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Everything posted by claire

  1. yeah, you're mistaken, for the second time on this site in particular i have to clarify the fact that saying things like that is to, quote, "show the magnitude of my dislike for" that thing. anyway i didn't really appreciate the condescending response from parrhesia using ad hominem. but that's okay.
  2. i like any puzzle that doesn't require button mashing tbh
  3. not entirely sure how its silly if the idea of most forums is to post your thoughts .....but lol
  4. ive never been on a train...have been on the subway in new york tho, the worst i saw was a pile of human shit and pee on the ground
  5. because i wanted to comment on it?? lol who tf said i didnt expect to see chocolate? back off fam
  6. i really dislike chocolate and these pics are making me feel sick so im gonna just walk out of this thread omg
  7. dont care as long as i can be lucina however i dont have to act and stuff right?? like idk if cosplay is just dressing up and showing off or if u have to act...cuz if its acting no thx
  8. i personally dont make fun of illnesses i think the reason people dont joke about cancer and stuff is because its like....society's go-to disease for tragic stories?? idk how to explain it now i know that people do make fun of autism and similar illnesses, but i think they do because it doesnt cause death and that way they wouldnt feel bad if something bad were to happen :) (the fake "nice" persona that many people tend to carry: its that type of person that like...brutally makes fun of someone but then five seconds later reads a story about a kid with cancer meeting a superhero and pretends to care lol), + sometimes people with illnesses like that come off as "weird" which people love to make fun of so theres that too as for the diabetes thing it sounds like they're making fun of obesity itself and not diabetes, but yes i agree its tasteless.
  9. wat.,, are they gonna call me ugly or something If yes then I don't care edit: oh, like being beat up. nothing. im weak
  10. idk i order drinks for children like shirley temples and orange juice so i never get 2 pick a size. but medium would make the most sense to me
  11. holy shit i thought the one in the red cap was you for a sec and i was like wtf did this guy get pregnant at age 10
  12. i like reading these i would post but I only have inside jokes that probably arent funny to anyone else :(
  13. I only buy Nintendo stuff and iPhones when my contract expires As for computers ive had mine for like 7 million years and it still works reaaaally well so I don't know about that
  14. idk i always say dumb stuff and interrupt classes but im a genius so all my teachers still love me my fave thing was when i gave a teacher a fake name and it worked for a few months until one of my classmates gave me up
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