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Everything posted by vanguard333

  1. Medieval elements would be things like siege warfare and what it actually takes to lay siege to a castle. In fact, castles were so good at their job, that a majority of sieges involved the attackers not actually trying to get into the castle, but wait outside and let the people inside run out of food and starve. With siege comes siege towers, siege ladders, giving archers a bit more importance, and lots of other things. Another medieval thing that has been absent from FE: chain mail. Armour in FE goes from cloth to plate. There are lots of fantasy elements that FE has not used yet: elves, dwarves, and orcs being the big three. But, in my opinion, it is good that Fire Emblem is staying away from those three. As much as I like that some more recent fantasies are finding more creative, less Tolkien-like ways to portray them, but they're still using them. In my opinion, the manaketes and laguz are more unique and more creative, and I like that Nintendo and Intelligent Systems are courageous enough to use fictional races they came up with rather than fantasy clichés; it's also something I like about Legend of Zelda. Another fantasy element from which FE should just stay away: leather armour. Leather armour did not exist in medieval Europe, and it is floppy and ridiculous.
  2. Except, at the point he becomes mercenary leader, he has already led the entire group (apart from Greil) in chapters 4 and 5, and led all but Shinon, Gatrie, and Greil in chapters 6 and 7. Yes he still has a lot to learn by that point, but he has proven himself at taking charge on the battlefield. Also, as I already pointed out, who else was there? Titania didn't want the job, and everyone else in the group would have been worse as the leader. At the part where Mist says, "your recklessness actually got us OUT of trouble," it's worth noting that she opened the statement with, "For once". There were several instances beforehand where Ike's recklessness got the group into trouble: Ike was the first to run off in chapter 2 to try to rescue Mist and got half the group cornered before Titania showed up with Shinon and Gatrie (and Ike, Boyd, Oscar and Rhys were all punished for disobeying a direct order), him defending Ranulf in chapter 11 (when everyone told him not to) led the villagers to realize they were the mercenary group while Daein was taking over the village, etc. Goldoa was one case of sheer blind luck that could have happened to anyone who left the ship. Sanaki gives Ike a pass because she is a kind-hearted individual (unlike the senators). Her response isn't nothing; her response is, "Now then, Ike. I fully understand your feelings. Your passion for your employer is truly a beautiful thing. Would that my own fawning vassals shared your commitment. However, truth be told, your behavior does test my patience. Raise your voice once more to me, and you will seriously damage the princess's already precarious position. Do you understand?" Her response is that this time he will be left off with a warning to think before he speaks, and she acknowledges that his outburst really tested her patience.
  3. Of course I will have a bit of bias, since Path of Radiance is my favourite FE game, but I will do my best to overcome it. Also, I will largely ignore the parts for which others have already brought up counterarguments: I understand the issue of Ike seemingly brought up to mercenary leader almost instantly. That being said, there are a few good reasons within the plot as to why Ike was given the job. One of them is that it is well established that everyone knew Ike would inherit the position; however no one knew it would be so soon. In fact, Soren says, “We all knew that Ike was going to inherit command of the company, didn’t we? It just happened sooner than we wanted. It was Greil’s decision." This leads into the second reason, which that it was, or at least the other members of the group felt it was, what Greil would have wanted. The third reason is: who else? The obvious answer would seem to be Titania, but, while it probably could've been explained better, it is implied if not outright stated that she never would have wanted to be in charge. In fact, Boyd says, "Titania told us you were going to be the new commander. Shinon just about exploded…He and Gatrie left not long ago." This sentence is the first confirmation that Ike has been placed in charge after the death of Greil, and it says that Titania told everyone Ike was in charge, implying that Titania saw Ike as the next leader without a second thought, and, in my opinion, it makes sense: she's a second-in-command and an advisor. And I think it is obvious that none of the other options would either want the job or even be considered, and for good reason. As for the scene in Goldoa, that one is blind luck. It would not have mattered who set foot on Goldoa; because it was purely out of blind luck, the event would have happened to anyone who stepped out of the ship. The difference is; Ike was the only one reckless and unwitting enough to step outside; not realizing it was Goldoan territory. As Mist puts it, "We got lucky! For once, your recklessness actually got us OUT of trouble!" As for the meeting with Sanaki, yes, Elincia is the person of interest, which is the reason why, between Elincia and Ike; Elincia's the one doing the negotiating. In fact, the only thing Ike does, apart from his temper tantrum, is vouch for her (which is ignored partly because he's a commoner and partly because Sanaki already has confirmation and is messing with them). As for why Ike was there in the first place, the most obvious possibility is that Elincia simply wanted someone she trusted at her side while she spoke with the Empress, and she trusts Ike. Also, going back to his temper tantrum, all the nobles in the room apart from Sanaki and Elincia were furious at Ike and wanted him hung, drawn and quartered. Sanaki spared him partly out of mercy and partly because she had already seen his lack of etiquette back on the ships.
  4. Yeah; pretty much everyone in a medieval army had to pay for their weapons themselves, but spears and polearms were the most common weapons (a large number of polearms, such as glaives, were adapted from farming tools). Also, spears would have been the easiest weapons to learn.
  5. He doesn't have to be deathly sick; he could be Rhys-level frail and sickly. In fact, the 9th Century English monarch, Alfred the Great, was a frail man plagued by illness (theorized to be Chron's Disease), yet he still led what was left of Saxon England against the Viking invasions. He is somehow remembered as a warrior king, despite being notably too weak to fight; my guess would be that he was on the battlefield; just never anywhere near the front lines. A physically weak lord like this would probably become a priest/mage to compensate for lack of strength (as I mentioned previously when I mentioned my idea of a lord who was never meant to be the heir to a position, but becomes heir after his/her elder brother dies).
  6. I'm very excited for this. By the way; is it just me, or do Solgaleo and Lunaala look like they're merged with Necrozma. Perhaps they'll finally explain Necrozma's origins. Also, I hope they go into a bit more depth about the Island Guardians & Solgaleo/Lunaala V.S the Ultra Beasts. There was a lot of buildup for it in Sun and Moon, and a bit of backstory about the original fight. Then, when the Aether Foundation released a horde of Ultra Beasts upon Alola... Nothing. You catch them in the post-game, but all that buildup for a rescue mission into the Ultra Dimension, which is cool, but then almost nothing in Alola. Hopefully this new story will help with that. Also, is it just me, or does Solgaleo now look like Cybeast Gregar from Megaman Battle Network?
  7. It certainly does sound like a good idea. I'm not a fan of romance when it is the main point of a story (in other words; I'm not a fan of the romance genre), but, as a writer, I recognize its importance in stories across almost every genre. Also, I'm a little tired of "love at first sight", "Will they or won't they", and all those other cliché's that make some stories very predictable (especially the sitcom favourite: "On again off again"; that one is immensely predictable and just dull), so the protagonists already being a couple at the start of the story is definitely a nice change of pace. I know a lot of writers and critics and even ordinary people would argue along the lines of "happy couples are boring," but, when written well, it isn't boring at all, because, like you mentioned with these two characters' relationship being tested throughout the story, stable couples go through much the same stuff that all couples do; the difference is they don't let any of it tear them apart. Done well, this could actually be brilliant. One idea I have as a possible addition to this would be that, since every FE lord other than Ike had been nobility or royalty, what if these two characters were put into a political arranged marriage by their parents, who, knowing their children, predicted that the two would fall in love anyway?
  8. I just thought of this idea: a lord who is the younger sibling (his/her older brother being the heir apparent) in a noble/royal family, and is also almost Rhys-level frail and sickly, so no one expects the lord to inherit the title, especially the lord character him/herself. But then, a standard FE terrible event strikes the family, but, in a twist, the father survives, but the elder sibling seemingly dies, making the frail, sickly, unprepared lord the new heir apparent. Since the lord character is frail and sickly, he/she would be a mage or priest.
  9. Didn't Clive keep what Fernand mentioned hidden from Alm? The only other person who told the group that Mycen had no blood family was the old man, whom they had already dismissed. Alm even says after the battle with Fernand that he notices something is weighing on Clive's mind, but Clive doesn't say what it is.
  10. So, I recently completed part 4 and I am in the tunnel to Duma Tower (I don't have the Falchion yet though; all I know right now is that Mila's statue-corpse is calling Alm to it), so I have seen the part where Mycen reveals to Alm that Mila and Duma are dying and have been suffering the dragon madness for some time. So, he and Rudolf mentioned that Duma has completely snapped; pursuing only power and forgetting why he thought humanity should be ruled by strength. I thought back to the beginning where it said Mila's gifts spoiled the Zofians, and it was not long before they sank into depravity, and a thought occurred to me: What if Mila saw the signs as well, accepted her fate, and, in the years before Rudolf sealed her power, had been trying to give the Zofian people an even larger surplus of food than before so they could survive long enough to figure out how to fend for themselves? From what I have seen, this seems implied, but no one has yet said so in the story. I feel it would have been perfect if Mycen had said this to Alm; perhaps something along the lines of, "Even in Zofia we saw the signs; the last few years' overabundance of food was Mila giving us enough to carry on without her", would have been a really good addition in my opinion. I could be wrong and this could have been mentioned (if someone mentions it later in the story, please say so), but, if not, then it would have been a great addition in my opinion. It just seems like something the Mila character would do if she realized her time was coming. What do you think?
  11. I like this idea. Would honour, to this character, be an established code of ideals/morals, or a personal set of values? For example, I'm currently writing a book that follows two people on opposing sides, both of whom are considered honourable warriors. One of them follows a personal set of values. For instance, on the issue of loyalty, he says something along the lines of, "I don't need or want to make any of the fancy vows knights have to make; I just keep my yes, yes and my no, no." The other follows a written code of honour created by his ancestor.
  12. In terms of plot I want them to be well-developed and for each to have something unique about them. In other words, I want them to seem like people. So many of them are sword-wielding princes destined to stop the evil empire/slay the evil dragon, and that's fine, so long as each one has something important that makes them unique. Ike is a blue-haired swordsman, but he is a peasant and he gets good character development in Path of Radiance and even in Radiant Dawn to a small extent (though for Radiant Dawn it's mainly because of Speaking of Radiant Dawn, Micaiah had a lot of potential; she had clear character strengths and flaws, she did undergo quite a bit of character development in part 1, and, also, she's a silver-haired female light mage (I had been hoping for a lord character who was a light-magic wielder). But then Micaiah got almost completely overshadowed by part 4. Gameplay-wise, make sure it reflects the character, while still being useful. Ike was a champion who could cut down anything in front of him; both in the story and the gameplay. Micaiah was a fragile but powerful light mage (though they could have given her a better speed growth). Chrom in Awakening was nothing special; and I don't recall the story ever saying he was anything special as far as fighting was concerned (though I don't consider Chrom an example of a good FE lord, at least his skill in the game matched what the story presented).
  13. A new trailer just launched less than 15 minutes ago detailing the first four packs of DLC: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9P63IrQ6bWM EDIT: Something went wrong with the posting of this thread and this is now appearing twice in the same thread. Also, I don't know how, but the other thread about this that beat me to this news was not visible to me until after I posted this. So please remove this thread. Also, I could've sworn I typed minutes, not years.
  14. A new trailer just launched less than 15 years ago detailing the first four packs of DLC: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9P63IrQ6bWM
  15. Huh, did not know that (that's the reason why I said I have never seen it; because I could very well have been wrong). To answer your question, I became a fan of FE around... 2007, I think? But I didn't join the forums until sometime around 2015. Thanks for pointing this out, and it actually helps my original point about how these days it seems people will ship any two guys who are close friends, even if the two guys are clearly just friends in the canon. This is a thread about canon love interests, and Soren and Ike are not, so why are they on the list at the start of the thread?
  16. I agree with this. Marth and Caeda don't have much plot (but mainly because the game doesn't have much plot), but where it is written, it is written well. I did like the interactions between Ike and Elincia in PoR (North American localization). They had several great interactions in the plot and in their support conversations, both characters worked as characters without the need for any others, and both characters improved through said interactions. Also, if this one had been kept as an official pairing in RD, it would have been the only case (aside perhaps from Chrom and Sumia, although they're only implied) of an official lord pairing that is neither the two being childhood friends or the girl being mysterious. As for Soren and Ike, what's with this recent idea that all guys who are close friends are gay? The two are clearly just good friends. They're like Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson (in the books), and Anduin Wrynn and Wrathion from WoW (at least until Anduin found out Wrathion was working with Garrosh Hellscream, which, now that I think about it, makes this example more like Bruce Wayne and Harvey Dent/Two-Face... never mind). For a Fire Emblem example, I have not heard of, nor have I seen, anyone ship Eliwood and Hector or Chrom and Male Robin, even though they are just as developed as close friends. Anyway, Soren and Ike is neither canon, nor implied, and this is a thread about official love interests.
  17. So... a lord who is similar to Robin Hood and Rob Roy?
  18. Really? I thought it was alright. Less cool than the sword beams at first, but throwing a sword straightforward like a spear was actually a viable (albeit situational) technique that was used historically. My pet peeves: the giant triangular pointer in PoR that points to the selected tile. Making the rim of the tile glow was enough; the triangle just obstructed my view of the rest of the map. Armor knight design in Awakening and Fates: There's a point where oversized armour just looks ridiculous, and this would be it (and the shields look like a part from an abandoned car factory), and what was the point off those bits of metal that were dangling off the pauldrons (shoulder armour)?Do they do anything useful? No. Are they cool? No; they just look silly. Honestly, I'm glad the Baron armour in Shadows of Valentia looks a lot more toned down.
  19. And all because one person said that they should make magic animations really grand now that that there will be HD, referred to Radiant Dawn as an example of cool and grand spell animations, and someone took that as praising RD and everything in it, and decided to start an argument over RD. For crying out loud, Radiant Dawn is not my favourite game, but I really liked how grand the spell animations were in that game and, since FE Switch will be on a console with HD, they can make the spell animations in FE Switch really grand and cool. Am I praising Radiant Dawn? No. I'm not saying anything about whether or not RD was a good game, nor am I saying the spell animations should be like those in RD. I'm just agreeing with the person who said that the spell animations can potentially outdo the ones in RD. Anyway, the HD graphics would really help with visuals in general. Also, HD rumble could be used for any almost inevitable cutscenes where a castle/fortress/temple either blows up/crumbles from within (PoR), or the roof of the building is destroyed by a large dragon that dramatically emerges from the ruins (Awakening, Fates, and I'm sure that, if Shadow Dragon had any cutscenes, then either Medeus or the Mage Dragon that occupied the Altean Castle would have significantly damaged a castle upon transforming).
  20. The Whitewings are not actually that weird. For a real life example, I am a redhead, my sister is blonde, and my brother is dark-haired (due to this and other genetic traits, we're quite frequently told that we look almost nothing alike). It can happen, especially if one or two of those hair colours are recessive genes.
  21. There are several ways that a leveling system can hinder depth: for one, it enables for grinding. "Here's this boss that's really tough. Should I be strategic? Nah. I'll just defeat a whole bunch of random enemies until I am higher leveled than him and then I can defeat him easily." If one does not have a level system, one cannot do that, and will have to rely on skill and strategy to beat a tough opponent. Also, player characters can grow in power and increase their arsenal without the need for a leveling system; just look at Megaman (specifically Battle Network and Starforce, as the original is more of a platform game), Legend of Zelda, etc. These games avoid a level system while still enabling the player to grow in power and increase their options. They also provide a natural difficulty curve without the need for a leveling system. Another way that a leveling system removes depth is that, in most games with a leveling system, at a high enough level the character's stats have increased so much that lower-leveled enemies cannot harm the character even if the character is not wearing any armour. I'm sorry, but if a knife/claw/axe/sword hits someone unarmoured, then it will deal damage. Also, a leveling system can sometimes actually make the game become easier as the game progresses, rather than harder. In Xenoblade Chronicles X, I found a lot of the later boss fights easier than the earlier ones, and earlier in the game you had to be a lot more careful and strategic when exploring than later in the game (though random Tyrants and such meant exploring later in the game was no easy feat either).
  22. Okay. That one wasn't mine (mine was no more successful than that one sadly).
  23. That probably was mine; was it Chrom and Robin V.S Validar?
  24. Some mistakes you made about PoR; not trying to give you any flack, just pointing out areas where you are incorrect: Ike was being groomed to be his father's successor since day 1, it just happened far sooner than anyone expected. It can be interpreted as a mercenary-in-training being given command; but Ike already had to lead most of the group a few times in previous chapters. Also, Ike's first order was not to go out and kill the Black Knight; the Black Knight if anything was a personal challenge for him alone. He was not given Ragnell in PoR (I think you're thinking of Radiant Dawn when you mention Sanaki giving Ike Ragnell); the Black Knight gave Ragnell to Greil, but Greil refused it, and Ike later retrieved it; and he only used it because he needed it to overcome the Black Knight's blessed armour. Also, Ike gave Ragnell to Begnion after the war ended. Soren was an advisor, and there is a difference between listening to an advisor and the advisor being the only reason they stand a chance. The Crimean Army ceased to exist when Crimea got conquered. The only reason Ike was made a noble was so that he could lead the Begnion Forces that Sanaki loaned to them; and they had to make him noble to do that because Begnion is extremely classist. Also, everyone, including Sanaki and especially Elincia would have known that Ike does not like the idea of becoming a noble. Ike mainly avoids mistakes by listening to Soren and Titania as well as ordering that, "General Tanith's troops... are to follow General Tanith's orders." Finally, Ike does make a very big mistake: I am not trying to give you any flack. In your opinion, the story of PoR is not that good, and that's perfectly fine. I am just trying to point out where you have gotten certain things incorrect.
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