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Everything posted by Sophius

  1. While we are on the topic of translation bugs, After Kempf says "they have fallen right into my trap" in ch. 11 he says "In america".
  2. Sophius

    World War 3

    You do realise that that is actually moderatly simalar to the The Stand right? Only instead of ww2 and an atomic bomb casuing it, the events are caused by a suerflu invented for warfare purposes. Also, A.) the scenario would be near impossible unless there was a uranium vein on that island that spred throughout the earths crust and B.) The survivors of such a bomb would eventually die of the fallout.
  3. Basically, all I'm doing is describing shadow dragon and commenting that the mentioned content is screaming "just like shadow dragon"! I didn't feel as though I could "have my cake and eat it" in shadow dragon. I felt that it targeted casual players and ripped veterans off with sorry excuses for "high difficulty levels."
  4. If it weren't for narga I would would say Julius. However, because a have decent julia can one-round him with narga, I half to say berdo. The dark war lords(especially Eins[because you need to take care of him on the first turn], Zwolf, and Elf) are a pain in the ass to take care of. And even then, you have to deal with berdo's guard of berserkers and status staff weilding dark mages. And, if you aren't prepared, he can seriously get irratating because of his stone spell. Especially considering people usually like to skip ch. 24x. For the other boss fights, the key to beating them easily has already been explained.
  5. I'm saying this under the basis that they didn't bother releasing shadow dragon.
  6. The reason you would say such a thing in that exact manner is that you are afraid, and a part of you knows, that what I'm saying is likely true but you don't want to believe it..
  7. Believe me when i say "classic" mode will be nerfed too. And what will the higher difficulties be? The exact same scenario with overpowered ennimies. Besides the leap from "normal" to "hard" I doubt there will be any changes in unit number, positioning, equipment or anything else that discerned difficulty modes in prior games other than enemy stats.
  8. I'm not only reffering to the addition of a customizable character but the addition of so many "casual friendly" engines while practically ignoring players who enjoy a challenge and providing them with meager pittances(like the socalled "Lunatic" mode.) And another thing, your laying your claims on the basis that A.) this new game actually has anything good to attract veterans and B.) that nintendo will not make any good innovations but provide us with this garbage or nothing at all. Just look at the past games if you want to see my point. A beter marketing tactic would be to make a sort-of-easy mode ( like in radiant dawn) that is just easy enough not to be disheartening. That way, nintendo does not have a nearly as great possibility of losing their veteran fans. And, they can raise the price a little bit to make up for the abscence of the hoard of yipping "casual players".
  9. Who here would prefer it if Nintendo took FE3, updated the graphics(just to satisfy those who enjoy looking at pretty colors)and the storyline, then released a remake with nothing else changed?
  10. Why, so they can nerf those too? Why do they have to add in all these ridicuous features just to make the game easier and more "casual friendly." There is actually a distinct possibility that the "casual mode" marcketing tactic could actually be detrimental to nintendo sales. First off, not only do they deter devoted "hardcore players" with their ninny catering, they lose the majority of the fans they pick up when the discover all the prior,(and might I add marginally better) games not only have this feature absent but refute it. Not to mention that, due to time constraints, they end up spending so much time on the semi-useless gimmicks that they have less time for the actual meat that makes games decent. Also, there is a good possibility that because of these gimmicks, the designers will(uninttentionally or not) take on the mentality that they do not need to put as much work into the games or make them as good, since the gimmicks will make up for them.(which, if they payed atttention to the movie industry and their 3D effects,is not true). Thats the mistake they made with shadow dragon and likely , it will be even worse here.
  11. Quite honestly, this concept is ust nintendo catering to the little whiners who want to make their own characters(along with the "casual players" who complain about permanent death). The limitations, as has already been said, are going to make any fun one may get from making your own character void. I hate how nintendo has gone casual friendly. If they make a remake of Genealogy of the Holy War I bet they'll give veryone one infinite movement, have you recruit claud in the first chapter, and give the valkyrie sttaf infinite uses! All in all, this new system is going to suck.
  12. Favorites: FE4:master knights FE5:thieves FE10:Chancellor Least favorites: Armoured knights paladins
  13. What metal/material is Ragnell forged from? It appears to be an altered sort of bronze but that is highly unlikely.
  14. This may have been brought up before but I am going to ask anyway. Does anyone here believe there is a possibility that Tellius and Elibe exist in the same universe? (Meaning of course FE9/10 takes place hundreds or thousands of years after FE6). THe reason for this is that there are multiple weapon corrolations between the two continents( wo dao, regal sword, the katti swords, ect.) (that than the usual(that being the wind tome ®excalibur, and the brave/killer weapons). Whats your opinion on this.
  15. It probably won't even use all that much power. In all likelyhood all it will be is games with the 3d graphic(the strange blurred lines that turn 3d with the glasses) while the make the screen is made up of a bunch of tiny blue and red color pigments meshed together.
  16. My vote has to go to meelee. Brawl is a warped mostrosity argeted toward casual players(aka people who enjoy looking at all the pretty colors and don't give a damn about the game quality.). They created a larger roster to insert the illusion of variety(nthe characters are really dry in reality), make a bunch of lame stages that seem more suited to a party game then a fighting game, and added a bunch of useless gimmicks(assist trophies and slipping anyone?) while leaving the games essence unrefined and plain. I could sit fffor hours and play meelee, whereas brawl loses my interes after a half hour of play(as is with most wii games.).
  17. Sophius


    Erasmus and Omnius are definitely lame characters. And it specifically states ate end of chapterhouse that they are face dancers, not machine overlords emulating face dancers. Tleilaxu made face dancers. However, there is a possibility that house vernius is not completely made up. At the beggining of Dune Messiah, there is a purported death cell interview with "Bronso of Ix" though who exactly this character is is not elaborated in the novel.
  18. Sophius


    I partly have to agree with you there. Brian Herbert is uninspired when compared to his father.(I doudt his novels would be any good at all if he were not basing them off of Frank herbert's notes). But, can you tell me what you mean about Kevin Anderson?
  19. Sophius


    Sorry, my dad decided to take a surprise camping trip on Friday so I have not been able to post since then. My dad tells me that its a rfamily curse that causes us to have wretched timing. Which leads me into my next question based off what fireman said, It is rather funny that you would say this so I musrt ask, how is it so in this case?
  20. this is going to seem rather random, especially considering that I am just jumping on this whole tier list , but I believe Shanam should be ranked a bit higher. He offers bargain which is extremely useful in purchasing more expensive weapons, master seals, and rings in the secret shop. Also, a neir and odo scroll would rectify his unsavory stats. He is a bit more useful than ronan or marty anyways.
  21. does the elite ring stack with the elite skill. when i passed the elite ring down to Arthur(lex as the father) I assumed that he would gain X4 exp. However in retrospection, the elite ring's function is to provide the elite skill to the user, therefore I now believe that doing so was just a huge waste of 40,000 gold. I am requesting clarification on either this or the opposite so I dn't make a mistake during my next playthrough.(I feel embarressingly noobish for asking this question >_< )
  22. Emperor Leto II's title was "The tyrant".
  23. there are currently more than 15.

  24. Sophius


    Yes, my avatar is Leto the 2nd. I do have to agree with swordsalmon about the baron harkkonen, however Piter De Vries has a much larger role in Brian herberts prequal trilogy.
  25. Sophius


    there is around 15 books in the series. I am quite glad that I'm not the only one who enjoys Dune. I've never seen the children of Dune movie, how is it?
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