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Everything posted by henrymidfields

  1. That would be cool if that prompts/inspires them to do so. Especially considering that the Decline Timeline hasn't had much apart from that Lorule game in recent years. It would be ironic if we have a Zelda II remake and that marked the definite end of Ganon, resulting in the Decline Timeline having the happiest ending of all three timelines.
  2. I actually would like to second what @Acacia Sgt just mentioned above, and go for a vaguely (post-)Renaissance to Industrial era where mechanization has just started and as @Armagon mentioned, we have some primitive forms of gunpowder weapons, which are slower but more powerful. For the story, it could take inspiration from the Cold War (similar to how the stories of Tellius games took inspiration from World War 2's European Theatre), exploring the ethics, strategies, and politics involving of the ultimate magic-tech weapon which proves to be a huge danger to the new FE continent.
  3. F-Zero: Fuck the lame-ass Mario Kart 8 versions of Mute City and Big Blue in Mario Kart 8, which were sluggish as shit. Seriously, that is an F-Zero game for those who are in kindergarten, or mentally retarded, or both. Release an actual F-Zero game with actual speed! Sonic 2006: It's a shame that Sega didn't do their job in refining gameplay for this one, because considering the more deeply thought out story, it could have been a competitor for the BAFTA awards against Mario Galaxy. I say Sega should revisit this and finish their job properly. Zelda (NES original): With an expanded storyline and setting and updated gameplay, like what FE Gaiden remake Echoes is expected to be.
  4. I'll be happy to get this as well. As someone who finds the 3D effect painful to watch and completely unnecessary to play with (and bought the 2DS which was essentially a AU$50 discount from the 3DS), I'll be happy to trade that off with whatever discount there is compared to the New 3DS.
  5. Better start connect those territories, lest we be divided and conquered!
  6. Stats: Before Chapter 24 So I had a bit too much fun in getting external skills for my troops. Here how everyone eventually turned out before our battle. Battle of Kyoto Imperial Palace
  7. Well, I was going to correct the above to "definitely bilingual", but my computer or Internet Browser hates SF for some reason.
  8. Banned for not spelling "America" correctly.
  9. I wouldn't mind if Luck has a lot more to go with. At the moment, it only really matters when your Luck parameter is in the extremes. Chances for RNG re-rolls for Level Ups would be better for Luck affecting stats. The re-rolls (being Luck x n%) should happen for stats where the first RNG did not activate a growth. Luck should also affect the extent of temporary growths before battle. (You know, the "I'm in top form today!" dialogues.) There can be a chance (Luck x n %) where a +2/+4 boost happens in an extra stat catergory. On the other hand, could there be certain intro cutscenes where an ambush/accident happens before your chapter starts? And characters with lower luck have a higher chance of being forced to start the chapter with their HPs already lost 1/4 or 1/2 from their maximum HP? (n would be a variable, depending on the stat cap number.)
  10. More cases of effective weapons used against Cavaliers and Wyverns, and especially in later chapters and higher difficulties. Instead of nerfing cavaliers, that is. On Normal difficulty, Have at least 2-3 units with anti-cavalier weapons in every chapter. From the point when your allied wyverns join in, have at least 4-5 enemy units armed with Wyrmslayers. On the latest chapters, at least 1 out 3 enemy units should have either of said weapons. Enemies holding better weapons on later chapters in higher difficulties: On earlier chapters enemies in Hard will have the same weapons as with Normal, but as you advance through the game, the difference in equipped weapons between the two difficulties grow. By the final chapters in Hard Mode, all enemies will have at least one of Silver-class, Brave, or class-effective weapons while in Normal mode, only 1 in 3 will have such upgraded weapons. Whether they may be class-effective, crit-boosted, or even just Silver-class. I think this way, the difficulty will be there regardless of your stats, and you'll actually have to rely on better strategies. Fog of War return, but with some modifications. Basically have the same ground rules for both the enemy and the player, just like in the Advanced War games. (If an enemy unit wants to attack a player unit, then the enemy AI MUST sight the player unit beforehand. - without any of the cheating in past FE titles. Similarly the enemy can be ambushed, just like the player.) Also, lighted areas (whether from the default background (lamps on walls, or fire burning), or torches used by units) are visible to everyone. Luck affects a couple more factors in and out of battle. It would be nice if Luck affects not just your Critical Avoid, but other things as well. For example, units with good luck can get stat boosts in additional parameters (except for Luck) for "being in top shape". If they are supported, they have a better chance in having an extra gauge segment added for their support gauge. They also have better chance in avoiding ambushes in Fog of War, allowing an extra turn to either attack or retreat. Customizable leadership stars. You can allocate some of your leadership stars for boosting skill activation, critical/avoid/accuracy percentages, or even support bonuses. Certain non-Lord units can give out extra leadership stars for his/her country(wo)men or servants. (For example, to put this into a hypothetical FE6 Echoes version: Roy, in addition to his universal leadership stars, have also some extra leadership stars for his fellow Lycians. Lilina can also distribute extra stars to her Ostian retainers. and so on)
  11. Lv 20, always. No ifs, ands, or buts. Actually, I forgot about some special cases where the cap level is less than 20. But my reaching the cap levels for the purpose of this exercise still applies. Yes, I always cap my units' levels before promotion. Always was since my first FE experience in Binding Blade, always is in my current Fates Conquest, and - I swear to everyone - it always will be the case for Echoes and other games I will get to in the future. I haven't found any reason why I shouldn't milk all the levels, and I strongly believe that my belief will stay that way.
  12. Yen'fey would obviously be with the Ylisseans, but I don't see what else would be different with the overall story. They would be more partying in Ylisse and more cases of "Oh no, we are infiltrated by the enemy! What do we do???". Tharja and Henry would probably be executed for being the prime suspects in bringing up the Risens. What if Hoshido/Nohr is in the same planet as Ylisse, and that Inigo, Owan and Severa travelled to Nohr via a boat trip? What if Lucina actually travelled to the Fatesverse instead of as a glorified summoned spirit (amiibo)?
  13. As two people already said, this was also the only WiiU-specific game I was thinking about getting too. (The other two are Wind Waker and Twilight Princess, which are originally GC/Wii games.) A huge shame that the Switch isn't backwards-compatible...
  14. If we are talking about the main story, then generally yes, I finish that in most of the games I get. In fact the only game I didn't even get to the last level (let alone the ending) was Paper Mario RPG several years ago, and that was when I lost a lot of love for the Mario series. For optional and post-game stuff and/or higher difficulty, it more a no. Foe example: I still haven't been to Nuvema Town in Pokémon Black 2, I've lost interest in finishing my Hard-Classic in Awakening, I haven't played anything beyond Hard 1 in Shadow Dragon I haven't received all Heart Containers in Zelda OoT 3DS
  15. How about this from a more domestic and modern situation?
  16. Chapter 23/24 Intermission 1: Advances to the East Chapter 24 Introduction: The fall of Osaka Chapter 24 Introduction 2: Preparations at Kyoto Imperial Palace
  17. I wouldn't mind this, except that, as others said, this would cause a huge issue on Enemy Phases within, say, Chapter 21 of Binding Blade. Either impose a limit on how much stat drop can occur, and/or and have a more equal number of player+allied vs enemy units, like Genealogy of the Holy War. Otherwise, I'd definitely like to see more inspiration on actual warfare, and I'd also like to see more ways of routing an enemy that does not rely on high stats. As for the question of Pair Up in Fates shown in the polls, that is a very brilliant idea that should stay. As said before, in most other cases, it was mainly a matter of guessing who has the highest stats and the like, and sending those into battle, and I think this inherently makes for relatively limited strategies. In Fates, however, along with Skills and debuff weapons, the Attack Stance allowed for more ways to defeat an enemy (or the enemy to screw me over). They also made EXP feeding Mozu in Paralogue 1 much easier as well, as I could arrange her and a stronger unit in ways that would allow Mozu to fight safely - plus they were much more reliable than the Awakening Pair Up system. For example, I had Mozu attack stance with, say Arthur or Effie, which allowed KOs I could not get otherwise with Mozu. Over in all, raising Mozu in Fates was much easier than Donnel in Awakening.
  18. Just a bit of an update, while I will still draw random stuff from Fire Emblem, Pokémon, and from real life, I will also be starting up a intermittent series of Nintendo heroines. I've just finished drawing up Zelda Junior from Ocarina of Time, and I'm currently drawing up Jasmine from Golden Sun. Afterwards, I planning to do charcoal pencil drawings of the official artworks of: Mia (also from GS) Female Robin from Fire Emblem Awakening Sakura from Fire Emblem Fates, and May from the Pokémon Anime.
  19. Certainly wouldn't mind seeing more on the Fire Emblem stuff. And here's to hoping Caeda will finally make it to Smash. Also, I came across the above video the other day discussing the future of Golden Sun. I wonder if there is going to be anything new with Golden Sun - I wish that would be the case and that a fourth title comes to the Switch, though the chances seems sadly unlikely as the above video indicates...
  20. So we have now established a beach head on Shimonoseki, with all texts and pictures uploaded. Onwards to Chapter 24!
  21. Does not fight for any of the Emblemverse nations.
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