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Everything posted by henrymidfields

  1. Gallery: 14-15 Jan 2016 I am back, and I have quite a few entries to show for this week. In fact I have two from Fire Emblem and one from Earthbound! I also started to use a set of charcoal pencils an old friend gifted to me, and they seem to be working well. Elise - FE Fates Lilina - FE Binding Blade Paula - Earthbound Bottle at a Cafe Table and Stool Coming up next I am also going to do a portrait of a random Nintendo heroine/female protagonist/female main character. I've already have a couple of characters that I want to try - 2 are from Fire Emblem, with 2 from Pokémon, and 1 from Golden Sun. Please stay tuned!
  2. So that means Zelda may become a playable character? If so, then hallelujah! I've never expected such to come either. I sure hope we have all of the past titles in this! Unlike the Wii U which was trash, these are something actually encouraging.
  3. In my current LP of Conquest, I changed a lot of things. First thing first, the entire story is undergoing changes to fit the Pacific Theatre of World War II, Hoshido becomes the oppressive Axial nation, Nohr is the radiant democracy liberating Asia, and Garon/Iago are secretly Nazi sympathisers plotting to overthrow Roosevelt's administration. As for family matters: I eventually wrote out Lilith from the story outside of cameos, I eventually wrote Arete as the former Ambassador to Hoshido, with Azura as her daughter and I'm going to retcon the story so that Azura is just a family friend to Garon's. Most importantly, I made Corrin more sure of himself in siding with the United States of Nohr, and fight the war to show the error of the Hoshidans in their conquest in Asia. I also made Corrin act generally less enthusiastic about his Hoshidan family - no, he has live too far long with Xander and the others. Since I didn't touch on the supports at all, I'm also going to write out the concubine wars entirely, and have Xander, Elise, and Leo as more normal kids. Camilla could be adopted from a family friend. (Just for the record, I did not S-support any of my Nohrian siblings either.) Hinoka would be indoctrinated with Hoshidan nationalism, and would be much less forgiving towards Corrin becoming a traitor or hikokumin to Hoshido. Sakura, however, laments the social/political state of Hoshido and secretly hopes that Corrin's campaign would succeed. Valla will be written out entirely as well; my Kamui/Corrin was born Hoshidan as third in line. An accident on sea happened, and Kamui was presumed dead - but he was eventually found, and adopted by Garon's family. (As for Conquest Chapter 15, the Vallite units are portrayed as German/Italian fleets in the Atlantic.) As for why the Nohrian kids are more heroic than their father? That was because of their late mother Katerina who was kind yet strong-headed. The children are actually emotionally distant from their father due to Katerina doing 95% of the kids-raising, while Garon is a career-seeking workaholic.
  4. Has the same paring as with my Conquest LP. (Conquest!M!CorrinxBeruka)
  5. Apparently has a really powerful computer.
  6. Banned for not finishing PoR...yet.
  7. I had a previous conversation with him in this very thread.
  8. Wait, so if Team Flare is Facist, and Team Skull is Communist, then what would be the case for the other Teams? (And Team Rocket in particular?)
  9. I haven't played Pokémon GO yet, as sadly, there's no app for my Windows Phone (booooo). Judging from my friends who do have that, it does look like a lot of fun, though. I'm also glad that they started to add Gen 2 Pokémon.
  10. Okay, I'm back in Sydney with my trusty laptop. Just to let you know, I am currently writing the Intro for Chapter 21. Expect an update sometime this weekend.
  11. Does the GBC version include Gen II cards? Or just only Gen I?
  12. FE Fates Conquest by default. The only other games that I played were Zelda OoT 3DS, Fire Emblem Shadow Dragon DS, and Pokémon Black 2. The story actually had some really nice potential, which gave me the opportunity to write my own story for my soon-to-be resumed LP, and I am actually enjoying poking fun at Hoshido's "peace-loving" attitude. I still haven't finished it, but writing/portraying Nohr as the gallant Allied democracy (courtesy of Arthur) against the barbaric and bloodthirsty Axial dictatorship of Hoshidon't has been lots of fun.
  13. Zelda: Breath of the Wild at the moment. The most recent games that I have on my wishlist are from 2016 or earlier. (Pokémon Sun and Moon, earlier FE and Zelda titles, and maybe Hearts of Iron 4, Cities Skylines. I'm also curious on Radiant Historia.)
  14. A lot of people, at least over at Bulbagarden, likes to hate Pokémon XY, but I love it. It's the first game since GSC (and maybe DPPt) where I can definitely say that the region actually is a Pokeverse version of its real-life counterpart. They've even gone as far as making Team Flare reference some aspects of European far-right politics. Though the reference was more Nazi Germany, at least one French far-right activist had inspirations from that - Francois Coty - and he was a magnate in beauty products! (Don't believe me? See here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/François_Coty ) In fact, in my headcanon, Lysandre is one of Francois's grandson.
  15. Have played Pokémon Prism. Simple: I viewed your profile, saw Zhao Yun, and found out that he was a character from Dynasty Warriors.
  16. A possible fan for Dynasty Warriors, maybe.
  17. Well, the dinosaur saying that the Mario, and even some Zelda games do not need a story. And I call bullshit to that considering that the aforementioned Mario Galaxy 1 won the BAFTA award when it's usually more story-driven games that wins them. Below is the response I've made to the other forum thread I mentioned. This! So much! I hate the Mario franchise in recent years so much, because of his no-story policy. Mario Galaxy was one of the few recent Mario games where the story was actually good. Bowser was actually awesome with his ambitious goal, Peach being kidnapped was better justified, and there was more than the same old story, and the ending was the best. There were times after Mario 3DS came out that I wished someone would pull the plug on the franchise. What was even worse was that Miyamoto decided to reverse the good things about Galaxy when that game won the BAFTA award - did he not get that memo?! No, that dinosaur should at least keep his hand off other people's projects - he had his time. It's time he step into a glass box and let other have their creative input. And for those who wants a 2D Mario game that bad, they can go play the VC versions of the S/NES games.
  18. Uhh, what? I don't get that. Anyway, a SimCity footage edited to one of Tomita Lab's music. Listen/watch from 1:07:41 to the very end. (Link below): https://youtu.be/xVrJHQ6UjCw?t=1h7m41s
  19. Leo: ...You are hereby banned from Nohr for worshipping David Bowie way too much. That has gone way too mushy way too fast.
  20. This one happened to be the very first song from Tomita Lab that I listened to. My first experience wasn't from the song clip itself, but from one of Yuttho's Tokyo recreation projects in SimCity 2013. (Link below:) https://youtu.be/xVrJHQ6UjCw?t=1h7m41s
  21. Apart from new IPs, it's also high time that at least one of the existing IPs should be improved in their stories too. Related to this, I can totally do with less of the worshipping of the dinosaur that is of Shigeru Miyamoto (as a number of comments in this thread from this very forum shows). It was a really good thing that the creation crew decided to give the dinosaur the bird and decided to do some deeper story-writing in Mario Galaxy 1, that at least attempts to go past the "What is the worst way that stupid bitch can get kidnapped again?" story, and at least attempts to write a serious adventure story. That dinosaur should have resigned ages ago.
  22. If that is the case, then why would Saizo admit to Azura that Ryoma would take a dim view of the former spying on the latter (in their C-level support), and not do the same to Kamui? The other question is if Saizo can get away with this, then what would make Frederick's (Awakening) case different?
  23. Okay, everyone, Chapter 20 is hereby complete! As my flight to visit my family in Tokyo is literally this evening, no updates until the 2nd-3rd week of January. Merry Christmas, everyone, and a Happy New Year!
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