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Everything posted by henrymidfields

  1. Not too sure about those in Australia, but I've found Japanese ones to be of reliable quality, and they usually come with maps and graphics not seen over the internet.
  2. Intermission So it came to my attention that I now have 10,000 views! We have made some progress with some of the war contribution that has been dearly needed to win this war against Hoshido! Here is another thank you poster below for all of the hard work you have done! The Hoshidans have become salty with their futile attempts in conquering Asia!
  3. Most: Breath of the Wild, and FE Warriors - I'm very happy especially the latter now being a Major IP. Least: Don't get me started about that particular franchise featuring that brainless blonde and that sissy dago.
  4. I only was recently able to get into the 3D Zelda games, starting with Ocarina of Time 3DS. The creepy enemy encounter music was omething I was only able to overcome when I played the 3DS version. I tried to get into Twilight Princess, but the creepy spiders, the rather tricky way of defeating them, and the creepy enemy encounter music in the Forest Temple drove me off. I'm hoping that I can re-challenge that and overcome my fear, though, because I saw a couple of LPs, and from one, the final battle featuring Zelda's light arrows looks so epic. (Seeing that scene was the main reason why I started appreciating Zelda, actually.) I also didn't really like Mother 3. Maybe if it wasn't Mother 3, but titled something differently, then it would have been easier for me to appreciate the game for what it was, but I couldn't get over how such a depressing game could be related to Mother 1+2. Again, however, I am hoping to shake that prejudice; I shall be seeing an LP by one of the Serenes Forest folks, and give it a second chance. Gen 3 of Pokémon is actually my least favourite generation. Why they didn't actually conceive what they thought as Alola for that point in that Pokémon development timeline instead of making a fake-Kyushu region is something I never understood. It's even worse with ORAS because it came after XY and the Kalos region - something that actually felt like a Pokeverse version of its real-life region for the first time since Johto did. BW I have a love-hate relationship with. Good story, but plagued with the utterly crap timing of the DS Wi-Fi shutdown, which made gameplay even less enjoyable than it was sort of with the stinginess of the experience payout. (And NO, the unreliable encounters of Audinos did NOT help.) Long story short, I started playing Black 1 on December 2013, expecting the Wi-Fi service to last for a couple of years more. I intended to complete the Unova Pokedex via Wi-Fi trading. Cue the announcement from Nintendo in Feb-March 2014, and with their fucking retarded bullshit reason of wanting to basically force customers to move onto the 3DS. Now I had to rush through Black 1 in a couple of months to complete everything; it did not help that this happened when I was struggling to get the fourth badge. Especially when Nintendo had the Lawson Nintendo Power ROM service, the Famicon Disc System, and the Game Boy repairs well into years after their respective console's final game releases, the abnormally early DS Wi-Fi shutdown was a huge slap in the face. This is when I decided that Nintendo is a greedy pig who no longer cared for customer service; it certainly does not bide well when the time comes after the last games are released for the 3DS. Oh, and don't get me started on that certain franchise featuring that sissy dago plumber, and that stupid bitch.
  5. Gee, that Sieges with zero casualties was so evenly-matched...NOT! What does your Siege army consists of? Corrin, Marx, and the entire Nohrian Army with their 3DS games set to "Phoenix Mode"?! As for the reduced numbers at the Siege of Logrono, I noticed that the reduction seems more or less the same as the units left in garrison at Najera, so it could be those that stayed behind.
  6. May God bless His faithful Christendom of Austrias! May God punish the infidels in Iberia!
  7. In that case, I might just try the Days of Ruin then. Thanks for the advice, folks!
  8. One question: I haven't played any of the other AW series. Do you think this is something I can get into, or would it be recommended to do Dual Strike or the GBA series first?
  9. Sorry for the late response. My previous post was about more general and more pessimistic cases where a Euro-Australian release happens 12+ months after USA/Japan, or even worse, none at all. This specific case (FE Gaiden remake) is perfectly fine, I think. Of course, a worldwide (near-)simultaneous release like Pokémon XY onwards would be ideal.
  10. Valencia is fine. FE used real-life place names as inspirations since the original Akaneia games, so why should that be downplayed now?
  11. I can totally see how translating between English/Japanese would be difficult. I've done a bit of that when I was quoting original Japanese and translating them into English for my final Master's paper on Tokyo Station, and that is easier said than done. What is much less understandable is why it takes much longer to get a UK/Australian release. Most, if not all, of the TV stuff we get in Australia are the very same thing as in the UK/US, and I'd be very surprised if the same thing wasn't the case between American TV shows aired in the UK, or vice versa. Even if there are different censorship laws, licensing issues, etc, can't the paperwork of that sort be worked on simutaneously? Related to this, why do PAL region have to have the various European language release at one single date, and why does that seem to have an "all European languages or no export at all" approach? Apart from personal preferences/bias, is there a thing against release dates in order of, say, Japanese (the original language for FE games) -> English (US/UK/Australia/New Zealand etc) -> Spanish (Europe/South America), French (Europe/Canada) -> German/Italian? (I say this, as I think we all know that French/Spanish are also relatively widely understood/spoken.) Accuse me of being Anglo-centric, and yes, ideally Nintendo (or any other game company) should aim for a full European release of all five languages. But surely an PAL version with only the three more widely spoken languages is still better than no European localisation whatsoever, no? Nonetheless, I'm glad that FE is now a major IP, and it is finally getting the recognition we (at least for Serenes Forest members) were hoping for.
  12. I too am looking forward to the Gaiden remake, as I did not even know FE existed until Binding Blade came out. I do hope that gameplay would be streamlined, and story be expanded upon. Of course, no stupid excuses for children (*), and I'll also give the MU a miss too. (*) One possible exception would be as done in Genealogy of the Holy War, with the children's generation as a brand-new "20/30-year-later" sequel.
  13. I'm glad that I can finally copy/paste directly on the forum reply interface. For some reason this wasn't possible without toggling to BB Code mode in the old interface. On the other hand, is there any way to make the writing space scrollable like before, and not make it full-size. Either that, or make spoilers collapsible? I'm currently re-editing my past LP/artwork entries as the spoiler tags have become disabled, but every time I need to format the font for headings, I have to scroll all the way back up to the top of the writing space.
  14. So the battle of Sunchon has been won (see immediate previous post). We will shortly occupy Pyonyang. May God bless the United States of Nohr.
  15. Favours a game I haven't played yet, as it is Japan-exclusive and also region-locked
  16. Not really. Not a huge fan for the Fates children - I'm not even mentioning them on my LP story. Also, an artist.
  17. I thought Pokémon were essentially animals and not "sub-human slaves".
  18. Chapter 21: Across the mountains to North Korai: Part 1 Camilla's Division Transfer Stats prior to Commencement Crossing the mountains over North Korai Battle of Sunchon Hill Breakthrough and Aftermath
  19. Did not ninja'd me. It's actually Pokémon and FE (if we ignore 12 onwards). I'm playing catch up with Zelda.
  20. Definitely favours the same two Nintendo franchises as me. (Possibly three.) Hahahaha, yeah I was kidding.
  21. I too am looking forward to the sisters' portrait. It's a shame that the official Shadow Dragon don't really show much personality/conversations for Minerva/Maria. (They don't even have Support Conversations in that game.)
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