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Everything posted by henrymidfields

  1. The worst I had was when I used Xane in one of the later chapters for Shadow Dragon DS, and when the battle screen froze up when I sent him to battle. Apparently I need to turn animation off for Xane because apparently he's evil...
  2. So Battlebees from tumblr/Youtube decided to create custom sprites featuring Oboro's children inheriting the demon face. (Original website here.) Sophie just looks silly cute; I just can't seriously imagine her with a demonic face. Midori looks like she ran out of weed and starting to have withdrawal symptoms hehehe. Nina, on the other hand, looks like she ended up spending the entire night, watching men interact, and getting sleep deprived the next morning. Mitama also looks like she got rudely woken up by Azama and angry for being deprived of sleep. Well, that's what happens when you don't go to bed dear. Asugi looks like a douchey teen who's been trying to act edgy after playing too much GTA. Ignatius, Dwyer, and Rhajat don't look all that different... Not too sure about Shiro or Selkie... I'd hate to see Caeldori or Hisame with such a face though. They look like they are going to utterly screw you over. Both Kanas also looks unsettling. And Gods, is this what happens when Kiragi must have inherited both Oboro's demon face and Takumi's jerkassery.
  3. Authors a webcomic featuring an alien version of slice of life.
  4. Greninja, which ended up being my starter. Top speed, I think also above average attack, and good type coverage. Where in the world do you want to travel to next? Why?
  5. Back in 1996-2000, Pokemon was considered to be alternate version of our real-life world, which I found was a very unique form of worldbuilding. The only other two RPG series that actually built up from our existing real world as a starting point for setting was Shin Megami Tensei/Persona, Yokai Watch, and maybe Earthbound. Back then, we had Kanto (which was quite generic, thinking about it now) and Johto (which was actually Japanese, and even better, actually interacted with Kanto). I expected this to continue, with a (then) possible 3rd installment onwards possibly featuring maybe Hawaii or San Francisco. To my disappointment, it was the RSE we all know, which undid a lot of the previous OTL-based worldbuilding, and went for something culturally more generic tropical (It doesn't even have any resemblance of being connected to the previous two regions!), and could have been all easily avoided/justified by actually having Alola, or Poke-Guam/Sapian, or even Poke-Queensland as the Gen 3 region - places that the Japanese audience would have heard of. Kalos was a huge step in the right direction, because it restored a lot of the worldbuilding that I found unique in Gen 1-2. The region as a whole actually looked like Poke-France, and Game Freak did a great job in designing the region, despite the inspiration not being within their cultural home turf. Even better, they implicitly confirmed that Gen 1-4 regions actually forms Poke-Japan, through the Tourist trainer class and them owning exclusively Gen 1-4 Pokemon. Usually the trait/consistency in worldbuilding is probably not something people would consider important with Nintendo's games. (*) I, however, consider Pokemon to be the biggest exception, because of what was unique back then, and how the later regions are all proverbially built up from the previous ones. (*) The setting for Zelda may be becoming more important since Aonuma took the helm, however. FE's worldbuilding would be important within their continents, but there's still not much in terms of consistency between the different continent. -------------------- For your vacation which do you prefer: Beach resort, mountain getwaway, theme park, city glitter, or a cultural excursion? And why?
  6. I say, "No they have not." I've seen footages from youtube showing the different versions of Mute City, and the sluggishness and the lack of speed in Mario Kart 8 is blatant. I mean, it's 80-100km vs 1000-1300+; how is that not obviously different? Nowhere near as awesome as the speeds you get in F-Zero GC or N64. Nintendo deciding to kiddify F-Zero through this instead of releasing an actual F-Zero, or even an HD version of the F-Zero GC game actually makes me hate the Mario Kart series even more, to the point that I'm making my boycott official. Ding dong! To hell with Spastic Mario Kart!
  7. 19th Century Neo-Classical and 1920s-30s Art Deco would be nice.
  8. You, my friend, in turn, are spared from the ban as well.
  9. In playing new games, have you ever gone backwards in terms of release dates? (eg, LoZ Twilight Princess to Wind Waker, FE Radiant Dawn to Path of Radiance, or Pokémon XY to BW/DP)
  10. Used to be the case, but hardly ever now.
  11. Banned for not recognizing how badass Disobeyed Cargo's avatar is now.
  12. +1 for F-Zero. At least when I played Maximum Velocity, there was some arbitrary rules and rubberban AI in place, but a lot of the difficulty came from the courses themselves, and less from cheap AI like Mario Kart. Those CPUs from MKGC onwards and especially the fake F-Zero DLC from MK8 can go die and rot in Bowser's dungeon. That kiddy-version courses are fucking slow and lame, and whoever thought of that idea should be caned at the triangle 50 times, then shot by a firing squad.
  13. Hey, do you do requests? If you do, I'd like to see what Murdock/Brenya looks like in chibi-Heroes form!
  14. @Ottokar and @blah the Prussian, but also @Hylian Air Force, @Acacia Sgt, and @Alastor15243: I know this is still somewhat early to say this, but what was your favourite chapter? And your least favourite? Were there any chapters that ended up being worse than the corresponding chapters from the actual game?
  15. Sorry it took so long. Firstly there was a mandatory break that was mandated on me, then some huge workload at my office, and then music rehearsals for the State Competition that my concert band is in. Anyway, today, I not only have Ayumi Tachibana from Famicon Detective Club, but I also have Dawn from the Pokémon Anime. Gallery: 15 August 2017 Ayumi Tachibana (Famicom Detective Club) Dawn (Pokémon Anime DP) Also, the votes on the top polls are still on. I've got one person wanting to see Eirika from FE: Sacred Stones next, while a friend from the real world wants to see Adelaine from Kirby 64. And there are members from Bulbagarden who wants to see Iris from the Pokémon BW Anime, Hilda from the Pokémon BW1 games, Linkle from Hyrule Warriors, and Celica from Gaiden/Shadows of Valentia.
  16. @Ottokar: Thank you. Further intermission episodes will be coming up. There will be further drama, amongst the allies. I'm sorry to say, but to be quite honest, I'm starting to be burnt out by this project. I think this will be my first and my last LP involving changing up the entire story of an FE game.
  17. I agree, and it is something that I've heard from other forum members both here and in Bulbagarden.
  18. Moving on from my previous argument of gameplay to one of plot and characterisation, let's also make Narcian a bigger threat than he was in the original. Roy, foolishly thinking that the main Bernese Army had left, took over Araphen in Chapter 3. Very big mistake, as Narcian decided to check on Slater and by luck, saw an opportunity to ambush Roy and Co at the end of Chapter 3, and begin a long chase. Chapter 4 would essentially become a timed mission in Hard and Lunatic, where Narcian appears to chase Roy after a certain number of turns. (In Normal, Narcian only appears after Roy defeats Erik.) And if the player took too long to clear Chapter 16, Narcian would start preparing the Manaketes to use them to destroy Aqleia as his final form of defiance. Between Chapter 16 and the original paralogue (or Chapter 17 if Douglas dies) another paralogue will be added which will be a Defense chapter. There Narcian would unleash the prepared dragons against Aquleia - Roy and Co will have to assist evacuating civilians as well as defend the palace. Fail either mission, and it's game over.
  19. Perhaps people who only played Fates/Awakening? That might explain some of the exaggeration. But then again, one wordpress site actually made a case for Ryoma > Rutger. Mind you, I'm not convinced by that blog's argument. http://thecrusadergrant.blogspot.com.au/2016/05/the-best-swordmaster-in-series-ryoma.html
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