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Everything posted by claire

  1. lol I don't even check measurements for clothing I pick the smallest size and pray it's not made for midgets This is late
  2. omg reminds me of this book i read on my kindle when i was in like 6th grade...so when my parents gave us our kindles they also gave us this weird 400-pack book download and i found this one book that i cant remember the name of.. it was weird as shit this 1 guy turns into some sort of insect and his parents start 2 hate him .. so he kills himself or something and everyone is super happy after he dies. anyway yeah i would kill myself
  3. WTF how can they be a monster if they r to my exact tastes...id still stay with them for sure though (this can be platonic right)
  4. oh I got hit on by this one waiter the other day..was with my friends and he like joked with me a lot and paid me more attention than other people even tho I was the only one not interested really..lit everyone was so thirsty for him and talked about him whenever he left LOL he wasn't a bad guy or anything in fact he was cute I just don't want a relationship so I went along with it to be nice lol. but in the case that it's those fuckin ugly GameStop regulars I just don't have it. Ignore or glare and get out.
  5. smash bros..easier to do well without other ppl questioning it as opposed to mario kart where veryone screams about how bad their luck is...lmao like stop being bad maybe also smash is just a better game
  6. can't believe he's been gone for almost half a decade now :/
  7. well first i really like my name, which is claire BUT my middle is marie so claire marie combined is very pretty imo. then ive also loved the name charlotte for a super long time + i also like the name hiyori (as my username prob shows).
  8. my friend and i got mystic messenger to make fun of it but its actually kind of fun and since im competitive i want to unlock everything for myself so theres that now. sometimes when im traveling and im bored w nothing to do i play bloons td battles too... :/
  9. none I'm not entirely sure what a light novel is exactly
  10. Okay I'll probably have a few done when I get back from school tomorrow
  11. wtf is that "hair" um it looks like she is only 20!! illegal in my country but i will draw it nonetheless
  12. didnt eveknow wht a populist was til i read this thread i had an idea but wasnt sure but anyway ill pick populist cuz while i would prefer benefits for myself..im not THAT huge of a ibtch ://
  13. by something i mean someone and by someone i mean feminine characters that i can drwa really squishy (gennder doesnt matter)
  14. it could be dying i used to be on a forum w more than 100 a day and then now its like 4 a day
  15. the only type of chicken i put sauce with is grilled chicken and its some garlic / oil hybrid thing
  16. My current one? Well on the flight rising forums there r some really dumb threads and I found an anime roleplay one that was FUXKING HILARIOUS and one of the anime characters was named hiyori so I got really obsessed with the name and still am
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