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Posts posted by Jeheza

  1. [spoiler=What is master version of FE8]

    Welcome to my first hack which has to do with Fire Emblem 8 and attempts at improving the gameplay.

    This hack tries to improve quite many features of the game and especially the lack of insetive to grind and think.

    Issues in the original:

    - The vanilla game suffers from post-game mindless grinding which is not needed

    as there's no challenge or reason to max out your army.

    - FE8 is notoriously easy with stupid and weak enemies.

    - Shops update too slow. Combined with the easy chapters, you will fight from start to finish with Iron weapons.

    - Many imbalances from items to characters.

    - Main chapters are a joke in rewards.

    - Lack of tactical t

    Master Version handles all these issues by:

    - Increasing the main chapter difficulty not by stat buffing the enemies. I don't want this to be an RNG-gamble game.

    As you will see in the patch notes, enemy stats are slightly buffed, nothing OP or broken.

    In fact, all non-promoted enemies have the exact same bases and growths.

    What changes is their scaling, equipment, position and timing/number of events.

    Enemy commanders will seem much more capable as they actually have plans to defeat your army.

    - The game now focuses a lot on A) unit placement B) set up C) using the appropriate soldiers for the appropriate task

    - Bum rushing tact is punished in most occasions. There will be situations to press your advance and make you do mistakes. However, everything is manageable within the timeframes with carefull progress.

    - Set up and preparation becomes very important.

    - Monster enemies remain as weak as the original. Reason is that the Tower and the Ruins are grinding areas and they shouldn't be a headache while gathering exp and resources.

    What about story chapters with monsters then?

    You will see that even without any buffing, monsters can still be a challenge when organised.

    - Starting positions for the player are different with various consequences.

    - Every section of the story maps is like a..."little puzzle"for you to solve.

    - Nasty surprises which all can be countered with good planning. Also enough time is given to set up a counter plan

    against any surprise.

    - The idea of post game is dumped, with all items becoming available before the end

    and making the end-game (Ch.20+21+22) very hard for optimised parties.

    - The maps were designed so that savestates aren't needed. (Though Ephraim's end-game chapters might need them :P)

    I still haven't tried the hack myself so I can't say for sure, but some of the reformations seem pretty cool in the concept at least.

    And on the part 3|1/2 the 8:50 happened to me way too many times in my Normal blind ironman run of this game.

  2. 6. Would you like to see the return of the landscape and terrain mechanics of Radiant Dawn in the future installments of FE games? (The way terrains height and ledges affect in the hit ratio.)

    7. If Ike and Ryoma had a friendly arena match, which of them would you root for victory?

    8. How many game consoles do you have?

    9. Sweet food vs. Spicy food.

    10. Which do you prefer more: Super Mario bros.(NES) or Sonic the hedgehog(Genesis).

  3. Thanks!

    I will most likely attempt L+ run again somewhere in the future, but not in a while, since Fates is coming. That said, I'm going to be extremely busy next year, but been thinking of doing blind ironman run of the Conquest path on lunatic, when I have the time to attempt it (Probably late 2016).

    Also, next time I do the Awakening L+, I'm going with the strict rules that I had originally planned to do + banning all random events: barracks, sparkling tiles, anna shops etc.

    Oh, and I almost always forget the existence of Miiverse :P:

  4. 1. I already know you don't like Bayonetta being in Smash 4, but what do you think about Kamui in it? How was your first reaction? If it was more of negative, did it change after seeing his/her gameplay, or did it stay the same?

    2. If you would be a Fire Emblem character, What class would fit you the most?

    3. Favorite video game/anime antagonist?

    4. Favorite Final Boss music?

    5. Any impressions of me?

    (as a sidenote, I heard your version of Aqua's song and have to say, your voice is beautiful. I got goosebumps.)

  5. After galeforcing ch24 and sweeping ch25 and endgame, it's finally finished! With the total playtime of almost 48 hours, my Lunatic+ [NoDLC/AvatarLogbook] Run comes to conclusion.

    The hardest chapters on my run were definitely ch5 and ch12. Chapter 5 was hard because I had no access to by wind from the ingame shops (a risen had spawned there), and due that, I made an exception to my previous rules and allowed spotpass shops and renown up to 10000, but used it only up to 1000 for the Bullion(L). (I'm lazy, and had not enough patience to wait the risen to vanish.) Chapter 12 was hard mainly because my Cordelia was not strong enough, thus hadn't enough offensive power to take down the swarming Valm forces fast enough. In the end, I managed to struggled through the chapter with Lissa's help. After finishing with Inigo's Paralogue and going to ch15, the run became a lot easier.

    I guess I could post some pictures of my endgame team here and some comments too (If anyone is curious...)



    Chrom the Great Farm Lord. He was supporting almost all the time. I wouldn't have a need to even promote him.



    Sumia wasn't bad and did quite well supporting Cynthia in the lategame. She had also 2nd most victories on my run.

    [spoiler=Grima's Heart]


    My only tome user of my entire run. I know I had over leveled/over used Robin a lot, but I had no Idea that he had over 700 battles and over 300 victories. He got the gold medal. I tried to get him to LV15 GM to give him rally spectrum to help support Morgan and Severa against Grima, but failed and instead, gave him Paradise: the +5mt Celica's Gale.

    [spoiler=Titania of the sky]


    After feeding ch14 for my weak Cordelia, She turned out very good and even surpassed Sumia in combat.

    [spoiler=The ultimate Staffbot]


    She was very useful unit. Trump card of the ch12.



    After grinding her to LV30 at chapter 11, I gave her a second seal and grinded her again in the chapter 13. She got pretty amaizing skill and speed which helped Inigo to be even better support unit.

    [spoiler=Divine Voice]


    Tiki became a good support unit with Lucina. She would have actually surpassed Lucina, if she'd have a galeforce at base.



    She failed to be a good sweeper and in the "Late" lategame, I more or less, dropped her. It's my own fault, since I promoted her at LV 15 and still kept giving more EXP to Cynthia (Who turned pretty amazing instead).


    She was awesome. That's all.

    [spoiler=Daddy's Little girl]


    Morgan got the bronze medal; and she deserved it. I planned to reclass her into Sniper after getting Pass, but didn't bother.



    Slayer of the Beast. Severa team-Killed Grima with the help of Robin's Ignis and Morgan's Brave Bow. It would have been easier If I would made her to hit LV15 and got the Bow-Faire, but luckily Robin's Ignis hit four times in one turn.

    [spoiler=The Boyz]

    Inigo was better than Owain, but that's thanks to Olivia. Both of them still did their jobs good.

    Special mentions for Anna being secondary Staffbot+ Chest Looter and Base Basilio giving my Severa and Morgan Rally Strength boost. They were both crucial for my Endgame strategy to work.


    And with that, I'm done. If you have any questions regarding of my run, feel free to ask more. Also, thanks for Kuroi Tubasa Tenshi, Irysa, Thor Ordinson and especially Czar_Yoshi for giving me tips and helping me around this rather difficult game-mode.


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