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Everything posted by henrymidfields

  1. I'm glad to see a fellow artist also doing actual hand-drawn, hard-copy stuff as opposed to digital; I'd like to see more of that kind. That oil painting of the ocean waves has strong expressions of the sea sprays - I hope I can do something like that in the future.
  2. An FE4 remake shouldn't be too difficult. Just allow either rescue or ideally pair-ups, with maybe increasing all unit's movements by 1-2, and there comes half of the gameplay balance solved. Fix other nonsensical aspects such as make the army's funds entirely communal, allow item trades, make the convoy an actual thing, and have healing staves connect unconditionally, and it should be just as playable as most of the post-FE7 internationalized games. And if permanent checkpoint saves weren't a thing in the original, them add them in the remake.
  3. @Clarine Fascinated with the language and arts and especially architecture, somewhat bleh with the politics - though that's pretty much the case with Australia and Japan as well. Don't know much about the average citizen, to be honest, though I suppose there are good and bad apples just like the rest of the world. Does your government foot the bill for dental work, to whatever extent? (The government I currently live under sure as hell don't give a cent.)
  4. Well, a fairly smart jacket, like one from a boutique from Lumiose (or from David Jones in real-life) would be necessary. A neat haircut and nothing messy like Corrin's, and no dyeing either. Which in this case, means having my hair black as in real-life. I haven't got a hat in Rea life, but I do have one in my Pokemon Y's Calem; a broad-brimmed hat in the same color with my jacket. Do you engage in the creative pleasures and rigors of visual arts? Do you patronize any of the artists in this royal court (forum)?
  5. Here's hoping that there would be more characters outside of Fates/Awakening in Warriors. I wonder if there would be more info on FE Switch too... The rest, I don't give a damn.
  6. Mainly (but not exclusively) at Asian restaurants as they are the only cuisine with meals at or below $10 in Sydney. Do you do drawings? Or other arts?
  7. I must say, that dark-looking Setsuna looks beautifully devilish. It reminds me of the feeling I get when I watched a few episodes of Samurai Jack a decade ago. Nicely done.
  8. Depends on the time and location. If it is outside of rush hour, then it is not too bad. Actually, I'm having a feeling that rush hour isn't as bad as it used to be, perhaps due to decreasing workforce population. Plus, Tokyo's people at least have manners, such as not barging in while people are trying to get out, actually moving in as far as they can to let other people in, or actually stepping off the train to let people out. Sydney's trains may not be as crowded, and I get to sit on most occasions, but in some cases it can be even more tiring than in a Tokyo train when I actually have to fight my way through inconsiderate people on the former. I was intending this for @Clarine, but oh whatever, I'm going to ask both you (@Michelaar) and her: How's the public transport on your end?
  9. Oh gosh, where to start. Citizenship: Japan: I strongly recommend going around the various temples and ruins in Kyoto and Nara for pre-modern history. The old town of Kanazawa is another place where you can tour around to seek out the culture during the Edo period. Meiji-era and onwards are somewhat harder, due to the relative lack of heritage conservation seen in Australia and Euro-America, but we can start with Meiji-Mura near Nagoya which features some of the Meiji and Early Taisho era buildings that were salvaged. Two buildings that stands out to my mind are the Mitsubishi Building No 1 (which was one of Tokyo's very first white-collar office buildings), and Tokyo Station (possibly the only surviving railway terminus) nearby. Osaka has the Central Public Hall, while Kyoto has the National Museum For a general history of Tokyo, you can also visit the Edo Tokyo Museum, which showcases the quintessential exhibits throughout Tokyo's history. For World War Two, there is obviously the Atomic Dome in Hiroshima, but there is also a Showa-kan (Showa Pavilion) in Tokyo, which has exhibits regarding the Japanese side of World War Two. Current Residency: Sydney, Australia: Sadly, I do not know much about the Indigenous/Aboriginal/first residents' culture so you'll have to go to a tourist bureau for that. Definitely go around The Rocks district, or Hyde Park Barracks on Macquarie Street, both inside downtown Sydney (or as we call it, the Sydney CBD), if you want to know more about the early history of the European Settlement. Cockatoo Island in the middle of the harbor/bay is also another good place to visit as it exhibits some of the history regarding the convict settlers. The Anzac Memorial in Hyde Park would showcase some of Australia's military history, although a better place may be the Remembrance Shrine in Melbourne, or Anzac Memorial in Canberra. Finally, the Opera House on the harbour, and Australia Square in the CBD are modern architectural wonders which signified Sydney's transition from an outpost city of Imperial Britain to a modern metropolis in its own right. How much of the following have you played: Fire Emblem, Pokémon, and/or Zelda?
  10. I sure do. BBQ Beef and Pork with BBQ sauce always tastes delicious.
  11. F-Zero AX/GX, and while we are at it, a DLC that ties the story and history of AX/GX with Maximum Velocity (which is set 25 years later than the main F-Zero games).
  12. Gosh this was quite a difficult one. I was actually on and off this one as there was a lot more detail to go through. Anyway, to whoever voted for Eirika for my next imitation sketch with charcoal, here it is below. Gallery: 11 September 2017 Eirika of Renais (Fire Emblem: Sacred Stones) My next attempts would be Lyra from Pokémon, and Adelaine from Kirby!
  13. Chapter 25: The Fate of the Hoshido Empire: Battle of Tokyo - Imperial Diet May peace prevail, and may God bless the United States of Nohr...
  14. Project-related threads like this and your LP, and anything showcasing your Creative works in the Creative thread allows double-posting and necroposting. (Otherwise, I won't be able to update my stuff either without getting demerit points.)
  15. Chapter 25: The Fate of the Hoshido Empire - Introduction 3: Our final call to arms So we have a different kind of Camus, and at least three Birthright-only units who decided to switch sides in this version of Conquest. Too bad that they can't be used in actual gameplay... Stats: Before Chapter 25
  16. @Ottokar: Sorry, I don't have a link to that one... There are probably several, but Martin Luther King comes to mind first. Having to learn about his struggles when I was in elementary school in the US (through assignments and schoolwork), he was very inspirational, and made me more aware of just how diverse our world is. This awareness would simply not happen if my family didn't move to the US, as Japan was then, and still is comparatively monocultural. Or in terms of music, I love Leonard Bernstein, as he had a comparatively unique artistic sense of making fine classical music from jazz and rock n' roll music. Duke Ellington is also another favourite, as he similarly elevated jazz to a respected art form. In terms of architecture, I love how Auguste Perret from France retains the classical elegance of his buildings, albeit in much simplified forms. On the other hand, Kingo Tatsuno, the first generation of Japanese architects have (and had) many buildings that Japan could really be proud of. Which country are you from? And what attractions would be good for a history study in your country?
  17. @Ottokar: The above link shall take you via the Outrealms. As for the FE comics, no. Although... Do you know if the Osawa Mitsuki manga for Tracia is good?
  18. At least in terms of architectural tastes and professions, yes. Have you read Blah the Prussian's Alternate History of the Twentieth Century?
  19. Captain K Rool in Donkey Kong Country 2. And that was both myself and my dad (who played this with me) - though it was more like we outright gave up in despair rather than rage.
  20. It would be good if I can do some academic work in addition to my current job, which is being the resident architect / design manager for a construction company specialising in heritage conservation. I love writing and thinking about architectural history. On a related note, my graduation paper was about the restoration work on historical Tokyo Central Station, which was greatly influenced by British styles from the late-19th and early-20th Centuries. In fact, the architectural scene, the railroad engineering, and the navy were all established with the aid of British advisers during the Meiji era. Do you know any member here through real-life?
  21. At least for Trainer Battles and Gym Leaders in the latter half of the game, that'll be a good idea. Because lets face it, this is what GF and Nintendo has taken into account for power balances with individual Pokémon, with the assumption of competitive battling. It'll also be a good way of raising difficulty without having to rely on inflated levels.
  22. @Just call me AL I read Ashes from the Past some time ago. It was incomplete at that time, so I stopped at the last update. Right now, I'm reading And So We Fight, a novelization of Hyrule Warriors. If you could relive a historic decade of music, fashion, art and architecture from the 20th Century, which would it be. This, of course is under the assumption that we can carry over today's level of political correctness to that particular era.
  23. I certainly do. Any game franchise that lost your love you once had?
  24. Other than having to use Miiverse for LP screenshots, I'm not going to miss it. Having to save screenshots was very cumbersome anyway, with having to re-establish internet connection every single time I enter Miiverse, and errors popping up when I select my next command too early.
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