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Everything posted by claire

  1. i wanted to make a question thread...dont be rude
  2. this im still trying to understand
  3. are the characters living bullets or something
  4. It looks very fun and I want to try
  5. What the heck is bullet hell and danmoji
  6. miitomo got me over 400 without even trying also wtf even is touhou everyone's always talking about it on here
  7. the penalty for silver weaps is a little high, I agree. I don't mind though since I can just forge other weapons As for weapon durability I kinda like it, I mean I hardly notice it anyway. I've never rly had an issue of being low on weapons so that's probably why.
  8. i take back what i said about moon being ugly, i saw a drawing of it that was nice so i zoomed in on the cover and it turns out it has 2 eyes and not a single pink one. wow
  9. i hate pokemon anyway cuz everyone online is competitive af and heres me with my cute little -12 iv swinub getting crushed and demolished BUT that said i have a friend whos the same way and i said if hed get it i would also get it so we could play against each other. so in the off-chance that i do get the game.. both the legendaries r UGLY AF so im gonna have to go w color here and ill be getting moon. cuz i love blue. but yeah
  10. all Link..but maybe have their names written in the same color that they are when theyre being addressed not that i think it matters anyway...
  11. you mean like, millions?? honestly there's not much that i want..id probably use it for college and occasionally buy clothes/video games and maybe rent a really nice apartment when i'm old enough to
  12. the only comics i like are asterix, tin tin, and foxtrot so nope i dont even think theres a comic book store in my area anyway
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