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Everything posted by henrymidfields

  1. Banned for thinking that Anna is a shit waifu.
  2. @Purple Mage: Welcome back. Great to see you again! Yeah, I also heard that the Japanese government issued their own version of whatever currency the locals had. In turn, apparently, the US did a reverse-version of Operation Bernhard and counterfeited the Japanese invasion money! @blah the Prussian: Glad to see you again too! BTW did you get Radiant Historia 3DS? Apparently it's out worldwide now. Chapter 26: The Business Plot - Suppression of Iago
  3. 175. Actually, 154 also applies to the royal children of both Hoshido, Nohr. (And for the matter Ylisse too, considering Lucina and the aforementioned Odin/Owain.)
  4. Hey, where's a good place to start with John Denver (or country music as a whole)?

  5. Banned for mistaking me as a stalker.
  6. Banned for considering "not abusing ban orders" a bad thing.
  7. Fates Conquest: It is the late 1930s and the ultranationalist Hoshidans under Empress Mikoto saw that it was their destiny to subjugate East Asia under the veneer of their Great East Asia Co-prosperity Sphere. Kamui/Corrin, opening his eyes to much of the world after being adopted by Nohrian president candidate Garon, wants to have none of that. Can Garon win the election, and can he lead the Nohrian Arsenal of Democracy to prevail over the menace of Hoshidan fascism? Can Corrin rise up over the racism both in Hoshido and back home in Nohr? Will there ever be peace over the Pacific Ocean?
  8. Best: Roy and Lilina from Binding Blade: The two really showed how close they were from childhood, and the conversation really felt like something I could say to a number of my old friends I still keep in touch with (sans some of the slight romantic overtones from Lilina). It also shows how thoughtful Roy is to his close friends and comrades in a natural "showing" sort of way. Dieck and Rutger, same: The tragic backstory of Rutger in the B-level conversation was interesting to read, and another part of worldbuilding done right for Binding Blade. As with Roy and Lilina above, the conversation feels genuine in the B/A-levels, and I like how Rutger's attitude towards Dieck develops from a rival to a comrade in the most subtle way. Clarine and Dieck, same: It was just hilarious seeing a seemingly weak princess verbally manhandling a battle-scarred tuff-guy. Kyle and Forde, Sacred Stones: On the C-support, Forde seemed to be an average slacker compared to the uptight Kyle, but it turns out that Forde had a tragic reason for doing so... It kind of made me wonder whether Forde secretly did not enjoy fighting and inflicting death... Arthur x Azama, Fates Revelations: I love how both silly and serious this was, with Arthur and Azama discussing how they live their lives and how they give meaning. While the B-support seemed to be written for further laughs at poor Arthur's expense, it made me think about how we could get caught up in our own sense of justice, when sometimes the universe (or God) doesn't always work that way. The A-support talks about how there is no right or wrong answer between how Arthur and Azama lead their lives, and this really resonated with me. Worst would be: All of the S-supports between Corrin and his siblings, Fates entire series. No, I'm not going to marry any of you. Too squicky and too much bending over backwards with flimsy excuses. Corrin and Hana: As stated above. Robin and Tharja: Way too creepy and way too fake.
  9. Pretty much a lot of people vouched for Roy with all the valid reasons possible, so I'm not going to repeat them. Yes, I'd trust someone who can keep his cool, practice good leadership/negotiations/tactics, do all of his homework (or at least as much as he can), and by extension, avoid unnecessary battles. In other words, he's the closest to the ideals that Sun Tzu calls for in The Art of War. Really, the remake of Binding Blade Echoes should have Fates Conquest mechanisms with Lord-based skills and other perks based on Roy's leadership/intelligence.
  11. 나는 혼란스런 남자와 함께 매우 혼란 스럽다. 괴물과 코치의 마음을 사로 잡으면 서 나는 그 모든 것 아래에 엎드려 질 것입니다. 이 일을 위해서 나는 내 자신을 강하게해야한다. 괴물은 똑같습니다. 모든 쓰레기를 수거하고, 가벼운 펠로우는 모두 해결할 수 없습니다!
  12. Or maybe Cyrus teleported to Elibe after he escaped from Lucas/Dawn, somehow got younger, and worked his way up to Etrurian nobility to be adopted by Helene? The plot thickens...
  13. If that damsel scrappy bitch doesn't wise up in the main Mario games and do something to prevent from being kidnapped for the nth time again, then she has no business competing in Smash. Relegate that damsel scrappy to as a trophy princess, and remove her from the roster. I don't give a fuck about the rest of the characters - that's the only dealmaker for me to touch any of the Smash games.
  14. I think Lucina would probably end up being Hoshidan, considering that she will not tolerate Hoshido being invaded against Nohr, especially when we consider what happened to Ylisse. I also think Lucina would end up distrusting Corrin, Laslow and Co for supposedly turning over to the dark side, as she may have emotional wounds that are re-opened, considering how Robin and Morgan turned to the dark side. She'll also have an upward battle to deal with morality, and how Nohr is not entirely evil, despite what seemed to be the aggressors, unlike how the majority of Grimleal were against Ylisse. My headcanon I had in the past is that Lucina would emotionally snap at some point and either commit suicide in Conquest (unable to come to terms that even the most badass soldier who fought Grima cannot necessarily win against Anakos alone), or execute Laslow, Selena, and Odin (unable to come to terms that Nohr isn't entirely evil). Even in Revelations, she'll harbour distrust and outright hostility against the Nohrians (and the Ylisseans siding them) to the extent that she cannot S-support, or even A+-support Odin or Laslow until very late in the game.
  15. Man, after borrowing a friend's copy of Tokyo Mirage Sessions, I suddenly got interested in the Persona series (mainly 3, 4, and 5) and maybe Catherine as well. I don't know, but if Atlus drew me in with TMS's story - which apparently isn't fondly looked by more experienced Atlus fans - then I just wonder how much even better are the stories in the actual Persona games or in Catherine? It's gone to the point where I might want to prioritise getting a Playstation, and put FE, Pokemon, and Zelda aside for the time being (and ditch the other Nintendo stuff altogether). Though I might not be too fond of SMT's cynical stories... Yeah, I swear it was me myself. *Says in a distorted voice*
  16. I read a similar article from a Filipino immigrant/expat community magazine. Yeah, that really sounds messed up, having to eat dusted-off food. Is it getting any better though, or is it actually getting worse, compared to the past?
  17. Aah, I haven't even ordered the game yet. But, I'm thinking about getting Naoto, Rise, and Yukiko in my three separate runs. EDIT: I've got the game now. (19 March '18) I'm going to ask you this as well: Any consoles/handhelds where you only liked a few compatible entries (say up to 3-4 games) from and wasn't interested in the rest?
  18. And this sums up everything about Nintendo'd dinosaur, Shit-geru:


  19. Treck, he'll doze off and BOOM, his car hits the side of Zelot and Juno's bedroom!! Which character would most likely fly the Enola Gay and drop the bomb? (As a possible alternate history, the target does not have to be Hiroshima/Nagasaki, but can be any Axial city of his/her choice.)
  20. Banned for abusing you ban orders. The district court throws out your case. In God we trust, for He blesses the United States of Nohr.
  21. I noted that this seemed to be a battle between a Japanese vs Euro-American inspired nation. Also, I wanted to make a better Conquest story, so I thought, "Why not make a good Nohr, and an evil Hoshido?" Then I realised that, the the simple narrative could be essentially "Nohr the Arsenal of Democracy" vs "Hoshido the Empire of Dictatorship and Genocide". Ironic, considering that I'm Japanese haha. Any consoles/handhelds where you only liked a few compatible entries (say up to 3-4 games) from?
  22. I'm adding my own here: 1) Fire Emblem Binding Blade is the European Theatre of World War 2 set in an alternate universe. 2) Zephiel is an alternate Adolf Hitler who worships dragons instead of the Aryan Race. 3) Fire Emblem Fates, on the other hand is an epic struggle of the Pacific Theatre of WWII in the Fatesverse.
  23. Oh yes please! Keep the critical bonus, and actually have a reason to have a high Luck stat in this game. Actually, now that I think about it, this seem to be one of the few games where having decent Luck is actually beneficial, or even necessary. Not only to avoid the big crits, but also considering how Avoid is being calculated, and with Enemy Luck actually existing too. As for other bits of gameplay, I think Leadership stars (either one from Thracia or Tellius or a modified version) and Lord-based skills from Fates should be added for Roy, and actually make a viable case for using Roy regardless of his stats. It would be nice if his strategic/leadership intelligence is integrated into gameplay. Leadership bonues and skills from enemies, between former enemies can come into play on Hard and upwards, with better enemy weapons (read more usage of crit-boost and effective weapons besides bows), and unit placements to discourage steamrolling with, say, Milady, Rutger etc. For Lunatic and upwards, resentment reverse-supports with negative stat penalties and negative leadership stars between former enemies also come into play, so you need to play your units even more carefully to avoid sabotaging your own units, and at times, you'll need to know the situations which Perceval, Milady, Rutger etc become outright liabilities (in terms of teamwork), regardless of their high stats. For weapon-wielding capacity and attack speed penalty, I'd like to see a combination of Constitution, Strength/Magic, and Weapon Skill to be used. Adrenaline can also be added as a temporary boost (a la Awakening!Robin's "I'm in top form today!") I'd like to see a bit of trade-off in whether using a more powerful weapon or a lighter one, but I'd also like to see how units with less constitution overcome their disadvantages. For the story, extra tidbits of story could be added. For example, throughout his expeditions, Roy can regularly correspond with Eliwood and Ninian/Lyn/etc to ask how Zephiel turned into such a lost cause. Roy can also send spies and envoys across Elibe to gather intelligence and to find out what happened between Zephiel's assasination and up to his reign as king, and eventually find out about the awful truth about the Scourage in the process. New lines from old characters can be added depending on whether they are deployed or otherwise. For example, on Chapter 11 in the Ebracum route, Saul/Dorothy can mention that the Emiline Church's religious inspectors assigned to the area has gone missing. If they survived, then they found out that Oro (the chapter's boss) has ordered assassinations to preserve his power and wealth. In Chapter 19 of the Sacae routes, Rutger reflects back on his time in Bulgar and how he finally came to terms with the tragedy that struck his family, as they fell to the Berninans. If Rutger survives, then he'll visit his former home to make amends; if he dies, then Roy and Co leaves a tomb to farewell Rutger. Finally, tweak Narcian's story a bit: instead of falling to Roy's Army in Chapter 16, Narcian escapes if the player took over a certain number of turns to finish said chapter. After the original Chapter 16 and Chapter 16 Paralogue finishes, Narcian enlists Jahn's help in which the latter unleashes an army of Manaketes onto Aquleia, trying to burn and pillage the city as his last attack of desperation, determined to drag down Roy and Co with Narcian. The new chapter 16A is a defend chapter; if Narcian, Jahn and Co destroys either a certain number of buildings in the city, the royal palace, or St Emiline's Tower, or if they kill too many NPCs, then the Etrurians give up their fighting spirit, and Roy's campaign is lost. Aside from defending, Roy and Fae can convince some of the Manaketes to stop fighting - as it turns out that said Manaketes are enslaved and forced to fight. The chapter ends with Narcian brought down by an angry horde of mobs from the resistance, or from the now-freed Manaketes, and Jahn escaping back to Bern.
  24. Dissapointed that there is no info on FE16. Stupid Smash Bros (and especially a certain someone who has absolutely no business to be in the ring and should just stay as a trophy princess) can bugger off to hell, as well as anything from Mario. The sooner they bomb out, the better I feel. Okami HD might be something that I want to pick up, so I'll give that.
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