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Everything posted by Eltoshen

  1. The director could've meant something along the lines that Lelouch died, but that doesn't mean he's going to stay dead. Heck, the emperor "died" for a few minutes before he randomly woke up again thanks to the code. Did the director clear things up further?
  2. You came in, so expect spoilers. Is Lelouch alive? I would think so. Why? Symbolism. Every time somebody made a paper crane, Lelouch would show up. First time Nunally. Second time was Shirley (when they were making fireworks in R2). Last time was C.C on the horse trailer (the last scene). And it seemed like C.C gave Lelouch her code, which would give him immortality. Am I missing something important? Most people like bashing others for thinking that Lelouch is still alive, but I think that they're just being lazy and/or don't understand the plot too well. I already forgot much that I was going to mention about after I rewatched the whole anime in a few days, but this fact I remember well.
  3. lol, you put Kenpachi before Shunsui and Ukitake. And you put Unohana after Kurotsuchi, lol. They're the only remaining members of the original Gotei 13.
  4. Eltoshen


    Shinji? He's the strongest Vizard. I doubt he'd get defeated by Aizen that easily.
  5. Already watched both seasons. First season was a bit better than the second if only for a certain scene, but they were both pretty good. I have to say that Gundam 00 definitely has the best animations out of the gundam series (given, it's the latest, but...) Never are certain battle scenes repeated constantly to take up time (lol gundam seed), and overall, it's amazing. I love watching it in HQ. ;D Expect little character development, though. It exists, but it's not that noticable.
  6. Itachi and Kisame would definitely be the strongest team. None of the others really even come close.
  7. IMO. 1. Madara 2. Pein 3. Itachi: Seriously, Madara was afraid to act because Itachi was still around. Meanwhile, Pein was under Madara's control, so he didn't have to worry about Pein that much. 4. Kisame, Kakuzu, Sasori, Hidan (Their skills are way too diverse) Last: Deidara We don't know enough about Konan and Zetsu to properly rank them. And that's basically it.
  8. Strongest? Obviously Yamamoto. Hitsugaya is probably the "weakest", but he has the potential to become really strong (in 100 years--which isn't that long, lol). My favorite captain is Ukitake Jyuushiro, mainly because of his scene with Lilynette, lol. Least favorite is that blind guy. He's just...annoying as hell.
  9. You have to give Paris Hilton creds. I doubt anybody else can get as much attention as she does these days... Oh yes, my all time favorite. I'm not racist. Racism is a crime and crime is for black people.
  10. Love this idea. Actually, Micaiah wouldn't be a bad idea for female either. Not that I mind Elincia.
  11. I wouldn't mind if you added some FE5 characters aka, i would love it, since FE4 didn't feature many of them as playable characters or even reveal their identities until later.
  12. Male: Geoffrey (FE10) Female: Lucia (FE10) Unspecified: I think Ike works best for unspecified...since he's the main character.
  13. This is a big OCD for many people. If you don't use it, you have a potential of receiving a middle finger.
  14. I was expecting a princess and here we have a--
  15. Wow, I'd never have guessed. Then again she's already associated with MILF and GILF, so I don't know why it took my head so long to wrap around that.
  16. i disagree. you should be the typical asian driver for your first few months or maybe a year behind the wheel.
  17. but...i care. and i want one with ike. roid-ike please.
  18. VPILF = Vice-President I Love Forever? Sorry, I'm not up-to-date with these internet acronyms.
  19. I dunno...in the looks department? 8D tbh, she doesn't look stupid. Or wait, was that just the glasses effect. o.o
  20. Eltoshen


    ^ how are they connected? does not expect an answer
  21. Jokes aside, I love you. In a homosexual way. I want to make babies with you. <3 Sarah Palin isn't a moron... D8 hopes he doesn't get attacked
  22. ohey, it's self-proclaimed fashionista g-d.
  23. Still don't get the reference on a few of these, but glad they're back.
  24. Eltoshen


    i see your sprite and i am familiarze!
  25. Eltoshen


    i was suddenly reminded of teletubbies.
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