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Everything posted by claire

  1. yes a personal choice that neither of my parents nor anyone in my family approves of..+ he's been 18 for less than a month LOLfirst he crashed into a street sign drunk at 17 now this so everyones tired of his shit and about how he lies about where he is 24/7 tbh OH MY GOD that channel hahaha he used to joke about it but maybe he wasn't. I'm not sure now LMAO I DONT NOTICE WHENEVER HE SNEAKS THO. I'm oblivious to everything 90% of the time so I'm kinda annoyed that he's blaming me for this now
  2. im not gonna stop him lol he'll punch me or smth. my mom told him i was how she found out when i legit didn't say a word so now he's being a pos to me. o well.
  3. i hated the bosses where i volunteered, so ill go w when i worked for my dad if that counts edit: misread. idk he was cool. he didn't talk 2 me at all and i got to work in peace
  4. he started when he was under 18.....idc about his health it's just embarrassing and he vapes in the house L M A O i don't want that filth near me srry
  5. my mom somehow found out and im just in shock that someone related to me and someone i grew up with vapes
  6. People say my spirit animal is the goose
  7. margaret thatcher was on the ap world history exam............
  8. ok i only said that bc my family is 100% syrian so it's still relevant to us unlike most people but alright I mean obviously most people have "something" in their ancestry.
  9. it already happens to me and i can't do anything back BC im physically weak but oh well lol i just stay out of his way
  10. well im already gonna be learning latin so if i wanna add onto that ill go with aramaic. my ancestors are phoenician ;;))))))
  11. it seems like the issue is more than just deodorant. i think his dad might hate him
  12. im always good at gif avatars but integrity tells me to resize them and im too lazy to do it 90% of the time
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