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Lord Tullus

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Posts posted by Lord Tullus

  1. I apologize. I don't know how to use the "Spoiler" code.


    I hope this is ok... If not, I've failed. If yes, then... Garret from FE 6. Anything that isn't his official art or the image on the first page of this forum thread.

    (unless you can find absolutely nothing)

  2. pretty much nobody cares about Garret so I couldn't really tell you how he performs.

    B...but I care about Garret... He's got great dancing skills.... And a fantastic support with Both Lalum and Lilina. He may not be the best in the game, but he does serve as a good HP tank, and he can help in chapter 21 at base. (Beserkers are the only class aside from Fliers and Brigands that can cross peaks, which you will need to do to get the secret shop, if you have no warp staff)

  3. Ok, I've tried my hardest to scour any artistic site on the internet I could find (in english) but I could only find 2 images of non-official art containing Garret from FE Binding Blade (6).

    I may not be looking in the right places. Anyway, I'd like to request a dump of Garret artwork (if possible) since I cannot find any on my own. Not the prettiest person to have art of, but... I like the guy.

  4. Have you tried making comics? I think your artstyle would fit perfectly there! :D Or maybe some cards? (Christmas cards, B-day cards, get wells, etc) Does your inspiration come from one big source (other than fire emblem, obviously) or does it come from multiple areas?

  5. I can tell someone likes pokemon. Anyway, your art looks really great! I'm not an artist myself, so I'm not sure if I can offer much feedback. By the way, do you take requests, Samias? I understand if you don't. University can be... draining.

  6. Lispumi I mean Takumi looks great! It's strange to see him smile though...
    By the way, do you use Oil Pastels or Acrylics when you paint?

    ....his hair looks a bit browner, too.

    I guess pineapple fuzz gets darker as it ripens.

    Ok, that's Funny. You deserve something for that, but I'm not the one to give out a reward.

  7. Thanks! I always love hearing that people enjoy my art.

    I don't take requests, really. I have once or twice, but not often. Only when I'm super bored/having massive art block.

    I'm pretty sure paypal can take credit cards and stuff though if you're that interested in getting something from me. Or we could work out some other form of payment through eshop or PSN cards or something.

    I see. It's not that important, really. Thanks anyway. Maybe when I find a new job I can come in with like 3 commissions! Still love the art. Keep it up.

  8. Everything seems so light and faded. Is that part of your art style? It makes it seem like everything is happy. : ] Loving it!

    Do you still take requests? Because if you do, I have a character in mind from FE Binding Blade (6) that I'd like to see "chibified." [it might be a challenge] If you're busy, I understand. Art is great by the way, keep it up!

  9. Really, I'd just look at the art threads here that have been active the last few weeks and see which styles you like...

    Got it. Thanks for you're help. I appreciate it!

  10. I've looked at the thread here and from what I've seen so far, you're awesome! Well, compared to what I can do, that is. I can only draw small elephant ears on a snake.

    There may be some opportunities for some fine tuning, like the Morgan portrait on page 3. As for your style, it looks great! That cross-dress Shigure is a little confusing now that I know it's not some older Aqua. XD

    Also, I see that you take commissions. Do you take requests? I don't have a Paypal account or anything, so that's why I'm asking.

  11. I can't speak for the mods on whether you can make a designated thread for requests, but I know several artists here take requests and/or commissions, so you could try looking at some of the more active artists here, to see if they'd create for you. As long as you're polite, it doesn't hurt to ask.

    Right! Thank you very much. Are there any artists you'd recommend?

  12. I am trying to find fan-made art of a specific Fire Emblem character, and I have only found 1 or 2 after scouring the internet, deviant Art, and other artistic fan sites. I was wondering if it would be appropriate to create a topic requesting fan art in the creative forum. (My intentions are purely non-profit and are not intended as a contest of any kind) It could be art that someone finds or art that someone works on diligently to show to the community(and show how well they can express their creativity).

    Long story short, is it wrong to make a topic requesting fan-made art of a certain category? If not, what section of forum would the topic be appropriate for?

    This is basically a longer version of GothicGamer's question. Sorry about that.

  13. Ahh.... The appreciation for Roy... It tickles. HeeHee. :Lilina:

    Gay-Happy greetings aside, this thread has really made me think about the decision making process that each of the lords go through. Something that I haven't thought of extensively. I voted for Roy mostly because of the things he took on at a young age, and how he presented himself in the face of difficult conflicts.

    I'll agree that Seliph (on chapter 10 of FE 4 currently) and Marth are probably the closest contenders of wise-thinking leaders with a grasp on combat, and may be the better leaders overall. But Roy just... has something in him that makes him a "rally-and-push" kinda guy. (Can't remember where I read that)

    He moves with everyone not because he's safer by his comrades, (even though he is) but because his comrades need someone to believe in, and fighting beside someone with enough decision making skills and courtesy as Roy just feels right. But Sigrud man... I didn't even realize that it was bad politics that led to his cookout. I thought it was just a series of events where everyone was against him...

  14. And I personally hate lower growth rates as it increases the likelihood of your units getting RNG screwed.

    Lower growth rates (not FE 2 standards, god no) or an unbalanced character roster makes me feel like I'm in touch more with the cast, as not every person in an army will always be "top teir lulz." I feel like being RNG Screwed can happen to any unit with any growth rates unless you have 65+ growths in every stat. And when that happens for every character in the game, there is no reason to choose one unit over the other aside from class or personality.

    Sure, you are playing as different characters, who may have slight alterations in growths, but when everyone is good because they grow consistently well, you lose a sense of variety in why one unit or character can be used over the other. (Not to mention joke characters or any character in general would have growths to reflect who they were or what they would represent.) Almost every team you have will end up the same. It's like an army of reclassed FE 6 Karels running around, and that isn't very fun. Even if the game is still difficult.

    I think modern FE has it's charm, and the games are by no means bad. Although Revelations is debatable in my eyes. But I do think that the time where characters had a reason to stick around or a way that made them unique or interesting without relying on gimmicks or cheap "awww" factor (looking at you, Elise) is gone. Yes, Intelligent systems has a few chances in the coming years to redeem themselves in this respect. I'm just worried that it will get worse from here. And I've got an election to worry about too. But hey, I won't give up on my favorite game series just yet. Now if they can just make the fire emblem about fire....

  15. For a while now I've had the urge to see something like Pokemon generations done for Fire Emblem except as a game. Basically single stand alone chapters the cover specific events in the series that we know happened but never actually see. Like any of the legendary heroes from the backstory or Griel fleeing Daein. And maybe some other hypothetical situations between unlikely characters that could have happened. Or to put it in a much less complicated way, a return of Archanea Saga except covering the entire series. Not only could it be some really sweet fan service but from a gameplay perspective you could get some really interesting maps out of it. Fates predesigned DLC maps gave me hope for something like this as it's exactly the kind of gameplay I was thinking of (though with a smaller army size) but all in all it's still probably a pipe dream.

    This is the best Idea I've seen for a fire Emblem game... Ever! It might be cool to play as the crusaders from Genealogy's Timeline.

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