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Everything posted by henrymidfields

  1. +1 with @TheEnd in regards to Mario, especially in recent years. A resident damsel scrappy and a coward brother for the lose. I used to play their games for a long time, but now I regret it. To the extent where the 1993 Movie actually have better characterization. Oddly enough, any of Yoshi's games without Mario/Luigi is okay at worst. Pokemon RSE/ORAS is another I haven't touched and never will. Why oh why did they decide to make a bogus version of Kyushu when they could have gone straight overseas like they eventually did with XY?
  2. An update to my backlog in the original post, I'm getting even more conflicted now with my Wii purchase plans. The FE Tellius games in particular seems very expensive for being secondhand stuff. (I'm wondering why Nintendo doesn't do disk writing services-on-order like they used to do with the Lawson Rom-writing cartidges...) Initially I was thinking about getting a backwards compatible Wii to be able to play a linked FE PoR-RD playthrough, but now I'm not so sure. Supposed if the Tellius games actually be re-released in HD, or as a remake, or through VC. Would the prices for the secondhand copies go down to more reasonable levels, based on similar cases in the past? (This is assuming that the data transfer feature isn't in the rerelease/remake.) I'm also kind of reconsidering getting SoV to be honest, due to hearing/reading some discouraging opinions in regards to both Alm and Celica and their plots, amongst other things. At least with FE Conquest, for all of the crap both the story and Corrin get, I am actually having fun making up my own alternate story (and alternate Corrin) in my LP, and I was able to do this without much difficulty. And the characters had some entertaining fanservice; if mostly in a so-bad-it's-awesome way...
  3. I'm thinking about getting myself a secondhand GC, or a backwards-compatible Wii, with secondhand copies of Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn (amongst the three Zelda games, the two Pokémon Colosseum games, and F-Zero GX). (The really big problem? The expensive price tag of the two Tellius game, to levels I consider unheard of in other secondhand games. I'm wondering whether I should get a emulator instead, just for those two games...) My reasoning behind is that not only do I want to experience the Tellius story, but I also want to get the data transfer and the resultant "link bonus" in Radiant Dawn. (I discussed this with a fellow SF-er in a General Gaming thread and it seems like a potential VC for Switch may not have the transfer bonus.) And I am wondering just how much does the linked bonus change. Is it just Ike's support with whoever the bonus is assigned to? Or are there other changes as well? Did the link bonus impact your playthrough a lot?
  4. Would it be worth at least making a mention, even without any tier adjustments? Considering that no one else is going to majorly benefit from the Goddess Statues (For example, Avatar is going to be top tier regardless. I can check my Avatar in my LP as he is -Luck.) I personally think this should be treated as an exception as @Shoblongoo mentioned, but ultimately it is your chart, and therefore your call.
  5. 1 minute ago, Anacybele said:

    Heh, understandable, I guess! :P

    No, only Birthright and a little bit of Revelation. I don't have any interest in Conquest. Gameplay-wise, it looks great, but I'm turned away from the story and characters.

    If you don't mind, I'm writing my reply here, as I'm fearing we might go off-topic. Yeah, I ended up writing up a heavily altered story from Chapter 14 and onwards in my Conquest LP, and our forum's resident Prussian/Czech historian reckons the story alteration in my LP is better than the vanilla version (Cue the tweet: So sad!). And I'm not even an experienced fanfic writer!

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. henrymidfields


      Oh, so you didn't S-support anyone else at all?

    3. Anacybele


      Nope. Kinda wanted to put Ryoma with someone, but couldn't really decide who to give him to and then I forgot about it. :P

    4. henrymidfields


      In my current LP, my Corrin ended up with Beruka. I've written a bit more of how their marriage went, with Beruka progressively gaining a bit more emotion in the LP story. In the latest chapters, she's also the pragmatic Lancer (courtesy of TV Tropes) to Corrin's idealism.

  6. I admit, Skyward Sword felt like it only came out yesterday. Actually, anything that happened post-2010 feels like yesterday, to be honest. On a different note, did you end up playing all three games for Fates? That was my initial plan from last year until my current Conquest LP getting constantly delayed, along with reviews of Conquest's story and Revelation's gameplay being atrocious, and Birthright/Revelation's story also not being liked very much either.
  7. And yet, we all wonder how the heck did they not sell well at launchtime... I wonder how would they do the link bonus between the two Tellius games. Already?! I know Wind Waker and Twlight Princess has a HD release, but that seems really quick... Though, that would make my Zelda quest easier. Now, if they only could remake the NES Zelda games... I have to say, I'm really growing in my love for Zelda - especially Hyrule Warriors. It's awesome being the bad guy for a change...and actually win for once! I also just realised, I need to play Geneaology of the Holy War too, most likely on an Emulator. (Luckily, Japanese is my first language for that.)
  8. So in continuation of last year, I might want to examine how everyone managed their backlog of games compared to when I last started the previous thread last year. In my case, compared to last year: I finished: My current backlog is: I still have yet to get a Wii/Wii U/Switch for:
  9. Is Arthur's low luck that much of an issue? The last time I remember, I had access to 2-3 Goddess Icons by around Chapter 12, and I think there might have been more along the way. And there is also the question of who else need them besides him, which I am struggling to find an answer to. Not to mention...are Bronze Weapons not a thing for compensating on critical dodge?
  10. *sighs*...Man, if only Nintendo would take their words back and actually incorporate Hyrule Warriors into its official Zeldaverse history, then absolutely everything about that franchise would be absolutely golden to the seams. I also forgot, ever since I've been doing my LP for Fates Conquest (see my signature), Arthur is my proud patriot. Not just that, but I also like how he doesn't go too much into "Mighty Whitey" territory. In addition, unlike another butt monkey guy in the Nintendo franchise who pretty much deserves every bad luck he gets for being the worst kind of coward, Arthur's butt-monkey tendencies is something that I do enjoy in terms of story. It's one of those things where I just have to pity him for having it so hard, admire him for not giving up on life regardless, and laugh at the sheer ridiculousness of his bad luck, all at the same time.
  11. Are you a fan of Crayon Shin-chan? I haven't seen that show in ages!

  12. Apart from one that I could give a cynical, un-PC slur at (or two if I include one already released title). I'm quite happy of the diversity of the games. While I'm not personally a fan for the Metroid franchise, I'm nevertheless glad that a main title (albeit a remake) is coming in. Of course, there's FE to look forward to, as always for us FE fans... Now if only they stop that "F-Zero for those who failed grade school and sent back to kindergarten and other mental retards" DLC and actually release an F-Zero title... And a Golden Sun title too...
  13. As the title says above, are any of you members of any other game-related forum? I used to be at Starmen.net when I was into Earthbound and MOTHER 3. It has been a long time ago, though, and I completely forgot the stuff I did there until some of my artwork came out when I googled my username. I'm currently also in Bulbagarden (though on a mandatory break) where I have my art thread concurrently with the same one here. I do occasionally discuss FE stuff over there as well, and know a couple of members who play FE. In the above two places and here, my name has always been henrymidfields, and always will be...
  14. Actually, that'll be nice. Yoshi is one that I've loved for a long time up to now. I might get one of Yoshi's games if I get a Switch.
  15. Team Flare for actually recalling real-life European right-wing politics. They actually recall the "resources are dwindling, so let only the most worthy/strongest survive" that Nazi Germany's used as the Lebensraum theory. Plus, the "beauty of Kalos" recalls the grandiose statements from nationalistic politicians, such as Donald Trump's "Make America Great Again", or Shinzo Abe's "Towards a Beautiful Nation", or any of Hitler/Mussolini's retorics. Even better, there was a French cosmetic magnate (Francois Coty) who campaigned for this sort of right-wing doctrine in the 1930s, which really fit how Lysandre can also be a right-wing nut job in Poke-France obsessed with looking beautiful and fashionable, who may or may not join forces with Jean Marie Le Pen. I've been writing my headcanons for a fictional history account of Poke-Japan, but ironically, Team Flare was the easiest to make headcanons of, and also required very little of them for the above reasons. The most difficult? Either Team Plasma or Team Galactic. The one requiring the most headcanons? A three-way-tie between Team Aqua/Magma, Team Galactic, and Team Rocket.
  16. Hello, how is everything over at your domain in Prague? Are you starting up any wars soon? I've just came back from Sekigahara, and crushed Hideyoshi's supporters like Garon's business. Now that I've done that, I can finally rule over Yamato from my new palace in Edo.

    On a more real-life note, I'm still busy at work, trying to finish up drawings for our big restoration work. Quite interesting I must say; it's in Australia's second-oldest town, and they used to house female convicts work there in the early 1800s. Unfortunately, that means I can't get to updating my LP yet until after this week. 

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. blah the Prussian

      blah the Prussian

      I'm originally from New Jersey. Trust me, I wouldn't be such a Hapsburgophile if I was Czech.

    3. henrymidfields


      That's true.

      On a different note, have you got around playing Radiant Historia? How was it?

    4. blah the Prussian

      blah the Prussian

      I actually finished it almost exactly a year ago, maybe exactly a year ago. I really enjoyed the game, and it had one of the better video game stories IMO.

  17. Johto for having a region that felt actually Japanese. It was also the last game that featured the Pokeverse as actually an alternate version of our world. Kalos for having a region that felt actually French, and GF actually doing a good job of that, despite France not being their home turf. Bonus points for actually introducing the Tourist class, and affirming that the Gen 1-4 regions are actually in Poke-Japan, and a story that actually paralleled RL!European (albeit more German than French) right-wing politics of the 1930s. (I even managed to have Lysandre be a descendant of one of the right-wing activists in my headcanon!) You know what, I'm voting for Kalos, because of the well-made realism despite the difficulties stated above.
  18. I'm somewhat surprised you think that, when our fellow historian from Prussia (or Prague in real-life) mentioned the similarity between Team Flare and Nazi Germany. I actually headcanoned the whole story as French ultranationalist politics, with Lysandre as a descendant of one of the right-wing extremists in the 1930s. Anyway, I would have liked to enjoy Poke-France more. I'd happily touch a Pokémon game which a much more realistic region than one that doesn't have said region. (I'm looking at both of you, ORAS and RSE.)
  19. @Azz: Although for a different reason, I'm also a fan for Yuna when I played FFX and FFX-2. Though it is more a case of how she grew up and adjusted to the newfound freedom she came across in FFX-2. Her in X-2 alone, and the entire game in general may look rather too saccharine and too silly on their own, but considering how messed up Spira was in FFX, and how Spira (and to an extent, Yuna) earned their freedom from Sin at the end of FFX, Yuna trying to enjoy her freedom more in FFX-2 was heartwarming. The entire cast of Fire Emblem 6, as they introduced me to the Fire Emblem franchise that I have known and loved. They (and the entire franchise for that matter) have much deeper and more nuanced characterization that any other Nintendo franchise I came across. Particularly Lilina, who was my first example of a strong, yet sweet heroine before I really get to know Caeda, the very first example of a strong, yet feminine heroine. (Seriously, why the fuck Caeda isn't in Smash, and that stupid damsel scrappy is!? She's the main heroine representative of the entire FE Franchise!!!) Rosa and Serena in the Pokémon games are also strong contenders for my favourite heroines. The sheer hilarity and awesomeness in looking really goofy (courtesy of her hairstyle), yet having such a badass career of being a Pokémon Champion, a property mogul (Join Avenue), and a movie star (Pokestar Studios). Serena also eventually being the champion in the games and, on the other hand, having the classiest outfit of all of the player characters. And Ganondorf in Hyrule Warriors is just pure awesome. I know, I know, he's the arrogant bad guy all right. But let's not forget that, during his invasion against Hyrule, and his open battle against Link, Ganon had a lot more going against himself compared to his other incarnations in the other games, and regardless, actually won outright. (Even better, he, the villain, was the protagonist during that arc - another rare moment in the Zelda franchise.) Surprisingly, I've been a long time fan for Yoshi...and I still am, unlike other characters in the Mario franchise. He still has the adorable charm without any of the utterly retarded characterisation that two (possibly three) of the rest of main cast in the same franchise have.
  20. Elincia "Oh, 'tis the anguish of my fate! Of the two different yet equally cherished loves I must choose!" XD
  21. Wow, Kagero really look badass there with her glare!
  22. Nintendo Heroines EDIT (4 June 2017): I have also started up a series of studies on official artwork on Nintendo heroines - mainly female protagonists and important characters that I have loved (or at worst, not majorly dislike) throughout the ages. While I will look for examples from various franchises that Nintendo published (including some obscure ones) emphasis will be given to female characters from Pokémon and Fire Emblem. In particular to the latter, I am going to make a conscious effort to publicize all the games throughout its history, and not just Awakening and Fates. I have got a couple started already, in fact. All in the name of recognition and celebration of the female characters that are not considered the standard Nintendo fare (Peach/Samus/Zelda...though the last one I've bent the rules for this...). A poll has been up, courtesy of @Tangerine (and no courtesy to a bug preventing me from editing the first page). Please vote for whoever you want to see next!
  23. @Shuuda: Sorry for the late reply. I had a look at Jenna's official artwork, and I struggle to see the difference between the official artwork and my copy in regards to Jenna's hairstyle. (Or is this a problem in the official art in the first place?) As for the still life involving the lamp's base "teleporting", I'm actually wondering how I failed to not notice the blunder!! Perhaps I must have forgotten to check where the lamp was when I was drawng the base. Oh well. Gallery: 20 May 2017 So because I wasn't able to make as much progress as I had hoped, I am just going to do a small update now. This time, we are meeting a more obscure heroine from a decade ago, much beloved by the western community along with a Nintendo franchise from Shigesato Itoi that has never seen the light of day outside Japan. Ladies and gentlemen, here is Kumatora from MOTHER 3! Next up is a heroine from a similarly obscure entry - Ayumi Tachibana from Famicom Detective Club, an early Japan-only franchise from the original NES. (Some of you may have seen her as a trophy from Super Smash Bros Melee.
  24. Oh Tharja, you creepy funny gurl...
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