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Everything posted by henrymidfields

  1. Well, I haven't played as many games, so it's kind of hard to tell. (Though, I'll have to look at the seemingly-interesting Tellius games once I get my hands on a Wii.) I actually wonder, though, if Jahn and Zephiel are the de facto final villains instead of Idoun in FE6. They were the ones that instigated the war in the first place after all.
  2. Plua, you get to enjoy the hypocritical humor when Virion lectures Inigo in their C/B-support. So Virion's son Inigo's flirting with girls, eh? Now have I seen anyone else doing this before?
  3. Binding Blade: I don't have huge problems with lack of accuracy (if anything, that makes the Skill stat actually relevant), but in terms of stats, this game really has quite a lot of: class discriminations (especially against Ward/Lot, or any other Axe user), and prejudice against more units (ie Wendy or Sophia) And they are so blatant, said practice should have been made unconstitutional by a nation's Supreme Court. At least there should have been ways to allow target practice for these guys. Even the similarly difficult Fates Conquest doesn't do bullshit stuff like this...
  4. I did notice that there were the occasional misses from the 80s Accuracy, but I guess that's just sheer bad luck for me. Although, I remember more cases of berserkers succeeding in critical hits that were 30% accuracy and 30% critical - which I thought should have only 9% chance of fully connecting. It looks like you just cannot safely bet against a critical... (Only later did I find out that 10% hit is actually 2-3% actual hit, but 10% crit is just that: 10%.
  5. Probably not a good idea to have carbon copies of actual historical figures, unless if this was a crossover with Civilization, Total War, Musou Warriors, or Nobunaga's Ambition, but a bit more nod toward actual history would be nice. On the other hand if the question was "Do you think Pokemon can try introducing characters based on other fictional/historic figures?", then , yeah, absolutely. I would love to see Kanto/Johto during the Meiji-era, or the Battle of Evergrande during World War 2. Or Kalos set during the Second Empire. Or Unova during the Roaring Twenties.
  6. Hi everyone. As I found out last week, my current workplace has insufficient work to continue my employment. As such, I have been busy finding my next job. So I'll have to call an indefinite hiatus on my LP. I'm hoping that I can sort this out by the end of this month (when my notice period runs out). Apologies for the lack of update.
  7. Looks like I've got another question: I've got a really big fictional map that I am continuously working on since April this year, and will likely take at least another half a year or so. Am I allowed to post regular updates of my working map? (It's actually an entire nation map consisting of the first four Pokémon regions, and a couple of extra regions.)
  8. My favourite ones. Almost all of them are from Revelations. Romantic supports are indicated with an "x", while platonic ones are indicated with a "/". As a lot of people say here, Arthur x Azura is probably one of those rare gems where characters meet again, and Arthur is a true hero. I couldn't help laughing at how ridiculously caustic Azama is usually, so I was surprised to see a more serious and philosophical view of a "peaceful priest" and a "glorious hero" that is of Arthur/Azama. Bonus points for Azama not sounding as trollish in the B-support, and not at all in A. Leo x Sakura for showing their mature side, and reflecting on the horrors of war in their A-level support. Leo/Takumi for that funny B-support (even the music seem to agree!) leading to them overcoming differences. And while I don't feel comfortable S-supporting a May-December romance, Xander/Sakura was another heartwarming gem in overcoming shyness. Ryoma/Elise takes the cake here however - being awesome, funny, and heartwarming all in one. Awesome, because Elise isn't intimidated by a former enemy blood knight with an equally intimidating Raijinto. Funny, because who would expect the intimidating warrior making a flower wreath crown with a cute princess? Heartwarming, because this actually worked in befriending a former enemy - though as with Xander/Sakura, I don't feel comfortable about S-Supporting the two.
  9. Chapter 11: Kantai Collection meets Fire Emblem Fates Battle of the Coral Sea The Rainbow Sage [spoiler=Briefing and Navigation] Admiral Chester Nimitz and I advanced to the South PacificNotre Sagesse to foil the Hoshidonts advancement onto the Rainbow territory in Indonesia and Papua New Guinea. Apparently, in addition to taking over the Rainbow Temple near Port Moresby, they also want to invade the Solomon Islands, Fiji, and northern Australia and take the Rainbow Sage hostage, under gunpoint! This shall not stand for the gallant nation of the United States of Nohr! Admiral Cracey(left): G'day, mate! How ya doin? Me:Not too bad, mate. You? Admiral Cracey: Ain't too bad, considering how many bombs flyin round here. At least better than that bloody boring hole thats full of spin-doctorin' pollies. (Psst, Melbourne should have stayed as the capital!) As it turned out, both Doug MacArthur and Chester intercepted and decoded Hoshidan communications, which seems to be a lot of fun. Theyve found out information of the Japanazi...no, Hoshidon't plans even before I got back from the Frozen Tribe in Alaska, so we had the benefit of the surprise factor. We met up with the Royal Australian Navy Rear-Admiral John Crace (show in above photo lol), who apparently comes from the really boring hole of Canberra some strange-named town called Gungahlin. Upon discussion, we decided to intercept the Japanazino, Hoshidan fleets at the Coral Sea near the Rainbow Temple. We took a break over at the port town of the Solomon Islands (Notre Sagesse), refuelled our ships, and made our way. The way across the sea was quite exhausting and...quite frankly, boring. Its just the same ocean waves ever. Not to mention just how hot is the South Pacific. At least both Elise, Camilla, and my new wife Belka's swimsuits look hot. (Cracey: 'Ey, you beauty!) After a couple of days on the ocean, we finally spotted Hoshidon't ships and aircrafts on the horizon, with the Rainbow Temple. It looks like the Fleet that is commandeered by Admiral Shigeyoshi Inoue!! (photo immediately below) The look of Hinoka's face is priceless! Looks like she and Shigeyoshi now has unexpected company! (ie us) Time to drive those J**s...no, Hoshidon'ts out! To arms, everyone!!! [spoiler=Battle of the Coral Sea]So I summoned all of my fleet to battle. Destroyer escort USS Niles was paired up with Iowa-class battleship USS Effie, and destroyer USS Mozu was paired up with Atlanta-class cruiser USS Silas. They were sent over to engage against Zuiho-class aircraft carrier IJN Setsuna. Sydney-class HMAS Selena, Tennessee-class battleship USS Arthur, and myself in Lexington-class USS Hisashi (which Nimitz, Azura were also on) were escorted by VT-Devastator Beruka, PBT Catalina-Felicia, and Azura to engage the fleets (oni warriors) led by Kongo-class battleship IJN Rinkah. IJN Setsuna depicted in Kancolle Most of the enemies were not too difficult to engage, as long as one was aware of the caveats in the forms of skills. I just had to attack from two tiles away for Setsuna's destroyers (archers), due to their Counter skill otherwise, their battle spirit was quite flat due to Setsuna being quite a blockhead. As for Setsuna herself (above two images), Mozu defeated Setsuna at her own game with a double attack of 22 damage each. Oh and Setsuna was quite nonchalant about her ship being nearly sunk. IJN Rinkah as depicted by Kancolle Rinkah's heavy cruisers (oni warriors) had essentially useless skills, and I could just send in Selena escorted by Odin, being mindful of the damage calculations. For Rinkah herself (above three photos), I first sent Odin in to damage Rinkah with Fire magic (with Azura's double time),sent in Felicia to further lower Rinkahs HP and Defense (and nearly being sunk in the process), and finished her off with Selena. Rinkah busted! For the next room, I ordered everyone on Rinkah's room on standby, due to medical and minelaying ship IJN Azama's Enfeeble mines (Enfeeble staff), which halves the maximum HP cap. IJN Kaze as depicted in Kancolle. Kaze in battle The other battalions moved to the next room, in which they had little problem sinking the cruisers (depicted as ninjas in the game) in the room. Kumano-class Heavy Cruiser IJN Kaze was also relatively straightforward, as I deployed Mozu with her Setsunas turret (Setsuna's Yumi), which damaged most of Kaze's armor and guns, despite the shaky accuracy. Kaze then attacked Mozu, only to be rendered inoperable by Mozu's counterattack. Kaze busted! Now I need to send them across the (samurai) light cruiser-infested territory and onto where Azama is! Silas escorted Mozu at full speed onto the other side of the room, easily brushing off the cruisers attacks. Effie also escorted Niles across, while Silas and Mozu set up their the attack against Azama. After completing their turns near the stairs into Azamas room, I weathered some more enemy attacks, then the next turn I made Selena attack and shot down one of the fighter planes (mages), with Odin (with Azura's double-time command) started shooting down the second fighter plane while Mozu attacks Azama with her Setsuna-class turret, hopefully ending everything within one turn. ...Only to react with horror that Azama's Miracle skill kicked in, barely surviving with 1HP. He then attempted to lay Enfeeble mines around Selena, which she dodged, thankfully. One of the surviving fighter planes (mages) attacked Mozu while the other plane attacked Selena. I forgot whether the attacks missed of otherwise, but both survived, thankfully. With vengeance (not the skill, though), Odin shot one surviving plane, while Selena (with Azura's double-time) took down the other plane and Azama. Meanwhile, Felicia and Arthur also had to get across to heal the worn-out units in Azama's territory. We had to play tag with the light cruisers (samurai), while we snuck into Hinoka's territory (which had fixed-position enemies), but then all the cruisers returned to their original positions, which made sneaking out more painful. Anyway, they dashed straight into the other sea lane (set of stairs) where we were waiting. On the other hand, this was the first time Niles used the capture command, and he managed to capture a Kodachi-holding Samurai! This was also the first time Azura would actually battle on her own right. After regrouping, we then came back up and sunk all remaining light cruisers (samurais). We finally advanced near to Hinokas position. Niles would then capture a Bolt Lance-holding Sky Knight on the left side, all in the hope that I can strip their weapons and make them ours like Tracia 776. HE CAN DOOOOOO IIIIIIIIIIIIT!!!! Wait what? Where did all the weapons they had go?? Noooooo!!! (Shown when the Prison back at MyCastle cannot accept any more prisoners.) IJN Hinoka in Kancolle Alright, lets move on. Ive decided to boss-abuse Shokaku-class aircraft carrier IJN Hinoka to gain some extra levels for my team and make Chapter 12 a bit more bearable. Having picked up Cupid Bows from random My Castle events, I equipped them to Mozu and Niles, to allow them to do target practice against IJN Hinoka with ace pilot Saburo Sakai while using the additional effect of restoring her HP. It also helped that there was a Shrine Priest behind Hinoka which restored the latters HP. And during all of this, I raised Beruka's, Azura's, and Felicia's levels: FELICIA CAN DOOOOOOO IIIIIIITT!!!! AZURA CAN DOOOOOOO IIIIIIITT!!!! Unfortunately, Niles and Mozu also levelled up, with their resulting damages exceeding Hinoka's HP recovery from the Cupid effect. Enough was enough, I guess, and I finished off a 5HP Hinoka with Odin's 9-point damage critical. Final turn count: 62 turns [spoiler=Retreat of the Hoshidan fleet] With many of the Hoshidont fleets sunk, we managed to change Hinoka's (and her Admirals') mind in holding the Coral Sea! One by one, the damaged ships starts to retreat from the area! Miraculously, for all that firepower we showed, not a single life was lost, bewildering Hinoka and her troops. In a show of mercy, we let her crew go too. An unlikely ally has arrived to enlist; it was one that we just fought against. I began my talk of freedom and liberty that our country has believed in... ...and it has worked! Even better, we managed to win the heart of a defector from decadence dictatorship! From now on, Kaze shall work as an intelligence officer to tap into Hoshidon't communications! We further advanced up to Papua New Guinea and Indonesia the Sages chambers. Seeing my Yato, and a letter of authorization from General George Marshall, he has decided to assist us by bestowing me his powers, together with his nation's natural rubber, oil, and other stuff essential for building warships, tanks, guns, and you-name-its for the war! Victory is ours in the Coral Sea! And it shall be in the entire Asia-Pacific!!! Admiral Cracey: Onya, mate! Now lets go kick some Hoshidont ass! Me: And off we shall go to To-ki-yo! [spoiler=Stats upon completion] Myself Nohrian President Candidate Prince, Lv 13, HP 31 14, 2, 13, 12, 10, 9, 7 Sword D, Dragonstone D Felicia Kalosian/French Maid, Lv 16, HP 25 9, 15, 19, 16, 23, 10, 19 Dagger C, Staff D Elise Medic Truck Troubadour, Lv 18, HP 24 3, 21, 13, 17, 23, 7, 24 Shuriken/Dagger B, Staff C Silas Light Tank Cavalier, Lv 14, HP 28 17, 1, 13, 16, 11, 16, 9 Lance D, Sword D Arthur A true American Rifleman Fighter, Lv 12, HP 34 17, 0, 13, 9, 10, 14, 5 Axe C Effie Heavy Tank (Armor) Knight, Lv 12, HP 27 19, 0, 11, 8, 14, 17, 5 Lance D Odin Magical Gun Jeep Mage, Lv 11, HP 23 6, 9, 14, 11, 13, 10, 8 Tome C Niles Sniper Spy Outlaw, Lv 13, HP 23 12, 7, 12, 20, 8, 11, 15 Bow D Mozu Sniper Spy Archer, Lv 12, HP 19 15, 1, 17, 16, 8, 10, 6 Bows D Azura Propagandist Singer, Lv 18, HP 19 15, 6, 17, 20, 22, 7, 12 Lance E Beruka Fighter Plane Wyvern Knight, Lv 13, HP 25 17, 0, 15, 10, 11, 17, 8 Axe C Selena Royal Australian Infantry Ylissan Mercenary, Lv 12, HP 25 12, 3, 13, 16, 10, 11, 9 Sword D Camilla B29 Bomber (Atomic Bomb) Malig Knight, Lv 1, HP 30 21, 11, 15, 19, 12, 18, 15 Axe C, Tome D Kaze Anti-facist Counter-propaganda and Japanese translation officer Ninja, Lv 10, HP 22 10, 0, 13, 19, 6, 8, 13 Shuriken/Dagger C
  10. Blah, do you still have you Bulbagarden membership? I've updated my Poke-Japan WWII entry to incorporate a couple of historical figures.

    1. blah the Prussian

      blah the Prussian

      Yeah, sure, I'll check it out.

  11. It's more a 60-70% no, 30-40% yes. When I first played Awakening after being away from the franchise for so long, I did feel a reassuring familiarity with how the turn-based simulation game went. However, I am somewhat dismayed by some of the lack of world-building that was in Binding Blade and Sacred Stones; whether it was through narratives, or the locations being numerous and descriptive through text or well-portrayed with the battlefield scene, or even non-support, non-Lord conversations other units had. I also question how main-character-centric the two latest games are, particularly in the tendency to make Robin, Chrom, and the two Fates royal families OP. I prefer Roy's scenario (except for the late promotion) where he needs the battle power and support of other units under him, because this show that leadership, tactics, and teamwork win battles, and it also gives me the sense that greater attention has been given to the non-Lord units.
  12. I doubt it. I know that my favourite games have their problems: 1) Pokémon GSC: That level jump between Gym leader Blue and Pokémon Trainer Red...well, let's just say that I gave up when I found out about that. Otherwise, I love how it was heavily based on real-life Japan, or even real-life Earth with actual mentions to real-life places; it would have made the franchise a near-unique RPG had later generations (except XY) didn't turn their back from this concept. Because the only other RPG games I know that have this explicitly real-life Earth setting are Shin Megami Tensei, Yokai Watch (which came nearly 2 decades after Pokémon), and maybe Earthbound (which is not a multiple-game franchise to the level of, say, Final Fantasy). 2) Pokémon XY: A bit too short, I must admit. All the other beef Pokefans both here and Bulbagarden had, I could not give a fuck, though. I was so mesmerised by how explicitly French the Kalos region was, and how a greater sense of real-life-based worldbuilding returned. I also loved how Team Flare was a reference to right-wing extremism in Europe (though admittedly, the inspiration was Nazi Germany, rather than Lepenian/Delonclean France). 3) Fire Emblem Binding Blade: Very unforgiving in terms of stats and especially accuracy, and therefore very selective in its choice of viable units. Still, I like how politics comes into play, and how Roy is just one of many actors in the War against Bern. I also love how Roy actually needs support from other units to win the game - it really adds the feeling that you're actually in a war. They are something that I miss from Awakening and Fates.
  13. I think I figure out what HMAS ship for Selena. I know her growth rates are generally comparable to Silas, with lower strength (Selena: 30% vs Silas 45%) and lower Skill (25% vs 50%) and slightly higher speed, defense, and resistance. I say that she is probably Leander-class which HMAS Sydney (D48) was one of, and which seem to have similar cannon sizes, speed, and armor thicknesses to the Atlanta-class cruiser. All right, time to write up the battle then.
  14. http://forums.bulbagarden.net/index.php?attachments/chugoku-johto-part-18-jpg.100727/
  15. Point taken, and I probably didn't explain enough, and maybe overreacted when i saw Saizo's conversation with the Avatar. However,I still say they've got some similar migrane-inducements. I failed to see either of them having actual discussions with their retainers in regards to Corrin, which is quite questionable. Saizo's "What has Ryoma got to do with my suspiicions with you?" in his C-level support with Corrin presents as "I don't give a fuck about what your so-called brother thinks, even though he may be my retainer." and feels inconsistent with his loyalty towards Ryoma - especially when he was more courteous with Azura in their C-level conversation. Both seem to present as they're distrusting Corrin because they can, and either not being aware of what Ryoma/Sakura actually thinks, or not caring. Further illustrating this, Frederick from Awakening does a better job in storytelling as a weary character doing his duty. In most scenes where Frederick tells Robin of the former's suspicion towards the latter, Chrom is also there, and all three are aware of the other person's attitude. In one case, being the prelude of Chapter 2, Emmeryn was there to briefly discuss the question of Robin. Frederick is a better example of showing suspicion as part of duty.
  16. Okay, I just did some self-teaching in the ships. Let me guess the reasons behind your recommendations, just so that I can educate myself about WWII military history a bit more: Niles/Destroyer Escort: Niles has the top speed per level out of everyone, and he even has an extra movement, and is shown to be quite nimble. Destroyer escorts are also designed to be nimble compared to other ships. Not to mention both have anti-air capability. Mozu/Destroyer: Fast and lightly armoured, but surprisingly powerful. Effie/Iowa-class battleship: The Iowa-class battleship must had been one of the biggest battleships the US Navy had during WWII. I also gather that it had one of the biggest and most powerful guns with one of its thickest armour, translating to Effie's top Strength and Defense stat per level, respectively. The battleship's surprisingly fast speed (over 30 knots when most are assumed to be 10-12 knots/hr) translates to Effie having higher speed, compared to Benny and maybe other FE armour knights from the past. Arthur/Tennessee-class battleship: Arthur has somewhat less Strength and Defense compared to Effie, similar to how Tennessee was a minor version of Iowa. USS Tennessee undergoing several damages during the course of war may also refer to Arthur's bad luck - keeping in mind that I used two Goddess Icons on him. Silas/Atlanta-class: Silas has comparable stats than Effie and Arthur, with the exception of a higher Speed. Atlanta-class cruisers also seem to have similar characteristics, where they were intended to be faster than a battleship, but better armed/protected than a destroyer. Beruka/VT Squardron: Uhh...wait, what's a VT??? I know it's a navy aircraft squad, but... Odin/PBJ-1H: Being B-25 Mitchells, they took part in air raids and the like, similar to how mages like Odin were employed against enemy units. Their durability also attests to Odin's relatively high Defense. Myself/Lexington-class carrier: From reading the history, I gather that Lady Lexington herself was the "headquarters" and "commander" for the vessels to the Coral Sea. If so, then this makes the connection obvious. Elise/Hospital Ship: So obvious as to make any explanations redundant. Felicia/PBY-5A: Felicia aides us by lowering enemy stats and replenishing allied HP. PBY Catalina was also multipurpose in this regard. Would Selena/Severa from Ylisse be something similar to Arthur/Silas? Given that I've already made Ylisse as Britain, shall I make her HMAS, referring to Australia's (being part of the British Commonwealth) participation in the battle?
  17. MU & Hana/Saizo: If this was to be done, then at least there should have been a case where extra/alternate dialogue for Hana/Sakura and Ryoma/Saizo should have been written and activated. Perhaps: "By the way, I appreciate your concern, but I'd prefer you refrain from [insert whatever phrase equivalent to hate on my older/younger brother]." "But Lady Sakura/Lord Ryoma!" "Hana/Saizo, I insist you treat him like you do to the rest of our family. This is an order I want you to abide." At least with Azura x Saizo, Saizo admits that, if Ryoma finds out about Saizo's distrust/spying, then the former would at least call the latter out, if not worse. Soleil and her mother: Oh my gosh! Hitting on other girls is one thing, but hitting on one's parent is...quite another... As for my dissent from some of the replys above: I'm actually fine with Beruka/Saizo, to be honest, and if anything, I'm actually less fond with the original Japanese version for the C-support. I like how mysterious and assassin-like their wordless "conversation" depicts as them starting to establish trust in between. Of course, I could just be reading too much, but eh, whatever. I find Camilla x Avatar's S-level conversation to be really funny...from being inappropriate. For the C/B/A-level conversations, they are fine in their own right, in terms of story, considering the less-than-ideal circumstances of their backgrounds.
  18. Uh, so I've got an bit of an issue. I started writing the story for the actual battle for Chapter 11, but I just do not know which type of ships are appropriate for which unit. So far, I've got: Niles as an Anti-aircraft frigate Effie as a Battleship Mozu as a Torpedo Boat Silas as maybe a Destroyer? Or a Battlecruiser? Or a Heavy cruiser? Selena as Cruiser? Beruka as Fighter plane or a bomber Odin as Magical Cruiser? Myself as Command ship? Aircraft carrier? Pocket battleship? Arthur as Heavy cruiser? Elise as Emergency vessel (medical) Felicia as maybe Q-Ship? On the other hand: Setsuna is probably anti-aircraft cruiser. Kaze is probably submarine. Rinkah is...maybe the same with Arthur??? Azama is...probably a repair/hospital ship? Wait, how should I explain Enfeeble??? Hinoka would be fighter plane? Or aircraft carrier?? (And Saburo Sakai would be the Javelin-Naginata?) Quick, someone get either the Feldmarschall from the Afrikakorps or the Prussian Emperor!
  19. You know some of the cool locations that TV Tokyo used to make the Pokémon movies? I'd like to explore them in the video game version. Particularly, I would have liked to see Southern France/Kalos as depicted in Cocoon of Destruction.
  20. I think this is the first actually difficult Normal-Classic I've ever played since Binding Blade. Actually, across the series, which Normal-Classic would be more/most difficult?
  21. Probably as with BrightBow said. Possible additional outcomes: - the leftover land being divided by Ferox and Ylisse, or - Robin eventually becoming the viceroy of Plegia under Chrom's administration. (Since he survives either way.)
  22. I myself don't have Pokémon GO (Thanks, Windows...) but had a Pokémon GO party going on: A couple of weeks ago I was up in Sydney to visit two friends who recently came back to Australia. What started out as a welcome-home party soon morphed into a Pokémon GO party with all my friends catching Pokémon left, right, and centre. Apparently the pub we were in happened to be a Poke-stop!
  23. Yeah, see, there are differing opinions between the two. Example 1: Having played the game back in 2001-02, it was only last year, and in this forum, that I heard people over here having an issue with Dorothy's low base stats. One of the writers for the player's guide at Mainichi Communications back in 2002 considers her low base stats as a fairly worthy trade-off of her high growth levels. (On a similar note, the Nico Nico and Pixiv communities reckon Donnel in Awakening is worth raising. I wonder if my compatriots back at home are less averse to babying, arena grinding and such.) Another example would be people having an issue with Lilina's low Speed growth. The same player's guide recommends giving Lilina all the Speedwings you could find, over using Lugh. (They reckon the latter's high Skill/Speed is redundant and without the benefit of a higher critical hit rate like, say, Rutger.) Of course there are certain things the majority on both sides of the Pacific agrees such as Wendy and Sophia being unusable; Alan, Lance, and Dieck being the best Ax users; and of course, Rutger and Sue being the two of the supreme gods of Avoid Emblem.
  24. Chapter 14 of FE6. Desert, FoW, and Sophia that literally needs babying. It would still be bearable, though, if Roy could just tell that bloody bitch of Cecilia to get a fucking brain and stay behind!!! She was the closest to make me say "See ya later, stupid bitch. Go and die in the desert if you really want to." Because Cecilia doesn't even have a in-story justification for the forced deployment unlike Sophia!!!
  25. Okay, so my team is as follow as of the end of Chapter 11: Myself Nohrian President Candidate Prince, Lv 13, HP 31 14, 2, 13, 12, 10, 9, 7 Sword D, Dragonstone D Felicia Kalosian/French Maid, Lv 16, HP 25 9, 15, 19, 16, 23, 10, 19 Dagger C, Staff D Elise Medic Truck Troubadour, Lv 18, HP 24 3, 21, 13, 17, 23, 7, 24 Shuriken/Dagger B, Staff C Silas Light Tank Cavalier, Lv 14, HP 28 17, 1, 13, 16, 11, 16, 9 Lance D, Sword D Arthur A true American Rifleman Fighter, Lv 12, HP 34 17, 0, 13, 9, 10, 14, 5 Axe C Effie Heavy Tank (Armor) Knight, Lv 12, HP 27 19, 0, 11, 8, 14, 17, 5 Lance D Odin Magical Gun Jeep Mage, Lv 11, HP 23 6, 9, 14, 11, 13, 10, 8 Tome C Niles Sniper Spy Outlaw, Lv 13, HP 23 12, 7, 12, 20, 8, 11, 15 Bow D Mozu Sniper Spy Archer, Lv 12, HP 19 15, 1, 17, 16, 8, 10, 6 Bows D Azura Propagandist Singer, Lv 18, HP 19 15, 6, 17, 20, 22, 7, 12 Lance E Beruka Fighter Plane Wyvern Knight, Lv 13, HP 25 17, 0, 15, 10, 11, 17, 8 Axe C Selena Ylissean Infantry Mercenary, Lv 12, HP 25 12, 3, 13, 16, 10, 11, 9 Sword D Camilla B29 Bomber (Atomic Bomb) Malig Knight, Lv 1, HP 30 21, 11, 15, 19, 12, 18, 15 Axe C, Tome D Kaze Anti-facist Counter-propaganda and Japanese translation officer Ninja, Lv 10, HP 22 10, 0, 13, 19, 6, 8, 13 Shuriken/Dagger C Benched: Nyx So the question is whether I should continue using Beruka, Selena, and Kaze. I will eventually use Camilla, but not until all of my other units start to hit that Lv 20 ceiling and promotes. The other question is whether it is worth replacing Silas with Peri, or (if Selena should be dumped) Selena with Laslow. While I will S-support as many people as I can, and while I will play the paralogues for more EXP, I will not use any of the Gen 2 units at all (or more than absolutely necessary), as they will be such a pain in the pig's a** to incorporate in this WWII-themed story. I will not incorporate the paralogues into the story either. As for marriages I already have: Mozu x Silas Azura x Arthur Elise x Odin Effie x Niles Intended soon: Myself x Beruka
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