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Everything posted by henrymidfields

  1. Chapter 27: The Business Plot: Father vs Son: Introduction 1 Chapter 27: The Business Plot: Father vs Son - Introduction 2: Pictures uploaded!
  2. Rule 230 or 224a (amendment): Okay, so Niles can stay, but he (and for the matter, Peri and a couple of others) must be monitored by an appointed third party (anyone outside of Fateslandia, or UN officials) outside of combat.
  3. Ouch, I'm really sorry. Unfortunately, I didn't buy any of the extras on launch night, I'm afraid...
  4. I don't really have a single favorite colour, but my two favourite combinations of colours are: Black and Red, and White (or near-white Beige) and Navy Blue Your favorite social links in Persona 3, 4, and 5?
  5. Banned for being a Super Saiyan. Seriously, get out, before you wreck the Forest.
  6. 224. Due to recent cases of POW's torture, Niles has been charged with violation of the Geneva Convention by the ICPO, and has been suspended from military service. As for the Nohrian POW camp, it is to be monitored by UN and NATO Officials, 24-7. All of these are in effect, immediately.
  7. I'll have to agree, what's with the female lords being sidelined? Actually, even before that, why do the guys with more of the muscles and less of the brain get more of the publicity and/or Gary Stu-ness? At least Roy's leadership (and the praise Roy attracts) made actual logical sense because of: a) how much homework he did with the proverbial Sun Tzu's doctrine under Cecilia's tutelage; and b) how good leadership and good strategy are key drivers to any warfare.
  8. I certainly wouldn't mind the bolded part at all, not least because it would be a refreshing story on my end. Besides, there are actually historical events and achievements involving female rulers/leaders, like Joan of Arc, Maria Theresa, or Catherine the Great. As for the male lords actually screwing their campaign up in a big way, IS's already done that with Sigurd, so I don't see why IS couldn't do the same thing with Ike or Ephraim. (Though I also have to admit, I loved Ephraim's "I'm not going to choose fights I can't win" scene against Valter in Chapter 9 (I think?)...) I also say that the muscle-bound lord archetype is pretty overrated in itself, considering how historical campaigns were (and still are) decided more on strategies and objectives. I say Roy and/or Marth would probably be the few Lords who really deserves the praise, and that is because they (and the people supporting them) are the closest in practicing the principles of Sun Tzu's Art of War.
  9. I'm just going to quote one of my previous posts from the General thread, but I'd like to see the antagonist actually being heroic in a few aspects, while the protagonists also having a share of villainy for once. Or maybe even Tellius except in the quoted case, Ike and Micaiah aren't much more heroic than the villains.
  10. They'll have to make a P6 eventually, though judging from past experience, that would most likely not happen for a few years. PQ2 and P3/5D are already confirmed, so maybe a chronological sequel to P5 seeing past indicators for P3/4? On the other hand, I wonder if P6 would be set overseas - maybe a Japanese expat/immigrant community in San Francisco, or an international school in say, London or Paris?
  11. The 3DS was all right, I guess. There was Pokemon XY, my favourite, and FE Awakening, which brought me back to the franchises, and I'm planning to get Radiant Historia, courtesy of Blah's advice. On the other hand, Wii U I could care less, with the exception of Tokyo Mirage Sessions. I'm seriously considering moving to the PS Vita as there are at least my planned 3 Persona games accessible there (and maybe Persona 5 as well, if 3 Portable and 4 Golden are any indication).
  12. I wouldn't mind, for a possible future FE game, if the apparent villains did their deeds out of desperation while the de facto "true villain" was actually yourself, or an ally of yours. And the entire war was just as much as your fault as theirs. Perhaps innocent family members got caught up and made guilty just simply on account of association, or maybe other "villains" got tarred with the same brush. Or maybe the prosecution went for far too long, and created a new oppressed group of people. And near the end, you found out that a good number of your nation's deeds were not only just as unheroic, but may have been the reason for the conflict in the first place. Ultimately, while you take down the ringleaders of the apparent villains, you also end up firing/banishing/imprisoning some of your own allies who were responsible for the persecution (with or without battle). Perhaps you even decide to abdicate to allow someone more worthy/heroic to take the throne. Maybe something similar to the more unpleasant side of how law enforcement and the military responded to the War on Terrorism, or the Red Scare by Joseph MaCarthy, or maybe even the Wicked musical (eg how Glinda ended up banishing the Wizard and incarcerated Madame Morrible) except less morally complex and more idealistic for FE.
  13. Although it would be really nice if Tokyo Mirage Sessions actually come to the Switch. TMS is the only reason why I'm getting a Wii U with its lack of appealing entries, and if the above comes true, that means I can ditch the Wii U altogether from my backlog.
  14. Faves: Soba/ramen noodles, pepperoni pizza, French fries, rump steak with salad Least favorites: Any dish involving raw fish. What would be your ideal hypothetical FE game? And of the aspects of your ideal FE games, which are from existing titles and which are something not yet done by IS/Nintendo?
  15. Well, I might get that after finishing Pokemon Sun, and call it quits for the 3DS. (I just got Sun just the other day.) Anyway, everyone, while I still need to upload mock-footages, Chapter 26 is complete. As for actual gameplay footages for the last 2 chapters, I'll have to take pictures from my Samsung 7 and upload them that way. Hopefully, that would be quicker than the sluggish Miiverse.
  16. Still, is it worth playing for the story? I'm thinking about moving to Atlus for a bit, with the Persona series and what not.
  17. Chapter 26: The Business Plot: Epilogue 3: Last Rites May God Bless the United Kingdom of Great Ylisse and her Dominions, and the United States of Nohr.
  18. D&D Tabletop? Then it's a Bard. Final Fantasy? Not too sure, although I'd like a Red Mage where I get to learn everything eventually (with the trade-off that I have to level up more than White/Black Mage). I'm going to ask you this as well: Any consoles/handhelds where you only liked a few compatible entries (say up to 3-4 games) and wasn't interested in the rest?
  19. 26. The village quarters near the Dragon Shrine is considered off-limits to all non-Bernian combatants. This was passed by the UN Security Council due to reprisal attacks against Bernian non-combatants from Allied forces, which is against the Geneva Conventions. Fir and Bartre, however, are exempt from this clause as they have family in the village.
  20. 216. 199 shall not apply to Odin, Selena or Laslow, as past violation resulted in Princess Lucina declaring a number of past Hoshidan ambassadors as persona non grata.
  21. The last time I heard, the Japanese divisions are still remaining open too. Which will probably make Toys R Us yet another former US chain which still have stores in Japan but no longer in the US, like Lawson and Mister Dounut. EDIT: The Australian stores are remaining open as well.
  22. When did she actually fight besides Smash, Super Princess Peach, and Super Paper Mario? That still leaves a good number of her games being a dumbass at any rate, and that also does not excuse her not resisting against Bowser in the main games either. Her turning out to be able to actually fight just makes her an bloody idiot for not doing the same bloody thing in other games.
  23. Chapter 26: The Business Plot: Epilogue 1: Iago Subdued Chapter 26: The Business Plot: Epilogue 2: Johnny's Last Words
  24. After the story of Binding Blade: So Bern is in a huge bind. After the Great Bernian War it was split off in two, by the capitalist Lycians and Etrurians on the south east, while the communist Ilians and Sacaeans subjugated the north. Society has drifted from each other, families were torn apart, and the people are under the whims of revenge-hungry former victims of the previous invasion. The north is clearly a dystopian worker's paradise, with the Stasi roaming the streets, intimidating any and all potential dissidents. The south, while more prosperous, is heavily exploited with a few rich puppet leaders controlling over a massive population of poor and exploited workers, with all the agricultural produce, and industrial and mineral products flowing towards Lycia and Etruria with very little in exchange. But not for long. Enter Zephiel II and his secret society, who are the last groups of people worshipping the ancient God-Dragons. Before anyone knows it, they would take over the cities and win people's hearts, and resurrect the dragons to overpower their colonial masters. Soon, Etruria and Ilia would find out that their nuclear weapons would be no match for the sheer might of the ancient dragons! Come, Zephiel! It is time your people rise! I only realised this now but...wait, Persona 5, FE edition!?
  25. I wonder if it could also be partly perception from context. I found that the other games that I played were generally more forgiving than Fates Conquest, which means that a miss in those games didn't matter as much, while an unlucky miss in, say, Conquest Chapter 10 is more likely to cost you the game, and "stands out" more to you.
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