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Everything posted by chococoke

  1. Well, 21 was going well, and then Oleg OHKO'd Matthew at 54 displayed hit with a steel bow. I'll try that level again tomorrow...
  2. Yeah. I remember trying to get Marcus to kill Uhai with the horseslayer, that was miserable. You'd think someone would be able to manufacture a horse killing lance that weighs a LITTLE less...
  3. Yeah, I'm well aware of that. At least I'll get Isadora for Kinship's Bond.... :/ Did you just hold out until the turn limit expired on that map or did you kill Eubans?
  4. 20 Wasn't so hard once I got the hang of it. Matthew unlocks the door to the left, Sain ORKO's the archer, Matthew gets the brave bow for Wil. One day. He still has D bows, so thats kind of retarded. Anyway, blasted up the middle. Once I understood that I had to kill the archers that are hiding in the buildings, my life got MUCH easier. Lyn and Eliwood hide a little north of where the peg knights spawn. Wil and Erk stay back to kill the archer reinforcements while everyone else heads toward Cameron. At first, I was rushed to try and get to Legault since he gets the guiding ring. I didn't care eventually, screw you Legault. Hector kills Cameron with the Wolf Beil, leaving it with 3 uses. Marcus sits in front of the door with the Javelin and Hand Axe, and kills 3 fighters and 3 shamans (awesome.) Matthew opens the door, Hector runs in, attacks Darin with the Wolf Beil. 2 uses. I forgot that the throne heals, so Darin ends up with a whopping 1 HP after being hit with the Wolf Beil again. Deciding against finishing 1 turn later and giving Hector experience, Marcus IRON LANCEs Darin to death. A few people attack a few enemies at the end for some cheap exp, and Hector seizes. 9 turns, 94 total. Name Level HP ST SK SP LK DF RS Hector 14.73 32 16 12 9 7 15 2 Marcus 8.48 35 18 18 13 9 11 12 Bartre 11.78 37 13 6 6 6 7 2 Erk 9.09 24 10 11 12 7 4 8 Wil 7.10 24 8 8 10 7 6 2 Sain 10.09 26 13 6 10 7 10 2 Matthew 10.13 23 6 6 17 3 4 2 EDIT: Thought I'd point this out... Matthew has a whopping 15 W's... and 18 deaths.
  5. Definitely do that. I ended up getting the killing edge and giving it to Matthew, and it helped make his ridiculously inept offense somewhat useful, especially in annoying chapters like 16 and 18
  6. It was kind of sad, since Uhai is such a legit boss. Dragon's Gate is sort of difficult. Marcus is starting to not double anything anymore, which is annoying. Cameron is strong enough to ORKO half of my team, including Sain. I'll begin more attempts tomorrow, I don't have the heart to continue today.
  7. You'll quickly find that Bartre is one of the most unreliable units of all time. I nabbed him in the draft tourney I'm in right now and all he's been good for was distracting Uhai.
  8. 19 A lot easier than I expected. Left Kent, Raven, and Dart up north near Merlinus to be sacrificed. They were sacrificed. All of my combat units headed south. A bunch of people ended up getting level ups, and decent ones too, shockingly (though Hector apparently is allergic to speed.) Marcus equips the horseslayer and kills a bunch of ponies. Holy shit Uhai's stats are retarded. Luckily, I take advantage of the fact that he would rather use his longbow to attack Bartre (doing about 30 damage in one round) then whip out his killing edge. Marcus and Hector team up with their pony killing weaponry to dispatch Uhai. 9 turns, 85 total. Name Level HP ST SK SP LK DF RS Hector 13.07 31 16 11 9 6 15 1 Marcus 7.21 34 18 18 12 9 11 12 Bartre 11.13 37 13 6 6 6 7 2 Erk 7.65 22 9 10 10 6 3 8 Wil 7.10 23 8 7 9 7 6 2 Sain 8.80 24 12 6 9 6 9 2
  9. 18 As I write this, Marcus is currently attacking the boss with a silver axe. My strategy has worked perfectly. He can ORKO with his silver axe as long as he doesn't miss of get critkilled. I'm afraid to press the A button. Marcus hits Zoldam hits NO CRIT Marcus kills. "You possess...this much... power...?" FUCK YEAH I DO ASSHOLE Here's what each unit did. Wil: Can't do much, he chipped 1 peg, and ORKO'd a steel lance!peg as well. Silly peg knights. Bartre: Double by everything on the map, and I mean EVERYTHING. He chipped one peg, and got one hand axe hit in on a merc. Erk: Chipped 2 mercs. Matthew: Took one blow from a peg knight, which nearly killed him, so he got all scared and hid behind Merlinus. Hector: Blocked left staircase Sain: Blocked right staircase Kent: Sacrificed himself for the greater good when Sain had to vulnerary himself, and that one annoying 12 AS merc that can double him was nearby Marcus: Ran straight for the boss with a Javelin, which broke. Anyway, Hector threw down a mine turn 1 to avoid getting killed on enemy phase by a merc and shaman. Hand axe'd a few enemies actually, but that provided negligible exp. Marcus kept running toward the boss, javelin used so that he killed every shaman that attack him so that he could max his movement every player phase and get to Zoldam by turn 3. Sain, Matthew, Erk, and Kent BARELY managed to hold the right staircase, shitty durability units... Anyway, Marcus eventually arrived at Zoldam, silver axe equipped, and the rest is history. 3 turns, 76 total. I don't feel like doing a chart, a few people leveled up and got some shit ass stats. Matthew got HP, SPD, and LCK. Thanks a bunch, Matty boy. EDIT: Re-did this chapter today. I literally woke up this morning, and though to myself "oh my god, I had Kent buy a bunch of shit from the vendor, and then I just let him die." This time Kent unloaded his wares before meatshielding, AND he survived with 1 HP, so hooray! I love a happy ending. Same strategy as above, still 3 turns.
  10. I think I have an idea that'll keep everyone alive. It involves camping the area that you start at the top of the ship. I'll see how it works out. EDIT: Okay, Hector died. But it has potential! Double EDIT: Attempt #2: Matthew dies on turn 1. Okay, it happens. Attempt #3: Erk is killed by 2 peg knights Attempt #4: Sain doubled by a merc I'm not giving up.
  11. But is that secret book worth sending Dorcas- or worse, Marcus- out of combat to go get it?
  12. Tip: Don't bother getting the secret book. Another tip: This chapter took me FOREVER
  13. Ugh... I'm done for today trying to do the Pirate Ship. This is fucking annoying. I'm not quite certain what to do.
  14. I never really considered the durability of my units, but I'd also never played HHM, so I didn't know that you start out being RAPED by about 15 different enemy units.
  15. Wow. WOW. Pirate Ship is absolutely ridiculous. It doesn't help the the majority of my team uses Axe, can't fight, or both (Bartre.) EDIT: In all seriousness, my entire team outside of Sain, Marcus, and Hector is 2RKO'd by every single enemy. Bartre is ORKO'd by some mercenaries, Matthew has the durability of a fucking piece of glass. I hate my team.
  16. I still don't know why you didn't have it unlocked. I never even beat a chapter in EHM. Only beat ENM and HNM. Well, and LHM too.
  17. Thank you, very much. Now stop correcting my retarded errors and unlock HHM! :D
  18. 17 First run, almost completed it, then Sain died. Carelessness. Anyway, ignored the first room, since I can get the hero crest for Bartre when I fight Oleg. Pretty simple chapter, everyone bum rushed through the middle, with 1-2 range weapons equipped. Marcus takes point, yeah, like usual. Priscilla recruits Raven, since I figured I could use the steel sword, and Marcus was the only person who could reliably kill him. I wish I had drafted him. Anyway, things went pretty well. Wil still is about as strong as a generic archer. Sain got somewhere around 3 levels, he's becoming pretty strong. Everyone else is meh. Marcus equips the hammer, ORKO on Bernard. 11 turn completion, 73 total. Name Level HP ST SK SP LK DF RS Hector 11.18 29 14 10 9 6 13 1 Marcus 6.11 34 17 17 12 9 11 11 Bartre 10.04 36 12 6 6 6 7 2 Erk 5.90 21 7 9 9 5 3 7 Wil 6.00 22 7 6 8 7 6 2 Sain 7.38 24 11 6 8 6 9 2 Fuck you, chart.
  19. Yeah, wow. If the strategy I have in mind doesn't work out, I might have to copy yours!
  20. Er, well, I thought that undrafted units were allowed to rescue other undrafted units?
  21. 16 UGH Finished. Finally! After running the same strategy over and over again, here's what eventually ended up working for me... For the main force: Marcus heads up north as fast as possible, killing as many people as he can while maxing out his movement every turn. Florina rescue/drops Oswin ahead of Marcus. All the enemies gang up on him, and he eventually succumbs (RIP meatshield) Lowen stays back with the rest of the main force, he too is killed. Not as sad about that. Matthew spams his iron sword in order to reach C swords, so that he can start using the killing edge and actually start contributing combat-wise. He actually crit-kills a cavalier. Hector eventually follows Marcus, with Florina sacrificing herself in order to make sure he isn't murdered by a damn mage. Again, not too sad, she was a midget anyway, and I hate midgets. For the force of losers in the southeast: Sain is put into range of the peg knights with a javelin. He and Wil combine to kill the two peg knights that rush down. Kent distracts the mercenary long enough for Sain to eventually come over and dispatch him with an iron lance. Sain then goes around the southern village (which was destroyed) and joins the main force, contributing by killed a mercenary. Eventually, when the mercenary and cavalier forces stopped spawning, Hector and Marcus went after the boss. ORKO for Hector with Wolf Beil. 11 turn completion, 62 total. I may try chapter 17 later, or I may just kill myself. Level HP STR SKL SPD LCK DEF RES Hector 10.65 28 13 9 9 6 12 1 Matthew 6.26 19 4 5 15 2 3 2 Marcus 4.86 32 16 16 12 8 10 10 Bartre 9.11 35 12 6 6 6 7 2 Erk 5.26 21 7 9 9 5 3 7 Wil 5.39 22 7 5 7 7 6 1 Sain 4.90 22 9 5 7 5 7 0 EDIT: Fuck it, I'm done trying to make charts. Why does it look so nice when I'm about to post!
  22. So... close... all but 5 enemies dead... Matthew gaining legit level ups... Hector doubling some enemies... Erk too... AND THEN MATTHEW IS KILLED BY A FUCKING MAGE. A FUCKING MAGE. WHAT THE HELL.
  23. I'm not ignoring you! I drafted you in the 2nd round of my drafting tourney. You kind of suck right now, but you'll HOPEFULLY improve. Though I'll probably just end up promoting you at level 10 so I can have a healer.
  24. I keep getting closer and closer, but someone always dies. And well, I don't care, my Sain is going to be AWESOME. Better than all of my units have been! (which isn't saying much...) EDIT: I broke my gameboy throwing it against the wall
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