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Everything posted by chococoke

  1. Lol. Don, this isn't a situation with a good guy. I'm not acting like I'm above anyone in this thread (unlike the methods of arguing you tend to use.) We can have this discussion for another few weeks to a month, but it really comes down to a disagreement over perceived ease/difficulty of sneaking in fighters. I don't believe it makes much sense to look at other situations involving refugee outflux because this situation is markedly different than other scenarios involving refugees. In "typical" scenarios, refugees are forced out by a group that wants to take over whatever country. However, ISIS wants to take that another step and destroy as much of the free world as possible. Here's why I think it's easier than "near-impossible" to sneak fighters in: to me, it's impossible to trust the vetting process gathering information from a country that is basically a giant ball of chaos. Anyone could make up any story, and it would be impossible to verify. Are there are easier ways? Perhaps, but I truly believe it's more work to get to Mexico and then sneak across the boarder. Do you really trust the vetting process that much, or do you believe that ISIS just won't even attempt to send fighters? EDIT: I should probably stop stooping
  2. Majority was the wrong word. Why does it have to be a "significant" portion? And I've read numerous articles that ISIS has gotten fighters through with refugees in different countries. I will gladly link them when I get home from work. Look, here's what I really fear, so you can stop making assumptions. If an attack were to happen on US soil by fighters masquerading as refugees, the Islamaphobia in this country would reach catastrophic levels. You think it's bad now? And that's exactly what ISIS wants. An attack here would show that they are capable of striking anywhere, regardless of distance from the ME. This group convinces people to blow themselves up in order to reach heaven (not nirvana, stop nitpicking my words like a dingus) So I completely believe ISIS would attempt to send fighters here because they don't give a flying fuck what happens to them as long as they attempt to carry out the group's agenda. And yes, I guess you can say I'm condemning these people to death for not allowing them to come here. Where were we in other times of genocide? When people were getting slaughtered in Darfur, why did we not invite refugees here instead of condemning them to their fate? And no, I'm not anti-immigrant
  3. None of your assumptions are correct. Who said it had to be a majority? All you need is a handful out of many, many thousands to cause problems. Also, you need to stop being so simple-minded. The children aren't planning anything themselves. They're trained by ISIS and therefor are taught that killing infidels is the only way to reach "nirvana" if you will. In fact, I consider it quite inane to think that there is "extreme improbability" based on a CNN article and your own gut feeling
  4. Hey don, instead of thumbing your nose at the stupidity of others, would you mind telling me what's so ridiculous about the thought of child terrorists when ISIS is actively brainwashing male children and using them in videos as part of their propaganda?
  5. K, I read the article. And I still believe it's possible for terrorists to pretend to be refugees and make claims that are completely unverifiable, regardless of how long the process takes
  6. My opinion is based on the fact that we have been bombing them longer than any other country
  7. Didn't read the article. Why does this terrorist need to be "perfect?" Do you really think it's that hard to pretend to be a refugee and make up a back story that is essentially impossible to confirm? Because I think that's really what we're arguing about. And how would we "use" the refugees? Arm them? That worked really well when it came to fighting Assad EDIT: also, I assume you missed ISIS' videos containing children shooting and beheading soldiers?
  8. Why would it be difficult for them to sneak in with refugees? There is absolutely no way to completely vet refugees that are entering the country. Also, if fighters were to sneak in via Mexico and show up in our communities, I assume people would question where they came from and be at least a little suspicious. If my crazy hypothetical situation is somehow true, then fighters blending as refugees will be in our country, as well as have an "alibi" to deflect any and all suspicion
  9. Exactly my point. I don't think it's too unreasonable to assume that the U.S. is the place ISIS wants to attack the most. We've been bombing them for close to 18 months now. I've already read reports that refugees inside this country have already "disappeared," which certainly doesn't help the case for more refugees
  10. Well, I'm glad you're so confident. How, exactly, did you reach this conclusion?
  11. I find it many times more likely that the Bills and Jets would be the wild cards over the Steelers. The Texans offense is just utter garbage
  12. I'm supporting your point Ana. The NFL is inherently unfair: it's so greedy it puts the health of players at risk by having a Thursday night game every week. For what? A night worth of prime time commercials to add to the money pile
  13. Yeah, refs have been straight balls this season and Ravens have paid for it. No harm in playing spoiler, especially in a hilariously shaky AFC EDIT: what, you didn't know the NFL was greedy as hell and fine people for memorials that aren't profiting the league? Their uniform is so sacred that violating its sanctity adds chump change to their already deep pockets. Please tell me you also saw that the NFL CHARGES THE PENTAGON FOR PATRIOTIC DISPLAYS. All of that stuff last week with the flag and honoring vets? Paid for with our tax dollars
  14. Not sure if it's been talked about yet (and too lazy to look back tbh) but there's one thing that frightens me most with regards to ISIS and the refugee outflux from Syria: ISIS' social media presence and propaganda-making ability is unlike anything we've ever seen. To think that there's a way to safely and properly vet refugees is simply insane. I believe any state in my country accepting refugees is at dire risk of allowing in either disguised fighters, or people at risk of being brain washed. On the wonderful, wonderful day where the "caliphate" is exterminated from Iraq and Syria, will they simply cease to exist on social media? Will people stop posting jihadi propaganda, in an attempt to cause any sort of damage to the free world?
  15. I suppose I just dismissed Osweiler outright without really looking at his career. With a name like that I assumed he was a career back up, but it looks like he's never really had a shot until now. He certainly has the weapons to make plays. New prediction: Kubiak re-installs his offense, then starts Osweiler the rest of the year EDIT: also, gotta credit the Pats there for allowing the Giants to fuck up their clock management. That time out before the 2 minute warning was brilliant and I couldn't believe so many people were shocked by it Lastly, I love your way of arguing, Ana. No, the LT didn't tell Dumervil to commit the penalty. But if the refs were worth a shit the play would've been blown dead immediately and the game ends
  16. The NFL actually came out today and said the Ravens should have won. All offensive players need to be set for a full second before the ball is snapped on any given play. The LT wasn't set on the "final" play prior to the Jags' game-winning FG, in which Bortles stumbles backward and then gets pulled down by the facemask by Dumervil. I can't say I'm sad the Ravens are getting dicked so hard this season. I would have sympathy for Flacco and Harbaugh if they decided not to win the Super Bowl until Ray Lewis retired tbh Also, I think the Broncos will give Peyton another chance after a month or so but overall, his goose is cooked. That defense is going to have to somehow play even better with Osweiler under center
  17. The fact that the Patriots defense went out and competed with a competent offense minus their top player is quite exciting. Malcolm Butler went absolute beast mode yesterday. The only way I see this team losing in the regular season is to another AFC East opponent. Maybe next Monday?
  18. It would appear my prediction that Victor Cruz wouldn't play a snap this season has come true. I wonder if he'll ever come back at this point
  19. Looks like it's injured Ben at QB or nobody for the Steelers. Having him play almost an entire game injured is not going to help his foot
  20. All reports I've read say that Landry is starting with injured Ben as his back up. Pretty serious indictment of Mike Vick's abilities lol
  21. I'm really hoping whatever patchwork O-line the Pats trot out this afternoon won't shit the bed against a bad pass rush. The fact that ESPN is asking for people to tweet their Tyree Helmet Catch photos isn't helping me in advance of this game. Also, I have an embarrassing number of fantasy implications from Jags-Ravens. Justin Tucker tymeeeeee
  22. Manziel is obviously more mobile but the offense is 1000x more consistent with McCown at the helm
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