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Everything posted by henrymidfields

  1. Chapter 18 Part 2: Renegade Colonial Soldiers Battle vs the Renegade Confederates Execution of Zola Continued onto Part 3.
  2. Maybe supervillains similar to, say, Wolverine (though he's a superhero) and make it a crossover episode with Captain America?
  3. @blah the Prussian: By the End Chapter, the other siblings are either dead or had given up in their resistance. Which leaves Takumi as the only person hell-bent on stopping the surrender message being broadcast - because you know just how single-minded jerkass Takumi is in his anti-Nohrian beliefs are. And because of this, he have a lot of ferverent followers from the Army. Basically think of it as the Kyujo Incident before the Gyokuon-hoso, except that a) the resisters are even more hell-bent on resisting occupation, and b) the Nohrians are actually here to stop the resistance. And yes, the Hoshidan Royals are all part of the Imperial Family. As I still want Tojo and Konoe to appear as themselves, I'll have Ryoma appear as one of the ministers. One thing that needs more immediate attention, everyone. What should I do with the Beast tribe?! I can't think of an answer!
  4. As the title says above, let's discuss wallpapers, or themes that you can decorate for your 2DS/3DS. What does everyone have? What are your favourites? I currently have the Fire Emblem Fates theme featuring the two families, which I got as a gift when I bought Conquest. This is the only one I have, as surprisingly, there is almost none that I like. I might get a Zelda OoT/Skyward Sword theme later on. But that is really it for me. There was a theme from Pokémon which I really would have liked to get - it was a stylised version of Serena with her Pokémon (titled Pokemon: Heroine - see here). I also saw two Pokémon Movie (from the XY series) themes, which I wouldn't mind getting. Sadly, all three are Japan-exclusive, and thus unobtainable in my Australian 2DS. Actually, what is with the utter lack of Calem and Serena (or any other human PCs besides Red and Blue) for the Pokemon-related themes? Outside of Pokémon, I understand that Earthbound or Golden Sun would not get a theme - actually, I would be very surprised, though overjoyed, if there was. What I am surprised, however, is the lack of FE Akaneia/Awakening-related themes - I wonder what the heck is going on.
  5. Thanks guys! I might actually just go straight to Manchuria then into Korea. So my revision of the following chapters would be: Chapter 20: Manchuria. Chapter 21: the mountain ranges leading to Pyonyang Chapter 22: Seoul Chapter 23: landing at Shimonoseki (and head east from there) - if I land at Fukuoka, then I'll have to do another water travel from Kitakyushu, while if I land at Shimonoseki, then my land troops can march to Tokyo without having to cross the seas. This is of course assuming that there is no major strategic benefit in landing at Fukuoka. Chapter 24: Kyoto-Gosho (I'm going to say that Osaka surrendered without a fight - stereotypically, Osaka people are considered to be less enthusiastic about authority.) Chapter 25: Downtown Tokyo and either the Imperial Palace, the National Diet, or the Prime Minister's residence Chapter 26-27: Garon/Iago kidnapping the visiting President, and locking themselves inside the GHQ Headquarters Final Chapter: Takumi and the Imperial Japanese Army remnant's uprising attempt - and I need to defeat them before they can storm the Imperial Palace and stop the Emperor's surrender broadcast.
  6. And another one: - One of the people working in Galaxy 1 secretly gave Shigeru Miyamoto the middle finger by adding Rosalina's backstory and a generally more engaged story than any Mario series that came before or after. And indeed, rightly so. Because Shigeru Miyamoto is nothing more than the video game industry version of ultraconservatives like Eugene Deloncle, Francisco Franco, or closer to home, Shinzo Abe/Hideki Tojo; who insists on the status quo of a lack of a good, serious story like the 1980s - the sooner he resigns the better. I may miss Eiji Aonuma, or Junichi Masuda, and I sometimes wish Shozo Kaga is still at IS, but I am sure as hell won't miss the dinosaur.
  7. Instead of following actual WWII history, from here on, I will do an alternate history. How about this? Chapter 20 would be Manchuria. Chapter 21 would be the mountain ranges of North Korea. Chapter 22 would be Seoul Chapter 23 would be Pusan or Fukuoka Chapter 24-25 would be two of the following: Osaka, Kyoto-Gosho, and/or the Tokyo Imperial Palace. Chapter 26-27 would be a secondary front of the Business Plot, and Iago's/Garon's betrayal and his attempt in seizing the GHQ Headquarters at the Dai-ichi Insurance Building in Downtown Tokyo/Tokyo CBD. Final Chapter would be Takumi's and the Imperial Japanese Army remnant's uprising attempt.
  8. I actually kind of prefer to have Lucina as her own character. She could be part of the Royal Family, yes, but I'd rather have her on the front lines like the rest of my Conquest crew. Something just screams "awesome" when the authorities are doing the ass-kicking together with the subordinates.
  9. Actually, Blah, never mind. Here is the update now: Chapter 18 Portugese Peril (Black and White) Part 1: Meeting at Macau Neutral Macau A Happier Reunion
  10. Wait, the last time I read Wikipedia (which admittedly may not be accurate), I had the impression that Portugal was more pro-Allied.
  11. Wow, so 5000 views on my WWII-themed Fates Conquest LP thread! Thank you everyone!!

  12. Wait so, let me count: Dusseldorf, Paris, Soweto, and an aborted attempt for Cardiff. Definitely more than RL!Hiroshima and RL!Nagasaki.
  13. Thank you. Allow me to further elabourate said Xander, Ryoma, Leo, and Takumi's discussions. Throughout their time in Valla, all four of them and Corrin would argue whether Corrin's trust is a good thing or not. While they point out that Corrin's unconditional trust can prove disasterous, they also admit that it was due to such trust that brought the two nations together. - While Xander cautions Corrin for putting in too much trust, he also apologises for not trusting Corrin enough before and promises to Corrin that the former would ask the latter before assuming the worst. - Leo praises Corrin for thinking more strategically, but also somewhat laments (and painfully admits) that this suspicion can rob a potential ally. - Ryoma admits that the balancing act between the two is easier said than done, and that he had made mistakes in the past - and Ryoma encourages Corrin to talk to the former if he feels troubled by this. - For Takumi, see my previous post.
  14. At the very least we could have had Corrin grow up a bit during this arc. My suggestion is to make Corrin, Leo, and Takumi discuss what to do with Anthony. They decides that Anthony may be a threat and confronts him about it. Anthony confesses that he had his hands tied by Anakos, and the whole group decided what to do. In any case, Corrin and the group discovers Anakos's plans to further turn against each other, and that Anakos can manipulate any of the Vallites in his own whim, explaining the relative lack of normal people. In all of this, Corrin will have to make some hard decisions whether to spare or kill future threats from other Vallites. On a lesser note, Xander, Ryoma, Leo, and Takumi gradually know each other, and express their mixed feelings of Corrin losing his innocence in the process. (Especially Takumi realises how much of a distrusting jerk he was to Corrin, and while he would still be cautious against potential threats, he at least tries to make amends with Corrin, who he now trusts.) Slightly off-topic, but in conjunction to this, I may also add alternate Support conversations between the Royals in Revelations. Particularly Xander/Ryoma's, and Takumi x Leo/Camilla/Elise would have alternate C/B-level conversations starting off on a more friendly tone if their C-level supports were activated after a certain chapter.
  15. Oooh, another possibly unpopular set of opinions I have from the Pokémon series: I prefer Nate/Rosa and Calem/Serena so much more than Red. I mean, for Nate/Rosa: two kids with goofy-looking hairstyles and smiles ending up being movie stars at Pokestar studios, property moguls at Trump Tower Join Avenue), and the Pokémon champions? That is hilariously awesome. As for Calem/Serena, they seem to have the air of classiness, which I have a soft spot for. (Also the reason why Cherche was my waifu in Awakening.) As for Red...well...I do admire him for helping to kick off the series, but I also find him kinda boring and possibly overrepresented. I mean, for my former point, what's with everyone fanboying/fangirling him like a "stoic badass" in GSC when it is essentially you from RBY? (Zensho manga's Red looks more appealing for me.) As for my latter point, why didn't other PCs get their shining moments in the PWT for example? The Golden Boys manga was far more appealing to me than Adventures/Special. It is such a huge shame that the series was aborted at Cianwood City with only two books. I'm also thinking about reading Magical Pokémon Journey sometime in the near future. As for the Pokémon Anime, I think, for the most part, some application of better logic would suffice in making the anime better. For example, it makes better sense for Ash to actually replace Brock as the mentor for the AG arc and onwards, while Brendan collects the Hoenn badges instead.
  16. Also, with Izumo in Chapter 19, shall I make it a fictional meeting of diplomats in Macau? Being Portugese territory, it was considered neutral territory (although in reality, it seemed that Japanese troops transited through the area).
  17. Hooray! You're back! And our alternate egos actually have a peaceful Balkan nations this time around compared to the huge real-life mess we had (and still have)! And pity the soldiers and lackeys who went to live with the God-Emperor at Mann!
  18. @blah the Prussian: Please, by all means, feel free. Just out of curiosity, is it your Alternate 20th Century History we are talking about?
  19. Chapter 17 Part 3: Renegade Communists [spoiler=Battle vs the Renegade Communists] Turn 1-5: Effie and Arthur took the lead into the narrow passageway just north of where we started. All of us filled in the spaces where we could, just so that we could stop Saizo commit suicide with his banzai attack. The two at the front took out the spies (Ninjas) just north of us, while we waited for the other enemy units to come at us. They were other spies (Ninjas), drone tanks (Automatons), and machine-gun jeeps (Mechanics). (During Turn 3, just north of where we started.) Turn 6-9: By then, the spies started to shoot their weapons at Effie's Heavy Tank, so Arthur decided to teach them a lesson with his trusty rifle skills. (During Turn 7) Then he called for air support, in which Beruka with her airplane (wyvern and Axe) bombs one of the enemy squadrons. Immediately after, Silas's light tank squad rushed in to finish off another enemy, while Mozu and I picked off further enemy units. During the enemy phase of Turn 8, the artillery from a medic truck (enemy Priest) in the centre of the map used the Freeze EMP on me - my Fire Magic Bazooka has jammed up! Oh well, it's not my main weapon anyway - no big deal. But the elite sniper (elite ninja) with the tranquilizer was a pain. So I retaliated and took him out immeadiately after. Turn 9-13: Unfortunately I activated the dragon vein terraformer too early, which meant that Saizo went in the other direction towards Ko Taruo's office chambers (throne). So I had to pair up all my foot soldiers with my vehicular (mounted) units to catch up with him. The question is, which way would Saizo go: (During Turn 11) Before I could guess, the same medic truck launched it's Freeze EMP to disable Leo's Brynhildr (a electronic computer that can emulate magic spells), and before he had time to react, an drone tank (Automaton) with support from an machine gun jeep (Mechanic) attacked him. Saizo blew up the drone tank immediately after, thankfully. Turn 14: Mozu took out the remaining machine gun-turreted jeep. Lately, she has some real firepower that KOs most enemies by 1-2 hits. Heck, if she activates her critical (which happens every now and then), then she'll score a guaranteed one-hit knockout. Anyway, after her bout, Camilla in her B29 then did some carpet bombing for us (activated her Dragon Vein), then we focused our firepower on the enemy division lead by the medic truck (preist) (During Turn 14) Turn 15-20: Our plans to advance had to be postponed, however. Another wave of enemy reinforcements has just arrived from both the north-west (where Saizo was within reach) and from the south. So we rushed back to were we were before, and took out the northwestern division without much trouble. After that was dealt with by Turn 17, we moved through the storage facility (treasure room) on the north, and then down south to engage the other reinforcement division. (During Turn 17? I forgot.) Turn 21-25: (During Turn 20? I forgot.) After the other reinforcement was dealt with, I summoned my Dragon Vein to switch paths again, so that Mozu can take out the bayonet master (Swordmaster) easier. I breathed a sigh of relief, only to witness yet a third group of reinforcements on the beginning of Turn 22, featuring the bayonet masters from the north, and drone tanks (automatons) from the southwest. (During Turn 21? I forgot.) Saizo would still recklessly charge to the enemies from the north, so I had to send some of my units. Saizo took out the two infantries (myrmidoms/samurais), while Selena took out the bayonet master. Meanwhile, Leo and his group engaged the southwest reinforcements. (During Turn 24-5? I forgot.) Turn 26-32: From this point onwards, Saizo decided to go the other way and disarm the mines (caltrops), so we barged into Ko Taruo's office chambers while he would not attempt to ruin our strategy. Belka and Silas took out the right elite sniper (elite ninja), while Selena and Keaton mauled the left one. Then I had Elise (who had Rally Resistance +2), Niles, and Felicia...all having high defense against magic artillery from Kotaro. Turn 33-34: Niles and Elise (in attack stance) clobbers Ko Taruo with their magic sniping gun and magic artillery turret, respectively. Further damage to Kotaro was registered, thanks to Felicia and Leo. (Niles vs Ko Taruo) Then I decided to do the honours and gun down Ko Taruo. (Me vs Ko) And may the evils of Communism die with Ko. (Ko's death) [spoiler=Rescue, truce, and promise] While we won the battle against the renegade communists, this victory had a bitter taste. While I was busy finding Kagero and the other illegally detained diplomats, it turned out that this would be the last time Saizo and Kaze would talk to each other as brothers. "It's over... We are no longer brothers," Saizo declared. "Saizo...", Kaze replied, at a loss for further words. "I cannot believe you would abandon your homeland," Saizo spat. "Abandon your family. Abandon everything you stood for. You are no longer the Kaze I remember." Kaze was at a loss with Saizo's blindness to the awful truth about Hoshido. "…So you are content with Hoshido invading rest of Asia?", he questioned. "Content with how the military manipulated and eventually took hold the government? How it continues to oppress us into submission?" Brushing Kaze's questions away, he yelled, "Traitorous coward! You are just as bad as the white devils you serve!" Not knowing this has been taking place, I gave a yell and a wave to the twin brothers. "Hey, Kaze! Saizo! I found the dungeon where they were keeping Kagero." Kagero and her group of diplomats were following me from behind. "Kagero!", Saizo exclaimed. "Are you hurt? Make haste, friend. We must return to Tokyo right away." " I am in your debt, Saizo," Kagero replied, with thanks. "To save me, you even cooperated with the traitorous Hisashi. That can't have been easy..." "No, I cooperated with no one," Saizo countered. "It is pure coincidence that we crossed paths. They were battling our soldiers and even aiding Ko and Mao at first. Still, I must know..." Saizo then turned to me and asked, "Hisashi! Why didn't you take the lives of the soldiers you bested? I thought mercy was not a concept familiar to Nohrians." "Then perhaps you don't know us as well as you believe you do," I argued. "We Nohrians aren't all the same. Just as all ninja aren't as vile as Kotaro." "...Perhaps so, Hisashi," Saizo acknowledged. "In any case, Kagero and my diplomatic staff are alive thanks to you. For that...I thank you…" He then continued, "…But do not let our temporary truce fool you. When next we meet, it will be as enemies. At that time, I will not hesitate to take your life." I acknowledged this temporary truce. "If that is how it must be, Saizo, then so be it. I won't hold back either. Farewell." Kaze explained everything to me about the conversation he had with Saizo just before. It turned out that Saizo has now officially disowned Kaze for the latter joining my cause. Even though Kaze was fighting for a righteous cause, it was nevertheless disheartening to see someone being cut off from their own family. Eventually, it became evening as we marched back to the air base. Arthur happened to be with us two as well. We had some deep talk about war, righteousness, and belief. "Kaze, thank you for putting your trust in us. We have been, and always be honored by your courageous turn to justice," Arthur said. "And…I'm sorry, both of you… It looks like siding with us has brought you two a lot of heartache." "One cannot escape heartache," Kaze replied, with an unwavering voice. "This is no matter the path we choose to follow." "Still…I wonder," I muttered. There were so many questions in my head. What if a miraculous revolution occurred and democracy was established by the Hoshidan people just days before Pearl Harbour? What if the government refused to back down against the military? What if Emperor Taisho actually talked down to the militarists? "What is troubling you, our commander?", Arthur asked. "I wonder what if history took a different course. If things have turned out differently between the two countries, you might have been fighting alongside your brother instead of against him," I continued. "Perhaps," Kaze verbally acknowledged. "There's no telling what might have come to pass. But who knows whether that path would have been the right one? What if Nohr wasn't a democracy?" "Gah! I would utterly abhor it if our United States of Nohr ever goes down the evil path of Communism, or may the Lord forbid, Fascism!", Arthur exclaimed, with a more wavering voice than usual. "Some have chosen to fight for their homeland. Some others for supremacy. And you, on the other hand, chose to fight for liberty," Kaze assured me. "And for that, we shall be with you all the way, Commander!", Arthur assured me. "Thank you, both. I hope you're right," I replied, with my confidence slightly restored. I had the slight hope that my birth family would be a bit more understanding… [spoiler=Stats upon completion] Myself Nohrian Senator Noble, Lv 4, HP 38 19, 16, 18, 22, 15, 15, 15 Sword B, Tome D, Dragonstone B Extra skills: Aptitude, Heartseeker, Vantage, (Renewal), (HP+5) Felicia Kalosian/French Maid, Lv 25, HP 27 10, 19, 24, 21, 29, 13, 24 Dagger B, Staff B Extra skills: Strong Riposte, Tomebreaker, Aptitude Elise Medic Truck Strategist, Lv 5, HP 25 3, 30, 16, 23, 29, 9, 31 Tome E, Staff B Extra skills: Aptitude Silas Light Tank + Paladin, Lv 3, HP 35 23, 3, 20, 21, 17, 23, 14 Lance C, Sword C Extra skills: Duelist’s Blow, Sol, Aptitude, (Astra), (Luna) Arthur A true American Hero, Lv 4, HP 41 26, 0, 25, 16, 15, 25, 8 Sword D, Axe B Extra skill: Lucky Seven, Aptitude Effie Heavy Tank + General, Lv 4, HP 35 32, 0, 18, 13, 24, 27, 9 Lance B, Axe E Odin Magical Gun Tank Sorcerer, Lv 3, HP 27 13, 18, 22, 18, 21, 18, 13 Tome B Niles Elite Sniper Spy Adventurer, Lv 5, HP 25 19, 17, 17, 31, 13, 17, 30 Bow B, Staves D Mozu Elite Sniper Spy, Lv 3, HP 31 26, 3, 27, 25, 17, 19, 11 Bows B Extra skill: Profiteer Azura Propagandist Singer, Lv 25, HP 27 20, 8, 24, 27, 26, 9, 16 Lance D Extra skills: Aptitude, Profiteer Beruka Fighter Plane Wyvern Lord, Lv 3, HP 33 22, 2, 25, 14, 16, 25, 12 Lance E, Axe B Selena Royal Aussie Battler Ylissan Hero, Lv 3, HP 39 21, 3, 17, 24, 14, 20, 11 Sword B, Axe E Extra skills: Aptitude, Shurikenbreaker Camilla B29 Bomber (Atomic Bomb) Malig Knight, Lv 4, HP 31 22, 13, 17, 22, 16, 18, 18 Axe C, Tome D (Used Godess Icon) Leo Magical Light Tank Dark Knight, Lv 4, HP 36 14, 21, 16, 17, 17, 16, 20 Sword C, Tome B Keaton Inglorious Bastard Wolfssegner, Lv 3, HP 45 26, 0, 14, 16, 15, 25, 8 Beaststone C Xander Midweight Tank Paladin, Lv 4, HP 38 23, 14, 18, 15, 20, 23, 11 Sword B, Lance D Kaze Anti-facist Counter-propaganda and Japanese translation officer Retired from active combat due to injury.
  20. Special Intermission: A special thank you to everyone! (5000+ views) Wow, so I just had my first step into fame. Apparently now, I have 5000 views from both members and non-members! So thank you everyone! Thank you for supporting this LP-doubling-as-fan-fiction! And stay tuned, because I will do a further update tonight!
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