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Everything posted by Eltoshen

  1. Finally decided to play this and realized that I liked a few of the new characters. Question is, who should I kill to get those characters and when? (aka, i want the sidequests)
  2. There are oh so freaking many but Ike wins.
  3. Being able to tank an extra enemy > being able to dodge an extra enemy, because the latter isn't even guaranteed. Yet you're both still ignoring Arya's extra 14 points in avoid. Compare a 50% chance of hitting and a 36% chance of hitting. That's a huge difference. Let's say the former can survive up to 5 hits, while the latter can survive 4 hits. Now spread that out amongst 10 enemies. Who would have a better chance of surviving? EDIT: They'd both have high chances of surviving, maybe I should lower the amount of hits they can survive?
  4. I somehow always give one of the many leftover Occult skills to Volke just because I like the animation that occurs when he uses it. Yeah, I turn on animations from time to time. D8
  5. Two words: Arms Scrolls. There are only 2 in the game, and I need to use one on Jill so she can use a Brave Axe (because there is no way that Jill is going to get from a C to a B, just by using a steel axe). What are you doing that has her promote so late? I am using her to heal practically every turn of every map, even if a character has only 1 HP less than full. I don't really want to have to stuff a ton of BEXP in her, to be honest, but I guess I'll have to... wtf, it still takes you that long? You must be good at avoiding damage, then. o-O
  6. Yeah, Bastian is pretty shit. I almost forgot he existed.
  7. Luck is an overrated stat (how often are you going to take a critical hit anyways?). Stefan's luck isn't too much of a problem. But Zihark still wins. my personal experience speaks otherwise, and personal experience means everything. Stefan just because he's an awesome character. I wouldn't mind using all the Swordmasters, although Mia is a bit weak in terms of power.
  8. lol, I spammed Elincia in the chapter she joined. She ended up dying after reaching level 17.
  9. 'Cause Asrid is shit? I don't know. Seemed pretty obvious what he was trying to say, even though I disagree.
  10. *points to av* Yes, don't use a unit who's stats will directly affect those of her children. I totally understand your logic.
  11. http://serenesforest.net/fe4/Jugdral%20Holy%20Blood%20Family%20Tree.PNG Just curious: Isn't Levin's father supposedly the one who inherited Major Holsety? Or was it actually his mother?
  12. Are you taking into account Holyn's HP and level lead? also wow, a trivial amount of avo in a game with 1 RN By the time Holyn joins, Arya will have already surpassed him in level, unless you don't use her, which is a pity (not to mention stupid). FE4 doesn't seem to be as shitty as FE5 when it comes to the 1 RN argument, and Arya is dodging most attacks for the most part anyways. Also, just because I felt like mentioning it, an extra 10 points in avoid isn't trivial. I don't get how something like an extra 9 points in HP is better than 10 points in avoid (14, if you count her luck lead) when avoid is calculated in every battle while an extra 9 points in HP can only be used to save you from one misguided attack (which occurs a lot for Holyn). In essence, I could argue that Holyn would be worse off at soloing than Arya can, since his avoid and defense are mediocre at best. Getting hit < not getting hit. Of course, they'd both fail horribly if they charged into a hoarde of Lance Knights, but Arya has a much better chance surviving a group of Mages, to say the least. Holyn would be toast, especially since his resistance is nothing to brag about. And let's face it, this game is full of Mages (especially in Chapter 4).
  13. What's there to know? Some people just are attracted to the same sex. The end. If your question is why they do, it probably goes down to a personal level, as there could be many reasons or just none at all. Just comes natural, really. If you're wondering how someone could physically enjoy gay sex...;;>> That's not what he's trying to convey. He basically means that some people judge all gay people using stereotypes, such as those that they see on TV. No, gay people are not all like that. They don't all strut their arms around and scream with high pitches.
  14. Eltoshen


    Let me just say one thingtwo things: We're on a gaming site. Discussing Fire Emblem.
  15. The goal isn't to get as many hits possible in a battle. That's only good for combo videos. The goal is to get the enemy dead, and survive numbers of them. Bosses are a joke. You honestly expect dudes that sit on thrones and never be a danger to your people because they don't move to be considered important? Holyn can't survive numbers of enemies, either. His defense is at most only 4 points ahead of Arya. That can amount to surviving one more attack than Arya, but that's about it. Meanwhile, Arya beats him by the same amount in Speed and Luck. Also, can I ask that you stop cutting off parts of my post? Especially when I connect them together? I already stated my opinion on the matter in the second part of the post. I'd like to ask that you either quote everything that's in the same paragraph, or stop quoting me completely, as it's beginning to piss me off. By the way, you seem like you're the type who loves to argue your point until the opposing side just gets sick of you. If that's the case, you've succeeded pretty well, and you troll like no other. Congrats! I'm officially annoyed.
  16. I'm not too sure anymore, actually. I think the activation of the sword skills can occur up to 4 times in one battle (unless you have Duel) and I believe the activation of the skill has to occur before every strike of the sword (for Holyn's case). The same goes for Arya, but it's hard to describe when the skill would activate, due to the excessive attacks, lol (basically after 5 strikes, if Shooting Star activated before her first attack). Who is she compared to again? Levin, Sigurd, and...uh...? Levin has the Holsety, which makes him broken while Sigurd is probably the best character in first Gen. Some could argue Lachesis, if you actually spend the time to promote her to Master Knight, but I don't see competition coming anywhere else. And the reason why Arya is ideal for boss killing is because of her Awareness skill. It basically renders the enemy's skills useless (such as Big Shield, which can even block Moonlight Sword). I'm not saying they're difficult, but I'd rather just defeat them quickly rather than smack them around with chippers like Lex (who can barely hit people sitting on thrones, lulz). i sincerely apologize for bringing lex's blue ass into this, but i couldn't help it So, what I'm getting is that Arya was treated like a God, which makes me understand why you guys thought she was overrated.
  17. No, not really. Well, sometimes, yes. Against some heavy armored dudes, but I think that's only it. They are pretty much the same thing. Yeah, um, activating shooting star with a Hero Sword with 20 chances for a critical > activation of Moonlight Sword. IMO, pairing Arya and Holyn kinda cripples her children, since Shooting Star and Moonlight can't activate at the same time. Reasons for the above? Mainly since damage is calculated before deducting the enemy's defense. I don't get why people send Arya out on solo missions, though. She's mainly meant to be a boss killer, if all else fails for your other characters, when you don't want to waste money repairing a Holy Weapon.
  18. In Starforce, the game actually forces you to use shields if you don't want to get hit when fighting bosses. Although I didn't have to restart once until the final boss (in Black Ace), it was still annoying.
  19. At least 50%? I'm not too good with shooter games, since I'm not an expert on game controls.
  20. Let's just say it makes itself very hard, especially when it comes to the case of Ike. To sum it up, I love games that involve abuse. It's something that I learned about myself.
  21. http://serenesforest.net/fe4/recruit.htm I'm pretty sure Aless joins as a Social Knight, though it has been a long time since I played FE4 without hacks.
  22. Oh I forgot. I don't function like you internet-gurus, who's main purpose for owning a computer is to store pictures of boobs. Of course Lex can pair with Arya, just as he can pair with anybody else, although he won't be able to pass on any weapons to any of his kids, IIRC. o-O Elite and Minor Neir is basically the only thing he has going for him. I'd assume he was overrated because he's one of the better looking males in the game, but apparently you guys are more focused on comparing people to the Megan Fox of Fire Emblem. AKA, I didn't know Arya was that popular.
  23. Why are people saying Ira is overrated...? IMO, Lex is the most overrated character in FE4. Axes suck in FE4 and his inability to double attack without the use of the Hero axe pisses me offone of the shots misses half the time as well. Elite doesn't make up for the amount of suckage time he has in FE4not to mention, that's the main reason people rate him so highly. Pair him with Tiltyu and you'll have shitty kids who fail in both might and magic. >_> In FE5: Mareeta may be overrated, but she's still a good character. FE6: No comment. Didn't play it enough times and I don't know who you all like. FE7: Hector. He's my favorite character, but he just...doesn't double enough in HHM, and there's also the late promotion. He's awesome in Eliwood mode, though. FE8: Dunno.
  24. I wasn't talking about The Onion. Where'd that come from? I was talking about healthy eating... I think. The Onion is where the motherfucking article came from. The FAKE article. I think he was referring to his original comment. It was a bit confusing, but I read over it, and he doesn't claim that he believes the article. He was just bashing healthnuts in general. I could be wrong though, but I'll give him the benefit of the doubt. Not what I gathered (when I first read it or when I read it just now), but for his sake, I hope you're right and I misread. Considering he mentioned a bit about sex being replaced with food in the article, it would make sense. Then again...
  25. I don't...go anywhere else, really. Relating to forums, that is. Except for soompi. That's the main forum I visit. It's a korean music site.
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