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Everything posted by claire

  1. my dad proposed to my mom but now theyre divorced
  2. i had a fish that caught disease from snails and died
  3. my dad is a millionaire and he wont even let me get a lizard
  4. just bought these...site's pretty weird and theyre not my style but i wanna try new things 4 fun https://www.unifclothing.com/products/normas
  5. once i wasn an admin on this one stupid kids forum so i banned all the members and he got mad at me
  6. yep thats me thx the pngs right? http://imgur.com/a/eABdL
  7. i fucked up bad...when i was choosing a character to edit i picked midori cuz i thought itd work but i forgot that her hair was in pigtails. i tried to save it using the backpack and ears but it didnt work out and im kinda upset bc i realized it super late so i was too annoyed to fix the shading and colors and hair and stuff. igot sick of it rly fast. but heres the messed up thing at least its sorta cute iguess: tbh i guess its to be expected since i went in blind ill probably do better on other edits in the future lmao EDIT: AND THE QUALITY SUCKS TOO AAAAA ok i now know what im doing this is good tho
  8. i changed my mind id rather do the my room 3d model edits ive only done color swaps so far but ill see if any of these things will work on an edit anyway.
  9. are u accidentally gonna kill ur patients
  10. i just get ads for mini coopers, clothes from stores i shop at, and like movie/show streaming sites.
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