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Everything posted by henrymidfields

  1. At least Atlus does not seem to be afraid in try out new IPs, or even new narrative takes on existing genres when they get the chance. Granted, I only started playing the Persona series, and I probably won't play any of the mainline SMT series, but deconstructing a fighting genre sounds like an interesting narrative. Deconstructing the idol/dancing industry in P4D sounds like a good reminder that we (as audiences and consumers) should be vigilant of the abuses and other darks parts of the industry that can (and - I'm sure - do) happen. Even TMSFE sound like a fascinating new take on the characters' personas/performas/mascots and the FE lore. Devil Survivor sounds like a commentary on a possible panic scenario when a hypothetical large-scale terrorist attack hits Tokyo, or other big cities. (And considering the politeness, calmness, and restraint of the Japanese shown in the Tohoku Earthquake of 2011, it's also scary to think that the DS panic in Tokyo (or any Japanese city, really) might be considered as one of the less-bad-case scenarios, compared to if the same thing happened in a city outside of Japan.)
  2. I'd like to have FOW come back, but with a complete overhaul. Make it basically the same as Advance Wars where both sides have to follow the ground rules of one. Other rules that should be incorporated are: Torches can enhance the holder's line of sight, but will also give away the position of the holder and the surrounding visible units to the enemy. Torch staves work the same way, except the enemy remains in the dark (both literally and figuratively; no pun intended) about the stave user's location. There are other torches, bonfires etc that are part of the terrain that gives visibility to both the player and the enemy. Similarly, a Flare Stave can be used to light up a specific location and surrounds too. Some long-range magic may give away the attacker's position. Units with higher luck have higher chance in getting a "hunch" - that is they correctly suspect that an enemy (within 6-10 spaces) is located in a specific location in the fog. Some new skills where a unit can perceive the general direction of where enemy units are located. (whether from sound etc). The higher the skill level, the more accurate the info obtainable. Basically, make the FOW more strategic and less luck-based.
  3. Persona 4 Arena (Dancing All Night version) - Now I Know
  4. Shipping art of Genderbent!Yu x Canon!Yosuke (Persona 4)
  5. Not quite. Yes, I did romance Yukiko, but it is in P4G. Nights of Azure fan.
  6. Has a Hoshidan Ophelia, an Odin/Owain, and a Robin. ...Doesn't seem to have any non-FE stuff on profile or signature.
  7. 1. I don't care. :P 2. Whether you ultimately regret your life or not, I think. Money and fame can be two indicators, of course, but they are neither the only benchmarks, nor requirements. Your integrity, contribution to society, fulfillment in your life, relationship with others etc all count as well, your mental/physical well-being can all come into play, depending on your priorities. 3. One irrational fear would be big spiders - which as far as I know, tends to be ultimately harmless. 4. Listen to or play music, catch up with friends, play games etc. 5. Maybe. I don't really use social media all that much so I don't really know. 6. Marriage is required to enjoy company and happiness. I know people who are single and who are happy in life, and I also know of cases of unhappy marriages too. 7. Everything would probably be equally important for me, but I personally prefer recognition in my profession. 8. Introvert generally, but I try to take a balance every now and then. 9. I've got a job that I generally enjoy, and pays reasonably well. 10. A bit of both would be the best. Too much of the former, and I'll burn out. Too much of the latter, and life will bore me. 11. Taisho era, to see just what went wrong in society during when my grandparents were growing up, and what I can learn from it. 12. There are a couple, but firstly, people who just won't move over to let me through in buses/trains. (I mean, for example, just step out of the bus to let me out! Only takes 2-3 steps, you know?) 13. I haven't watched TV regularly in a few years, so none. 14. 2012, when I got my first full-time job. 15. Classical, jazz, funk, and generally anything that crosses over genres. That's why I like Persona 3-4's music (having a number of funk or crossovers) and some pieces from Gershwin/Bernstein/Ellington (all three have classical/jazz crossover pieces).
  8. I've got a PS Vita and Persona 4 Golden. Certainly enjoying the game, having saved my younger cousin, romanced Yukiko, and took down the real curlprit. I've also finished all of the other PC's Social Links all in the span of a few real-life weeks since I started the game. While I usually never get emotional when playing a game, the events from November onwards was an exception. It was great to see my uncle and niece come to terms with their relationships with each other, and to see my friends similarly grow and move on. Now, that our investigation is all over (or so it feels...?) I guess I'll have to enjoy the ski trip, Valentines/White Day with Yukiko, and make the most of the remaining days before my time in Inaba is all over... Hopefully, our friendship shall stand the test of time...
  9. 1) Count Basie, Benny Goodman, and Duke Ellington for the classics. The Tower of Power and The Blues Brothers for modern and crossovers. For jazz arrangements of game music, the Consouls. 2) No I haven't, but it seems fascinating, if also slightly darker than what I'm comfortable with. 3) No idea. 1) My architectural degree. 2) Linearity and lack of difficulty in a video game. As long as the story, backstory, or the characters are good, I can forgive them. If anything, I don't like anything that is more difficult than what I expect, because I don't have as much time to play. 3) Again, Pokemon Black and White 1 for reasons stated above. 4) Tokyo Mirage Sessions. 5) I haven't played, so no opinion. 6) Favorite: Worldbuilding, Alternate History. Least Favourite: Damsel in Distress played straight - and particularly one which is a carbon copy of that dumb Princess from Mario, and further demerit points apply if she somehow made it into Smash without anything more than a flimsy in-story justification. 7) Favorite: Comically Serious: Seeing bits of Persona 4 Anime, and Yu is just hilariously awesome. Also, fictional descendants of Historical Domain Characters. Least Favorite: See 6). 8) Favorite: I don't know, and I don't really care to be honest. Least Favorite: Surprise difficulty: I expect FE to be a difficult game, sure, but not Pokemon. As I said before, I don't have time to fuck around in a game as I used to. Fake difficulty: Over-reliance on the stylus in Zelda Spirit Tracks, various factors leading to generally inefficient grinding in Pokemon Black and White 1, lack of ways to get around stat inbalances in FE etc. Persona 4 Golden seem to have avoided this well.
  10. I wouldn't mind having some options for limited grinding. Ultimately balance a game without grinding, but allow a troop training mechanism that allows BEXP. The BEXP is theoretically unlimited, but you have to either clear the next chapter or wait over 24-48 real-life hours if you want to train units again. Basically, I'll allow grinding as a emergency measure, but at the same time, discourage it.
  11. 8. For heck's sake, Kiria-san! No more floating platforms in the middle of Shibuya! What if you fall off?! At least get either guard rails or any of the Phantom Thieves on standby to nab you back onto high ground!
  12. 1) Binding Blade. On the other hand, for what I want to play next is either the Thracia or Tellius games. 2) Lore-wise, Generation 2 and 6. Gameplay-wise, Generation 1-2 3) For EB 0 and EB 1, they were an RPG that was nicely unique of its time, when its setting was 1950s-90s USA, and the characters felt personal. In some aspects, it was better as an RPG than Pokemon, I think. (What do you think, too?) 4) I don't really like Ice-types all that much, due to too many type weaknesses. Jynx, however, I have fond memories of, due to being my MVP against Clair and Lance in my very first run of GSC. 5) I don't know, and I don't really care, as long as they are edible for hot dogs...
  13. 1) Ho-Oh as a nice example of a Pokemon in Japanese mythology. 2) What a Gib Clay? 3) Going good, thanks! 4) I wouldn't mind them returning. And even have the player operate one in a defense map like Fates did. 5) Clarine for being such a dodge tank. Also her hilarious conversation with Dieck. 1. I don't really care, to be honest. 2. I haven't played one in a long time, but Catan was fun. Also, Cards against humanity. 3. Depends. For Pokemon Battles, flashy is nice. But for war scenes, I'd like some realism. 4. Learn about medieval warfare from Cecilia (from Binding Blade). 5. Hmm...never thought about that.
  14. +1 vote. I don't really care what the turn-based gameplay is like (whether it's Persona, Final Fantasy, or Pokemon) as long as it's not difficult, but further elaborate the story please. I wouldn't mind if we even bring in a couple of writers from Atlus or Square Enix - on the other hand, just keep Shigeru Miyamoto in a museum glass cage.
  15. 1) Curry Udon, then Katsu Kare, then normal Curry rice, but all are good, though, Updates to 1-2: 1. This actually started due to the GC and GBA games really turning me off with my former favourite franchises. Firstly I stopped liking the Mario series for just how dumb and "business-as-usual" the story has become. This has become as such when someone someone still acting like a damsel dumbass after Melee, and plus having the most stupid plot possible in Sunshine and not having villains other than Bowser (seriously, couldn't they have Luigi/Wario to be the fake Marios?!) to make up for the former. Then there was Pokemon RSE and it's departure from its region being an actual Pokemon version of Japan, making a fake-Hawaii/Kyushu (they really should have gone straight to Alola or even Poke-California then!). And I wasn't quite interested in Zelda and other (non-Nintendo) franchises at that time like I am now. Binding Blade was the game that introduced me to FE, and it was great in that it was one of IS's and Nintendo's better attempts at story and especially backstory. 2. Persona 3 and 5, Radiant Historia as I heard really good things about their plots and characters. It has gone to the point where a good story (though not necessarily a dark one) has become essential for me to play nowadays. Final Fantasy 13 as I'm really curious about how good or bad the story is - seriously, thete doesn't seem to be any concensus. 3a. Paris in general, and especially the former Orsay Station, now as a museum, as my first experience observing Impressionist Art, as well as my first experience seeing heritage conservation and adaptive reuse in actual use. This is one of the reasons why I love Kalos apart from its realistic portrayal not seen since Johto. 3b. Tokyo Central Station, being one of the few main stations in Japan in a historic architectural style. When I was growing up, there was a massive citizen's campaign to save the station from being demolished, akin to how Grand Central was saved by New Yorkers. Several years ago, the station was restored (partially reconstructed) to its former glory. And I wrote a dissertation of it. 3c. Sydney Opera House - Going to a concert with the Sydney Symphony, and enjoying the ocean view just next to the hall chambers is a treat. 3d. Kiyomizu Temple in Kyoto - The vista seen from above the wooden scaffolds with the temple is amazing, especially when there are a kaledioscope of autumn leaves abound. 3e. The former US Congress meeting grounds in Philadelphia - the place where the founding fathers signed the Declaration of Independence. It was like, I was walking through history, imagining their speeches and arguments for/against rebellion! 4. So far, so good, actually. I'm having fun and a clear sense of purpose with my current job, which is heritage conservation. 5a. Many people are fascinated with traditional Japanese architecture before the Meiji period. And academically, many architecture students are fascinated with post-WWII Japanese architecture as well. But there is a time period in between which is not as well known to English-speaking audiences, which is late 19th to pre-WWII 20th Century Japanese Architectur, and I hope I can contribute to communicating more of that. 5b. Maybe learn another language of the following: French, German, or Italian. 5c. Umm...a third one??? 1. For different reasons: Pokemon and Fire Emblem. Persona and Zelda are starting become as such too. 2. I remember I loved playing Pokemon Puzzle League and Tetris. I'm not as interested nowadays, though. 3. Classical and Jazz, mainly. Persona-style funk/pop/fusion is another. 4. Because I started to get into the Persona series. (The current prof pic is Persona 4, for those uninformed.) 5. My username is a translation of my real name in Japanese. 6. Uhhh, I don't really care enough to follow; although I enjoyed seeing Episode 4/6 (or the old first/third episode). 7. Zelda? Initially, I thought it was going the same "save-the(-stupid)-princess" cliche as Mario, but then the world of Hyrule and especially Zelda got developed and refined like vintage wine... Another one is Tokyo Mirage Sessions - I actually thought it was going to be a SMT story that darker than what I am comfortable with, but it was the game that arouse my interest in the other Persona/Atlus games! My only gripe is the lack of crossover fanart like Itsuki teaming up with Minato, Yu and Ren etc... 8. Pokemon Black and White ended up like this. While I appreciate that GF put in more effort for the story, it also happened to be the most stressful run in any Pokemon game, as Nintendo and its subcontractor had the genius idea of permanently shutting down the DS Wi-Fi when I wanted to complete the Unova Pokedex - and this was the DS wasn't even that obsolete yet! 9. For a good entry point into the Persona series, I would have liked to recommend TMS#FE, due to its Persona-lite story and setting. The only problem is that it's on a system that just don't have very worthwhile exclusive games to start with... For Zelda, I might go with Ocarina of Time, and work your way out from there. 10. For Zelda, I wouldn't bother with Spirit Tracks: frustrating gameplay with a lacking story that is not worth my time. For Link x Zelda shipping, Skyward Sword is so much better. 1. No, I don;t think I have tried. Counter-question: What's your favorite? 2. There are several, but... a. one is Caeda for being one of the earliest female main characters in Nintendo that isn't a damsel. (Sorry, Metroid fans, but I'm not quite that interested in Samus.) b. Roy for actually having applying doctrine of Sun Tsu, as opposed to just simply winning because heck simply-cause-he-is-the-main-hero like a number of other Lords. This really needs to be revisited on a future Lord/Lady! c. Lilina for having one of the most heartfelt support conversations with Roy 3/4. No, and I have no plans to. 5. Mint chocolate and strawberry gelato. 5. Mint chocolate and strawberry gelato. 1. Binding Blade, Sacred Stones, Shadow Dragon DS, Awakening, Fates Conquest 2. Apart from being a good FE game as my first entry into the series, there's a good attention to worldbuilding that, as far as I've heard, only Tellius and Thracia surpasses. 3. Japanese, yes. That's actually my native language. 4. One of French, German, or Italian 5. Not too sure to be honest. While I am more interested in the more recent time periods (see my LP for Fates Conquest) they also tend to be more difficult to swallow.
  16. Make it early-to-mid-Renaissance, have Guns have high might and range (say 2-5) that ignores both attack and defense. But trade that with the inability to double attack, and an additional penalty that requires a turn beforehand to load ammunition. Also maybe have low use limit as well. I'm a bit surprised that this isn't in the FE General or FE Switch sections.
  17. 7. Kiria-san, please do not commit genocide against cute things. Commiting genocide against them is very much immoral, and also make you look like a edgy teen douchebag. If anything, liking cute creatures is actually very, very cool, not to mention manly. (Thanks, Kanji-kun!)
  18. 1. Well, i have to say, thank you for being a faithful reader of my LP, even though I've been terrible at updating recently. And for appreciating my sense of humor here with WW2 history. 2. I can't really give a verdict as I haven't ctually been there, but I'd like to visit Singapore some day. 3. I haven't read enough to make a descision, but one featuring Hyrule Warriors was interesting in how it interpreted the lore of the series. 4. I'm a dude. 5. Eeh, don't really care. Though I wonder if the ice cream on the cone was inspired from the Vanillite line... 1. To be honest, I haven't read enough of either... 2. Lots of frying with oil under really strong heat? 3. I don't really care about the colors, though I prefer Japanese style curry. 4. Italian basil, as I like Italian cuisine more than Thai. 5. The Barcelona Chair by Mies Van der Rohe 6. Depends on what I'm using the tools for. 1. This was due to the GC and GBA games really turning me off in a lot of ways. Stopped liking Mario after someone someone still acting like a damsel dumbass after Melee (plus having the most stupid plot possible in Sunshine and not having villains other than Bowser to make up for the former) turned off by Pokemon RSE's region, while not yet interested in Zelda and others. Binding Blade was the game that introduced me to FE, and it was great in that it was one of IS's and Nintendo's better attempts at story and especially backstory. 2. Persona 3 and 5, Radiant Historia as I heard really good things about their plots and characters. Final Fantasy 13 as I'm really curious about how good or bad the story is - seriously, thete doesn't seem to be any concensus. ...sorry I've run out of time in replying. Ill get to the rest later.
  19. 1/2. Hi there. Could be better; my day job is busy, so I haven't had time to visit Serenes for the past few weeks. 3. No comment; I don't really remember interacting all that much. Sorry. 4. Well I guess naturally because I like playing FE. 5. Sure, I'm up for more questioms.
  20. Special rule: References to Atlus games are allowed as long as the main focus is with TSMFE. 1. Maiko-san, we get that you are quite a looker in your swimsuits, but please tone "it" down. Touma-san and Kiria-san don't care about it, Risette and Kanamin don't really want to know about it, and especially Mamori-chan and Nanako-chan should not be exposed to it. 2. Barry, you need to stop talking about Iroha all the time. (If anything, wasn't your grandfather the King of Swing? What about him? Can you tell me more about that?) 3. Tsubasa-chan, don't forget your maths exam! 4. Everyone, and particularly Tsubasa-chan and Itsuki-kun, don't forget! You have lives as like many others. Your idol life is just one if many facets of your lives. Don't feel that you'll have to shoulder this burden and expectations on your own, because you're not alone! (Touma-kun has been there before, and so were Kiria-san and Maiko-san. Heck, I can introduce you to Yu-kun, Risechi, and the Kanamin Kitchen if you are really desparate for more sympathetic ears.) 5. Due to recent incidents of stress-induced hiatuses including one by Rise Kujikawa, everyone is to leave work at 7pm at the latest. This will be strictly enforced; you are not allowed to take home any work, and all future schedulling is to reflect this rule. This particularly goes for underage staff including Mamori, Tsubasa and Itsuki, as they have schoolwork to do.
  21. 32. No everyone, Murdoch does not publish gossips about the Bernese Royal Family, and he does not wiretap phones for his peacetime living either. Stop accusing him as such.
  22. Lyndis, who I think should have her story continued from the tutorial chapters, from her perspective.
  23. Yeah, actually, with the story writing, I wouldn't mind outsourcing that to Atlus, or Square-Enix. Actually, not just FE, but with a good majority of Nintendo games (with the possible exception of Zelda, which I think has had solid stories in recent years). At least, from what I've heard, Atlus seem to be more ambitious in deconstructing cliches and tropes. I'm certainly enjoying reading the story with Persona 4, and even with Tokyo Mirage Sessions, the story was very much refreshing compared to other Nintendo Wii U games. Actually, maybe have Kaga team-up with the Atlus writers, and rewrite the Tellius games.
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