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Everything posted by Sophius

  1. I have all the plugins but they don't show up in the configuration menu.
  2. I have not, so I will take this opportunity to do so. FE12 does thankfully focus on gameplay for veterans, unlike its FE11 counterpart which was made as magnet for new players. However, the inclusion of casual mode does not fail to disgust me. As for the tier list, I believe that FE5 can go above FE11 H5, and FE5 elite below FE6HM. FE10 NM could also go above FE11 H3, or at the least, FE1.
  3. I've recently decided to download a Dolphin 2.0 emulator, however both games I tried, Wario World and Sponge: battle for bikini bottom, would not work. I don't believe it is because the games are incompatible because there are multiple accounts of both of these games functioning properly. When I attempt to run a ROM, I get the following messages: Can't initiate pad plugins, couldn't initiate core, check configuration. Both of these messages occur when I try to open them using the open button in dolphin. If I drag the rom to the application, I recieve key commands and the message "unexpected parameter". Would anyone know what the problem is?
  4. Yes. Pagan religion take a more philosophical aproach to beliefs. Aceptance that anything is possible and the belief that all things are interconnected are two main principles, meaning that we are a great deal more tolerable of other religions than, say Christians(who I am told often time preach that other religions are blasphemy and that all wo do not follow the christian faith are hellbound). Pagan's generally keep to themselves, and claim democratic origins as opposed to the beuracrat mindset taken by most other religions.
  5. I personally am a pagan, though I don't actually engage in the majority of the rituals at this time. I honestly find their ethics, teachings, and traditions to be a good deal more sensical than those of modern day religions. As, even if one looks upon their mythology as a metaphor for their practices, pagan practices are far more oriented toward fellowship and betterment of the self. It also recognizes that there is imperfection in all things, and that we are human, as opposed to modern day religion's belief that one instance of straying from the scriptures warrants eternal damnation.
  6. I haven't had one of my chronic migraines in over 2 weeks. It must be a new record!
  7. I agree. probably the only critisism I have for them is that they are a bit short. And, considering all of the collectables in Wario World and the Hard/Super hard modes in Wario land 4, the dissapointment that entails this is greatly deterred. If you enjoyed those, I highly reccomend Wario land 3. The game, in addition to being quite long, it posseses good level design(just bit less than Wario Land 4) and is phenomonal in executig a non-linear map system. Another great feaature is that you only need to complete half of the game to beat it. Meaning that there is plenty to do even after you deafeat the final boss.
  8. Sephiran also has a conversation with Micaiah. You can tell who is piloting by the color of her eyes(brownish for micaiah and red for Yune).
  9. You know saying only the meaning of your name doesn't conceal your name. I don't even have to comb through the lists to find them, I can just change the search option to meaning and input whatever you said. In case one of you did not want your name to be known. My name, Sophius, is not on the site.
  10. I'm actually 14 and I am not a homosexual. I just can't stand the implications of sex, including the sensation of an orgasm, and would honestly prefer not to be bothered by it. I would prefer the prescence of a female companion over that of a male, but I would ultimately desire not to have to deal with it.
  11. It's difficult to make a comparison considering that they off completely different kinds of difficulty. FE5 puts the player in a variety of unique situations, causing the player to constantly change strategies. And, because of the 20 stat cap, your units generally are not to much stronger than the enemies, unlike in most FE games. Whearas H5, is pretty much maneuvering your characters to bait enemies and crossing your fingers. In H5, you generally use Jeigan to weaken enemies and finish them off with units you will train, and abusing wolf/Sedgar. Meaning you are attempting to raise a few strong units that can hold up against the enemies. However in Thracia 776, you have to use many characters due to fatigue. Also selecting characters isn't as simple as "what are their stats and weapon types?". You have to look at all of a character's attributes in order to properly assert a quotient of usefulness. Objectively, I would say that Thracia 776 is harder. However for me H5 is more difficult. This is because I find Thracia 776 to be more fun than H5, therefore providing a greater incentive to play Thracia.
  12. Whats' the attraction of visiting those sights anway? Mere descriptions of that make me nauseas, let alone watch people do it.
  13. Another game series I greatly enjoy is the Wario series(most notably the installments up to Wario world, and disincluding the Warioware games.) Is there anyone else on the forum who plays these games? This is my order of preference: Wario Land 3 Wario Land 4(Tie) Wario World(Tie) Wario Land 2 Wario Land shake it Wario Master of disguise Super Mario Land 3: Wario Land Wario Land(virtual Boy)
  14. My mistake. I guess I last played on an altered ROM.
  15. These would be mine: Protagonists: Leto II Paul Muad'ib Bill Denbrough Antagonists: Randall Flagg Pennywise Honored Matres
  16. I recently picked up Salem's Lot and It, So I have an update on my favorites. I'd have to say that The Stand and It are tied for my favorite with Salem's Lot following closely behind. My favorite after Salem's Lot would have to be Desperation. I also recently picked up The Regulators but that was a disapointment.
  17. Thank you. Your assistance is much appreciated. EDIT: I can't download the map editor. Is there any where else I can get it?
  18. Could you tell me a safe website to download nightmare and the FE4/5 modules?
  19. I've recently decided that I would like to attempt to hack FE4 and 5. What is a good program to do so and where can I find it?
  20. For where you are, the character's stats are fine. Just be sure to remember that, because stats cap at 20, you can raise a good deal more units than other fire emblem games and still have each unit be an effective asset. Doing so to a degree is actually nesscesary due to he fatigue stat which is implemented from ch.8 onward.
  21. A correction to I eat tables's fact about holy blood, Andre is a neutral unit in ch. 4, not an enemy or an ally. He is however an enem in ch. 5. Mahnya also has minor holsety blood. As for facts: Altenna (ch. 23) and Kempf(ch. 11) cannot be killed. If an enemy unit does not have a weapon equipped, their primary goal is to trade with another enemy who has an extra weapon.
  22. You can't? My mistake. I'll change my vote then. Best: aircalibur(FE6) worst: Broken sword(fe4 and 5. It cant't be bought at the shop, but you do have access to an unlimited supply)
  23. Now the fun begins. I looking forward to seeing how effective each unit will be. These are my guesses: Arthur will have sub par magic but will become a killing machine once he promotes and has access to swords. Tinny will have poor magic, but this made up for by her skills. You can really have some fun with her if you throw her into a hoard of enemies Lana will be as good of a healer as her mother statistically, but charge hurts making it imperitive that she does not see combat. Lester will be an all-right unit once you get to ch. 8(he can't use anything but an iron bbow before than) but he won't kill much Lakche will be a killing machine (as usual) with ridiculous spd and skl. Hopefully her spd base won't be too bad considering it will likely loop around. Skasahar is pretty mch the same as Lakche only without sword inheritance and with an apitude for magic swords. However, you no longer have holsety to kill bosses with. Nana will be an outstanding healer, probably your main healer for the game. She won't see much combat though. Delmud will be useless besides functioning as charisma utility. Leen is a dancer, her father doesn't matter that much. Corpl will be mostly useless. Might be good to keep him in the back as an emergency healer though. Patty will be a decent unit. Being great with magic swords and pursuit will definitely increase her usfulness as a thief. Faval is impossible to mess up. An early prsuit pretty much doubles how effective he can be. Fee will definitely be good with holyn as the father. He greatly compliments her stat growths. Sety will be bit poor when it comes to offense, but his other stats will be good. Make sure to tell me how close my predictions are.
  24. What about the obtuse sword in FE12. Its' far worse than the iron or slim sword as it only has 1 might. Might as well call it the suicide sword on Lunatic mode.
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