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Everything posted by chococoke

  1. I actually thought that and gave him the benefit of the doubt at first. But looking at the replay, he has a clear shot to dive and attempt a recovery. Obviously there were bodies around and he would've taken a lot of hits had he dove on the ball, but it looked like he definitely had an opportunity and kinda just stood there and flinched.
  2. I honestly don't fault Cam for the way he acted. He got to the biggest stage after being practically invincible for the first 95% of the season, and it all fell apart for him. It's tough to get that close and lose. If he's smart he'll learn from the moment and improve his demeanor. I feel Cam deserves maximum criticism for not diving onto his second fumble late in the game. It was pitiful and came in a moment where the Panthers still had a chance. Completely inexcusable. If I'm a teammate of his, that play makes me question his entire image. Biggest game of your career and you won't dive headfirst onto an opportunity to stay in the game? Quite a leader.
  3. I think Denver's defense played exceptionally well. They harassed Cam all game and outright won the last two playoff games for the Broncos. I hate those buncha scumbags but credit should be given where it's due.
  4. My score is based on my expectation that Denver's O-line will poop the bed early and often. Maybe Peyton gets pulled at halftime and Brock comes in to lead the Broncos to an amazing comeback victory? Denver 32, Carolina 31 EDIT: Also, there's really nothing that beats coming back from a cancer diagnosis and being named All-Pro
  5. Terrible fan is unfair. Obnoxious fan is a lot more appropriate. I'm rooting for the Panthers, even if it leads to Ana posting in all caps about how AWESOME that one white linebacker is EDIT: I know his name, I just don't feel like looking up the spelling
  6. So... the NFL took recordings of football PSIs the entire season and... threw away the results? Were they scared that they would finally prove that their investigation a year ago was complete bullshit and a waste of money? That they might have to give back the Pats' first round pick this year? I'm totally not salty about this
  7. Please look up the Duke lacrosse rape scandal if you REALLY don't think someone could fabricate a story AND make it public. You seem to be convinced there are people who call Ben a rapist and not Winston. Ben had more than one incident which made him look terrible. What it all comes down to though, is this: what does it really matter? Who gives a rat's ass if someone calls Ben a rapist? He's going into the Hall of Fame when he retires. I deal with people regularly who want to trash the Patriots or Tom Brady (ignorant coworkers, even patients I interact with lol.) I'll tell someone they're wrong but honestly, is it really worth getting all worked up about? I mean, maybe Winston did rape that girl. And if he did, he shouldn't be playing. However, he didn't get charged so we can't just toss him out of the league. Additionally, there are PLENTY of players in the NFL today who shouldn't be playing based on past legal transgressions. If you have talent and you didn't murder someone (read: get caught murdering someone,) you will find a team who wants you. That's the reality of this league.
  8. Do you really see a problem with the Browns cutting Manziel from a developmental standpoint? As a rookie he was calling plays incorrectly in the huddle. This season, he barely made any discernible progress on the field, and still can't stop partying or stay off the news. Who wants a player around that is not only me-first, but can't even cut it from a talent prospective? Now, drafting Manziel in the first place was certainly a Browns move. However, now is 100% time to move on from him. He adds absolutely no value to that team. As for Winston... um, wut? You think neither Ben accuser had a tearful story to tell?
  9. Saying Megatron is old is comical. He could easily contribute if he wanted to play. That being said, he's actually been banged up quite a bit in his career. He hasn't missed a ton of games but it seems like he's nursing multiple nagging injuries by the end of every season. As the obvious #1 WR on his team, he's taking a lot of hits every game. I was initially shocked hearing he wanted to retire. However, I understand now. If he doesn't think the Lions have a chance to compete over the next few years, there's no reason to continue putting his body at risk.
  10. Probably does that because he can still play with the people he's injured lol
  11. Marvin Lewis is a terrible coach. Burfict is a scumbag but his bullshit is at least reserved for between the lines. Just because Jackson coached under Marv doesn't mean he subscribes to the latter's lack of authority. My opinion stems from the fact the Gordon wants to make money and Jackson wants his offense to be as dangerous as possible. I do believe Hue can work some magic on Gordon but that remains to be seen. Also, there's no conceivable way Goodell didn't know about the tapes. He only extended the suspension after the video was made public because it made the NFL look bad. Goodell only takes action when he's worried about the league's image, otherwise change is not necessary because the higher ups are still making bank.
  12. I have faith in Hue Jackson to keep Josh Gordon out of trouble actually. Josh Gordon has the ability to elevate their offense to the next level and I think Jackson will make that abundantly clear to him.
  13. I have high hopes for the Browns next season. If Josh Gordon is reinstated, Hue Jackson is going to have a lot of fun calling plays. Hell, with a semi-competent QB, the offense looks pretty good on paper.
  14. Yes, when I say "most injured" I mean "most injuries." I kind of assumed you would figure that out on your own. Edelman missed almost 2 months and the most dynamic running back on the team was injured less than halfway through the season. The offensive line injuries are comical in their number. Doesn't matter if Brady is on the field if he doesn't have time to throw. Which is basically the theme of every playoff loss for the last decade (except 2006)
  15. According to mangameslost.com the Patriots were the most injured in terms of number of players going down. Their was a whopping 1(!) offensive lineman all season that didn't miss some sort of time with injury. One of the starting guards from last season played a whopping 14 snaps this season due to a mysterious illness followed by a shoulder injury. They spent time without their top WR, 2nd WR, game-changing TE and their top 2 RBs. And that's just the offensive side of the ball. The defense suffered key injuries at all 3 levels throughout the entire season. Look, I'm not griping and although I'm not completely over the loss yesterday, I think it's pretty remarkable the Patriots went this far in spite of shit like starting the season with rookies at all 3 interior o-line spots.
  16. Denver honestly was helped greatly by being one of the healthiest teams on the league. The Patriots were arguably the most injured team this season and were still a few plays away from the Super Bowl. They set a fucking record for most starting O-line combinations and yet a tackle that they paid (starter money, no less) last year ends up costing the team the chance to repeat.
  17. I'm going to pray to the free agency gods that the Pats find a way to sign Richie Incognito away from the Bills. I don't ask for much...
  18. I was kinda hoping we had kicked the FG too. It's honestly a miracle that we had a chance to tie it; calling the O-line a turnstile is giving it too much credit because a turnstile at least SLOWS YOU THE FUCK DOWN. Ughhhhhhhh dammit
  19. Obviously a wall isn't going to be built. However, illegal immigration has certainly grown out of control. I would think as a nation we would want to de-incentivize illegal immigrants coming onto our land, but sometimes it feels like the opposite is the case. For example, places like San Francisco that are "sanctuary cities" to illegal immigrants invite in all illegals - no matter how many times deported. Then this happens: http://www.cnn.com/2015/07/03/us/san-francisco-killing-suspect-immigrant-deported/ It's a damn tragedy and an innocent life was lost because, well, why? Why wasn't this guy deported a 6th time? They probably figured it wasn't worth it because he just kept coming back.
  20. ah, well forgive me then, honestly i can have trouble telling the snark from the seriousness. the amount of shit he's promising will require an insane hike in taxes, beyond just the 1%. $15 minimum wage? does that seem sustainable at all? i mean, we're talking per year tax increases of over $1 trillion. is that not completely absurd? i'm not positing that the media is attempting some sort of mass brainwash. but the media does have the ability to influence ways people think based on coverage. if a bunch of people tune to cnn and watch all the republican candidates being asked about personal attacks and yelling at each other, that will certainly influence their opinions. and again, i just wonder why the democratic debate is held at the same time as a playoff football game.
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