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Everything posted by Eltoshen

  1. I'd rather go for Lex and Arya and leave Azel for Tiltyu.
  2. Yeah, I was wondering why people were arguing with each other over an apology. o-O
  3. Rhys gets doubled like hell in FE9 Hard mode... >_>
  4. When there's a war in the real world do people say that? I've never been in a war or known a soldier but taking a life isn't something that people do without regret (not that I've ever tried nor will I ever want to). Especially kids. They probably comfort themselves due to their resolves. http://www.truthout.org/search/node/post+traumatic+stress I'm not talking about the modern world where the general public is ignorant towards violence around the world (the same could be said for Fire Emblem at times, but there's a greater degree of violence overall) .
  5. Myu: http://www.feplanet.net/sprites-archive-character-sheets/m/2338 Mary: http://www.feplanet.net/sprites-archive-character-sheets/m/2338/2339 Natalie: http://www.feplanet.net/sprites-archive-character-sheets/n/973 Conclusion: Natalie is Mary's aunt.
  6. Don't underestimate the power of bishounen. Edward fits that category best, followed by Leonardo.
  7. Eltoshen


    I dunno, perhaps a past member of the Zero Division?
  8. Eltoshen

    Karel Karla

    Winning a debate does not make something a fact.
  9. Yeah, our school's Varsity Basketball is reserved for black people.
  10. That's basically what I did... I don't think I even had an internet connection when I first owned this game. I had my head screwed on during my first playthgough, so I didn't do too badly... From what I remember, anyway. Now that you mentioned it, same here. And I realized that I didn't let any characters die either, back then.
  11. Eltoshen

    Karel Karla

    But...Karla's a girl. Girls > Guys.
  12. The number of times I have sat through bad movies for the sake of a girl is impossible for the human mind to fathom. AKA 0.
  13. I'm going to 11th. By the way, our school doesn't require honors to take AP classes, and they're worth 5 in the GPA system. So basically, the only real point in taking AP is just for the college credits (which some colleges disregard anyways >_> )
  14. lol, last time i played a sport seriously was in middle school.
  15. Can't you do something a bit more mature... Dx
  16. That's why you kill her the first chance you get. No, you steal her keys and attack her for the exp, and then let her go. Repeat two times, except on the last time, just go ahead and kill her. You don't need that many. Just steal one extra pair. >_>
  17. What would you call love of trannies?
  18. The world needs more skanks like Lachesis. Boy, if she was my sister. ^o^
  19. Right handed. I feel bad for lefties when writing essays. Most of you probably learned how to write without getting ink on your hand though.
  20. Last year? AP Chem. This year? APUSH AP Bio AP Statistics. Honor everything else. hello summer homework. ap history works you like a slave. 8D
  21. Eltoshen


    Vinegar is good on fries and chips.
  22. That's why you kill her the first chance you get.
  23. Title: Fire Emblem: The Prince of Jewels Game System: Playstation XII
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