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Everything posted by chococoke

  1. Chapter 15 (7/43) Oswin cleans out the top, Eliwood takes out the fighter that spawns and then helps clean up the bottom of the map with Hector and Marcus. Hector ORKOs Longbow!Eubans with the hand axe. Eliwood's levels are finally getting better! Chapter 16 (8/51) Say what you will about my turncounts, at least I keep it consistent. Kent takes out his side of the map with minimal assistance from Sain. The boss ends up suiciding on Marcus instead of targetting Oswin like I wanted. Bye and thanks for nothing, Marcus. Unit Class Level HP ST SK SP LK DF RS Weapon Ranks Hector Lord 12.65 28 14 12 10 08 14 04 B Axes Eliwood Lord 09.45 24 08 10 10 11 08 02 B Swords Oswin Knight 16.32 32 16 14 07 04 16 06 A Lances Kent Cavalier 06.91 23 08 08 09 04 06 02 D Swords D Lances
  2. Wow I'm rusty. Chapter 11 (7/7) Standard shiz, Hector gets a good level up, red gem obtained. Chapter 12 (7/14) This one took an extra ~3 turns because a bandit camped on a peak and laughed at me. Decided to use that misfortune to give Eliwood the boss kill. He responds with a +HP level :c Chapter 13 (7/21) Slow and steady wins the race...? Managed to recruit the killing edge Guy on the last turn after he crits Hector. Elipoop will appreciate the weapon. No stats yet because I'm lazy. EDIT: Yo why did I draft Eliwood so high? He's flaming garbage EDIT2: Chapter 13x (7/28) Typical defense map. Merlinus takes a few hits from a mage For The Boys. Eliwood does intense training on the bottom of the map and rewards me with another +HP level up. Hector is becoming a beast rather quickly, though. Chapter 14 (8/36) I'm dumb and the rain cost me at least 2 extra turns. Eliwood could've delivered me on turn 7 with a rapier crit but decided not to oblige. My turncounts are pretty good
  3. I guess that means I'll take Karel. And that concludes drafting, thank you everyone
  4. His press conference after the monday night game against the Bears is one of the greatest of all-time. RIP
  5. Kent and Eliwood EDIT: just a head's up I won't have cpu access all day and I can't really edit the "units remaining" list effectively
  6. I don't want to jump to conclusions, but there's usually only one reason why you'd completely skip your drug test.....
  7. If only Bell had decided to drive twice the speed limit with a loaded gun/child/weed in his car smh Consuming the ganj is at least 4 times worse than that
  8. I'm assuming Lopey is asleep so this draft will resume when he replies and I wake up.
  9. Alright, into the Randomizer we go: There were 5 items in your list. Here they are in random order: Peppy finalinsanity DragoArmageddon Lopey Chococoke Looks like you're up first Peppy
  10. a truly enlightening conversation at least football-like activities will be taking place soon
  11. Sweet, 2 more people up for this? I'd love to get drafting ASAP
  12. Marvin Lewis looks like the kinda guy who sold his soul to the playoff devil at some point in his life
  13. sup It's been a while since I've been involved with anything FE-related on this site, so won't you join me for a draft? Drafting: 1. This draft is for 5 players. 2. Hector, Marcus, Merlinus, Ninian/Nils, and Athos are free for all to use. 3. Bartre and Karla are drafted as a pair. 4. The last remaining unit will remain undrafted. 5. Marcus is banned after Chapter 16. 6. The game will be played on Hector Normal Mode, skipping Lyn Mode. Rules: 1. Undrafted units may recruit characters, rescue undrafted units and NPCs, trade, visit Shops and Armories, and dig up items in the desert. 2. Undrafted units may not do anything not listed above, including but not limited to meatshielding, building Supports, opening Doors or Chests, talking to Fargus in Chapter 17x, or Seizing Castles in Chapter 25. 3. All Gaiden Chapters except 19xx, 23x and 28x are required to be visited. 23x and 28x may be visited at the player's discretion, and don't count towards the total turncount up to 20 turns taken per chapter. 4. Other units may do as they please without penalty. 5. Defend chapters count the last played Player Phase for turns if the timer is waited out. Penalties: 1. Undrafted units have a 4 turn penalty, per unit per chapter. Exceptions: 1. Matthew is free for Chapter 11. 2. Meatshielding is allowed for Chapter 13x. 3. Lyn, Kent, Sain and Wil are free for Chapter 16. 4. Undrafted Thieves may be used to obtain necessary Promotion items. [spoiler=units remaining] Wallace :( Teams: 1. Peppy - Florina, Raven, Pent, Bartre/Karla, Farina, Louise, Jaffar - 159 turns 2. finalinsanity - Sain, Erk, Dorcas, Heath, Dart, Wil, Nino 3. DragoArmageddon - Matthew, Guy, Serra, Lyn, Rath, Vaida, Harken 4. Lopey - Lowen, Fiora, Priscilla, Canas, Isadora, Rebecca, Renault 5. Chococoke - Kent, Eliwood, Oswin, Lucius, Legault, Hawkeye, Karel - 188 turns
  14. Danny gets hurt often but when he's healthy he can out-grit most. Steve Smith is legit but Edelman threw in a lip last season in a game against Buffalo twice after making TD receptions. It doesn't get grittier than that
  15. Who cares about WR speed anyway? The best pass catching group in the NFL this season has GRIT with players like Edelman, Amendola, Gronk, Hogan, and Dion Lewis.
  16. Hey, don't get mad at me! It was a simple mistake!!!!!!!!!!!!! EDIT: Seriously though, "balls had seemingly been deflated" means absolutely nothing lol
  17. Your "simple mistake" is implying that my team is cheating while also saying in the EXACT. SAME. POST. that you don't know anything about the situation. I mean, I get that you don't utilize logic like most humans but pleading ignorance while also trying to call out my team isn't really an excuse. By the way, based on Ben's legal history I'm pretty sure there's a culture of rape occurring in the Steelers locker room. But I've heard too much about it and don't wanna talk about it so let's just leave it at that.
  18. "I would be upset if it was Ben, but if there was enough evidence suggesting he did something wrong, I would accept that he ought to be suspended."Contradicting yourself in the span of 2 posts?! You're already in mid-season form! ;) EDIT: for real though, don't even bother trying to defend yourself because I already know that you a) don't think you're wrong and b) are gonna accuse us of ganging up on you. You just make it so easy to call bullshit on the things you say and I honestly don't know if you realize WHAT you're saying half the time EDIT2: on another note, if any of you have Anazon Prime I highly recommend "All or Nothing," which follows the Cardinals through the entire 2015 season. Bruce Arians has to be the most vulgar man in the NFL
  19. So you're implying that you believe there's enough evidence that Brady should be suspended while also saying you don't understand or even want to understand what's going on. Never change Ana
  20. I'm definitely interested to see what Tyrod can do playing for a big-time contract. I almost want him to play well and price himself out of the Bills' range.
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