leadership. Furthemore, battles in real-life aren't necessarily won by sheer strength of a legendary warrior alone (Even Simo Hayaa needs to be backed by rest of the Finnish army to push back the Soviets!), but is often combined with intelligence, good teamwork, good military leadership, and advanced technology. I would really like IS to revisit and revamp the next Roy, or the next intelligent, leadership-focused Lord. Aside from extensive supports, rally skills, and leadership stars, there should be another gameplay feature. Between battles, the Lord could spend her or his time reading books, talking/support-conversing to people in the barracks/camp, and observing them train that grows an additional Lord-specific stat: Intelligence/Knowledge. Upon reaching a certain threshold, the Lord can equip some specific Skills or other attributes that grants different bonuses to the entire team. Rough ideas on how this can be implemented for hypothetical remakes of from past games: Did Roy A-support Marcus? The former could attain extra Leadership stars applicable for their respective home (Lycian/Altean) armies. Or alternately, he attains bigger support bonuses (from the same support level) with Alen, Lance etc. Did Marth talk about magic with Merric in their new support conversation? Then the option to forge tomes for better durability, or a monetary discount in raising tome might is granted to the player. Did Robin discover/purchase books about weaponry when the Ylissean army was staying in town? Has he read it? Then his C+ support partners can raise their weapon skills faster, or have accuracy/critical bonuses with the weapon type in question. Did Corrin read a book about Faceless? Has he support-conversed to, say, Leo (who have an army of Faceless in a Birthright chapter)? Then he could ask the Forge Workshop in My Castle to add "anti-Faceless" effects. Perhaps not to the same multiplier effect as standard blessed weapons (might x 3), but could be might x 1.25-1.5, depending on how far Corrin has gone with her/his research.
  23. Really? That annoys me, then. Surely, it can't be that much data usage, nor much time/effort to add the toggle option for voices. Why did they add the extra voice data in the first place?
  24. Now that I start to think about it, I actually don't like Lucina as much as I used to. Mostly due to how she gets more attention for being in Smash Bros and how that gets overboard compared to the rest of the canon FE characters. (And, also by association with, the crossover franchise itself that I have a lot of beef with.) Roy and Marth in Smash Brothers also count - especially when a few have their characteristics changed from their canon games. (They're perfectly fine in their canon games.) And I say this because: A) I consider FE's gameplay to be part of the story where everyone does his/her part in winning the military campaign; B) contrary to (what I think is the) popular opinion, I am not convinced that Smash Bros contributed to FE's popularity all that much. (I mean, it didn't prevent FE from nearly being cancelled, and it didn't prevent the Tellius duology's below-expected sales either.) In terms purely of gameplay, I also don't like how some of the pre-promotes and Lords are overpowered to the point where people start to recommend one-manning with them. Yeah, especially Seth and Titania, I'm looking at you. Again, I thought the whole point of an FE game is to actually raise unique units, have them work as a team to achieve stuff that one person cannot on his/her own...
  25. +1 for Zephiel who managed to conquer a good part of Elibe and be a credible threat, just through charisma, politics, and good old diligence and skill instead of relying on fantastic superpower.
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