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Everything posted by henrymidfields

  1. Well, I've heard some horror stories in regards to stats from other members who previously played FE6, and I've also heard that this is an ongoing issue in the franchise as a whole. Do you have an opinion in regards to Fixed Mode used in one of the Tellius games?
  2. Don't get me wrong; I agree with your comments 100%. It's just that the last time I checked in the debate section (in this very forum, no less), and a couple of other places, more responders seemed to have sided with Ryoma for similar questions.
  3. From a gameplay standpoint, Rutger is a better swordsmaster than Ryoma is. Sure, Ryoma may be a stronger unit, but is he going make any fricking difference when he's in a game that is as easy as Awakening or Sacred Stones? Rutger, on the other hand, is in a game that is not much easier than Conquest (and I say the former have even more difficult gameplay aspects than the latter), and thus is a better example of a welcome relief.
  4. For Gameplay: 1. Better system for RNG-Proofing: The RNG system needs to be revamped to lessen the risk of being RNG-screwed and the game made unplayable. I probably would make Normal mode similar to how one of the Tellius games added the "average points" onto a character's stats for each level up. For Hard Mode, I would skew the game to possibly allow another dice roll for any unraised stats in the first roll upon levelling up. (Maybe not all the time, but for example, when a stat remained the same for any previous two level ups?) 2. Better difficulty setting: In addition to, or instead of enemy stat inflation, I'd make: stricter time limits for gaiden conditions. enemies carrying better weapons - what they may have Steel weapons in Normal Mode, they would have Silver, Killer, Brave and/or effective weapons in Hard or Lunatic. That way, you'd actually have to rely on everyone, instead of just Milady (Wyrmslayers/Killers), Percival (Horseslayers/Killers), Rutger (Swordslayers), and/or any other game-breaking units. 3. Better balancing and strategic diversity of units and gameplay: As noted below Roy: Leadership stars and rally skills should be a thing for Roy (and for certain other characters), as his role in the story is clearly of a strategist. His strength comes from his leadership and his military tactics instead of being a dumb muscle, so why not reflect that into the game? Also, his promotion definitely needs a fix, but I say either make his levels 30/10, or completely independent to his promotion. All cavaliers, wyvern knights, and swordmasters in general (and Milady/Percival/Rutger in particular): Enemies with the relevant effective weapons (especially Wyrmslayers - as the enemies carry none in the original game) should be more frequent (I say 1 out of 7-10 in Normal, 4-5 in Hard, and 3-4 in Lunatic, with higher ratios in later chapters.) as an actual deterrent against overly relying on said overpowered/above-average classes/units. Such weapons can also have hit rate bonuses against said classes too. Bring the hidden weapons from Fates as an another weapon-triangle-neutral weapon, with debuffing as another possible strategy. Make player phase oriented units viable: Lilina and Wolt could definitely do with a Concentration Skill which raises their hit rates, dodge, or attack power on player phase. Lilina (and mages in general) could also have skills giving splash damage to surrounding enemies. Attack Speed penalties should be easier to get around: I personally advocate for the following formula: Capacity = Constitution + Strength/n + any buff effects (Skills, medicine, or Weapon skill level). That way, characters like Thany and Sue would have more opportunities of using better weapons with less Attack Speed penalty. Weapon skills levels can also play a factor in reducing or eliminating attack speed penalty for those requiring lower skill levels, while medicine buffs can raise wielding capacity for one chapter. Give promotions and hidden weapons to thieves: Basically what FE8 did for promotions. Thieves and Assasins could also be the specialists for hidden weapons. Better balancing for Armor Knights: Bump up both base and growth defense for all armor knights. Perhaps even give bonus experience when an armor unit receives no damage. The Wary Fighter Skill should also be a thing. Perhaps also raise the base hit rates for Lances and Axes. Wendy can also do with a much higher speed/resistance growth in exchange for a slightly lower defense/attack. 4. More opportunities for shopping: Finishing certain chapters should allow you to do your shopping and supply stocktake. By storyline accounts, I would expect Roy's army to stay in, say Ostia after Chapter 8, or Aquleia after Chapter 16, for more than a couple of hours before being on the move again, so why is that not reflected in the original game? Bonus experience points at these key points (as a form of training inside the temporarily garrisoned barracks) should also be a thing. I'll have to think of the storyline for another time.
  5. I don't really have any particular game that I am obsessed with, though Hyrule Warriors may be a contender. If we are talking about an entire series, however, then Zelda would be one - I just finished playing Majora's Mask, currently playing Spirit Tracks, and had a Skyward Sword delivered. Before that, it was Pokémon, with X, then Black 1, and Black 2.
  6. Intermission 24/25 3: Siege at Nagoya - Odin and Nile's Mischief Intermission 24/25 4: Siege at Nagoya - Beruka's Agitation
  7. I pretty much agree with @Fryer here. And considering how they are generic, I consider them to be universal legendaries that can be seen anywhere. It is just that they are very rare. So what do I consider as Kanto's Legendaries? Ho-Oh, Lugia, Entei, Suicune, and Raikou would be the actual regional legendaries for Central Poke-Japan (Kanto and Johto).
  8. F-Zero: and an actual sequel, and not the fake DLC version for those retarded kids who failed F-Zero grade school and got sent back to F-Zero kindergarten. (Yeah, I'm talking about you, Spastic Mario Kart!)
  9. I would almost always go for the remixes/arrangements. For example: Legend of Zelda: Being a series that has its stories gone more epic with the recent titles, I would almost always prefer a full orchestral rendition, such as the main Zelda theme played in the main menu of Hyrule Warriors. The 8-bit music version from the original NES Zelda Game just would not cut it at all. Similarly with Zelda's Lullaby, my very first preference would be the Skyward Sword rendition which also employed a live orchestra, instead of the earlier Ocarina of Time or A Link to the Past version. Fire Emblem: While I enjoyed some of the music from Binding Blade and Sacred Stones, as with Zelda, they seemed to age terribly compared to how Awakening and Fates' music sound like (or even are actually performed with) live orchestral instruments. Pokémon: Again, I would prefer to listen to the newer versions as well (HGSS vs GSC), as they sound more atmospheric.
  10. Chapter 14 in Binding Blade was the worst, and not only for reasons most people stated. Actually, Sophia in that Chapter isn't the worst thing, as she at least has maximum movement, and at any rate, her appearance is justified in terms of story. Cecilia has neither of those. It also does not help that the CPU enemies cheat with omnipotent vision negating fog of war. (Even worse, this is something that hasen't been improved to allow more strategic play, unlike in Advanced Wars, where the enemy is just as affected as the player.) On a positive note, Conquest Normal doesn't seem so bad after the training from hell...
  11. Oh, I forgot to mention this too. Though, in my case, it was really awesome having a "happy ending" story of sorts. The lighthearted story may be otherwise unfitting in a FF game. Here, however, I have no problem, because the happier sequel indirectly shows just how screwed up Spira was in X(-1), and also makes Yuna and Co's ultimate victory against Sin in the original all that more awesome. Plus, even this bubbly story still have some bittersweet or tragic moments (the Guados and Yuna's aeons in particular, and well, the inevitable change all across Spira in general) so it's not as if the entire game tastes like diabetes. I think at least some people seem to forget this when criticizing X-2's story/setting.
  12. I'm surprised that gamers seem to have issues with Skyward Sword. On the other hand, I'm glad to see that the game's story is really appealing - I just bought the game as my first to play on the Wii, so to hear good news in regards to that is encouraging. As for my game for this topic? Pokémon XY, in which a lot of people in Bulbagarden seem to dislike. Me? It was the game that brought me back to Pokémon, and I'm happy to bask in a region that actually resembles it's real-life inspiration for the first time since Johto! That was back when actual Japan-with-Pokémon was a thing before GF ditched that idea. Even better is when the villain is inspired from real-life right-wing European politics from the 1930s, which real-life France had an activist who modelled his own political views based from such before the Vichy Regime came in.
  13. Hi, everyone, I'm really sorry for the long hiatus. I have been busy with work and other commitments outside of video games. Also, I think I am starting to burn out with this project, considering how my scenario ended up verging away from the official canon. But I am back, for now, and I hope that I can do a last spurt on this. Intermission 24/25 1: Discussion of a conspiracy That is it for tonight. There will be further intermission chapters before the main gameplay section. I hope I won't wear everyone down.
  14. +1 vote from me too. Another scenario I would like to see is this. You start out with a standard FE story - an enemy nation invades your kingdom, and you try to stop that. The PC manage to repel the invasion, create an alliance with others, and eventually, the allies are in the offensive now. However, over time, the PC finds out that some of the supporters are not as savoury as first thought. It is not that the other nobles, officials or leaders plan to betray the PC - some due to needing their royal family for their own interests, and others because they are genuinely faithful to them. At any rate, they know that that such treason is politically suicidal. However, the officials or other nobles under the PC are horribly racist against others, follow the PC to protect their own interests, and/or resents the enemy too much to give respect for the PC's values in forgiveness and mercy. The fighting becomes even more bitter due to the hero's own nobles/leaders being General Rippers who massacre and/or torture surrendered enemy troops. Others either don't care, don't know, or likewise outright agree to the killing due to the resentment, and consider the PC to be weak-willed. This all comes to a head when other nations, calls out on the PC's nation for it's barbarism that even the PC's allies cannot tolerate. Should the PC side with the other allies and turn against the PC's own supporters to restore honor and integrity? His/her own nobles and generals would be the bosses for the chapters after this point. The more self-interested would be happy to kill off the PC, while the more idealistic would desperately persuade or plead the PC to return. Or should the PC stay with her/his own people, preserve the unity of his country, decide that the alliance is a lost cause, and carry out the rest of the invasion on her/his own? The generals and nobles from the PC's former allies would now be the for the chapters beyond, who would desparately stop what they think is the PC's rampage against the former invaders.
  15. It doesn't necessarily have to have a dark mature story, though I appreciate their bold decision to make 2006's story and, frankly, I would like to play a remake that is actually finished. (There are a number of people, both here and in Bulbagarden with similar opinions.) On the other hand, they could add more backstories to the different characters like the developers did for Mario Galaxy, and what they intended to follow up with Mario Galaxy 2 before the inevitable meddling by a certain director. There's no reason why the story should remain simplistic; this is 2017, not 1985, or even 1995.
  16. For my backlog, I'm planning to get the Zelda HD remakes, Tokyo Mirage Sessions, and Breath of the Wild. I might also get Pokken too. I might also recommend Hyrule Warriors on Wii U actually. The 3DS version seem to have performance issues in the form of not being able to visibly accommodate enemy hordes, preventing me from going for massive KOs. Which is a shame, because it is otherwise very fun game to play.
  17. Arena abuse is a legitimate way to raise characters, and I've used it in both Binding Blade and Shadow Dragon DS. The developers consciously included it, you actually incur risks (of having to start over if your character dies while training, or running out of money) while you are using it, and (at least for Binding Blade) not every unit can viably train and level up in it, so the arena is not, and should not be considered as a cheating device, unless you are specifically doing a challenge run. What I don't understand is when I hear sorry whingings of "It's a cheating device, remove it off!", when all you have to do is NOT use it. If there is an Est that has good growths (or otherwise becomes a good asset in endgame) and reasonably easy to raise, then I will use that character. I didn't use Sophia as she is a pain in the neck to raise, but I did use Est herself in Shadow Dragon by sending her to the arena. I am also using a Sniper-reclassed Mozu and enjoying her deadly attacks consisting of: a) an absolute minimum of 20 (and often 40+) damage per strike; b) 99% of them being doubles; c) a near-guarranteed 80% (and often 100%) accuracy; and d) 20-40% critical activation rate. I also use and abuse random My Castle Weapon drops, and Skills acquired from the internet. Again, the developers added that into the game, thus it should be considered as an legitimate option. Completely agree! When Awakening came around, I just set the whole thing to Classic like how I previously played Sacred Stones and Binding Blade, and I'm golden. Anyone thinks otherwise is a sorry state of a whinger. At least if Revelations is any indicator, I think there would be a really strong case for a mid-chapter save. If a Binding Blade remake is also going to come with the difficulty maintained, then that's another game that really needs this.
  18. Arena abuse is a legitimate way to raise characters, and I've used it in both Binding Blade and Shadow Dragon DS. The developers consciously included it, you actually incur risks (of having to start over if your character dies while training, or running out of money) while you are using it, and not every unit can viably train and level up in it, thus it is not a true cheating device. If there is an Est that has good growths (or otherwise becomes a good asset in endgame) and reasonably easy to raise, then I will use that character. I didn't use Sophia as she is a pain in the neck to raise, but I did use Est herself in Shadow Dragon by sending her to the arena. I am also using a Sniper-reclassed Mozu and enjoying her deadly attacks consisting of: a) an absolute minimum of 20 (and often 40+) damage per strike; b) 99% of them being doubles; c) a near-guarranteed 80% (and often 100%) accuracy; and d) 20-40% critical activation rate. I also use and abuse random My Castle Weapon drops, and Skills acquired from the internet. Again, the developers added that into the game, thus it is legitimate. No ifs, ands, or buts.
  19. I've played most of Conquest now, and I'll still have to say Binding Blade is the most difficult I played in Normal Mode. With Conquest at least: Raising Mozu (or any other underlevelled units) is a hell of a lot easier (at least in earlier chapters) due to Attack Stancing with Corrin/Arthur and Felicia's debuffing being a thing. It seems like everyone in Conquest is much better balanced than in Binding Blade. Arthur is an exception, with his abysmal luck, but even that has an easy solution as you just have to overdose him with Godess Statues and you don't really have to do the same thing with anyone else in terms of viability. If everything else fails, just spend time connecting with the internet, get skills from other players, have the in-My Castle time pass, and acquire more random dropped weapons and what not. Seriously, there are many players that intentionally allow you to win the My Castle battles for this purpose (and also to grind Supports). You also don't have to do you shopping in-Chapter, saving a lot of pre-planning.
  20. I don't know whether this thread should be here or in the Creative, Written Word, or Entertainment sections. (Mods, please move this to the appropriate forum if necessary.) Anyway, here is a thread to start reviews of any good (or so-bad-it's-good) game-based fan fiction members here have read. Perhaps this could be examples of good fan fics, or it could be recommendations of good ones to read. As my example below shows, the fan fic does not have to be from Fire Emblem, and I think we'll have to restrict it to those not published in this forum (as there is already a forum section for that). Since last year, I have been playing catch up on the Zelda games, starting with Ocarina of Time 3DS. Getting through the 1/3DS games first, I decided to play Hyrule Warriors next, which I bought the game in January this year. I finished the main story sometime in April, although there is still a lot to go with the Adventure map. Partly to start reading examples of fanfic to eventually start writing one myself, but also seeing recommendations at TV Tropes and getting curious, I decided to read And So We Fight, a novelization of Hyrule Warriors, written by The Fighting Irishman. This is an interim review as I came to the first interlude chapter. (Chapter 11 out of 46)
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