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Everything posted by Enaluxeme

  1. No one mentioned she is the daughter of Hector, and I'd say that's a huge factor since Hector himself is really popular.
  2. "Hey, I was talking to you!" Lithis tought that Mi'iltha landed near herself, but this was apparently not the case. Her movement wasn't particularly swift, but with the help of her pegasus she reached the other girl in no time. "Whatever, Ulir will rest later. Right, sweetie? You can go with the others, no sense in having two flyers watching at once anyway." Without waiting for an answer, Lithis went higher in the sky.
  3. The two gastallan knights landed to let their mounts rest. They were relatively far from the other soldiers, but still in hearing distance from Sicon. "Ah... Why are we even here to begin with is a mystery to me. Can't jovians guard their own borders? I understand the situation with Stedgard, but what good does keeping an eye on Vinhon do?" Sicon recognized the voice as that of Lithis. That blue haired knight was a pain to deal with. She wasn't bad at her job or anything, she was just annoying.
  4. It's a normal day in the middle of Remistol. It's not a particularly sunny day, but it is not a cloudy day either; it's just... a day. The story begins in the south-west part of Jovis, near the borders with Vinhon and the allied Gastalla. A gastallian squad is integrated in the jovian border patrol, and two travelers just happen to rest at the same inn in a nearby village... Mi'hilta and Sicon Ahava Abeloth
  5. We are set, and will start soon. Sign ups are not closed though, both for new players or for new characters. I'm assuming Abeloth starts at level 2, correct? In that case, he gets automatically leveled up, resulting in: HP: 23 (20) Str: 6 (0) Mag: 0 (0) Skl: 5 (60) Spd: 6 (0) Lck: 4 (40) Def: 4 (0) Res: 1 (20) Numbers in parenthesys are the stat exp for the fixed growths. Seems like your next level-up will be empty. If you just want to start at level 1, you have 10% more growths to assign.
  6. I wasn't expecting for someone from Albira, cool. I think Ice will fit him well since he's an outcast. If you feel his thirst for knowledge is more important to him, go Anima. If the book and the clerics made him a firm believer in Sotria's teachings and he's now all about helping others, go Light. He can promote to War Monk if you want to, though some Mag growth would be recommended for that.
  7. It's easy to get pursuit on everyone in gen 2, and with enough speed continue+charge is reliable enough. Also, brave weapons and pursuit ring exist. Since you only have a single dedicated axe unit per generation, he can just keep the brave axe for himself. Some people give it to Leif, but he doesn't need it.
  8. Good. I feel that Anima affinity would fit her best. Images do work, you have to click on the "insert other media" button on the bottom-right when making or editing a post.
  9. Not really because some non-child units don't have access to some good skill combos and they all have lower maximum stats then children. Like, stats alone aren't a big deal, but without the right skills some units are just completely worse than others. So, let's see: Dark Dragon and the Sword of Light + Shadow Dragon: haha, no. Just look at Cain and Abel compared to every other Cavalier. Units coming later usually have nothing going for them. Gaiden + Shadow of Valentia: this is probably it thanks to how class bases work. Movement kills Barons and Sages but that's about it. Mystery + New Mystery: Mystery has the shards saying F*** YOU to all tier lists, but otherwise some characters are clearly better than others. New Mystery is probably better except for the avatar being leagues above everyone else. Genealogy of the Holy War: you can and should make everyone work, but units that re not mounted and have no holy blood are just doomed, and those that have both are kings. Thracia: never played, but PCC and Leader Stars are a thing. Otherwise, scrolls and low caps make everyone's stats good. Binding Blade: good and simple, but... Blazing Sword: I feel this is just like Binding Blade, but better. Marcus might be slightly OP. Renault is probably the only bad unit. Sacred Stones: Seth. Seth what are you doing leave something for the rest of us. Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn: Exp base and Skill Scrolls make everyone usable. Awakening: almost everyone is OP, but children are even more. Fates: never played. Probably like Awakening, but toned down. However, some personal skills are better than others. I would say that Gaiden, SoV and Blazing Sword are the best ones in terms of unit balance.
  10. The growth total is lower to account for the reliability of fixed growths and also for the fact that HP, Luck and one between Magic and Strength costs half growths. Speaking of which, you have 7,5% points left (you don't have to necessarily buy HP, Mag and Lck growths in blocks of 10%, you may opt to get two of them up by 5%). Points can indeed be put into Con. Since she has a blunt and strict personality, I feel that the Thunder affinity fits her best. Add that after Con. Being alone and fishes out of water is something Ice and Dark affinities usually share. If he's depressed and a pessimist Dark fits best, if he secretly thinks he's actually the best definitely go Ice. Pick one and add it in your sheet after Con.
  11. But then, what is the game with the most balanced units? I'm gonna go with FE7. Thoughts?
  12. In ancient times, dragons inhabited the world, ruled with wisdom by the three Dragon Gods: Sofos, Sotria and Ektros. They watched other species rise and fall, until a curious new race joined them: humans. Despite being young and weak, humans were the first to possess a level of intellect similar to that of dragons, and the two species lived together for many generations. With time, however, the dragons started to have different opinions about the humans and their place, and the three Dragon Gods were no exception. Some dragons thought humans needed as much help as possible, to get them on par with dragons themselves, while others thought humans were too young to be considered equals, but would make great servants. A minority simply thought that the only right thing to do was to leave humans be, to grow at their own pace. This different beliefs led to a war between dragons. Some dragons remained neutral, but all humans had to take up arms. Most humans took the side of Sotria, whose love for mankind was apparent, but others joined Ektros, believing that an easy life could be undesirable and that with time humans would be elevated above the status of servants. The War of Dragons claimed countless lives among both humans and dragons, and finally came to an end with the duel above the lake: for years, none of the two factions faltered, and Sofos, the only one of the Dragon Gods to remain neutral, prompted his brother and sister to end the conflict before causing more losses to both races. Instead of ending the war peacefully, Sotria and Ektros clashed their fangs and claws in the sky above Lake Benacus, until Sotria prevailed on her brother. For as much as she came to despise him, Sotria couldn't bring herself to kill Ektros, and instead asked Sofos for help, and he agreed to seal Ektros so that he could no longer harm humans, nor dragons, but to one condition: Sotria herself would have been sealed as well... Welcome to the continent of Remistol, a simple land with a classic story that's waiting to be shaped into an epic tale by the actions of a group of heroes. A thousand years have passed since the Dragon War, when fate takes a new, darker direction... Recent history: Description of the nations: Now, for the technical part. I'll be needing at least 3 players at the start, for a total of 4 to 6 starting units. More units can be recruited later. Character creation: Doc with classes, weapons and more: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1cQeW-h0kqeGWgJ1ceJjN2oqySZ4ZkeADl5fKkwxjtzc/edit?usp=sharing Actions: Other mechanics: Don't be afraid to ask for anything I may have forgot. EDIT: hers's another map of Remistol, but keep in mind that Halimiv is in the wrong spot. I fixed the docs (Druid stats were in the unpromoted section instead of Shaman) and fixed a typo in this page. Also added some S tomes. Also, in case it isn't clear: you can post more than a single sheet.
  13. With Killer Bow: Randal>Clive>Atlas>Forsyth>Jesse With any other Bow: Randal>Jesse>Forsyth>Clive=Atlas Randal is overall better if the wiki's growths are correct, since his only low stat is luck.
  14. The thing is, I wrote all the rules, the backstory and the descriptions of each Country in italian, since the rp was originally for an italian forum, and I didn't want to spend time into translating all of that and then get no one joining again. I see that there's enough interest to at least try it. For now, I can give you this:
  15. I was thinking of waiting to give the longer version on the actual topic, but I see this may be part of the reason why I didn't have a good amount of players. As of now, I'm just asking to people if someone would potentially be interested, no actual commitment.
  16. Like, this seems to be an obvious question and I don't know how it didn't occur to me to put something about it in the op. Dragons used to live on the continent, ruled by three divine dragons, then humans showed up. The divine dragons had different views on the humans and this lead to a word known as the war of dragons, ending with 2 of them sealed away by the other. As of the recent history, a new nation emerged, having been granted independence from the Empire. However, the Empire has a new Emperor, and the situation is unclear and unstable, especially considering the system of alliances between nations.
  17. So I baked the premise and the world for a Fire Emblem rp on another forum but few people signed up and even fewer actually made a sheet, so I tought I'd have more luck here. I need at least 3 players. I can guarantee at least a post per day. The system is mostly based on Sacred Stones, with some shout-outs to other games. A single player may have 2 or more characters, it depends on the amount of players we are having. There's no problem in joining when the game already started. Perma-death is a thing.
  18. Save often. Use the automatic save every turn and save manually after conquering every castle. Give Jamka's bow to Midir. Jamka still kills everything with a steel or silver bow anyway. Try to let every one of the three paladins survive. Pick the Brave Axe, the Pursuit Ring, the Wind Sword and the Defense Sword. As for pairings, sometimes it's debatable which are best, but I'll give you some choices for every mother. For Edain: Midir is the best since he gives bows and Pursuit. Jamka is very good, he doesn't pass down Pursuit but the Hero Bow will suffice. Finn is more or less like Midir, but the daughter will get a bonus +5 Magic. He won't pass down bows, though. For Ayra: Holyn is pretty good and pretty standard. People also consider Dew. However, Sol, Astra and Luna can't activate at the same time. While Astra and Luna are both offensive and basically interchangeable, Astra+Sol may not be ideal, altough Dew gives very good drowths all around, even in Magic (this, coupled with the Forrest class high base Magic can make his son pretty good with that Wind Sword). A very good alternative is Noish, as his skills are perfect for Swordmasters and Forrests, and his growths, while not very good, compliment Ayra's nicely. Lex is similar to Noish, but gives better growths for worse skills. For Raquesis: Beowulf is half-canon and very good for both children, but will impair their Magic. Alec is similar to Beowulf, but gives standard Magic, higher Luck and Nihil instead of Charge, which is more situational but can't backfire. Azel is interesting: he only gives the Pursuit skill, but will grant bot children a very good Magic, which both can use with magic swords and staves. Their Strenght will still be enough thans to the mother. For Sylvia: Her son can use staves, so Claude is an option. He doesn't pass down skills, but neither of the children needs them. With Lewyn or Azel as his father, he will instead turn into a competent fighter after promotion. Dew will make the daughter harder to kill by passing down Sol, and both children will appreciate Bargain. Some people advice to leave her unpaired (or dead), as the replacement for her children are quite good. For Fury: Her son also gets to use staves, so Claude is good. The daughter also uses staves and can become quite useful with them. Claude also passes good growths to both children. Lewyn is extremely good, and is also Fury's canon pairing. Noish gives good skills to both, but while his daughter will appreciate the growths, his son won't find the strenght useful. For Tiltyu: Lewyn will make a very good father to both children. Azel is the simplest, and you can't go wrong with it. Lex is interesting, as Vantage is a very good skill for this pairing, and the children's growth will be quite odd but still effective. For Briggid: Holyn is a very good pick for his swords, his Luna skill and his stats. Jamke gives good skills and good-ish growths (the Skill will be pretty low for the son, and that's not ideal). Dew will pass down good growths and useful skills. Similar to AyraxDew, the Wind Sword will be put to good use, as both Briggid and Dew have an high Magic growth for physical fighters, and this will make the sword-using daughter quite good with magic swords. Noish is pretty good too, like when paired with Ayra. Keep in mind that the Pursuit Band and the stat rings (In particular the Magic Ring) exist. Have fun!
  19. Anything, really. The MU does every class better than everyone else. Other than that, I guess the one unique thing a MU has is having high magic in physical classes and high strenght in magic classes, so that would make a pretty good Levin Sword Myrmidon>Swordmaster.
  20. SoV showed that it's not necessary. The team behind the game decides to use the weapon triangle or not and balances the game accordingly, it's as simple as that.
  21. I did play Awakening. With the exception of Sumia, all gen 1 characters could S rank every gen 1 character of opposite sex, even if the rest of their support was not romantic in nature at all. Many support chains just end with the A support and are then brought back from nothing just so the male can present the female with his ring.
  22. Characters should have fewer lover options, and this includes having different sex conversations that go up to A and can't reach S. Forcing an S rank for everyone is just bad. What I want is this: Imagine if in FE7 or FE8, support options that lead to a paired ending get up to S rank, while every other one only up to A rank, then your character can get as many supports as they want but only 1 S rank. Basically like Awakening, but toned down on the "everyone with a different sex than me and not in my immediate family is a potential lover" department.
  23. A mix of both seems good. You don't need all of your units to be amazing war machines, boss-killers bringers of destruction. You need everyone to be able to do their job. This is especially important on games that let you field many characters like Genealogy and Gaiden/Shadows of Valentia: it's better to have two good units than 1 overkill unit and a useless one. For example, if you give Jamka's Killer Bow to Midir, you suddently have 2 good bow users, since Jamka can still pull his weight with a Steel/Silver Bow, instead of having a Bow Knight that can't actually do anything meaningful and an Archer that would have killed the few enemies he reaches even with a weaker weapon.
  24. I'd say characters should at least have unique models for the promoted classes they normally have access to. I'd be okay with Saber not having a unique Mage model or Zeke not having a unique Cavalier model, but Sonia should have a unique Priestess model, you know? Also the villagers having regular models is fine, the just ahould have had better palettes.
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