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Everything posted by henrymidfields

  1. Keaton and his Wolfskin supersoldiers, together with Captain Nohrmerica who protect the way and justice of the United States of Nohr. Not Kaden and his Hydra Hoshidan division.
  2. Gallery: 1-2 April 2017 And now, back to some Pokémon stuff. Featuring studies on Serena from Pokémon XY, and Misty from the Pokémon Anime in her AG outfit. Serena from Pokémon XY Games Misty from the Pokémon Anime [/spoiler]
  3. I too would like this as a permanent option. And also a purple-and-pink version featuring Elise.
  4. Depends on the setting, I suppose. To use my current Fates Conquest LP on my signature as an example, I had 1hr/turn in one chapter (I think that was Chapter 10), but 6hr/turn in Chapter 23.
  5. Totally agree. I certainly needed Marcus and the original Jeigan for FE6 and FE11 respectively, at least for the first several chapters - and as said above, they double as providing a different aspect in early-game tactics and serving as emergency relief units. On the other hand, while I can't say for Titania, Seth in Sacred Stones seems just redundant when SS is pretty much Awakening GBA version in terms of difficulty. Ditto with Ryoma in Birthright, but that's another story.
  6. The only funny bit? Everyone booing Mr Finnigan's singing and throwing their tomatos...
  7. Chapter 23: Battle of Shimonoseki Chapter 23 Epilogue: Takumi's Defiance and Father Garon's Wrath
  8. Pillars of modern warfare such as, the technology to deploy weapons of mass destruction over long distances (eg the Kalosian Ultimate Weapon) within a short timeframe, and the resultant theory of mutual assured destruction which results in no clear victor in such war, has no place in Akaneia, Magvel, Ylisse, The Greater Valla Continent (Nohr/Hoshido), or Valentia. (*) It may have a place in Tellius, however, and it may also have a place for Zephyrists in Elibe. (*) For the matter, it also has no place in Hyrule or Kanto, either.
  9. I wouldn't mind the decreased damage modifier - given just how harsh the penalty is for losing a unit. However, if that actually becomes the case in the next FE game, then I want a trade-off with an increase in class-based critical activation percentage rate bonuses back up to FE6 levels. Because, that was what really differentiated swordmasters from heroes. This way, it will still retain enough moments of "How and when should I avoid/engage those crit-happy units?" but with less of the "What if that random pipsqueak gets a (un)lucky crit on my Lord/waifu/hazubando?!!"
  10. Hello, Feldmarschall how is your conquest plan over in Europe? It utterly sucks over here - we've lost so many fleets on our last battle against the Yanks including at least 4 air carriers, one of my two heavy cruisers (and the other one we might have to scuttle), and way too many planes to count. Even worse we didn't get the uber-cool battleships they were supposed to come! Maybe we really shouldn't have provoked the sleeping lion...

    From your ally,
    Taisho Yamamoto hahahahaha

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. henrymidfields


      I remember those games on the GBC. Good times.

    3. Moblin Major General

      Moblin Major General

      did you play the NA version or JP version? I heard the Tokay had a gimmick with the -toka suffix that ended up being removed in international versions due to the implications of -toka being translated into a non-Japanese language.

    4. henrymidfields
  11. And maybe add higher support bonuses and extra dialogues for the following: Ninian!Roy to Sophia and Lalum and talk about how Ninian was a dragon (for Roy/Sophia) and/or a dancer (for Roy/Lalum); Lyn!Roy with Sue and Lilina, and talk about how Lyn was a Sacaean (for Roy/Sue), and/or how her family was (formerly) Lycian (for Roy/Lilina); Fiora!Roy with Thany, with talks about how Fiora was Ilian; Admittedly, this leaves Cecilia out in the cold - I haven't have a clue for her to be honest... Also, I wouldn't mind if Roy can "distribute" a team-wide support bonus (though not necessarily have support conversations with everyone like Robin/Corrin) to the entire team. Something like leadership stars, except with some customization... This is to highlight Roy as a person of charisma/strategy over brawns. Some of the "leadership stars" can be allocated for: better accuracy (definitely needed for Wade/Lot), critical activation rate (Rutger/Fir will surely love this), critical dodge (Milady and Percy would probably appreciate this; based on my experience), Weapon handling capacity (basically Constitution + bonus modifier number, without (adversely) affecting Rescue; Thany definitely can do with this), perhaps Skill activation, or even raised support bonus percentage. (cue Roy/Lilina starting to become broken pieces of shit hehehe) Finally, make Roy's promotion either completely independent to his levels, or make his Lord/Master-Lord levels 30/10.
  12. How is your highness faring in Prague?

    I had some interesting talks with a friend who volunteers with the Liberal Party (which is actually conservative; funny Aussie politics) for state elections and the like. Upon hearing about Classical Conservatism by Edmund Burke (I don't know how much you agree to that, but anyway.) I've started to have a bit of a read into that, and I think I'm starting to understand what the real problem of "democracy" is - essentially being a popularity contest where basically things boil down to negative advertising, smear campaigns, ideological spin - basically mob rule rather than an educated verdict. This is something that we can't avoid whether in republican USA/France or a constitutional monarchist Britain/Japan. Of course, I still think (parliamentary) democracy (as an actual governing body) is the best form of government compared to all the others we have - at least I get to have a say in how I'd like Japan to be run.

    I actually wonder whether there would be a shift back to the intellectual/social elites taking power of the government. Though that too has its dangers of corruption and the like. Anyway, that's my two yen - feel free to (dis)agree or ignore.

    1. blah the Prussian

      blah the Prussian

      I'm doing great in Prague, thanks for asking.


      Anyway, my feelings on democracy have softened since I started being a Monarchist, although I still think a benevolent Monarchy where we could avoid evil monarchs with certainty is better than democracy. I think that, on the contrary, intellectual and social elites are in the decline because they messed up. If you look at history, when you have a conflict like this-between populism and the establishment- when the establishment is saying things like "a threat to the Republic" they lose. The cases where the establishment has won- like, for example, in Great Depression USA- has seen them actually make an effort to improve the situation, making Populism lose its appeal. I don't see that happening much at all in the world of today.

    2. henrymidfields


      It's also a similar case in Japan where the "Lost Two (and still counting) Decades" since the bubble burst of 1991, and the apparent ineptitude of the government to fix the issue of economy (amongst other things) was one big factor in some of the recent swings in the recent elections.

      The question would be, then, is to how to safeguard a monarchical government from corruption - which I have to shamelessly admit that I have no hard and fast answer to. And unfortunately, through history, we've seen a lot of cases in how monarchism can also end up being corrupt.

    3. blah the Prussian

      blah the Prussian

      There is no system that's immune to corruption. The issue is that some systems are easier to fix than others. I think Monarchy is easier to fix overall than Republicanism, for 2 reasons. First, in a Republic the system incentivizes selfishness; by portraying power as a reward, and by having a system where people have to want power to get it, you create a very unhealthy view of power. Anyone who would willingly put themselves through all the stress of running an election campaign, and later a country, is pretty likely to have ulterior motives. Since Monarchs inherit their positions, they would likely see power more as a duty; they're still not worthy of power (no one is) but at least since they got it by accident they'd treat it with more respect. Secondly, in order to fix any society you need a consistent plan; when a society is absolutely broken, like America is now, there are a myriad of problems all contributing to each other. Since the US head of state switches every 4 to 8 years, that robs it of the central figure and consistent vision needed to resolve deep seated societal problems.

  13. Bit of a latecoming weigh-in but I've now seen the trailers and there are some fascinating entries this time around. Seasons of Heaven Interesting to see that this is a video game adaptation of a novel. I wonder if this is going to be a child's fantasy adventure somewhat similar to Earthbound. There's quite a bit of action involved too. I wonder if I should read the novel first... Graceful Explosion A simple, yet seemingly sophisticated shooter. I'm not a huge fan of shooters with colourful ammos and Lovecraft-esque bug aliens, but this looks appealing enough to at least follow the info. I am Setsuna I'm quite fascinated by the worldbuilding. There seems to be something beautiful (in a tragic sense) about the otherwise bleak winter landscape. Come to think about it now, I wonder if I should give Bravely Default/Second a try. Fire Emblem 15 and Warriors There is nothing better than one of Nintendo's lesser-known franchises being upgraded to its big-ticket franchise rivalling Zelda and Pokémon. Gone are the days when FE was Japan-exclusive and was even rumoured to be on its last legs, even with the franchise's introduction overseas. With F-Zero, Metroid, and a number of others fading into obscurity, I am glad that FE came back into the spotlight with Awakening and Fates. Now, here is to hoping that Caeda would no longer be the unsung Nintendo heroine, but for starters, rightfully get a spot on Smash. (Even better, have that idiot ditz Peach be mauled by Bowser, and be done with her.) I definitely will get FE Warriors once I get hold onto a Switch. I previously played Hyrule Warriors featured many epic battle scenes, Zelda, Impa, and many others besides Link kicking Moblin hoard's asses, and even a villain campaign featuring Ganon. Here is to look forward to an epic battle on a even grander scale with hopefully Roy and Lilina joining in the epic struggle. Legend of Zelda The moment I had a look at the trailer, it was "Wow!". The trailer suggested of an epic adventure across a vast landscape - it makes me want to go on an adventure myself. I sure hope the game won't disappoint after waiting for so long.
  14. By the way, has anyone got portraits of Hoshidan citizens? I wasn't able to get them during my Conquest run, but I'd like to get cutscenes featuring them for Chapter 24.
  15. Hi, thanks for you advice last year in regards to my artwork. I've decided to stick to studying official artworks for the time being. Apparently, using a 3cm square grid seemed to help me keep track of proportion better. I've also started to use charcoal pencils with a smudging pen/stick to even out the charcoal gradients - this is probably going to be my main tool for future artworks I think.

    Let's hope for a good artwork year.


  16. An fascinating set of storyboard-ish pictures you have there for your pagoda and Chingling. Some sort of oriental location? I probably would make the red sky a bit darker to give a better contrast with the white bit of Chingling's tail, though.
  17. Um, pretty much everyone except Corrin, Azura, and Xander? I've ending up writing an expanded (and also modified) fanfic story from Chapter 13-14 onwards for my current Conquest LP (see my signature), since so many people are either pushed aside. Like I added stories of: Why Kaze made the difficult decision to team up with (the United States of) Nohr (LP Chapter 17) How Arthur is sort of the moral compass of the Nohrian Army (Chapter 17 and maybe 20) Why Keaton is a mutant (Chapter 19) What is the relationship between Laslow, Selena, and Odin (and Lucina for the amiibo users) with both Nohr and Ylisse, and how they are coping after their previous ordeal with the Risens, (Chapter 16, 18, and 20 onwards) and How Sakura and Elise got together to prepare for reconciliation (Chapter 18, and 22 onwards) On the other hand, I'm happy to excise Lilith; I forgot about her until Chapter 21 - my LP has an different chapter epilogue.
  18. Usually, the characters cook with the flairs that they are assigned, but there are occasional instances where they come up with something different. Check the dialogues after they cook; if they mentioned that they either did something different for a change, or screwed up their cooking, then most likely you will get flairs that are different than what is on the charts in your posted link. For example, in my run, Peri is the assigned rations officer (aka Mess Hall cook) for my Nohrian Army, and she usually make food with exquisite flair. However, there are times where she complained that she screwed up with her cooking, and the results were either dedicated or disgusting flair.
  19. A student/reasearcher/teacher of Japanese studies?
  20. Gallery: 11-12 March 2017 Hi, sorry for the long hiatus since my last post - it has been busy times. Anyway, I've finally managed to get some artwork done, and especially one that was difficult to work with. Arthur - FE Fates Caeda - FE Shadow Dragon DS For my next update, I will have Misty from the Pokémon Anime, the game version of Serena, and maybe either Jasmine/Jenna from Golden Sun, or child Zelda from Ocarina of Time.
  21. My family is a dog owner, actually. Probably a cat owner
  22. Chapter 22/23 Intermission: The occupation of Korai Chapter 22/23 Intermission 2: Preparations at Pusan Chapter 23 Introduction: Landing at Shimonoseki
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