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Everything posted by henrymidfields

  1. Definitely do the Paralogues even if you aren't going to use any of the children. They are yet another way to raise your units' levels. I also found out that it's better to do Kana's Paralogue later on when the enemies are higher-levelled (and thus yield more EXP), as the stage itself is very easy.
  2. Now don't you worry about it. The department of disciplinary affairs would take care of that...hehehehe
  3. Chapter 13: Neo-Confederates and Fascist Huns and D***s (Rebellion) Takumi again!? And teaming up with White Supremacists?! Down with the Confederates: Part 1 Down with the Confederates Part 2 Executing the White Supremacists Stats upon completion
  4. Yeah, sorry that I made it hard to read. Do you reckon I should edit the previous entries too for legibility? Hopefully, I can now update more regularly - not least because I've got Pokémon Sun and Moon coming up.
  5. Using Marcus left, right, and centre in my very first play of Binding Blade. Leaving Zeiss dead and missing out on Chapter 21x.
  6. I know it's two days early, but Happy Birthday to you for Thursday!

  7. I used to not like this game as much when I initially played it, but I think I'll give it a second chance here. As for the names...hmm...can I suggest the following? Father: Banjo (from the Australian outback-theme poet, Banjo Patterson) Mother: Betty Older brother: Ned (from Ned Kelly) Younger brother: Nat Dog: I can't figure this one out. Just out of curiosity, I used the following names when I played years ago: Father: Robert (from an alumni from my old high school) Mother: Hinawa (default) Older: My actual name Younger: Shi-sei (a Japanese pronounciation of an old high school friend from Hong Kong) Kumatora: Ko-sen (a Japanese pronounciation of my old high school's concert band mate from China)
  8. Pokémon Black 2, as I haven't been to Nuvema Town, nor to Route 17-18. Pokémon Y as I haven't completed the National Dex yet.
  9. ...that there's just little ongoing signature titles that aren't Mario or Pokémon. Even Zelda's been taking a back seat recently. ...that (as some of our members seem to agree in here) Mr Miyamoto's acting way too much of a dinosaur and refusing allow further development of existing titles, and to especially develop an actually serious story that more would have been there in Mario Galaxy, and has this obstinate insistence on simple stories.
  10. While I'm not a huge fan of the new artwork/poster of Sun and Moon - for one, it looks like a Summer School hijinks for someone who should have something more epic in acknowledgement with what everyone just did in XYZ - I'm glad that people here are more level-headed. (The the other forum I'm in has a lot of doom-saying at the moment. Granted, it's not entirely unjustified, but still...)
  11. Chapter 12: Morale-raising brawl at the Field Hospital (Bitter Intrigue) All right, it looks like my new job is soon to be finalised, so to celebrate this, here is our long-awaited update! [spoiler=Stats before commencement] I’ve done some levelling up in Kana’s Paralogue. The stats are as follows: Myself Nohrian President Candidate Prince, Lv 15, HP 32 14, 2, 13, 13, 11, 11, 8 Sword C, Dragonstone D Extra skills: Underdog, Heartseeker, Vantage Felicia Kalosian/French Maid, Lv 19, HP 25 9, 15, 21, 18, 25, 11, 21 Dagger B, Staff C Extra skills: Strong Riposte, Tomebreaker Elise Medic Truck Troubadour, Lv 18, HP 24 3, 21, 13, 17, 23, 7, 24 Staff C Silas Light Tank Cavalier, Lv 14, HP 28 17, 1, 13, 16, 11, 16, 9 Lance D, Sword D Extra skills: Defender Arthur A true American Rifleman Fighter, Lv 14, HP 35 35, 19, 0, 14, 10, 10, 16, 5 Axe C Effie Heavy Tank (Armor) Knight, Lv 13, HP 28 20, 0, 12, 8, 15, 18, 5 Lance C Odin Magical Gun Jeep Mage, Lv 13, HP 23 7, 11, 16, 12, 15, 12, 8 Tome C Niles Sniper Spy Outlaw, Lv 14, HP 23 13, 8, 12, 21, 9, 12, 16 Bow D Mozu Sniper Spy Archer, Lv 14, HP 20 17, 1, 18, 18, 9, 12, 6 Bows D Azura Propagandist Singer, Lv 19, HP 20 16, 6, 18, 21, 22, 7, 13 Lance E Extra skills: Aptitude, Profiteer Beruka Fighter Plane Wyvern Knight, Lv 16, HP 28 18, 1, 17, 11, 11, 18, 9 Axe C Selena Royal Australian Infantry Ylissan Mercenary, Lv 14, HP 26 12, 3, 13, 17, 10, 11, 9 Sword C Camilla B29 Bomber (Atomic Bomb) Malig Knight, Lv 1, HP 30 21, 11, 15, 19, 12, 18, 15 Axe C, Tome D Kaze Anti-facist Counter-propaganda and Japanese translation officer Ninja, Lv 11, HP 23 10, 0, 14, 18, 6, 8 Shuriken/Dagger C [spoiler=Field Hospital Hijinks] President Roosevelt sent a telegram to us congratulating our victory in the South Pacific. As it turned out, our victory over in the Coral Sea helped boost morale amongst the Aussie diggers when they just went through suffering from the bombings of Darwin and Townsville! President Curtin also delivered us some much needed Carlton Draught beer for us to enjoy. So our next mission before returning home is to visit a field hospital near Guadalcanal to raise the morale of our troops. We were on the telephone to the President and George Marshall who asked us to make a stopover over there before we return home. Sure, I said, and we gallantly made our way to the islands where the Nohrians and Ylissans would set up airfields and the like. Unfortunately, it looks like Elise caught a bad case of a tropical disease. Good thing we are on the way to that field hospital which is a vital point for our stationed soldiers. They even have some of the best surgeons from the Ivy League. But just as we thought we made it to the base...Ryoma and his troops somehow succeeded in launching an amphibious assault, push back the Allied lines, and take the base hostage...blocking our way to the field hospital. Ryoma: Kono hikokumin!! (You traitor!!) Ive looked everywhere for you! He yelled as he armed his sword at me. Myself: Geez, I dont have time to deal with your petty fascist ideals, you J**...er Hoshidont. Ryoma: Well then, commit harakiri, and atone for your shame. Or you can watch your fake-sister die. Or I can kill you here and NOW!!! *klang!* Huh!? Luckily, Doug MacArthur came in with the two regiments led by Peri (light tank) and Laslow (infantry) who made a detour for us, with thanks from Xander. I informed them of the dire illness Elise was under. Myself: I'm sorry, Laslow. I know you're right, but I won't be able to smile until Elise is safe. We need to get her medical attention right away, but- Laslow: What are you saying?! Has something happened to Lady Elise? Myself: She's in bad shape, Laslow. She doesn't have much time. We need all the help we can- Hey! Wait! Dont be so haaaaasstyyyyyyyy! They immediately started shooting at the Hoshidans before I could even finish talking. What enthusiasm. Peri in particular seems to enjoy the battle, with joyous yells of, "Oh yeay! Another headshot~!" and Aaaahhhhh, I love the smell of Hoshidont blood." Uhhhh right...To arms, boys and girls! [spoiler=Battle of the Base and Hospital] All right, so we need to get all the steroids we can get. I immediately destroyed the two steroid pots near where we just started, with some of our units gaining +4 Def, while others gaining +4 Luck. Felicia, Beruka, and Niles headed over to the east to take up more steroids, which turned out to be HP replenishment that was redundant. All other of my troops headed towards the western end of the courtyard to engage the Hoshidans. As soon as we defeated the Naginata soldiers stationed near the steroids on Turn 3, we took another steroids, which were +2 Str/Def. I then moved Beruka over west to break a second steroids jar, while Camilla breaking the third one (+4 Def). The Effie rushed double-time-Azura-style to the north to bait the Ninjas near the northern pavilion. As it turned out, that was a big mistake that nearly costed Effie. Apart from failing to account for Saizos magic shuriken, and his follow-up, he also had the Pyrotechnic Skill further lowering Effies HP to 1. So someone else had to finish the job. That turned to Arthur with Azura double-speeding and attack-stancing her husband, who the husband-and-wife emerged victorious by the end of Turn 5. Then Arthur (and Azura) proceeded to vanquish Kagero with their Axes and Lances of Justice and Freedom. Meanwhile, Camilla, Sila, Peri, and Beruka took up another jar of steroids in the western colonnade, raising their Resistance a further 4 points. Meanwhile, Mozu have just arrived over at the pavilion and shot an arrow to break another steroid jar, giving our +4 Resistance, while Effie took out the Ninja that was just behind the jar. The other remaining Ninja was taken out by Niles and his follow-up. We took our positions, and Camilla called in an aerial bombing (via her Dragon Vein) to destroy the rest of the jars. It was aptly timed too, because almost all of the enemies were poisoned and weakened. Effie and Mozu took out the Snipers (Apocatheries) on the western entrance from the pavilion, and everyone else followed suit. By Turn 10, we secured the northern foyer, and was just about to face Ryoma and his two infantries (Samurais). I stood by at the right side of the corridor to prepare an escape if things got out of hand, while Niles snuck into the back rooms to get the treasures. Camilla and Silas (attack stance) would take on Ryoma for me, which they did surprisingly well. Apart from Camilla being stronger than most other units I have, she also had support bonuses with Silas and myself. Ryoma went back at Camilla (with myself backing her), but struggled to damage her, while we landed our shots. The final blow came from Silas with Camillas backing as shown below. By the end of this turn, everyone had the following stat boosts: Myself: +2 Str, +6 Def Felicia: +2 Str, +2 Skl, +4 Lck, +2 Def, +6 Res Elise: Did not participate, sadly. Silas: +4 Lck, +4 Def, +4 Res Effie: +6 Def, +2 Res Arthur: +6 Def, +6 Res Odin: Did not participate, sadly. Niles: +2 Str, +2 Skl, +2 Def, +2 Res Azura: +2 Skl, +2 Def, +2 Res Beruka: +2 Skl, +4 Lck, +4 Def, +6 Res Selena: Did not participate, sadly. Camilla: +2 Str, +2 Skl, +4 Def, +6 Res Kaze: +4 Def Laslow: +2 Skl, +4 Def, +2 Res Peri: +2 Skl, +4 Luck, +4 Def, +6 Res Final turn count: 13 turns [spoiler=Retreat of the Hoshidan fleet] And we succeeded in breaching the Ryoma Line! Panic ensued amongst the Hoshidont troops and they all started to retreat from the Field Hospital Grounds! We rushed Elise to one of the doctors in hiding, and no sooner did he started to get to work. After a long 12 hours, he succeeded in stabilizing Elises disease. He informed us that she should stay put for another 48 hours before we set sail back to the US mainland. Outside, a crowd of cheer erupts from the Allied troops as they witnessed, and recognised us as the victors of the previous battle... [spoiler=Stats upon completion] After this, I’ve done Sophie’s paralogue, so the stats are as follows: Myself Nohrian President Candidate Prince, Lv 16, HP 33 14, 2, 14, 15, 11, 11, 8 Sword C, Dragonstone D Felicia Kalosian/French Maid, Lv 20, HP 26 9, 16, 22, 19, 26, 11, 22 Dagger B, Staff C Elise Medic Truck Troubadour, Lv 19, HP 24 3, 21, 13, 17, 24, 7, 24 Staff C Silas Light Tank Cavalier, Lv 18, HP 32 20, 1, 16, 18, 13, 19, 9 Lance C, Sword D Arthur A true American Rifleman Fighter, Lv 16, HP 35 21, 0, 15, 11, 10, 18, 6 Axe C Effie Heavy Tank (Armor) Knight, Lv 15, HP 29 21, 0, 12, 10, 16, 19, 5 Lance C Odin Magical Gun Jeep Mage, Lv 15, HP 24 9, 12, 18, 14, 16, 13, 9 Tome C Niles Sniper Spy Outlaw, Lv 16, HP 23 15, 9, 13, 23, 10, 13, 18 Bow D Mozu Sniper Spy Archer, Lv 17, HP 21 20, 2, 21, 18, 12, 14, 8 Bows C Azura Propagandist Singer, Lv 21, HP 20 18, 6, 20, 23, 23, 8, 13 Lance D Beruka Fighter Plane Wyvern Knight, Lv 18, HP 28 19, 2, 17, 12, 13, 19, 10 Axe C Selena Royal Australian Infantry Ylissan Mercenary, Lv 17, HP 29 14, 3, 13, 19, 12, 13, 10 Sword C Camilla B29 Bomber (Atomic Bomb) Malig Knight, Lv 3, HP 30 22, 13, 17, 21, 12, 18, 17 Axe C, Tome D Kaze Anti-facist Counter-propaganda and Japanese translation officer Ninja, Lv 13, HP 23 12, 0, 16, 20, 7, 8, 14 Shuriken/Dagger C
  12. Holy shit, I've got a friend who live right in the middle of the city. I hope she and her husband is okay...
  13. I also like how the police would use Pokémon in Episode 2. It actually gave me some idea of how a possible Fire Emblem x Pokémon fanfic could use this scene as a castle infilteration.
  14. Frankly, I'm not looking forward to much from Nintendo nowadays. I will definitely get Pokémon Sun and Moon, and I could do with Yoshi's Wooley World, too. As for the non-announced, I'll always look forward to the next Fire Emblem game, and I'd like to get Hyrule Warriors, Breath of the Wild, and the past Zelda games I missed for that matter, but that's it really. The others aren't really my cup of tea (though I do wish to see a revival of Metroid/Star Fox), or in the case of Mario (except for Yoshi stuff) and Smash Bros (except for N64 version), I absolutely hate the franchise in recent years and refuse to touch it ever again. (I dare say that the 1990s movie of Mario Bros depicts Mario, Luigi, and Daisy/Peach better than the recent games - where the latter two are just stupidly cringeworthy in recent years.)
  15. Xander, I say. Because Xander is a proud defender of Nohrian democracy, while Ryoma is the lapdog for the invasion-loving and bloodthirsty Hoshidon't dictator. (Lol. In case you are wondering, that's my WWII-reinterpretation of my LP.)
  16. Do harder difficulties in the series have better weapons? Not forged ones, but say, a Iron Sword Swordmaster in Normal will have a Steel or Silver Sword, or even a Wyrm/Armor-slayer in Hard. If that isn't done, then that should be implemented in all hard modes to give people a nasty surprise. Or even personal antimosity-based skills that gives enemies critical/hit/avoid/damage bonuses against units considered top-tier (say Narcian vs Milady/Perceval in FE6; Orson vs Seth in FE8; Enemy!Xander vs Player!Ryoma in Birthright), essentially making relying those otherwise top-tier units risky for in these important points, and punishing you for not diversifying.
  17. Like Fates Conquest, except Hoshido is the dictator-like bad guy, and Nohr is the gallant, freedom-loving democracy. Or another branching game, except that both stories feature a much bigger evil like Revelations. Either through misunderstandings, prejudice etc, the two countries wages war, but you try to convince your own faction that the real culprit is someone else entirely. So a set of games that merges together at the end - opposite of Fates.
  18. I don't really care about censorship too much if there is a good reason for it. If it is meant to be E, or E10+ at most, then I think it is understandable. I may start questioning censorship when it's meant for a more mature audience. I would draw the line, however, when Nintendo go as far as to restrict our purchase choices through region-lock. As a censorship measure, I find that really dumb, because I strongly doubt that many western kids under 15 (in Australia) or 13? (in the US? What's the minimum age for a Teen rating?) would be sufficiently bilingual, so there would be not much reason why they would buy a Japanese version. Plus, there are less physical stores selling overseas games, and thus generally requires internet access and a credit card, which I doubt most kids have. And don't most purchase sites require you to be above a certain age to do your own purchases anyway? As for the minority that do know a overseas language and do have access to internet purchase, a disclaimer stating that Nintendo is not responsible for usage outside of its intended region should suffice - the parents should take the ultimate responsibility. Also, from what I have heard, Xbox and PS3-4 doesn't have problems with out-of-region games, and Nintendo had no problems with region-free GBs, GBAs, and DSs, so why should Nintendo be so nervous about inappropriate out-of-region content on the DSi/3DS?
  19. As @CooledSheep mentioned, I too shall back our suave lord of Sycamore/Platagne from my runner-up favourite game.
  20. Yeah, what happened to Golden Sun? That (with Earthbound and FE) was a great franchise in the otherwise lacklustre GC/GBA-era. I can also do with some more F-Zero - that absence has been far too long. Actually anything that's not Mario (which I am not in hell going to touch anymore), Pokémon (which just had GO and will be seeing Sun and Moon soon), or FE (which just had Fates released in Australia) really can do with more games.
  21. Pokémon: Thunder Wave is practically required if you want to go catch legendaries. I also had good uses of Will-O-Wisps to soften up opponent's attacks too. I remember bringing in Martina (my Ampharos) + Rocky Helmet against Marshall in Black 2, and Martina single-handedly took down three of Marshall's four Pokémon, with one even being paralysed from the Static ability.
  22. Depends. Generally no, unless if the level grinding is essentially impossible (most of Fire Emblem), or really cumbersome (some of the battles in Pokémon BW1 thanks to the EXP scaling).
  23. Arthur's Bronze and Raider Axes named "Axe of Liberty" and "Axe of Justice" respectively Odin's Thunder named "Blitzen-donner".
  24. A FE6/7 integrated remake that ties in better in terms of characters and backstory. (What the hell happened to Lyn in FE6?!) Also, rebalancing of units (both player and enemy) and weapons in FE6, instead of the blatant playability-disparity discrimination against several units like Axe-users, Armor Knights, Sophia etc.
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