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Everything posted by Sophius

  1. I was to busy saying " Halejulah" when I heard Mist's RD voice to complain.
  2. If you hack the game to lower liedricks constitution and capture him, does he still become Eins?
  3. Or if a powerful follower of the earth dragons decided to use an ancient ritual to resserect his/her dead masters and thte immense power released by this causes a dimension/time rift. Its cheesy, but not as cheesy as their other options.
  4. How about when they are in the last chapter. Which takes precedence?
  5. Thats not to say they won't do it. In fact, if there's a crossover game, I bet they will do it.
  6. This might be a tad bit random but, if you make Celice and Yuria lovers, when they land a critical hit, is the map animation that signifies this the sibling animation or the lover animation?
  7. Actually, they would not be able to plausibly include Jugdral in a crossover due to the fact that the designers have admitted that Jugdral and Akaneia are located in the same universe but exist thousands of years apart(with Seisen no Keifu and Thracia 776 taking place before FE3).
  8. I voted Mia. To me she was right in character and it didn't sound broken like Ike or Zelgius. But to be honest I was torn between her and Shinon. Rolf comes in third. Also, if fyou're complaining about Mist in this game then I'm assuming you never played Path of Radiance.
  9. The generics aren't overpowered in the slightest, even Hildaa's army of barons. The only overpowered units are the bosses, who you can easily overwhelm by sheer force of numbers. And by time you're ready to fight the dark warlords, you have julia.
  10. Can someone answer my question?
  11. The sonic series went downhill with sonic adenture DX directors cut. Sonic adventure 2 battle somehow saved it. Sonic heroes was, alright. But after that, the decency of the games plumetted.
  12. If that is the case, could you please specify what kind of love we are talking about so i can accurately vote?
  13. What kind of love are you talkingg about. horomone induced sexual love or sibling love?
  14. FE4 kind of falls apart after the first generation in both story and gameplay. In the first generation, the game has a good storyline with moderately challenging gameplay along with many unique scenarios. However, in the second generation, the existence of substitues/ optional fathers limits the ammount of personalization characters can get outside of Celice/Yuria/Leaf/Altenna. And, because so many of the characters are overpowered, outside of ch.6 and the beggining of ch. 7, the main strategy is "take your overpowered characters and charge!". Does anyone agree?
  15. What I mean is that in thracia, the enttire final chaptter itself could be considered a final boss whereas, in boss fights like the fire dragon or ashera, they are the discernable final boss. However, just for the sake of arguement, lets look at ech chapter as a whole. FE4: Take you're holy weapon users wipe out the map up to the dark warlords, then use Yuria for everything else. FE5: Face 6 overpowered dark warlords, those being: Funf, a high evade sniper with a master bow, wrath, and prayer. Zwei, a boss with two skils that mean instant death and can activate any time, with 1-2 range weapons that can target defense or resistance. Drei, a crappy warrior that always seems to kill my units for some inexplicable reason(my atrocious luck?). Eins, A baron you have to deafeat with either fergus or leaf(any other potential users of the blaggi sword stink due to dismounting) with 4 leadership stars. And Elf, an overpowered sage with 30 resistance, excellent accuracy, resire, a berserk staff, prayer, and wrath.(granted, some enemies can be put to sleep but doing so never works for me) Not to mention the various dark mages around the map and as reinforcements with fenrir and status staves along with the group of powerful berserker in the middle. Some of which even marita can't double. FE:6: just use divine weapons, fa, and the sword of seals. FE7: The bishops in the bottom two corners can be annoying but other then that, Atthos and canas with eclipse and luna kill it easily. FE:8: You get a bunch of over powered units with over powered weapons. You can usually kill him on the first turn with even having him summon any monsters or use ravager/nightmare. FE9: Clear out the enemies in the courtyard first. Other than Bryce, who complicates things only by a small margin, its just like a regular chapter up until Ashnard decides to attack you. Once that happens, Ike+wrath and resolve take care off things quick. FE10: Nihil+Parity the aura's, and land the finishing blow with Ike. Fortify+Ashera staff+hammerne clears up any healing you may need done. Anyone who can't survive one of Ashera's area affect spells shoudn't be fielded. The skill aura doesn't even activate if a character lands a finishing blow. FE11: Normal chapter. Just kill Medeus with Marth/Tiki/Nagi.
  16. I fear for future of the series. I suspect "Casual mode" is only the beggining.
  17. the various instances of crazy rng screwage are pre-ordained. I have run across a variety of instances where the RNG rolls are so sublimely perfect nott to be. For an example, a couple nights ago, I was playing chapter 4( I just started my 2nd thracia 776 playthrough and my luck has been atrocious) and making karin and Fergus guard the south staircase. Karin was rushed by a soldier who hit her for 11 damage at 37%, after which she criticaled him with 11%(on her first atack). she was then attacked by three more soldiers with the same chance of hitting her. She dodged them all and she criticaled 2 of them also under the same circumstances(meaning she crited on the first attack with an 11%). She missed the third one both attacks. Then, a soldier sporting a javelin hit and killed her with a 17% chance to hit. this isn't a complaint on how the rng is unfair, so please do not treat it as such. I am just saying that I have encountered a variety of situations like this that seem too perfect not to be pre -ordained and wish to raise the question as to whether there is a possibility that there is special programming that causes these situations to occur. I mean, Seriously, there was a 0.1331% chance of Karin geting those criticals!
  18. When you say you must get all dialouge, does that include Boyds "I'm bored" comments and Mist's "You're going the wrong way!" in the prolouge?
  19. For me, I would have to say the second movement of beethovens 7th and bachs tocatta and Fuege would be fitting pieces for the worlds end. Beethovens 7th for an ending of despair and tocatta and fuege for an ending of sudden terror and violence. The 2nd sub movement of the 4th movement of beethovens 9th would also be fitting for an end of majesty.
  20. Its a bug because itts not supposed to be there Even if it is intentional.
  21. Another thing is that i wouldn't mind the casual mechanics if they A.) weren't advertised as the main feature and B.) they didn't nerf the features for more advanced players to do it! Also, you are making your claims on the basis that there are only two types of players, "casuals" and "veterans". When acually there are: Hard lined veterans: thos ewho have played th games so many thime they bother with turncounts veterans: those who enjoy playing on more challenging difficulties intermediates: neither veterans nor casuals semi-casual: players who aren't as into the game as veterans but don't share thecasual mentality Casual: looks at a game game " ooooooooooooo, pretty colors. shiiiiiiiiiinyyy." These are the Aproximite percentages of each group of potential buyers. Hard lines: 5% Veterans:15% intermediates:22% Semi-casuals:7% casuals:51% The casual potential buyers make up only small percentage more than others In all likelyhood, assuming we are talking about a fairly balenced game such as FE7(not fe 7 but similar) 1%-3% of the top 3 player groups, 3%-5% of the sebmicasual player groups, and 38%-47% of the casual will not buy the game at a reasonable price. Meaning there is a fairly good likely hood that over 50% of the potential buyers will purchase the game. Also, you are only counting what IS will make in the first few months of being released. If you make the game casual oriented, the casual players will give the game decent but moderately senseless reviews while the veterans will give the game an ok-poor review. which in the long run deters players of all groups from buying the game. Where as, make the game oriented to veterans, and you have a bunch of players giving the game excellent reviews who sound like they know what they are talking about, while you have a couple of ninny casuals senselessly rave about how bad the game, making a reader doubtful on such a reviews credibility(mighti I also add that such reviews will be far less than the ammout of negative veteran reviews if the game were casual oriented due to less casuals picking up the game). This will influence a large quantity of people from all categories picking up the game due to its good reviews, meaning in the long run nintendo grosses more. You are being highly superficial in ypour reasoning. (I apologize if my numbers are a bit random, they're based on the views from various communities).
  22. honestly the person they chose for the role of perseus was poor( in fact the entire movie was poor). Usually in mythology perseus has long hair (or at last curly hair) where he has none at all. Also, the movie strays from the actual mythology by a great deal( oh and did you see that ridiculous sword that perseus had? honestly, it didn't even have arm guards). Also, it's unicorns that only females can touch, not pegasi.
  23. Sophius


    Currently there are 17 books in the series (the ones really worth reading are those by Frank herbert though). And usually, people who have not read the book dislike the movie while those have like it. For me it was the exact opposite though. EDIT 06/21/10(darn the no double posting rule) I retract my comment about Norma Cenva. I just picked up The Battle of Corrin and low and behold, the authuors made her into a Mary Sue. errrr... make that Mary Stu.
  24. Actually I'm 13 and all I'm trying to say is that A.) there is a strong possibility that the modes createod for veterans are likely going to be half baked and B.) that instead of wasting time remakng games with a bunch of useless gimmicks they should make an entirely new game! Also another point, Nintendo is creating these games from the standpoint of "lets make money" rather than "let's make a good game". And if we look at a variety of practices, people who do things because they like it are better at it than the people who does it for money(this is especially apparent in the music industry)and usually make more money too. Then, The "let's make money" mentality leads into the "a recent poll shows kids like dinosaurs so lets add dinosaurs into the game" which is what IS(thanks for correcting me, I woke up with a migraine) is doing for the casual ninnies. If Nintendo just looked at what would make a good game than what would do best in marketing, the game would gross much more.
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