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Everything posted by Eltoshen

  1. I think I understand why some people hate Mist. Even Ike abandoned her.
  2. Why are people complaining about Jerme? You can just hammer him with ranged magic. He falls oh so quickly. Actually, same goes for Lloyd. I actually killed him with Wallace, IIRC. Anyway, wtf moments I've had was when Lakche was about to die from Alvis' Falaflame but she dodged with somewhat around 90% and Moonlight crit'd his ass.
  3. Astrid can die on the first turn if the Myrmidon is able to reach her. That's pretty freaking sad. (Hard mode, btw)
  4. They're out slaughtering Yoma and all you guys can do is play with your hockey sticks...
  5. Eltoshen


    It would make sense, but I highly doubt it. Why? Ulquiorra revealed that his second form wasn't known to even Aizen. Therefore, it wouldn't even be considered in their rankings. Also, a Vasto Lorde is defined to be a hollow who has achieved human form. It was revealed quite a chapter back. Yes, Grimmjow's Fraccion was basically piled with Gillians-turned-Vasto Lorde (it was never confirmed, but you can tell by their human forms). The fact that they're all Vasto Lorde doesn't mean they're at the same power level, though. The only Gillian of the "current" Espadas was Aaronio Whateverthefuckhisnamewas. EDIT: Actually, if I recall, there was one scene where the captains were commenting on how they were doomed if there were more than 5 Vasto Lorde in existance. The next scene showed a group of around 20-ish Vasto Lordes (according to Aizen's script). Wow, I feel like such a Bleach nerd.
  6. Eltoshen


    Al the current Hokages are corrupt in their own ways; some more so than others. EDIT: Actually, I think Gaara's too young to be corrupt.
  7. Oh yeah, I don't think you'd ever learn of his existence unless you read a guide or something. Seriously, they give no clues that he exists.
  8. He deserves better? He gets a lot more respect than every other character these days.
  9. If you don't care for Tiki, I don't understand why you wouldn't use him to weaken enemies.
  10. Oh, I forgot to mention: give Athos a speed stat booster and he'll be able to kill Uhai in a matter of two turns (counting ally and enemy phase).
  11. The whole world is Reyson's bitch. Lower folk like you don't understand that. Anyhow, my vote goes to Bastian! You can't say Rolf sucks THAT much because at least he can turn out better than Shinon. << Albeit he does remind me a lot of Nino. Rolf has much more availability than Nino, however.
  12. Yeah, nobody would take you seriously.
  13. Due to his title as a knight commander, he needs to be better. D8
  14. That's because Rhys doesn't really have any...
  15. Eltoshen


    All Zero Division members are ex-captains. ;)
  16. I've always wanted to see some flying limbs in Lion King...
  17. Trolling? Ha ha, no, and frankly I'm fucking disgusted that that's how you're reading my posts. No. You were civil. That is, until you realized you weren't getting everything your way and began milking the situation for all its worth.
  18. http://serenesforest.net/general/rajaion.html
  19. Forum Graveyard it is. Prove to me that you are capable of making the right decisions by yourself, and I won't. You're a member. That's not your job. If you're only here to troll around, you're better off ditching Serenes with your brother, or whoever the hell he is.
  20. rofl, I'd be pissed if I was kicked by a pony.
  21. ... just read the whole thing, just like you would play a game from beginning to end. I think she has anime and manga confused. O_o And in that case, you just watch from episode 1.
  22. Yeah, around my current playthrough, I've rediscovered things I didn't notice before. In Chapter 17, last stage, Mist smites Boyd for making fun of her weight. I don't think this has ever happened before because my Mist has always been promoted by then.
  23. You seemed pretty good at your job. Have fun with college. 8D
  24. I'm pretty sure I got the general idea of what you were talking about, I was just confused as to what you were referring to.
  25. Whenever you get a group of people together, you will inevitably have situations like this because it is in some people's nature to always see the fault. Whether justified or not, no one in a position of authority over others is exempt from criticisms of anything they do unless they take steps to quash the freedom of those people to criticise. (This will often draw criticism of its own) The simple fact of the matter is that no one in a position of authority over others is allowed to win in any case whatsoever. It's simply not possible. This applies across the board from presidencies to internet forum moderation. Of course, but this isn't even about winning, so I find their arguments pointless. If somebody is unwilling to accept another person's apology, there's really nothing you can do about it. IMO, if all people think about is "winning", you're going to get nowhere fast.
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