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Everything posted by Eltoshen

  1. I hate Rolf in FE9. He just looks like a pansy.
  2. When there's a war in the real world do people say that? I've never been in a war or known a soldier but taking a life isn't something that people do without regret (not that I've ever tried nor will I ever want to). Especially kids. They probably comfort themselves due to their resolves.
  3. Everybody would use him endgame? but anyways, there's a bunch of what-ifs. If Ike wasn't playable, I wouldn't consider buying the game, which I still haven't since I don't own a Wii.
  4. Yeah, I don't really care until it happens...? It's not like we can prevent it with our current technology anyways.
  5. Fanboys say differently. Fanboys aren't talking about her stats. It's unfortunate, but I've seen some who did. Personal experience means everything when the character has boobs.
  6. Fanboys say differently. Fanboys aren't talking about her stats.
  7. Do you guys think we'll ever make it? We'll have plenty of pedobait by then.
  8. I also notice you didn't quote or reply to any part of my post, and are indirectly attempting to refute my post by simply saying I didn't follow the unwritten procedure of replying to everything you said first, rather than critiquing actual arguments. But fine: And...? That's all I can say. That and 'Sounds like a great idea.'My argument this entire time is that you're allowed to be a retard and get yourself killed, because that's your choice. Maybe not a good choice, but no one has the right to force you to do otherwise. By attempting to provoke a response with this post you simply demonstrate that even now, after all of this, you still do not even understand the argument. A better post would have called into question the right for people to make choices they would have to be insane to make in the first place, or would argue that for the sake of society the government should protect the good of its people as a whole. But the way it's phrased now, it doesn't address the argument, and promotes a worrywart set of morals as an ethical code that everyone else should be obliged to follow simply because of the convictions of the poster. Sounds like this just boils down to, "You should have the right to kill yourself." Also, you mentioned a bit about how the car design can prevent other people from being hurt. If you're going to mention something like that, post a link to an article that describes it or whatnot and prove that the design is used in most modern cars. Right now, I highly doubt that a flying body will simply fly out the window without causing major damage. (and what about the glass?)
  9. LOL @ the people who don't get my sarcasm.
  10. Percival looks cooler than the two you mentioned, so whatever. I voted for him, btw.
  11. Karel actually has a higher base speed than Karla. Karla is competeing with Nino for worst character in the game. That's bad. I'm pretty sure there's a huge difference from being the worst character and the least useful since Nino is nowhere near a bad character when trained.
  12. You do not know how awesome this is. Thanks for the screenshots. <3
  13. Before the chapter started, I think I had 16 alive... >_< Dam Jeigan for not dying fast enough.
  14. I just give Athos Nosferatu and Luna and he can solo about everybody besides the Reed brothers (I need some ranged backup). Against Kenneth, he can use Forblaze or something.
  15. Also, why did I not get 6x? I have 14 characters alive by the end of Chapter 6...
  16. How often does Arya NOT kill with Meteor when it activates (EVEN LESS LIKELY THAN WHEN MOONLIGHT ACTIVATES)? Your questions can all be applied to Arya as well, which is why nobody even mentioned it. We both know they can overkill, so what's your point, even? Nobody's arguing that Holyn is a shit unit. And also, you're overestimating his strength lead. He's only ahead by 3, and this is assuming Arya's still level 4. >_> btw, why are you comparing levels like they even matter? 4 32.0 11.0 0.0 16.0 17.0 7.0 1.0 3.0 12 40.0 14.0 0.0 17.0 17.0 11.0 1.0 1.0 Holyn's only noticable lead is HP, and Arya's still dodging better than him, with an 8 level gap. I should've gone with this route from the start.
  17. Despite the fact that Bleach fillers generally have an ongoing plot and Naruto fillers are like 1-4 episode long arcs? Hell, I didn't even know Bleach's Bount arc was filler until I'd almost finished it, and even then the thought was weird. Oh yeah, I like anime. Mostly. I've recently been drifting away, though. I'm not talking about filler arcs. I'm referring to filler episodes. But now that you mentioned it, besides the Bount arc, every other Bleach filler was shit (except the latest one is looking good so far). Hell, one could argue that the Bount arc was shit as well. Naruto Shippuden fillers actually contain substance to the story, such as detailing the capture of Sanbii.
  18. what? When the hell did I say that? I was attacking your overstatement that Ayra would magically gain four levels 3/4ths of a map in. And then Holyn has the arena to bolster his level lead. That's considered...a lot? LOL. Did you forget the fact that there's an arena in chapter 1 as well? Not to mention, almost all the remaining enemies in that same chapter wield axes, perfect slaughter bait for Arya. Btw, not saying Holyn is bad either, since he's far from it. I just didn't understand why people thought Arya was overrated when she's way better than everybody else who's being mentioned. This led to me thinking that people were thinking of her as a god or something, which is why everybody mentioned her name for whatever reason.
  19. lol omg, Abel and Cain both died once in the Prologue chapters since I wasn't used to the movement spaces being so huge.
  20. I'm playing Normal mode just because it's my tradition to play Normal Mode before Hard. I don't know why, to be honest, since hard mode has never been much of a challenge. >_>
  21. Tell me if this is a good party. Kain Sheeda Oguma Barts Julian Lena Nabarl Merric Wolf Zagarro Athena Minerva Xane (wtf did they name Chainey? >_> ) Horace Tiki/Nagi Any suggestions on how to raise certain characters and what classes I should have them as? Or is that option not available on your first playthrough? Oh yeah, if I'm missing somebody important, please tell me.
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