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Everything posted by henrymidfields

  1. Actually, I just had a thought: If the IS team is to bring back weapon weight, can we improve weapon constitution capability a bit? Instead of relying entirely on Constitution (which makes smaller units constantly suffer attack speed penalty) or on Strength (which is probably not going to do mages (or even speed-oriented units) any favours) can we combine the two? Such as: Attack Speed = Stat Speed - (Weight - (Constitution + Strength/N)) (N: choose whatever divisor appropriate for gameplay balance. I personally say 3-4 for the GBA games. Maybe 2-3 for Binding Blade, considering the generally low stat growth of the player's recruits?) Because surely there are small people who are ALSO strong weightlifters, no? Plus, for units in the GBA games who otherwise have to contend with holding an Iron Sword/Lance all the time due to low Constitution, the above equation potentially gives them a chance to use stronger weapons without the AS penalty, or at least with a smaller one. For tomes, the Attack Speed capability should be running on Magic instead.
  2. Gallery: 3-4 Dec 2016 Apologies for the delay - I have been sick for the last several days. As such, I don't have as many entries that I did for this week, but here goes. Firstly, a perspective drawing of a truck, and a practice of the official artwork of Shigure (FE Fates). A pick-up truck at Kings Cross, Sydney Shigure - FE Fates Past Works As I've mentioned in my previous update, I've drawn Pokémon stuff over the past 3-4 years back when XY was new. Here are some more sketches I've done during that time. Hilda - Pokémon BW [spoiler=Rosa (Pkmn BW2)] One of my less successful attempts in drawing Rosa from BW2. I'll have to uploade another archived drawing of her and ask everyone to compare. [spoiler=various starter Pokémon] [spoiler=In memory of a hilarious scene (AG034)] There was one morning in which my high school friends and I watched the Pokémon Anime in 2004. It happened to be AG034, with Ash and Max's babysitting an unruly not-yet-trainer-owned Torchic going awry. It then evolved into Combusken, and Ash and Max had to brainstorm a way to get out of the situation. Max proposed to do the old switcheroo and lie to May about "her" Torchic evolving. The result? One of the scenes that still gives me laughs to this day. The sketch above has slightly different expressions for Ash and Max, however - they have a more "Oh crap! That so did not fool her!" kind of feel. The original (link below) has them in a more shocked state. Original scene: http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/9/9d/AG034.png Next update: Weekend of 10-11 December
  3. Okay, so I finished writing up the story for Chapter 19. I've got a bit of a problem for Chapter 20, though. One of the problem is that Chapter 20 is essentially the "exhibition/test match" between Fuga vs the Nohrian Army. The other problem is, the Wind Tribe is neutral here, but Manchuria is clearly not - it'a a puppet state of the Japanese. I'll have to do some further reading up of the history, but if you have clues which I can work with, then as always, they will be much appreciated.
  4. Well, there were a couple of changes from the original, apparently. I heard that the original N64 version: •had no indications of which entrance leads to which switch, as Galc just mentioned. •lacked an extra key that was there in the 3DS, which, long story short, led to people thinking they opened the wrong door, couldn't find any extra keys to further progress, and thought they were permanently stuck with no way to reach the boss. There is an extra key in the original N64 version as an emergency, but it was very obscure, and very easy to miss due to the camera angles in one of the chambers.
  5. @Limstella: Yeah, Morgan's hair looks much better with the emphasised lusture. Is the below one Thany?
  6. Is it just me, or were the Routes in Unova shorter too, than when I played, say, Silver/Red? On one hand, it felt really sluggish when I had to level grind at certain points because of the lack of opportunities to find new areas. On the other, it felt like the games were rushed, because after you cleared a certain area, there was nothing else to do. I know over at Bulbagarden, some people who played BW1 blamed this for the (perceived) sluggishness in level-grinding - aside from the experience scaling which was unnecessarily skewed against Pokémon overlevelled against local wilds (but were still below the local Gym Leader's Pokémon). Also, I've tried everything in the book to make grinding faster in BW, but I still think the EXP mechanism, alongside gyms that aren't as straightforward as GSC or RBY, and less choices for Pokémon (compared to BW2 and XY), and more cases of wild Pokémon screwing my training, make level-grinding frustrating in that game - there's much less sense of progress. Sure, have underlevelled Pokémon level up faster, but the lower end of the EXP multiplier should never go below x1. Keep it the same for overlevelled Pokémon; for fuck's sake, let those wierdos who insist on power-levelling their only one Pokémon do as they please. There are already incentives to diversify your team - if they power-level their starter as their only Pokémon and get stuck this way, it is their own goddamn fault, not GF's. Though the biggest blame goes to Nintendo doing the dick move of pre-maturely removing the DS Wi-Fi like, three months notice. They were most responsible for forcing me to rush BW, and ruining the experience. They could keep the Famicon Disc System services until 1999, the Lawson Nintendo Power Rom stations for the Super Famicon until around 2006, and the repairs for Game Boy into the 2000s; I expected the same long customer service with DS Wi-Fi. If they had a trouble with the subcontractor, they should have stated so.
  7. Once a sissy dago, always a sissy dago, mate. I ain't going to be convinced when Luigi's such a sissy pussy for so long..
  8. I too prefer turn-based games nowadays - having long commutes on the train would do that to me. What is your original character? A character in your fanfic or something? For the artwork of female Morgan, would it work to emphasise the waves of her hair a bit more? And also maybe make her hair slightly shinier with better colour contrasts. This is what I noticed when I had a look at the official artwork of Morgan. I too have some problems with proportioning the anatomy - in fact one of my pencil sketches have baby hands on a teenage body! As for trying to finish stuff, it generally work if I just publish when it feels more or less complete. And rinse, and repeat; not worrying too much about what went wrong. On the other hand, a couple of artists I saw over at deviantart also publish pencil drafts before the actual thing - that might be another option.
  9. Gallery - 27 Nov 2016 Hi, I am back for another week. I've went through a couple of old sketches that I've done over the past couple of years, and I shall upload them as well. Firstly, stuff I have done the past week. FE Lilina as Pokémon Dawn A study of girl's hair A Bar in Sydney FE Fates Leo FE Fates Xander FE Fates Azura Past Works: I've drawn Pokémon stuff over the past 3-4 years back when XY was new. They are also pencil sketches that I've kept for years. Here are four such Pokémon that I will publish. Yveltal - Pokémon XY Fennekin - Pokémon XY Oshawott - Pokémon BW Froakie - Pokémon XY
  10. Before I get to the main story, there is one final thing I forgot to upload for my previous Chapter. Stats upon completion of Chapter 18 Chapter 19: HYDRA: Mutant Kitsunes Part 1: Encounter The Mutant Kitsunes Battle vs Hydra - Hoshidan Division Path of Escape
  11. Wait, so they were importing food from their biggest enemies during the Cold War? I'm actually having a hard time believeing this. Or was that part of the Marshall Plan after Russia got hammered hard by Nazi Germany, and the US kept exporting just so that the Russians won't get desparate and start World War III in the form of invading Western Europe/East Asia? (Like one of the more valid reasons for Nohr in Fates to invade Hoshido.)
  12. Last night, I went crazy with my 3DS internet and got Aptitude Skills for more of my units including Camilla. I am hoping that the above helps a bit.
  13. I realised that I kept her from gaining EXP, actually, considering that she is a prepromote. She only gained 3 levels so far, as everyone else were unpromoted when Camilla came in during Chapter 10.
  14. @Hylian Air Force, @blah the Prussian, @Acacia Sgt: Maybe I should do all of my future LP's as WW2-themed just so that I can learn more about the war - and provide some good fanservice for your tastes, hahahaha. But seriously, I'm really happy that I'm getting some good knowledge here - this is ironically something that would NOT happen in my old middle/high school back in Tokyo. So I've started to play Chapter 19...and I'm having some trouble with Camilla who, for a wyvern rider, seem to have some piss-weak defences. Most of the other units' Defences like Beruka, Silas, Arthur, and especially Effie are in their mid-to-high-20s, but she is, like in the mid-to-high-10s. That's hardly any different to Odin, and not much higher compared to myself/Avatar or Leo. Am I RNG-screwed? Should I keep using her all the way through? Or shall I retire her after the Eternal Stairway?
  15. The 3DS version, or the N64 original? I actually enjoyed him and for that matter, everyone else, in Movie 3. That Entei vs Charizard battle was awesome! That movie really made my childhood. On a possibly more popular note, XY001-002 was brilliant in that it relived some of said awesome moments.
  16. *Erik Satie's Je te veux starts playing...* So, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Le Corbusier's masterpiece, the National Museum of Western Art, home to the best impressionistic artwork collection in one of the few green oasis of Yamabuki City, that is the Ueno Park. I am now proud to say that the building has been included in UNESCO's World Heritage Listing as part of the Kalosian architect's masterpiece collection. I too, now have the honour of my works being exhibited in this prestigious museum... *record needle scratch!* Just kidding. I wish I was that good. But I have been doing pencil sketches throughout the past couple of years. I've got a bit of a collection that I am hoping to update (bi)weekly. Keep in mind, that they are not limited to Fire Emblem - there are sketchings from real life stuff, while others are from Pokémon. (They will be uploaded to, and linked to, imgur.) Also, I will be uploading the same stuff onto bulbagarden, the other site I am a member of, so please do not be alarmed when you happen to see the same stuff over there. (I am still henrymidfields over there too.) Gallery - 19 Nov 2016 Nintendo Heroines EDIT (4 June 2017): I have also started up a series of studies on official artwork on Nintendo heroines - mainly female protagonists and important characters that I have loved (or at worst, not majorly dislike) throughout the ages. While I will look for examples from various franchises that Nintendo published (including some obscure ones) emphasis will be given to female characters from Pokémon and Fire Emblem. In particular to the latter, I am going to make a conscious effort to publicize all the games throughout its history, and not just Awakening and Fates. I have got a couple started already, in fact. All in the name of recognition and celebration of the female characters that are not considered the standard fare (Peach/Samus/Zelda...though the last one I've already bent the rules for this...).
  17. ...Maybe "Batman and Robin" should have been the actual Gerome/Robin support conversation! What were the developers thinking?! haha
  18. Man this is so difficult, I can't make a decision here: If limited to FE Characters: Caeda, Lilina, and Cherche If with Pokémon Characters: Leaf, Hilda or Rosa (I can't decide!), and Serena (All from the games. For Anime Serena, I'd rather Amourship her with Ash. <3) If with any Nintendo characters: Leaf and Caeda as mentioned above, and Paula from Earthbound
  19. His support with Elise is adorable! <3 Not to mention hilarious! Also, he is the best stand-up comedian in the FE-verse! I mean, just look at the clips on Youtube!
  20. At least with the Pokémon games, they don't use the same characters/settings over and over, and there isn't the repeated story of the same princess being kidnapped over and over - especially when it turns out she can defend herself just fine in Smash. Or even worse, have one of the two dago plumbers acting like a sissy coward in recent years, to the point of even being kidnapped by enemies he actually has fought before in one of the main games.
  21. Depends. If Ilia actually has spring, summer, and autumn, and the winter maps just happen reflect that particular time of the year Roy and Co are in (which I am assuming as such), then I think Ilians can live off the land to some extent. (Or did the game actually mention about Ilia's winter being perpetual?) Let's not forget that the reputation for Russia's sheer cold does not stop her from having 30+ deg Celcius days during the summer. (This is according to an old Russian friend who live in Melbourne with me years ago - she was from St Petersburg.) And the sheer cold certainly didn't stop real-life Russia from becoming one of the big European empires of the 19th Century, and one of the world's two dominant superpowers of the 20th. I do wonder what Ilia's political structure is like, though. Or is it just Edessa being to city state and the outlying areas being more or less akin to unclaimed territory run by local warlords? Bern's looks like a centralised state, and Etruria is probably akin to France before the Revolution. Lycia is seems to be a confederate like how Germany was like in the past. Or maybe independent but allied territories like perhaps Australia before the federal government was established in 1901?
  22. Chapter 18 Part 3: Dinner diplomacy disaster A Hoshidan-Nohrian dinner A Ylissean Reunion
  23. Well, that means, I am not going to be getting the Switch anytime soon. At least not until a Pokémon game (probably Stadium, but maybe main series?), FE, and Zelda (BotW, preferably with another epic title) game comes out. Unless if the same Galaxy crew decide to give the middle finger to Mr Miyamoto and pull off a story as excellent, no, BAFTA-winning as Galaxy 1, I'm not even going to touch that Mario game, let alone rescue that imbecile bitch for the umpteenth time.
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