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Everything posted by Sophius

  1. Mistholin should be lower. In addition to not recieving it until ch. 7, it actually makes generation 1 harder. Especially if Lachesis is unpromoted/dead. Also, I say the hero sword should be higher up. Not only does it have excellent availability, it is overpowered(especially if it gets 50+ kills) and it only costs a small fortune to repair(to oppose the holy weapons large fortune.) Reblow staff should be also be about one or two spots lower. This is because the units that are capable of using the staff have trouble with funds due to A.) no way to atack before promotion and B.) poor offense after promotion. Granted, you can use villages/your thief but that would siphon resources from other needy party members(holy weapon users). How about having the hero sword and Mistholin trade spots? Also, the rescue staff and balmung should trade spots. Obaining the rescue staff in gen. 1 would mean making a statistically poor pairing, causing rester to be screwed and Lana to lose durribility. in addittion, the rescue staff is of no use until you get your master knights. Meaning Leaf won't use it until ch.8 at least. Whereas' , assuming that you pair aideen with someone other than Azel, Blamung will be aournd much longer.
  2. From what I here from most, his masterpiece can either be considered The Stand or 'Salem's Lot. I woefully have not had a chance to pick 'Salem's Lot yet but I do agree that The Stand is probably his best novel. As for Novellas, I greatly enjoyed The Langoliers. Everyone else?
  3. your member title should say 151st, not 151th.

  4. I had another migraine and my eyesight was to blurry to properly see the main sight.
  5. I personally would say tthat you should beat ch. 6 of FE4, then play up to ch. 20 in FE5. Once you do that, play ch.7 until you capture the one fort before Alster. Play ch.20. Then finish Ch.7. Then, in Fe5, play up to the final chapter of FE5, capture Conote in FE4, then beat FE5. Though most will chooose not to do this, its the best way to simultaneously play the games.
  6. All right. Thank you for clearing that up.
  7. in most FE games, criticals do X3 damage, however criticals do not seem to work like that in FE4. Say one of my characters can do one damage against an enemy. However, when they get a critical they end up doing 10-20 damage. And, when another character gets a crtical, they seem to do more than 3x normal damage. Does geting a crtical hit triple your character's attack instead of the damage they do?
  8. I honestly have to agree. Beer(and other acoholic drinks) are sick concoctions that turn men into crude caricatures of their former selves. A glass of water dilluted red wine with dinner has been proven to, among other things, improve circulation. Other than that, alcohol is evil. (Not that I've ever consumed any alcohol beyond accidently taking a mouthful of hard lemonade. I come from a family of drunkards.)
  9. If you give arthur a hero sword once he promotes(and he usuallly promotes in the ch.6/7 for me, though it'll probably be ch.7/8 for most) he gets two critical hits with ambush, meaning all he has to worry about are ranged units(this works because he inherits Lex's str growth). And, considering that the children will have decent Hp and defence thanks to lex, tthey can survive for a while even at half hp.
  10. These are the pairings I've found to work best, Ayra X Dew Briggid X Holyn Aideen X Jamka Tiltyu X Lex Lachesis X Azel Sylvia X Claude Fury X Levin
  11. King Slimes are better than Slimes. Grandpa Slimes are bettter than both.
  12. One part in particular that made me sick is when those two hunters(that weren't even in the original story) commented that they knew the correct jugular to cut on the hydra. Honestly, you don't slit any one jugular, you chop of the heads and burn the stumps!
  13. XxwolfxX is on the list and he joined after me, and then left.
  14. Actually, more credible theorists are saying that 2012 will be a "new age". Not the end of the world but a new beggining. Also, studies conducted by past life regresionist(if of course you believe in such things) Michael Newton have ffound that patients have commented that sometime in the future, humans will be forced to live in dome like structures due to serious soil deficiency. And on the subject of Nostrodamus, his quatrains were so vauge that a large number of interperatations of his predictions were in circulation. To be quite honest though, it's probably just a bunch of crap.
  15. ...to have a thinning hair line at age 13. I'm really getting freaked out.
  16. Quite honestly Bors should be moved up. While overall in the game, he sucks(what armour knight doesn't other than Oswin and Douglas) but he's a life saver for the irst 9-10 chapters. After a few levels ups, he usually has enough speed not to be doubled by the high atk enemies and not to be damaged(or damaged 1-2) by enemiees tthat double him. Not to mention he makes levling up characters like Roy or Chad so much Easier(due to him softening up enemies.)He should be moved below douglas but above Gilliam with Wallace above Barth.
  17. It's stated in Thracia 776 that Cyas can communicate with the ghost of Claude in the tower of blaggi. Meaning Claude is likely dead. EDIT:My mistake, that would be Sleuf.
  18. Sigurd and Ethlin do have a sibling critical I saw Sigurd activate in the prolouge when atacking the boss.
  19. They'll probably make Alvis and Deidre cousins instead of siblings. Also, they could signifigantly lessen the severity of the children's fate in child hunting to make that work. If they increased the difficulty of FE4 and added a little more meat onto the story of FE5, I'd pay 50$ for each. But unfortunately, knowing IS, they will end up nerfing FE4's story and FE5's difficulty with no positive renditions other than horrid online play and a customizable unit who doesn't fit at all no mater what they do.
  20. That wouldn't really be fair considering you haven't considered anything I've contributed to outside of the FE3DS board.(Please tell me this doesn't count as arguing for myself)
  21. unfortunately, as much as I would like to belive it, I doudt that the dragon's gate leads to Akenia. As it's shown in FE7 that the dragons while on the other side of the dragon's gate, remain transformed. Ninian and Nils also do not mention that there are any humans in the dragons gate. Though I suppose it is possible that during the great flood, Beorc migrated into the dragons gate leaving behind their relics. And some of the existing dragons evolved into the dragon tribe. However if this is true it doesn't explain how there is no Laguz. What would be more likely is if the dragon's led to the universe of tellius and that, during the flood, a massive ammount of beorc and laguz migrated through the dragons gate. Then with the influx of new denizens, the war of the scouring erupted. After this, the dragons re-migrated through thte dragons gate back onto Tellius. If this is indeed the case, then it is also likely that passing the Dragon's gate causes those who pass must surrender their physical bodies and have their souls refitted into new bodies. This would explain how dragons can remain transformed on the other side of tthe dragons gate, which is characteristic of laguz, and of why Ephidel was so horrified when he was sent through.(This is shown by how characters dematerialize when passing through the gate, and just walk through) This would also explain why dragons look at peace on the other side of the dragons gate, because it is after the events of Radiant Dawn. It also plays into Yune's/Ashera's war because Dehginsea would have arrived just on time form the scouring. THe possibility that was in the scour could also explain why A.) he was chosen as a hero and B.) He was so sett in his beliefs. Ahnother correlation explainable by this theory would be: Ninian and Nils were ice dragons where the breath of a white dragon is described as icey. That would make the chronology of the games Jugdral->Akenia-> the scouring ->tellius-> Elibe witth magvel being a big ?. Do you believe this is possible?
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