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Everything posted by henrymidfields

  1. Henry having the same initial as my real name, while midfields a translation of my surname. Your favorite meme from the entire FE series?
  2. Or maybe...actually have different scripts, every now and then depending on whether the relevant characters are alive or dead?
  3. So...just the usual crap of cliched entries like Wii U was, eh? Where were all the different varieties entries that we've seen over the years? No F-Zero? No Golden Sun? No Pokemon Colosseum? No TMS#FE sequel?
  4. FE6!Elibe is a contender if not a winner - Having such battle-hardened veterans from a continent-wide World War 0 with a commander that is more known for his tactical intelligence and his diplomacy skills (in uniting several nations for his cause) would not be a pushover by any means. Bonus points for not requiring crazy DNA eugenics or not necessarily requiring Fae either. Ike's team would probably win an outright battle, but Ike's general lack of diplomatic and strategic tact probably won't help against Roy in the long run.
  5. 21. Everybody is to treat Guinevere, Milady, Zeiss, and Elen with respect as fellow human being. This announcement is particularly in regards to Shin's nearly killing Zeiss with his bow. All four are no longer enemy combatants, thus harming them is against either the military regulations (if they are allies), or the Geneva Conventions (if they are POWs). Any violations will either be dealt with by the Lycian-Etrurian military tribunal in Aquleia for the former, or to both the UN Security Council in New York City and the International Criminal Court in The Hague in the latter.
  6. Banned for not clarifying the crime. Serenes Forest do not tolerate arbitrary banning without charge - it's the land of the free and the home of the brave after all.
  7. Sorry I've been away. With some exceptions, I've got quite a detached attitude towards others. To be honest, I can't really care less. Your most favorite/hated food?
  8. Not yet. But if I do get my own apartment room, I might grow a pot of veggies.
  9. Come to think about it now, what's with the better/more ambitious/more unique games? Including FE Tellius? Why do we have such unusual titles not marketed as heavily as the usual Mario/Zelda/Pokemon games? It makes me want to think that Nintendo was just not interested in giving different entries a chance for the Wii U...
  10. My sentiment with the Wii U as follows:


  11. Not just overlooked, but so far, the only Wii U exclusive that is really worth buying - other games be damned...or at least be renovated their asses by Kanji - and the only reason why I'm considering getting a Wii U: (Otherwise, I'm playing the other Wii U games through the non-remasters versions from GC and Wii.) The gameplay is fun, the story - while perhaps not Persona-level of greatness - is both refreshing, and at any rate, lot better than the majority of Nintendo-published titles, and the music is awesome. For those on the fence for the music, particularly consider the last one as I'm otherwise generally averse to J-Pop and Japanese idol stuff. It was also what got me interested in the Persona series as a whole. If anything, it made me feel that Nintendo really should start learning from Atlus and others in building their stories into the game, and well, diversify their library far more.
  12. All the Awakening maps were really boring - it was enough to stop playing during my second lap. Chapter 14 in Binding Blade wouldn't be so bad if they didn't put freaking Cecilia on that map! At least I find Sophia easier to justify story-wise, but Roy really needs to ban Cecilia's ass from deployment in that chapter.
  13. Backstory > characters = story > music > gameplay (including external service) > graphics All are more or less important, but the above is probably my general thought. Backstory/worldbuilding was why I got into FE through Binding Blade, and why I still play and write headcanons for Pokemon. It is almost always my biggest interest in seeing the game's story, and I am ever grateful that we had a period where such came out in a strong and detailed manner for the FE series - it was at a point where I was able to forgive the less-than-balanced gameplay. While I enjoy the general coherence and thought in the Pokemon series, GSC and XY, with their higher level of realism in culture and a higher level of adoption from RL!Japan and RL!France respectively is why I hold the two games in such high regard. I can say the same thing in Zelda's Breath of the Wild: the extent of desolation and destruction, and the world's expanse makes me think of just how bad was the catastrophe in Hyrule a hundred years before. On the other hand, the lack of a strong background narrative and worldbuilding (along with a generally poorly-written story) is why I decided to abort my second run of Awakening, and why I decided not to play Birthright and Revelations after playing through Conquest. It's also one of the reasons why I've been so slack as of late with playing and LP'ing Conquest too, actually. Being in concert band, and music being my hobby, it is quite inevitable that I am a sucker for anything that was recorded live. A general lack of good stories with good characters (or the lack of) was why I'm either drfting away from, was never interested in, (or in one case, outright boycotting) a few of Nintendo's game series. On the other hand the (back)stories are also the reason why I started gaining interest in Persona and Final Fantasy. With FF 10, wich was my first FF experience, I did not give a darn about the linearity, because I enjoyed the story all the way through. Though there were times when the sheer difficulty jump and the amount of level grinding I had to do (at least compared to what I've played before) nearly killed me - it made vanquishing the last boss (and jumping into the happier story of X-2 after) all the more satisfying. It doesn't even have to be Shakespeare material; I can be happy with some things that are different from the status quo: for example, after playing and experiencing my friend's copy of Tokyo Mirage Sessions, that is the only dealmaker for me getting a Switch (and get the Zelda remasters in the process, as opposed to the originals on GC and Wii). Or, another Pokemon game that is set outside Pokeverse-Japan like XY. Or maybe anything that Shit-geru, Nintendo's old washed up geezer doesn't have a say in, really. That's not to say though, that gameplay or the "engineering/science" is unimportant either. While I find gameplay easier to forgive (see Fire Emblem 6 and Final Fantasy 10 above), Pokemon Black and White - which, yes, I think had a storyline more engaging and thought-provoking than what came before - was an exception. I've got a love/hate relationship with Pokemon Black and White. What I hated was two things. Firstly, how Nintendo decided to shut down the DS Wi-Fi with very little notice, and without any special arrangements for the Pokemon games - and this is a feature I consider an essential part of Pokemon's gameplay, and one that I was going to rely on to complete my Pokedex for the first time ever. While that wasn't strictly the fault of BW1, I would be lying if such debacle did not sour my experience playing. Secondly, what didn't help my frustration was the stingy EXP payout, a lack of variety of Pokemon to work with (and the ones I used just didn't make the cut compared to other Pokemon games), and the difficult gyms. I was so glad that BW2 had previous generation Pokemon - ones that I had an easier time to work with, eg Mareep, Lucario, Growlithe etc. Geneaology of the Holy War might end up in this category too, unless if a remake actually does come up and do away with the clearly stupid restrictions (eg having all the money transactions done by the army instead of individuals, item trading actually being possible etc). More ideally, have pair-ups or rescues and modernise the other parts. Actually, just let me focus on the story like Persona 4 did, and specifically don't make me have to fuck around with level-grinding in battles. Graphics are probably not that important, unless if it serves to show the story and worldbuilding through environment details. If it is something like Tokyo Mirage Sessions, Persona or FF, then graphics capable would be recommended.
  14. It turned out that another civil war erupts in Etruria, due to the clampdown that Perceval actually carried out (from his support conversation with Klein, iirc). And it turned out Perceval's clampdown and witchhunt against the former pro-coup forces, their families, a couple their associates (even involving some members of Modred's family) turned out to be so violent/oppressive, Joseph McCarthy looked like a saint in comparison. Cecilia and Douglas initially sided with Perceval, but became so appalled that the former two decided to turn against the latter.
  15. Pokemon BW1 Fire Emblem edition? It makes me wonder what if Ike (and Elincia?) went down this path in Radiant Dawn. Or as a sequel to the past FE titles with Roy, Marth etc as the big bads?
  16. I'm under the assumption that the police are allowed to still carry guns around as part of their duty, being authorised to do so. Which is allowed in Japan and Australia, albeit with heavy restrictions on when to use them. (Are the police in UK allowed as well btw?)
  17. Clearly Hoshido in the vanilla game. Unless if you are talking about a modified Fates Conquest story with Senator Xander and Hisashi's battles in the Pacific Theatre and the triumph of the Arsenal of Democracy, in which case then, it would be the United States of Nohr. And Hoshido is an evil dictatorship.
  18. I don't know if you had experience with Awakening, or any other FE games from Binding Blade onwards. If you did, then the change in RNG mechanics is the reason why. FE6 (Binding Blade) until Awakening used an different mechanic that skewed the actual percentages towards the polar ends, which means 51%+ attacks hit more often than displayed, while 49%- attacks hits less often. This "polar skew" seemed to be made weaker in Fates, which results in more noticeable cases of higher percentage not connecting. If it was the older games, then an 80%+ was a near-guaranteed hit. For Fates, I actually aimed for 90+% hit rate if there was no room for error.
  19. Two things I want remakes for: Fire Emblem Tellius remasters, with an expansion on the story. Make the story more ambitious, with Micaiah's story told in full, in addition to what's already there. What? 40+ Chapters? I don't care; just make it. F-Zero GX needs a remake with an addition in story which tells what eventually happened to Captain Falcon and others, what eventually happened to the Galaxy, and how society transitioned to how it was in Maximum Velocity
  20. Either adjust the level caps accordingly for the pacing like 30/10, or detach promotion altogether from levels and only provide the base boosts.
  21. Generally yes, as I don't have enough space in my house, and I'm trying to reduce stuff.
  22. Fine, whatever, Josephine Stalin. As if people have hangups with the first amendment.
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